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Organizational identity (OI) has traditionally been defined as those core, distinctive, and enduring features unique to an institution (Albert & Whetten, 1985). However, organizational research (e.g., Ashforth & Mael, 1996; Cheney & Christensen, 2001; Vaugn, 1997) published in the last decade has prompted that Albert and Whetten's (1985) definition of OI be recast to emphasize message transmission and organizational values among its core properties. Subsequently, this paper advances a revised definition of OI, describes a content analytic method for OI assessment, and then applies it in a case study to determine the communicated values comprising the identity of a specific organization, the United Church of God, an International Association, during its first five years. Results of a longitudinal analysis indicate that United's identity reflects the following values: (a) during its first year of existence family security, obedience, mature love, helpfulness, and ambition; (b) during its third year of operation family security, helpfulness, ambition, obedience, and true friendship; and (c) in its fifth year family security, ambition, helpfulness, obedience, and wisdom. Based on these results, three findings are advanced regarding United's OI. The implications of this study are addressed in terms of what they mean for United and for OI inquiry in general.  相似文献   

阐述了高校图书馆塑造和宣传新形象的作用,并借鉴CIS理论分析了高校图书馆应该从哪些方面塑造和宣传新形象。  相似文献   


The theory of stigma management communication has helped identify and categorize the tactics people use to manage stigmatization, but tactics' predictors remain unknown. To address this gap, we considered stigmatization through the lens of interpersonal influence: as an act in which stigmatizers attempt to persuade their targets to accept categorization and de-individualization into a social group with a marginalized social status. Obstacle hypothesis, a theory of resistance to interpersonal influence, was used to derive predictors. Participants (N = 124) facing possible stigmatization due to their genetic risk for a chronic health condition completed a survey and shared memories of their initial test disclosures. The empirical tests showed that having a stronger sense of meaning in life, more unsafe experiences, and a broader information network predicted resisting stigmatization. The practical implications of bolstering one's sense of meaning in life and argumentation skills and their connections to resilience research are discussed.  相似文献   

Critical communication pedagogy (CCP) scholarship is a relatively new and important area of research that evaluates how language is used to both empower and marginalize. It faces challenges in terms of recognition and publication outlets. In this essay, I argue that scholars face obstacles when attempting to publish pedagogical work that is critical in nature. I make the case that a major reason that CCP scholarship is not as widely recognized is that it is largely not considered to be applied work. By sharing my experiences, I argue that scholars working in CCP can help to overcome these barriers to recognition and publication by developing an applied language and focus for CCP, demonstrating how CCP can be used to recognize and respond to hegemony in the classroom and in society.  相似文献   

This paper developed a Chinese model of crisis communication by using a contextual perspective capable of identifying influences at the crisis-event level (crisis type, crisis stakeholder, crisis stage, and crisis system) and the societal level (polities, economic systems, and media systems) in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. An analysis of 93 academic works published in 15 journals demonstrated the effects of economic development, politics, and the media on crisis communication practices in Chinese societies.  相似文献   


This research explores the competing discourses and relational tensions that emerge in intergenerational communication in immigrant families with undocumented parents through in-depth interviews with undocumented Latino/a parents and their children living in New York City. Through the articulation of three themes, we illustrate how material realities affiliated with a lack of legal status incite unique discursive tensions in family relationships that manifest in family narratives. This study lends scholarly insight into the ways undocumented immigrants and their families communicatively navigate their uncertain life terrain through conversation about immigration status, conflicting career dreams, and hybrid cultural values. Using these findings as guidance, we offer practical applications related to communal coping and family advocacy for professionals and volunteers working in immigrant-serving community organizations.  相似文献   

This article introduces the application of Critical Race Theory (CRT) to archival discourse in order to demonstrate how such a critical and analytical approach can help identify and raise social and professional consciousness of implicit racial bias. To demonstrate the potential of CRT, the paper discusses how the terminology and methodological structures of CRT might be applied to some aspects of archival theory and practice. The paper concludes that CRT can contribute to a diversified archival epistemology that can influence the creation of collective and institutional memories that impact underrepresented and disenfranchised populations and the development of their identities. This article opens with the title of West's classic monograph as the launching point because of its dual literary context, which frames ‘race matters’ as topic and affirmation. In this instance it is the affirmative statement that is the context confirming that race is worthy of the importance and focus this article stresses. See West (2001).  相似文献   

