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This paper describes how one academic library implemented electronic course reserves while keeping costs to a minimum. The system was implemented using a web page to provide links to electronic files in PDF format mounted on a Unix web server. Copyright restrictions and user access are issues that need to be addressed by any library considering e-reserves. In the face of positive faculty and student reaction to this new library service, one challenge that remains is raising public awareness so that more members of our university community may take advantage of this technology.  相似文献   

OA是一种全新理念的网络出版模式和学术信息交流模式.论文探讨了高校图书馆学术信息交流在OA环境中所面临的机遇和挑战,具体分析了OA的影响,以及高校图书馆应如何利用OA提升服务能力和质量.  相似文献   


Full-text research pirating sites are a fact of life at this point. Regardless of how we personally feel about this issue, the fact that students, researchers, and patrons are turning away from the library as a legitimate source for research documents means libraries’ numbers are affected. We are all seeing usage numbers go down, it’s a trend throughout ILL. This could be for a number of reasons: use of OA and pre-print servers, better collection development, or an increase in use of pirating or black market PDF websites. Regardless, this decrease in numbers can lead to a decrease in funding for our departments. At the same time we have seen cases of abuse in institutional logins. During this discussion we will look at some examples of attempted phishing and impersonation techniques used by “pirates,” our library patrons’ motivations for using these sites, consequences for the user as well as the institution, and the role of ILL in this conundrum.  相似文献   

兴起于上世纪90年代的OA运动现已渐成规模,大量的OA资源给学术研究人员带来更多的交流和学习机会,同时,由于资源大量分散,给更为广大的资源使用者带来了极大的不方便和困惑,OA资源集成平台的出现很好地适应了发展的需要。目前在大规模集成OA资源的主要是一些"志愿"机构,对这些平台做一些必要的比较分析,可以更好地推广OA资源,更好地为用户服务,也可以借鉴用于图书馆的文献和服务建设实务。  相似文献   

This is the first in a series of columns intended to report on the progress of the Open Access (OA) movement in scholarly communication, chart the changes OA brings to the methods libraries and library users employ to acquire information, and estimate the value of OA materials for undergraduate library collections. At this point, it is not clear how long commercially published academic journals will be a sine qua non for college libraries. However, it is already obvious that undergraduate instruction can benefit from the scholarship available through Open Access at the same time that our libraries need the budget relief such resources offer. Librarians who work with undergraduates have very good reasons to stay current with the range and quality of OA content as well as with the best means of providing access to that body of scholarship. In addition, faculty teaching undergraduates depend upon librarians to keep them informed about changes in the information environment. With that in mind, “Out in the Open” is an attempt to introduce readers to the people, resources, and trends identified with the rise of Open Access.  相似文献   

利用OA期刊促进图书馆期刊资源建设探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过对OA期刊的概述和特点分析,指出OA期刊对图书馆期刊资源建设的影响和利用OA期刊进行期刊资源建设的原则,并提出利用OA期刊加强期刊资源建设的具体措施,即熟悉国内外现有OA期刊、OA期刊的组织和利用以及调整图书馆期刊订购工作等。  相似文献   

The proposal we offer here (and in the more extensive ‘white paper’ proposal on which this article is based) tackles head‐on the open access (OA) business models that have proven particularly problematic for implementation of OA in the humanities and social sciences (HSS). Our proposal suggests all tertiary institutions contribute to systemic support of the research process itself, including its entire scholarly output. A bold rethinking of the economics of OA by way of partnerships among scholarly societies and academic libraries funded by an institutional fee structure based on a student‐and‐faculty per‐capita sliding scale, our plan is nevertheless intentionally incremental. Our proposal focuses first on HSS and primarily in the United States, but just as research and scholarship are increasingly global and collaborative, our plan is not bound by discipline or national borders, but can be adopted by all those looking for a more equitable and sustainable OA model.  相似文献   

A summary of the findings of a study which included an in‐depth exploration of journal business and pricing models of nine learned societies in the context of their requirements and of the open access (OA) business model. Detailed information on current trends in revenue costs and surplus is included. The article considers whether and how OA can be adopted by the representative sample of STM publishers.  相似文献   

