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神话是当今文学的一大热门话题,在重科学、重理性、重逻辑的世纪里,带有非理性成分的神话却以独特而超凡的魅力在文学舞台上独领风骚。希腊神话是神话文学艺术领域的瑰宝,全面探讨文学性在古希腊神话中的表现形式及特质,在对古希腊神话的人本精神、主体意识、理性精神、审美价值认知的完整认识上,全面理解古希腊神话文学性的独特魅力及其成因。  相似文献   

In The Haunting, The Changeover, and The Tricksters, Margaret Mahy fuses supernatural iconography of witchcraft and magic with images of ordinary and domestic adolescence. This article argues that Mahy's fantastic realism illuminates aspects of female teenage experience through a blend of myth, fairy tale, folklore, and history, as well as conventional representations of adolescent development and archetypes of young adult literature. The heroines are ordinary witches who find freedom, empowerment, and sexual knowledge in their magical identities but who also remain firmly positioned as schoolgirls, daughters, and sisters. Although possibilities of excess or black magic are implied by the author's use of witches, such implications are contained by frameworks of real and domestic ordinary life, and this article concludes that witchcraft is a motif that Mahy manipulates in order to describe growing pains, developing sexuality, and an intriguing form of female power.  相似文献   

对神话概念的理解向来有“广义”、“狭义”两说。本文主张中国神话是一个发展的系统,道教神话是中国神话体系中一个重要的子系统。文章对道教神话进行了界定和描述,认为其对中国远古神话母题的继承,主要表现在角色、观念与情节三方面。它对中国神话的发展,主要体现在两个方面:一是对远古神话的改造,一是创造新的神灵和新的神话,并发展出新的神话母题。  相似文献   

传统意义上的神话,目的是塑造神的伟大与崇高,因此,传统神话都有一些神秘的气息。“神话是一种言谈,神话是一种传播体系,是一种讯息。”[1]对我国历史上的孔子、关羽、大禹等进行神话学的研究,可以清楚地看出我国人民对他们的崇拜情结。  相似文献   

《红楼梦》在艺术手法上与晚于它将近200年的拉丁美洲魔幻现实主义有许多的相似的特征:现实主义的世界与神话思维并存;对本民族历史深刻地宏观透视与预言式的圆形叙事结构平行。究其原因,一是中国化的多元性与拉丁美洲化的多元性在民族原始化心理层次上有着一定的类似或重合。二是中国古典神魔小说传统的影响。由于《红楼梦》有着深厚的中国化根基。所以它所体现出的魔幻现实主义的艺术内涵要比拉丁美洲的魔幻现实主义更加丰富。  相似文献   

Constructivism has become a major focus of recent pedagogical reform in mathematics education. However, epistemological reform that is based on the constructivist referent of learning as conceptual change has a very limited viability in traditional mathematics classrooms because of its cultural insensitivity. By contrast, the social epistemology of critical constructivism addresses the socio-cultural contexts of knowledge construction and serves as a powerful referent for cultural reform. From this perspective, the social reality of traditional mathematics classrooms is governed by powerful cultural myths that restrain the discursive practices of teachers and students. The power of the repressive myths of cold reason and hard control is evident in the ways in which they act in concert to create a highly coherent and seemingly natural social reality. Epistemological reform of traditional mathematics classroom learning environments is, therefore, synonomous with cultural reconstruction. Critical constructivism, which has a central concern with discourse ethics and the moral agency of the teacher, draws on the social philosophy of Jurgen Habermas and argues for an alternative culture of communicative action to be established in mathematics classrooms. Teachers are expected to work collaboratively as agents of cultural change in forums beyond their classrooms.Religions, philosophies, arts, the social forms of primitive and historic man, prime discoveries in science and technology, the very dreams that blister sleep, boil up from the basic, magic ring of myth.(Joseph Campbell, The Hero With a Thousand Faces, 1968, p. 8.)  相似文献   

郭雪波小说中的魔幻与作者的故土情结和族裔身份密不可分。科尔沁沙地的自然地理、蒙古族原始宗教文化、东蒙地区丰富的巫术鬼神风俗等,为其小说铺垫了魔幻文化底色;个体民族文化在现代化、全球化语境中不断消解带给作者的忧患意识与惶惑感,草原生态恶化的现实,是魔幻叙事的指向,作者的拯救意识中暗含着欲望批判、找回民族神性信仰的努力;魔幻是民族文化与现代文学的共生,它汲取现代中国文学中的隐性巫文化表达传统,同时这种魔幻风格对中国主流现实主义文学创作有一种反哺作用。  相似文献   

This article suggests that the worldwide, multiage appeal of Harry Potter may lie in the way these stories of magic meet the needs of readers to find meaning in today's unmagical contexts. The imaginative appeal and symbolic efficacy of the books for children are examined in terms of Bruno Bettelheim's The Uses of Enchantment. The development of Harry Potter as a hero in the mythic/fantasy tradition, which allows young adults to grasp a sense of hope for meaning and triumph, are explored in terms of Joseph Campbell's Hero With a Thousand Faces. Case studies are included to illustrate.  相似文献   

13世纪初,意大利数学家Fibonacci在一本题为《算盘书》的数学著作中,给出了著名的Fibonacci数列。它的许多有趣性质,引起了许多人的兴趣,由于它在数论、几何、概率、数据处理、信息检索等数学中有很多应用,因此有人说:Fibonacci以他的兔子问题猜中了大自然的奥秘,本文主要讨论Fibonacci数列在几何中的应用。  相似文献   

