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This article analyzes the feeling of communities of female social viewers who watch television fiction and participate in social networks and forums dedicated to the programs. The sample is made up of 7,849 comments from 157 platforms (49 Facebook pages, 71 Twitter accounts, and 37 forums). We describe the characteristics of these communities of fans, which differ significantly from cult fandoms and are based on ICT interweaving between reception and female viewers’ daily lives. The results reveal that these active online poster and lurker communities express themselves through their emotional ties with the television series, self-reflection, and the manifestation of intimacy. Identification with the group is based on the relationship of the storylines with their own lives, with no attempts at constructing a cultural or political identity.  相似文献   

本文探讨网络媒体方面的互动问题 ,采用内容分析法及深度访谈 ,来探讨台湾报社、广播电台及电视台所设置的 45家网络媒体 ,所提供的网络媒体互动功能现况 ,及其未来可能的功能  相似文献   

网络阅读的现状与发展探析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
人类的阅读行为依赖于阅读媒介的发展形态,阅读媒介是阅读行为存在的基础。网络媒介的发展促进了网络阅读的发展,网络阅读的现状与网络媒介的发展息息相关,同时网络媒介的优势与劣势也决定了网络阅读的特点。网络阅读未来的发展趋势必然是曲线的发展模式,并最终形成与传统阅读的互动关系。  相似文献   

The Sewol ferry tragedy was a major event in South Korea in 2014. This study examines the agenda-setting links between a Korean online newscast (Naver) and a Korean online community (Daum). Although each portal initially focused on different crisis attributes and stakeholders regarding the ferry tragedy, their agendas became more alike over time. Notably, the cross-lagged analysis shows significant influence of the online community (Daum) on the online newscast (Naver). This study also expands on Son and Weaver’s [2006, Another look at what moves public opinion: Media agenda setting and polls in the 2000 U.S. election. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 18(2), 174–197] theoretical model for a stratified agenda, providing a more nuanced look at attribute agenda setting.  相似文献   


The online environment has radically changed the way in which users consume, discover and manipulate news. The growing relevance of social media platforms and digital intermediaries for news sharing and consumption increase the likelihood of citizens to be exposed to online news even when they are not seeking it. This digital transformation fundamentally challenges the way online news use and exposure have been conceptualized and measured, affecting also to citizens’ knowledge about public affairs and politics. This article examines the factors that predict the probability to be an “incidentally exposed news user” online. Specifically, based on a representative US sample from the Pew Research Centre, this study analyses the role of media preference, use and trust. Findings indicate that beyond users’ demographics and loyalty, readers’ news preferences, uses and trust, specially of social media platforms, affect their probability to be incidentally exposed to news online. These results have important empirical and theoretical implications for understanding the connection between readers’ news consumption patterns and online exposure, intentional or incidental.  相似文献   

This study investigated how social media use and online social capital might have influenced social trust and risk perception of a public health crisis in China. It also tested the validity and reliability of the online social capital measurement in the context of a Chinese food-safety crisis. Study findings validated the impact of online social capital on social trust and risk perception. In addition, two new dimensions of online social capital scale were identified; these two dimensions are in parallel to Putnam’s [2000. Bowling alone: The collapse and revival of american community. New York: Simon and Schuster] conception of ‘bonding social capital’ and ‘bridging social capital.’ Social and policy implications of the study results are discussed.  相似文献   

预约借书能充分体现现代化图书馆流通服务的水平与质量,目前预约借书成功率并不乐观,笔者对其中的原因进行分析并提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

Through a case study on the news flow of an online protest in China, this study explores how the power relations among the mainstream media affect, and are affected by, the spillover effect of news. Even though the Internet does serve as a catalyst to initiate alternative voices that otherwise wouldn't be heard in the established media, the results reveal that the power structure inherent in the mainstream media (particularly within their online versions) such as bureaucratic ranks and institutional ties with party organs, plays a significant role in shaping the trajectory of news flow and media framing strategies. The Internet compensates for the disadvantage of the lower-level media that are short of political resources, while the higher-level media tend to rely on the political capital to exercise their influence. At the same time, the media with more political resources have become increasingly intrepid in challenging the state. Such a dynamic takes place in the context of the changing state-media relations that have seen the authoritarian state shift its information control from a totalitarian mode to a practical one, even though the latter may open up a space for flow of information that can sometimes undermine state power.  相似文献   

