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The relation between physical growth and cognitive development in infants growing up in India was examined in this study. Subjects were 183 5–12-month-olds. Weight and length, two anthropometric measures commonly used to index nutritional status in developing countries, related to infant measures of visual recognition memory and tactual-visual cross-modal transfer. Underweight infants performed relatively poorly on both cognitive measures and failed to show the clear age-related improvements in speed of processing found among the heavier infants. Weight and length correlated with both measures of infant cognition, r = .25 to r = .45, as did, to a lesser degree, head circumference. Although birthweight, previous illness, and parental education were also related to development, the relations between infant growth and cognition remained significant even after these variables were statistically controlled.  相似文献   

数能力作为儿童认知发展的重要方面一直是心理学关注的问题.近些年来,国外手指动作与早期数能力关系研究越来越受到研究者的重视.笔者通过发展心理学与认知神经科学两个视角,从数概念及其表征、计数技能的获得以及运算能力的发展等方面概述了国外近些年来幼儿手指动作与数认知关系的研究,并在此基础上提出了当前该领域研究的前景与教育上的思考.  相似文献   

Infants' visual short‐term memory (VSTM) for simple objects undergoes dramatic development: Six‐month‐old infants can store in VSTM information about only a simple object presented in isolation, whereas 8‐month‐old infants can store information about simple objects presented in multiple‐item arrays. This study extended this work to examine the development of infants' VSTM for complex objects during this same period (= 105). Using the simultaneous streams change detection paradigm, Experiment 1 confirmed the previous developmental trajectory between 6 and 8 months. Experiment 2 showed that doubling the exposure time did not enhance 6‐month‐old infants' change detection, demonstrating that the developmental change is not due to encoding speed. Thus, VSTM for simple and complex objects appears to follow the same developmental trajectory.  相似文献   

Most previous research on imitation in infancy has focused on infants' learning of instrumental actions on objects. This study focused instead on the more social side of imitation, testing whether being mimicked increases prosocial behavior in infants, as it does in adults (van Baaren, Holland, Kawakami, & van Knippenberg, 2004). Eighteen‐month‐old infants (= 48) were either mimicked or not by an experimenter; then either that experimenter or a different adult needed help. Infants who had previously been mimicked were significantly more likely to help both adults than infants who had not been mimicked. Thus, even in infancy, mimicry has positive social consequences: It promotes a general prosocial orientation toward others.  相似文献   

This study examined differences in wellness reported by traditional‐ and nontraditional‐age students as measured by the Wellness Evaluation of Lifestyle (J. E. Myers, T. J. Sweeney, & J. M. Witmer, 1998). Differences were found between the 2 age groups on 4 self‐regulation dimensions: realistic beliefs, sense of control, exercise, and self‐care. Implications for counseling practice and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

大学生科技文化活动作为高校培养学生实践技能、创新能力的一种有效载体,为创新能力培养提供了崭新的平台。本文重点阐述了培养大学生创新能力的重要途径,科技文化活动在大学生创新能力培养中的作用,以便于更好地把握该项活动的发展趋势,与时俱进地推进学生科技文化活动的蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

Recent research has shown that infants are more likely to engage with in‐group over out‐group members. However, it is not known whether infants' learning is influenced by a model's group membership. This study investigated whether 14‐month‐olds (= 66) selectively imitate and adopt the preferences of in‐group versus out‐group members. Infants watched an adult tell a story either in their native language (in‐group) or a foreign language (out‐group). The adult then demonstrated a novel action (imitation task) and chose 1 of 2 objects (preference task). Infants did not show selectivity in the preference task, but they imitated the in‐group model more faithfully than the out‐group model. This suggests that cultural learning is beginning to be truly cultural by 14 months of age.  相似文献   

从动能学的角度,运用系统分析法和文献资料法,对补糖与运动能之间的关系进行了分析,指出:补糖对运动能力的维持起着重要作用,进行1小时以上剧烈的或长时间的运动应考虑补充糖。有效增加骨骼肌糖贮备的短期方法,是在运动前即刻或运动中补充葡萄糖饮料;有效提高骨骼肌糖贮备的长期方法,体现在对膳食结构与运动时间及训练方法的控制上。  相似文献   

意识与无意识关系新解   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
有关意识和无意识之间关系问题的讨论,具有十分重要的理论指导意义和实践针对性。人的行为活动主要是无意识的、还是有意识的?精神分析和人本主义心理学对此作出了不同的回答。在世纪之交的意识研究的“复兴运动”中,以认知心理学和实验心理学为代表的实证研究范式得出了新的结论。实验研究表明,大多数人的学习、生活工作方式,是按照内隐的、无意识的方式进行的。  相似文献   

朱新秤 《教育导刊》2001,(19):10-13
知识与创新之间的关系是心理学中一个重要而有争议的问题,它的解决对于丰富心理学、教育学的理论及指导教育实践都具有重要意义。近年来这一问题的研究有了新进展,本拟在这些研究成果的基础上,对知识与创新之间的关系再作一些新的思考。  相似文献   