池莉是当代文坛上不断追求艺术个性、颇具影响力的作家。尤其是她的亲子小说,以骨肉亲情为载体,以伦理意识为骨,以爱为底色,以爱的能力和方式为突破点,通过对家庭基本关系的细致描述和深刻分析,将爱的激情经验性地爆发在"母爱"与"母爱神话"的主题中,开创并成就了她的母性化的书写方式,一定程度上丰富和深化了当代小说的理论和精神内涵。  相似文献   

试论《百年孤独》对拉美文化身份的重建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《百年孤独》中孤独家族的一百年历史可以说是拉丁美洲历史的翻版,在这一百年的历史追溯中维系着拉美民族身份迫切的探索。在作品中,历史叙述策略、寓意深刻的神话原型、马孔多人独特的魔幻意识等都体现了作者对被压抑被扭曲的民族文化身份的解构与重建的迫切意识。  相似文献   

Medusa was Greece myth of the gorgons. She was a very beautiful girl, but she was turned into the gorgons with long full head of snake sent due to excessive arrogance and confidence at the front of Athena shouting aloud his beautiful than God. So the word of Medusa has the meaning of extremely ugly woman with the frightening image. The fate of Medusa in the dust of history was bitter and unfortunate, but with time going by, Medusa has become an extremely charm and magic. People are interested in her with an enormous imagination. The so-called danger and fear have long been forgotten.  相似文献   

The CW network series Supernatural (2005–) draws its text from the horror and fantasy genres as well as religious mythology. Concurrently, it transmits a core “American” mythos. As its protagonists keep watch along a supernatural frontier and eradicate threats to the American way of life, this program both reinforces and alters aspects of the frontier myth and the myth of American exceptionalism by depicting its main characters as representations of America writ large whose mission has grown from an appointment by God to being equals to God. In this manner, Supernatural forwards a new American exceptionalism through the notion that America is exceptional because it is not just divinely appointed by God, but is divine itself.  相似文献   


In one of his notebooks, Albert Camus describes, The stranger, The myth of Sisyphus, Caligula and The misunderstanding as pertaining to a series; a schema that suggests that if one were to write about one of these literary works, one would be writing about parts of a whole unless one also engaged with the others. Whether one does this or not, may or may not reflect the nature of the relationship one sees these texts as sharing. The stranger and The myth of Sisyphus share something unique: they are both as Camus describes them, zero points; a zero point here being understood as the zero point at which one thinks about one’s existence. This article begins with a reflection upon the relative philosophical value of understanding The myth of Sisyphus as a work of art and then occupies itself with how this understanding might provide an opportunity for self-reflection when reading The stranger. The reading of The myth of Sisyphus is not used so much to better understand Meursault (the protagonist of The stranger) and his story but to invert our interpretative methodology such that it is possible to speak to the reader as a significant actor. The novel is thought of in terms of the gifting of a philosophical problem, a problem which the author of this article attempts to understand from the point of view of how one might see oneself as paradoxically implicated in the drama of its articulation. It is this paradox that will lead us to speak of the narrative of The stranger as referring to a problem in how philosophy speaks to our experience of education.  相似文献   

《老人与海》中故事的背景无疑是现代的,因此长期以来的阐释、解读、批评基本上都落实在现代文明的土壤上。从文学人类学视角对文本进行解读,桑提亚哥捕鱼时始终依赖"巫术与神话",这是某种原始情感在现代人头脑中典型的潜在绵延,它通过简单语言(说话)得以实现,奠定了捕鱼的全部"真实性"。  相似文献   

戈尔丁的代表作《蝇王》是一部立足于现实且带有现代主义色彩的小说。小说中,戈尔丁借助于讽喻的手法对西方文明的危机感作了象征性的展示,并且以小说实验的方式探讨了人性恶的根源。在阐述过程中,现实主义的直观手法和现代主义的荒诞神话相结合,构成了解读《蝇王》这部作品的一种新的途径。  相似文献   

《小太阳》是林良以成人视角构思的散文集。首先,作者通过话语权的转交,让儿童发出了自己的"声音";其次,引号的运用更好地践行了作者的"浅语"主张,真正以儿童能够接受的语言来写作,而独立的时空叙事使得读者不会因为时代而产生隔阂;最后,林良还最大程度地实现了作品的"柔软性",使其带上了更多的童话色彩。《小太阳》因此也获得了长久性的文学价值。  相似文献   

也斯是香港著名的小说家,他的《玉杯》是对周穆王故事进行的现代改编,他在文本中采用了空间化的叙事策略,文本空间是在对神话的改编中建构的,叙事空间体现了戏剧性。作品具有时间感,是主体的一种本能体验。穆王这个形象具有否定性,是为了完成都市话语指涉而设计的,表达了现代人对现实的关注和体认。作品具有鲜活的生命力。  相似文献   

维柯通过对神话与原始人类的考察,认为想象力是创造之眼,原初人的创造是由“共同意识”决定的。这种创造观将诗性置于人类文化创造之本,并强调一种实践智慧,从而为西方思想文化的反思提供了重要的理论资源。  相似文献   

“神话原型批评”作为一种文学批评模式,研究的对象主要是原始文化,其兴起源于对人类原始思维以及心理结构的研究。在剖析原始文化时主要借用了“万物有灵”、“交感巫术”以及形成这些观念的根本——原始人的“集体无意识”。人类文化的普同性和心理的相通性让这个批评模式在中国原始文化上的运用成为可能。作为中国原始文化最具代表性的四大传说《牛郎织女》《孟姜女》《梁山伯与祝英台》《白蛇传》对这一理论的体现足以证明世界文化的多元一体。  相似文献   

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