Nowadays, Academic libraries are required to provide high quality services despite their limited budget. Library managers should rely on valid information to keep the library's activities, resources and costs under control. In this paper, we present a case study implementation of Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing (TDABC) at the library of the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece. The TDABC is a reliable accounting method that considers many aspects that may affect the employees' efficiency and performance. We adopted quantitative and qualitative methods to evaluate the library's loan and return processes. In particular, we: i) analyzed cost data, ii) interviewed the library's staff, and iii) recorded the duration for all relevant activities with a stopwatch. The activities' duration was recorded via direct observation. The data were collected during the academic year 2017–2018 to cover all the different academic periods. According to our results, the automation of repetitive processes in the circulation department may decrease significantly the operating costs. This may be achieved by reducing the number of staff and replacing them by robotic services. Implementing TDABC in the lending and return processes helped the library managers to determine which activities demand more time and are costly, and to analyze their respective causes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To compare the effectiveness and costs of providing information for patient care via librarian-mediated searches and information-skills training. METHODS: A questionnaire survey to library staff and health professionals in the North West. Data was collected on perceptions of services, satisfaction and service usage, allowing a cost analysis to be undertaken. Statistical data was analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (spss). RESULTS: Using satisfaction and use of skills as outcome measures, both mediated searches and information skills training are effective. A breakdown of costs per type of training session and literature search is provided. Cost-effectiveness is dependent on whether costs are viewed from a library or trust point of view. Providing information skills training does not reduce the volume of mediated-search requests. CONCLUSIONS: No one method of providing information for health professionals is more effective or cost-effective than another. A decision about which services to provide cannot be made on the basis of effectiveness or costs alone; the views of library staff and the health professionals they serve should also be taken into account. A proactive approach and targeting training towards those who are most likely to benefit may be an appropriate way forward.  相似文献   

Wellcome, UK Research and Innovation, and the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers commissioned Information Power Ltd. to undertake a project to support society publishers to accelerate their transition to open access (OA) in alignment with Plan S and the wider move to accelerate immediate OA. This project is part of a range of activities that cOAlition S partners are taking forward to support the implementation of Plan S principles. The objective of this project was to explore with learned societies a range of potential strategies and business models through which they could adapt and thrive under Plan S. We consulted with society publishers through interviews, surveys, and workshops about the 27 business models and strategies identified during the project. We also surveyed library consortia about their willingness to support society publishers to make the transition to OA. Our key finding is that transformative agreements emerge as the most promising model because they offer a predictable, steady funding stream. We also facilitated pilot transformative agreement negotiations between several society publishers and library consortia. These pilots and a workshop of consortium representatives and society publishers informed the development of an OA transformative agreement toolkit. Our conclusion is that society publishers should consider all the business models this project has developed and should not automatically equate OA with article publication charges.  相似文献   

开放存取(OA)运动使学术交流和学术出版模式发生了深刻的变革,也给作为保存和传播学术信息资源重要载体的图书馆带来了很大的机遇和挑战。文章从积极参与创建机构知识库,加强与出版机构的开放存取合作,以及有效地对OA资源进行组织和揭示等几方面,探讨了美国加州大学图书馆如何利用OA运动发展的契机来提升自身的地位和影响。  相似文献   

This research seeks to expand the body of knowledge surrounding International Open Access Week (OA Week) practices among small to medium-sized U.S. institutions, examining the rationales guiding these, and creating a baseline activity inventory which may be elaborated upon as open access continues to evolve and as OA Week matures beyond its fifth (2013) anniversary. An electronic survey with closed- and open-ended questions was used to collect data, which were analyzed for recurring themes. Of respondents whose campuses did observe OA Week, the most reported reason for doing so was related to supporting the library's educational outreach program; fewer respondents cited the library's philosophical commitment to open access. Lack of time was the most frequently given reason for OA Week non-participation, however around one quarter of non-participating respondents reported that they were unaware of OA Week, and another quarter reported that it did not figure in their strategic plan. The conditions that were found to best support celebrating OA Week included a grasp of the principles guiding OA on the part of at least one librarian, reinforced by: the educational mission of the library; adequate personnel; and sufficient time for planning. This exploratory study yields points for library- and self-assessment.  相似文献   

针对我国研究型图书馆开放获取(OA)服务效果弱、方法缺乏的问题,图书馆员有必要尽快找到OA服务的突破口。分析国外知名科研机构的OA建设内容和服务方式,围绕我国科研人员普遍关注的学术影响力问题,提出研究型图书馆OA服务模式和工作流,并在中国科学院生物物理所的实践中详细剖析服务步骤、工作方法和服务效果。最后,讨论OA服务对图书馆员能力的要求。  相似文献   

分析指出当今开放获取已获得广泛的民意支持,大学、科研机构等学术和管理部门纷纷出台开放获取政策,甚至将其作为国家发展战略;开放获取出版规模也迅速壮大,网络环境下传统商业学术出版面临挑战;开放获取顺应学术交流体系变革的需求,是不可逆转的发展方向。认为学术交流体系的巨变将会给大学图书馆带来革命性影响,大学图书馆应顺应历史潮流,将开放获取提升为事关未来发展的关键议题,在未来开拓全新的服务领域,深度参与校园学术活动,实现图书馆的战略性转变。  相似文献   

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