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公共图书馆制度在保障知识自由中起重要作用,公共图书馆制度为人们获取知识、信息的公平提供基本的制度保障。它是保障竞争起点公平的重要制度保证,也是实现社会公正的一种重要的制度,所以图书馆必须奉行公益原则,即免费,不以赢利为目的;无差别原则,即对全体成员开放,平等地对待每一个读者。  相似文献   

The library plays a vital role as community center, a space where people of all backgrounds can come together and, more critically, a space for conversation. Conversation builds community and, as I argue in this article, fosters learning and supports our deepest-held value of intellectual freedom. These functions are particularly urgent at a time when community conversation has become increasingly rare. Libraries are in a unique position to provide a safe and trusted place for meaningful community-wide conversations. This article explores the nature of productive conversation, how this kind of conversation builds knowledge, and touches upon the different forms a library-supported conversation can take.  相似文献   

This study examines the roles of makerspaces and librarians in public libraries, as defined by nine librarians instituting makerspace services. It explores their understanding of creative spaces and library policy, specifically the foundational principles of intellectual freedom and access. Using constructivist discourse analysis tools, this study analyzes interview data to illuminate a concept of access grounded in expression, incorporating hands-on activities, tools, and social connections. This study has implications for practitioners and policymakers in reconsidering access as a positive liberty enabled by social contexts, and librarians’ enzymatic roles in facilitating those contexts.  相似文献   

黄幼菲 《图书与情报》2012,(1):10-13,82
知识自由是人类智慧生成的源泉与保障。图书馆实现知识自由的根本价值取向和终极目的是"转知成慧"。公共智慧服务是图书馆实现知识自由的根本选择和高级路径。图书馆作为用户知识需求的嵌入者、客观知识的关联者、用户知识过程的协同者和服务方式上的启发者这一核心定位决定了图书馆必须尽快实现从知识服务向智慧服务的转变,切实帮助用户搭建起求索知识并通往智慧的"天梯"。  相似文献   

This article offers a repeat of a 2000 survey of rural librarians and how they view librarianship, libraries, and the future of both. The purpose of the 2007 survey was to look for changes and ask questions about community partnerships, staffing, and financial information. The researchers found many similarities between the surveys but a number of distinct changes in behavior and attitudes emerged. These included the shift towards viewing the library as more of a service than a repository of materials, increased dissatisfaction with pay and economic issues; an increase in MLS degree holders; and a trend towards the library being viewed as less vital to the community. The 2007 results showed that almost half of rural libraries engage in community partnerships and that the average rural librarian earns less than $12/hour and has an operating budget of less than $30,000. The changes and results are analyzed along with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Editorial Note     
One pressing issue in libraries today is the censorship of information. This theoretical essay uses Kurt Lewin's gatekeeping theory to examine the decision-makers as well as the different pressures and constraints that are at issue in decisions regarding challenges and censorship attempts that occur in regards to library collections. Knowing who the decision-makers, or gatekeepers, are in the decision-making process, whether it is library boards, library directors, or public officials, is crucial to the understanding of censorship in public libraries. Without a clear understanding of the function of gates and gatekeepers in the decision-making process, libraries may allow unintended censorship of ideas and information to persist.  相似文献   


This article surveyed the sources of job satisfaction among 1,833 library and information science (LIS) master's program graduates in North Carolina from 1964–2009. The study examined the effects of traditional work-related variables such as income, flexibility, co-workers, fringe benefits, and setting on job satisfaction. In addition, the analysis introduces variables related to the notion of craft, professional achievement, and family dynamics to determine what impact they have. Craft combines the wish to perform one's work well independent of extrinsic factors or influences and the desire of the worker to create a quality final outcome or product. The major finding of the study is that craft and professional achievement are the largest determinants of job satisfaction among LIS graduates. Meanwhile, variables such as marital status, whether or not one has children, and breadwinner status had no discernible effect. Supportive co-workers, being a woman, and membership in professional organizations likewise correlate with job satisfaction, while being a full-time worker, anxiety over job security, and working in an academic library setting contributed to dissatisfaction. Although LIS graduates generally report being very content in their jobs, this study suggests that they are anxious about changes such as the increasing number of temporary and freelance jobs and the perception that full-time staff are doing more work with fewer resources.  相似文献   