This study uncovers a universal pattern regarding the oft-misunderstood demand relationship between online and print products under one newspaper brand. Growing from the portfolio management perspective and building on previous research conducted in the US and Hong Kong, this study examines the newspaper market in Taiwan. Secondary analysis of survey data collected from 7706 Web users confirmed that: (1) the print edition attains a much higher penetration relative to its online counterpart, suggesting that more people would rather consume the print edition over free Web offerings; and (2) compared with the general public, readers of the online edition were more, not less, likely to read the same newspaper's print edition. Such counter-intuitive findings carry important theoretical and managerial implications regarding the management of multiple product offerings under one newspaper brand.  相似文献   

实时参考咨询的过程模式体现了实时参考咨询实时交互的特点,而这一特点正是实时参考咨询备受图书馆和用户关注的原因。在实时参考咨询迅猛开展的同时,也存在着成本收益不平衡、时间配置不合理,人员态度、技术水平不完善等问题,导致了部分实时参考咨询服务项目无法开展。文章在分析问题的同时,为实时参考咨询未来发展提出建议,以推动实时参考咨询向合作化、复合化方向发展。  相似文献   


This article provides an overview of the “fake news” issue and places it in the context of information literacy instruction for college students. In 2017, the faculty librarians at a large state college in Florida developed a news literacy instruction program that included instructional faculty outreach, lesson plans for one-shot information literacy instruction sessions, lessons assignments for one-credit information literacy classes, and learning objects in a LibGuide that can be used by students or embedded by faculty into courses across the disciplines.  相似文献   

网络新闻传播结构的构建与分析(上)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
构建网络新闻传播结构框架 ,是理解网络新闻传播的复杂过程的一种有效途径 ,也是分析研究网络新闻传播效果的重要手段。本文将网络新闻传播分为信息流与意见流两个层面 ,在这两个层面上分别构建传播结构的模型。网络中的信息传播结构分为信息的发布结构、信息的流动结构和信息的循环结构三种类型 ;意见的传播结构分为意见形成结构、意见冲突结构和意见流动结构  相似文献   

浙江省高校图书馆在线用户教育现状调查与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章就浙江省20所主要本科高校图书馆开展在线用户教育情况进行网上调查,分析了当前浙江省高校网书馆在线用户教育工作开展的现状及特征,并提出一系列改进措施。  相似文献   

本研究以城市老年人为研究对象,探讨其智能手机使用行为对幸福感的影响。本研究整合了幸福感理论和代际支持理论,基于技术接受模型(TAM),建构了一个扩展的技术接受结构方程模型。研究发现:老年人的感知有用性显著影响智能手机的使用态度,感知易用性通过中介感知有用性显著影响智能手机的使用态度;代际技术支持显著影响老年人智能手机使用态度、使用意愿、实际使用和实现幸福感;而感知趣味性对使用态度无显著影响。本研究提出在信息技术程序开发设计上应考虑惠老,方便老年人使用;社会应倡导年轻一代对老年群体的代际技术支持以提升其幸福感。本研究的"代际技术支持"对老年人幸福感影响研究和技术接受模型建构有拓展和贡献。  相似文献   

