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学术自治一直是现代大学的理想追求 ,也是西方现代大学学术繁荣的前提条件之一。全面考查英国、德国、法国和美国高等教育的发展历程 ,不难看出 ,西方现代大学学术自治的实现有其相应的制度环境条件 ,民主法制条件下有限政府与公民社会的互动为大学学术自治提供了坚实的社会基础。因而 ,中国现代大学的发展需要制度环境的创新。  相似文献   

中国近代大学建制发展分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国近代大学建制大体经历了“堂 -科 -门”、“校 -科 -门”、“校 -科 -系”、“校 -院 -系”四个主要发展阶段。中国近代大学建制的发展过程 ,是不断摆脱古代官学影响而逐步引入西方现代大学模式的过程 ,是对“大学”的本质不断探索、对“大学”本质的理解不断深化的过程 ,也是通过法律形式不断加以规范的体制化过程  相似文献   

客观与主观:当代课程哲学的两种知识观评析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
知识观分歧的日益尖锐化,客观上要求今天对课程改革的任何一种判断必须给出其知识论根据。本文以“王钟之争”为切入点,在梳理传统派和改革派知识观分歧的基础上,详析了客观主义与主观主义的基本主张及其认识论根据,指出知识的客观性与主观性问题背后的核心问题是真理问题;进而从剖析互动的知识观之由来及其与传统知识观的分歧入手,将分歧的关键定位于知识的独立自在性问题方面;最后以渡普尔的“世界3”为根据,给出消解分歧的一种建议。  相似文献   

恩格斯的总体物质自组织理论在核时代的深化发展对揭示原生自然环境和次生自然生态环境(特指地球生物圈)具有普遍方法论价值。整个再生生态系统具有依赖性和脆弱性,人类应对呵护生态系统、生物多样性负有最高的生态道德责任。在20世纪生态环境恶化危及全球的条件下,西方哲学有识之士对生态伦理学问题进行了较全面的新思考,其有价值的成果应给予充分的肯定。生态道德观念的创新与发展,可持续发展的环境价值观的全球化和生态化,使反映生态道德规范和准则的体系必然随之深化、丰富和发展。  相似文献   

对发展进行哲学反思是哲学和社会实践本身的内在要求。发展不单指社会进步,也包含价值与创新的意蕴。实现社会现代化既是发展的目的,也是发展的手段,但不是发展的终极目标。我们所取得的阶段性成功经验(人们所谓的中国模式)不是依靠西方模式和苏联模式,而是中国如何抓住全球化的机会,融入世界经济体系的发展过程。中国特色社会主义道路的发展标准是坚持以人为本,以人的解放和自由为发展的终极价值目标。发展方式的转变要以创新发展为动力,大力倡导低碳经济、循环经济,走全面、协调、可持续发展、科学发展的道路。  相似文献   

中国大学通识教育理念及制度的构建反思:1995~2005   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
本文以十余年来通识教育理念和制度反思为切入点,试图通过对现有中国现实环境下的通识教育理念、意图的解释,探讨“通专结合”的理念和做法对深化我国大学人才培养模式的意义,从而尝试性地探讨当前中国通识教育深化的可能路径。  相似文献   

Underfunding is the paramount problem in Canadian universities. Operating revenue per student has declined in real terms by about 15 per cent over the past 15 years. During the past three decades, revenue from governments has increased from 60 per cent of the total revenue to 80 per cent, while fees revenue has declined from 26 to 16 per cent, with the result that universities are increasingly vulnerable to political control and to financial instability. The transfers of the federal government to provincial governments have financed much of provincial transfers to universities, but the former will be reduced for at least three years and may be abolished altogether. Provincial governments, particularly in Ontario and Quebec, have controlled tuition fees for twenty‐five years in order to increase accessibility, but there has been little change in the socioeconomic composition of university enrollment. Funding for university research generally has neglected overhead costs associated with maintaining the institutional infrastructure necessary for research. Although the federal government still provides more than half of the funding for university research, the share from provincial and non‐governmental sources has been increasing.  相似文献   

The following article is an abstract of the booklet “Frauen an der Hochschule” (Women in Higher Education), published by Mrs. Wiederkehr‐Benz in August 1980, Zurich.>

The article, sent to us by Mrs. Wiederkehr‐Benz, is meant to provide the reader with some complementary information concerning the situation of women in higher education in Switzerland, The article stresses the consequences of early socialization, and later role‐conflicts in performance oriented system of higher education. Similar lines of thought have also been expressed in the articles on the Netherlands and FRG.

Mrs. Wiederkehr‐Benz is a psychologist attached to the"Psyahologische Studentenberatungsstelle” (Centre for Student Counselling), of Zürich's institutions of higher education.  相似文献   

对贫困问题的关注是黑格尔法哲学的一个重要内容。他认为市民社会中必然产生贫困和贱民问题。怎样解决贫困,是推动现代社会并使他感到苦恼的一个重要问题。在市民社会解决贫困问题上,他不满于当时的自然法理论、古典政治经济学理论和普遍意志的国家理论的做法,提出市民社会必须解决贫困及其相关问题、普遍权利代替家庭和教会应成主要角色、理应减少主观性和偶然性力求客观的普遍性方式以及必须与市民社会的原则相容等四条主张或原则和重建同业公会的设想。  相似文献   

The article begins by reviewing the main problems facing young people in higher education and the kinds of problems with which they might need help. The approach is psychological and does not include problems of physical health or sociological, socio‐political, or strictly educational problems. For people looking at this age group from a distance, admission to a university or another type of institution of higher education can be seen as a process of arrival. One might think that the uncertainties and stresses from an earlier period of life would have ceased and the oppressive worries of adulthood not yet have begun. In reality, there are many possibilities for crises between the ages of eighteen and twenty‐five. It is one of the main tasks of the provision of psychological counselling in higher education to help adolescents resolve these problems.  相似文献   

试论当今大学的通识教育   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文结合历史与现实,阐述了当今大学通识教育的几个主要方面,诸如通识教育的含义与根据、意义和作用以及通选课和师资问题等。这些是作者在近年实践与研究中的认识,兼与某些不同的理解商榷。  相似文献   

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