本文着重讨论了科技发展对伦理的双重影响及如何构建新型的科技理论观,伦理对科技发展的反作用等问题。  相似文献   

The goal was to test whether cognitive flexibility moderates the relation between reading strategy use and reading comprehension during the elementary years. Seventy‐five second‐ through fifth‐grade students completed a think aloud task and a metacognitive questionnaire to measure reading strategies, two card‐sorting tasks to measure general and reading‐specific cognitive flexibility, and one standardized measure of reading comprehension, as well as measures of oral reading fluency and vocabulary. As expected, oral reading fluency and vocabulary predicted reading comprehension, as did reading‐specific flexibility. Importantly, reading‐specific flexibility had a significant moderating effect, over and above the other effects. Specifically, weak reading‐specific flexibility skills were associated with a negative relation between reading strategy use during think aloud and reading comprehension, suggesting that children with weak flexibility skills are less adept at using reading strategies effectively.  相似文献   

Infants' ability to mentally track the orientation of an object during a hidden rotation was investigated (= 28 in each experiment). A toy on a turntable was fully covered and then rotated 90°. When revealed, the toy had turned with the turntable (probable event), remained at its starting orientation (improbable event in Experiment 1), or turned to the opposite side (improbable event in Experiment 2). Results demonstrated a developmental progression between 14 and 16 months of age in infants' sensitivity to spatial object relations and their ability to track the orientation of an object during hidden rotation. Experiment 3 showed that 14‐month‐olds' performance improved with hands‐on training, highlighting the role of action experience in cognitive development.  相似文献   

Warm caregiving is associated with concurrent hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenocortical (HPA) axis function, although the persistence of this association over time is less established. Using longitudinal and intervention studies, this meta‐analysis examined the enduring association of parental warmth (measured when children were ages < 1 through 15 years) with basal cortisol, reactivity and recovery (measured when children were ages < 1 through 25 years; = 38; N = 6,608). These studies demonstrate no overall associations between parenting and children's HPA axis; instead there are small associations that vary based on moderators such as socioeconomic status, developmental stage, study design and stressor type, though many moderators are confounded. This first wave of studies indicates that the enduring association between parenting and cortisol is small and only understood in the context of other factors, and directly informs four sets of methodological and theoretical recommendations to strengthen this literature.  相似文献   

对初二学生英语语音意识的发展状况及与阅读能力之间的关系调查研究表明。初二学生的英语语音意识与其阅读能力有显著性相关;语音意识是阅读能力较好的预测指标;初二学生在英语语音意识的三项任务上表现显著的差异,韵脚意识好于音节意识,后者又好于音位意识。  相似文献   

对于经挤发展的两大要素——资本和劳动,人们往往只看到二者的共性,忽视二者的区别,而事实上,劳动具有不同于资本和土地等物的自主能动作用和作为人的权利,经济的快速发展需要让“劳动”享有人的权利和起到人的作用。  相似文献   

小说线索对结构的单值对应关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结构诸形态与线索诸形态虽有极密切的对应关系,但又绝非在互逆互动中完全亦步亦趋的一一对应的关系:从文学的本质论来观照,是文学的内容尤其是主题思想与情感决定着形式,因而决定着形式中的结构,结构又进而决定了线索的形成、形态、发展、组合及其趋向;如果从结构本体的角度透视线索诸形态与结构诸形态之间的互动关系,则恰恰相反。是线索影响、制约、推动、促成了结构,进而结构又影响到作品的情节,情节又作用于题材与主题,构成了形式制约内容、形而下推动形而上的逆向运动。  相似文献   

在当下社会,英语口语和阅读能力是学习英语的两项必备技能。由于此两项技能差异较大,因此大多数学生都没有得到平衡发展。基于此,本文试图分析英语口语与阅读能力的内在关系,意图使两者的关系明确化,为英语学习者提供必的理论支持,使其能更好地进行英语学习。  相似文献   

现代奥林匹克运动与政治的关系研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何认识和处理现代奥林匹克运动与政治的关系,是国际奥委会面临的重要现实问题,也是学界比较关心和忧虑的问题。对现代奥林匹克运动与政治关系的研究进行了综述,指出该领域研究存在的不足,并对该领域的发展趋势进行了分析。  相似文献   

Event‐related potentials (ERPs) were utilized in an investigation of 21 six‐month‐olds’ attention to and processing of global and local properties of hierarchical patterns. Overall, infants demonstrated an advantage for processing the overall configuration (i.e., global properties) of local features of hierarchical patterns; however, processing advantages were found to vary based on individual differences in look duration. Short‐looking infants showed differences in the negative central ERP component and the late slow wave (LSW) indicating greater attention to and discrimination of changes in global properties. Analysis of the LSW revealed that long‐looking infants discriminated changes in local features, but did not discriminate changes in global properties of visual stimuli. These findings indicate that short‐ and long‐looking infants utilize different approaches when processing hierarchical patterns.  相似文献   

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