This article introduces the application of Critical Race Theory (CRT) to archival discourse in order to demonstrate how such a critical and analytical approach can help identify and raise social and professional consciousness of implicit racial bias. To demonstrate the potential of CRT, the paper discusses how the terminology and methodological structures of CRT might be applied to some aspects of archival theory and practice. The paper concludes that CRT can contribute to a diversified archival epistemology that can influence the creation of collective and institutional memories that impact underrepresented and disenfranchised populations and the development of their identities.  相似文献   

Firefighters are routinely exposed to situations involving contact with deceased or injured children, burned and seriously injured bodies, and high-uncertainty calls. Thus, many firefighters suffer debilitating consequences including depression, dysfunctional drinking, and posttraumatic stress disorder. Using an identity tensions framework, we sought to understand the challenges firefighters encounter as they cope with exposure to traumatic events. We interviewed 27 members of a rural fire department and used a constant comparative method to analyze their responses. We found trauma was induced when occupational identity intersected futile situations and those involving children; tensions emerged between traditional and newer, emergent firefighting cultures; and firefighters experience tensions in negotiating how and when to express emotion. Based on these findings, we offer a number of practical implications centering on an occupational identity tensions framework to encourage reflexivity in firefighters and moving beyond older, enduring stereotypes of what it means to be a firefighter.  相似文献   

以布迪厄的场域理论为出发点,基于对南方Z市政务微信编辑的深度访谈,本文研究认为,政务微信生产实践宜理解为新闻场域与政治场域两种文化逻辑之间的融合与冲突,理解为其间各行动主体之间的博弈。具体地,政务微信的融合形态有四,即,"忠"且"传","忠"而不"传","不忠"而"传","不忠"且"不传"。融合中的冲突性元素源于各自相异的场域逻辑,显现为融合中的行动主体——行政领导与微信编辑——在投入与效果、有为与无为、代际差异三方面的博弈。不过,两大场域在目标上可能的一致性,即,政治安全前提下的市场致效,使得政务新媒体仍存在有机融合的空间。基于此,本文尝试性地将我国政务新媒体实践概括为"博弈性融合"。  相似文献   

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive, neurodegenerative illness that can yield a host of well-documented physical and psychosocial challenges; however, the impact of the disease on the identity of persons with PD (PWPs) is not well understood. Based on a constructivist grounded theory approach, data gathered from in-depth interviews with 47 PWPs were analyzed using constant comparison. The resulting theoretical structure related to identity and communication states that (a) PD threatens identity in several significant ways; (b) PWPs communicatively manage threats to identity; and (c) communicatively managing threats to identity is a complex, varied process. Results offer a theoretical understanding of the ways in which identity, communication, and PD are linked, and can inform interventions and care for this population.  相似文献   

Organizational communication scholars are increasingly called upon to use theoretical knowledge to address problematic processes in public institutions. This article reports a process improvement project focused on a university conflict of interest (COI) policy as an example of how scholars can engage theory to improve ongoing policy processes. The project team included communication scholars and research administration staff who designed, implemented, and evaluated the mixed-methods project guided by structurating activity theory. Baseline survey results were used to design the process improvement project. Results of the follow-up survey indicate that researchers who participated in some aspect of the process improvement project (i.e. attending a policy café, using the redesigned website, or reading the new Quick Reference Guide) reported higher levels of policy communication and knowledge and more positive attitudes toward the COI policy than researchers who had not engaged with process improvement efforts. We offer theoretical and practical implications of results for organizational communication scholars and practitioners.  相似文献   

本研究以扎根理论为指导,聚焦大学生的微信家庭群使用情况,对20名大学生展开质性访谈,运用Nvivo11质性分析软件对访谈文本进行三级编码,构建家庭微信群塑造线上代际传播的影响因素模型,包括信息、情感、社会和文化等方面的传播动机,从家庭内部剖析弥合"数字代沟"的协商式代际关系。  相似文献   