赵晓航 《图书情报工作》2016,60(20):104-111
[目的/意义] 旨在通过对突发事件舆情研究,探索危机传播管理中的舆情研判方法,并进一步为政府信息公开提供实操方法的建议。[方法/过程] 在理论研究层面,基于危机传播的基本要点,对信息发布效果和舆情实时反馈进行综合分析;在应用处理层面,以新浪微博中“天津爆炸”事件相关信息为例,爬取新浪微博全量数据,基于危机传播领域知识和信息发布文本构建领域词表,并结合危机传播阶段特征,对全量数据进行主题提取和情感分析。[结果/结论] “后微博”时代,微博用户量下降,但其仍旧是突发事件信息公开和舆情扩散的主要阵地。探求突发事件下政府如何利用微博平台,收集、研判、应对网络舆情,为做好信息发布工作提供科学的分析方法和应对手段。  相似文献   

This article utilizes two national representative surveys to examine the roles of political news use, political discussion, and authoritarian orientation in shaping political participation in two democratizing societies: Singapore and Taiwan. The regression findings show that in both societies, the effects of political news use and political discussion have to be conditioned on the type of political participation as well as the nature of the political system. Both mass and interpersonal communications are confirmed to positively influence contact and campaign participation, to different degrees depending upon the political system. Interaction effects between the two communication variables are seen as well. The authoritarian orientation is found to mainly interact with communication factors to shape political participation. Implications regarding communication influences on political participation in societies where authoritarianism is evident are discussed.  相似文献   

刘坚 《传媒观察》2020,(5):5-11,F0002
在新闻智能化传播的环境下,传统媒介的新闻信息资源理念发生变化,智能算法成为新闻信息资源获取和开发的重要手段。智能化传播的新闻信息价值判断,建构了新闻事实信息-社会数据信息-用户需求信息三位一体的新闻信息价值确认系统,体现了智能化新闻信息价值理念的特殊追求。新闻信息生产流程中人工智能系统与新闻传播者形成特殊的生产关系,新闻信息生产理念强调人机协作与共处,由此产生新闻报道视野和新闻产品形态的变化。智能化的新闻发布机制,促进了新闻信息的多渠道推送和分散化传播,也有力推动了传统媒介新闻信息传播理念的智能化转变。  相似文献   

中国知网的录用定稿网络首发,可显著缩短科技论文的网络发表周期,对促进我国科学信息的传播与交流具有重要的意义.推行网络首发功能以来,由于编辑部担心编辑核心资源的弱化、编辑部的人力资源短缺、对录用定稿的质量要求高、传统的出版流程等原因,影响了网络首发的快速发展.为了更顺利地推进录用定稿网络首发,《重庆大学学报》确定网络首发稿件合适的编辑标准,优化出版流程、投稿模板和D OI后缀的格式,解决了网络首发实践中遇到的问题.但是,目前仍存在部分学术机构不认可网络首发的成果、引用统计也不明确等问题,这需要多方携手共进,全面推进学术论文的网络首发,才能实现我国学术论文网络出版的跨越式发展.  相似文献   

九十年代中期以来,随着传媒市场化、产业化程度的不断提高,经营管理对于传媒的促进作用与日俱增,直接刺激了传媒对经营管理类人才的大量需求。但由于长期以来高校新闻教育偏重新闻采编人才的培养,为传媒培养既懂采编业务,又懂经营管理的复合型人才成为传媒院系人才培养的新课题。本文主要探讨了我国台湾地区高校传媒经营管理人才的培养机制,希望为国内传媒经营管理人才培养提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Librarians have different perceptions on the employment of social media in library services. This research focused on investigating the perceptions that academic librarians in Ghana hold about the employment of social media in providing reference and user services. A quantitative research approach employing a Likert-type questionnaire was used in soliciting the views of 99 librarians from six top public and private universities in Ghana on their perspective on the use of social media in providing reference and user services. The findings of the study indicate mixed perceptions on the application of social media in reference and user services. These are variously attributed to lack of skills on the part of librarians to use social media, low bandwidth and poor internet connectivity, and inadequate support/motivation from parent institutions among others. As a result, librarians found the traditional mode of service delivery more comfortable, though they knew the importance of social media in their services. The study recommended, among others, development of skills and sensitization workshops to whip up interest in librarians to use social media in reference and user services.  相似文献   

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