推动公共图书馆高质量发展,是新发展阶段图书馆事业建设新要求,旨在提升服务覆盖面和实效性、促进优质均衡。均等化、标准化、普惠性、品质化、高效能、可持续发展共同构成了公共图书馆高质量发展的基本要素。高质量发展赋能公共图书馆新定位,成为品质阅读服务中心、社会公众交往中心、城市创新策源地、地方文化传承中心。“十四五”时期公共图书馆高质量发展,包括空间再造、全域服务、情报加工、智慧应用、文旅融合、治理能力提升等重点任务。  相似文献   


In 1998, a group of adult library patrons and individuals in Loudoun County, Virginia, brought a suit against library trustees, board members, and the director of the county’s public library, claiming that the library’s use of Internet blocking software was an infringement on their First Amendment rights, leading to the federal court case Mainstream Loudoun v. Board of Trustees of the Loudoun County Library (1998). Using an in-depth case study approach and going beyond a review of the court documents, the author uses a series of qualitative interviews with individuals connected to the court case to gather more in-depth information regarding events surrounding this case of censorship in public libraries and investigate the phenomenon of librarians acting as censors themselves.  相似文献   

本文以美国为背景,分别从相关政策法规和法院判例两个方面对图书馆提供的互联网服务所引发的社会矛盾进行研究。研究发现,在过滤软件的使用问题上,联邦政府与图书馆协会的立场迥异。联邦政府要求图书馆使用过滤软件,而图书馆协会则持异议。对比和研究法院判例发现,争议主要聚焦于两个方面:过滤软件是否会过滤掉有用信息,对于儿童是智识自由重要还是保护儿童更重要。通过研究美国图书馆互联网服务引发的争议,可以揭示互联网环境下智识自由与社会责任之间关系的复杂性,对我国图书馆界在相关问题的处理上有借鉴意义。表1。参考文献32。  相似文献   


To assess the implications of supporting and participating in a digital humanities project team as embedded subject librarians, those involved must examine the dynamic of the group responsible for the work and the processes or infrastructure employed to support this work. Using the Critical Incident Technique (CIT) method with interview questions based on the American Historical Association's “Career Diversity Five Skills,” this case study interviews respondents involved in “‘A Shaky Truce’: Starkville Civil Rights Struggles, 1960–1980,” a digital public history project created in 2015 by a team of subject librarians, history graduate students, history faculty, and undergraduates.  相似文献   

This article explores the progress being made in Ontario for marketing, advocacy, influence, and results about the high impact and value of the over 300 library systems in the province. It covers the challenges we face, our goals, and our tactics and strategies to collaborate and achieve results on a province-wide scale. We are building our skills by understanding the components of good marketing communication processes, its foundation in relationships and influence, and how to take data and statistics and transform them into powerful narratives, visuals, and talking points that have an impact on audience and help with progress towards advocacy goals. This is a new early stage case study of the Ontario Public Libraries strategies for building these lobbying processes, gaining community input and support, and building province-wide collaboration and effort using affordable and powerful social media tools.  相似文献   

With staffing and funding shortages and rapidly changing expectations from patrons, what is actually happening at the reference desk in today’s libraries? Understanding the needs today’s reference librarians face can be useful in developing ways to support those needs. Asking them to make some predictions on the future of public library reference work gives Library and Information Science (LIS) students, and libraries preparing for the future, a valuable look at the expertise provided by experience. This understanding will help make some realistic decisions about reference staffing and service needs and provide some guidance for those aspiring to careers in public library reference.  相似文献   

While the collaborative trend among professional social workers and librarians gains traction and attention, literature about the utilization of student social workers partnering with libraries is non-existent. Over 64,000 students are currently enrolled in master-level social work (MSW) programs throughout the United States and nearly all are required to complete at least 900?hours of fieldwork. Such students provide untapped skills, knowledge, and values that can help address the broader—and very real—needs of patrons. By reaching out to MSW programs, public librarians play a critical role in helping advance tolerance for a diversity of people and much-needed services. While the professional values and ethics of both librarianship and social work have strong overlap, librarians can invite social work students to partner with them; particularly as libraries are still considered nontraditional service points. MSW students can work with libraries to expand programing, strengthen outreach, and enhance the professional development of both social workers and librarians to the benefit of marginalized patrons.  相似文献   

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