祝建华 :本文描述的“传播机体”理论是“媒体依赖”理论在全球化和新媒体时代的继承和发展 ,用于分析媒体、个人、社群乃至社会各层面之互动关系。陈力丹 :鲍尔 -洛基奇是前任《传播学研究》的两主编之一 ,她与德弗勒的合著《大众传播诸论》1 5年前就在中国出版了中译本 ,因而被我国传播学界知悉。她在理论传播学方面与时俱进 ,现在已经将她早年论证的“媒介依赖论” ,以美国洛杉矶不同文化区域的传播生态作为研究对象 ,发展到了现在的“传播机体论”。本期发表的是她发言的理论部分。  相似文献   

Investigations of white collar crimes such as corruption are often hindered by the lack of information or physical evidence. Information and communication technologies (ICT), by virtue of their ability to monitor, track, record, analyze, and share vast amounts of information may help countries identify and prosecute criminals, and deter future corruption. While prior studies have demonstrated that ICT is an important tool in reducing corruption at the country level, they provide little explanation as to how ICT influences corruption and when does it work best. We explore these gaps in the literature using the hypothetico-deductive approach to research, by using general deterrence theory to postulate a series of main and moderating effects relating ICT use and corruption, and then testing those effects using secondary data analysis. Our analysis suggests that ICT use influences corruption by increasing the certainty and celerity of punishment related to corruption. Moreover, ICT laws moderate the effect of ICT use on corruption, suggesting that ICT investments may have limited effect on corruption, unless complemented with appropriate ICT laws. Implications of our findings for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study tests the influence of threatening-mediated intergroup contact on intergroup relations. A 2 (Immigration: Threat, No-threat) × 2 (Ingroup Group Exemplar: Present, Absent)?+?1 (Control Condition) experimental design was used to examine both the direct and indirect influence of news exposure on attitudes toward immigration. The moderating role of previous local news consumption was also investigated. Results indicate that exposure to a threatening news story about immigration directly affected attitudes toward immigrants’ human rights, but not attitudes toward immigration policy. News exposure also indirectly influenced both types of immigration attitudes through feelings of intergroup anxiety, particularly for heavy news consumers. The discussion highlights the implications for both intergroup threat theory and cultivation research.  相似文献   

传播政治经济学的批判领袖席勒 ,不仅是积极活动型的学者 ,而且是以学术成果影响传播实践的典范。其著作启发推动了国际社会对世界传播秩序的讨论和对新秩序的呼吁 ,其思想和见解影响了一些第三世界国家的传播政策和实践。他影响了世界各国传播政治经济学派的学者 ,也影响了传播政治学研究本身  相似文献   

Sexual orientation disclosure can result in both positive and negative consequences. Utilizing the theory of coming out message production (COMP; Li & Samp, 2018), this study explored when and how disclosure messages predict more positive reports of psychological well-being. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual participants (N = 251) reported their experiences of first ever coming out to others in face-to-face settings. Results showed that when people’s disclosure goals become more salient, they tend to perceive greater desire to change their current outness levels toward the disclosure receivers, which in turn predict higher degrees of disclosure. When people are highly motivated, their perceived relational power over receivers also positively predicts degrees of disclosure. Regardless of receivers’ reactions, greater salience of disclosure goals and higher degrees of disclosure predict fewer depressive symptoms and higher self-esteem. This study supports COMP and provides practical implications for when, to whom, and how individuals first come out.  相似文献   

Racist incidents are moments that highlight the systemic racism that still exists within higher education. In 2016, the College of Liberal Arts at a historically White, Southern institution in the U.S. responded to a racist incident on campus by setting up a series of ‘Difficult Dialogue on Campus Race Relations’ sessions that gave participants the opportunity to reflect and respond to the incident. Drawing on literature about racial dialogues and social identity theory, the sessions were designed to promote active listening, build empathy, and provide practical tools to combat everyday racial microaggressions. We describe how communication design elements (such as small group settings, localized case studies, role-play, and ground rules) were tailored to fit the needs of various group settings and analyze participants’ feedback about the perceived impact of these dialogues. We present a goal-based dialogue framework as a model to facilitate difficult dialogues in a variety of applied communication contexts.  相似文献   

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