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This paper examines activity settings and daily classroom routines experienced by 3- and 4-year-old low-income children in public center-based preschool programs, private center-based programs, and family child care homes. Two daily routine profiles were identified using a time-sampling coding procedure: a High Free-Choice pattern in which children spent a majority of their day engaged in child-directed free-choice activity settings combined with relatively low amounts of teacher-directed activity, and a Structured-Balanced pattern in which children spent relatively equal proportions of their day engaged in child-directed free-choice activity settings and teacher-directed small- and whole-group activities. Daily routine profiles were associated with program type and curriculum use but not with measures of process quality. Children in Structured-Balanced classrooms had more opportunities to engage in language and literacy and math activities, whereas children in High Free-Choice classrooms had more opportunities for gross motor and fantasy play. Being in a Structured-Balanced classroom was associated with children's language scores but profiles were not associated with measures of children's math reasoning or socio-emotional behavior. Consideration of teachers' structuring of daily routines represents a valuable way to understand nuances in the provision of learning experiences for young children in the context of current views about developmentally appropriate practice and school readiness.  相似文献   

民族认同与国家认同是民族地区青少年需要面对的双重认同问题,树立正确的民族认同观与国家认同观直接关系到民族文化的传播和国家的稳定。在对新疆南疆地区2116名青少年进行比较研究后发现:南疆地区维吾尔族青少年的国家认同较民族认同相比表现得更为积极,与汉族青少年相比,他们的国家认同较低而民族认同较高 国家认同的形成会提升维吾尔族青少年的民族认同 来自县镇和城市的青少年群体在国家认同和民族认同上都较高,而农村的相对较低 父母亲的文化程度越高,子女的国家认同与民族认同就越高。  相似文献   

Neighborhood Latino ethnic concentration, above and beyond or in combination with mothers' and fathers' ethnic socialization, may have beneficial implications for minority adolescents' ethnic attitude and identity development. These hypotheses, along with two competing hypotheses, were tested prospectively (from  = 12.79–15.83 years) in a sample of 733 Mexican‐origin adolescents. Neighborhood ethnic concentration had beneficial implications for ethnic identity processes (i.e., ethnic exploration and perceived peer discrimination) but not for ethnic attitudes. For Mexico‐born adolescents, high maternal ethnic socialization compensated for living in neighborhoods low on ethnic concentration. Findings are discussed vis‐à‐vis the ways in which they address major gaps in the neighborhood effects literature and the ethnic and racial identity development literature.  相似文献   

The construction of an ethnic or racial identity is considered an important developmental milestone for youth of color. This review summarizes research on links between ethnic and racial identity (ERI) with psychosocial, academic, and health risk outcomes among ethnic minority adolescents. With notable exceptions, aspects of ERI are generally associated with adaptive outcomes. ERI are generally beneficial for African American adolescents' adjustment across all three domains, whereas the evidence is somewhat mixed for Latino and American Indian youth. There is a dearth of research for academic and health risk outcomes among Asian American and Pacific Islander adolescents. The review concludes with suggestions for future research on ERI among minority youth.  相似文献   

Ethnic/racial context in peer groups is poorly understood. Using daily data from 178 ethnically/racially diverse adolescents (Mage = 14.53) over 2 weeks, this study investigated peer processes related to ethnicity/race (peer ethnic/racial processes) in everyday life. On average, peer ethnic/racial processes occurred about 1 to 4 days over the 2 weeks. On days when adolescents reported more negative peer ethnic/racial processes (indicated by ethnic/racial teasing, discrimination, victimization, and partially by preparation for bias), they also reported lower school engagement. On days when adolescents reported more positive peer ethnic/racial processes (indicated by cultural socialization, support against discrimination, and partially by preparation for bias), they exhibited more prosocial behaviors and greater ethnic/racial identity private regard. Similar associations emerged at the between-person level.  相似文献   

This article tests a longitudinal model of the antecedents and consequences of changes in identification with indigenous (Mapuche) among indigenous and nonindigenous youth in Chilean school contexts over a 6‐month period (633 nonindigenous and 270 Mapuche students, Mages = 12.47 and 12.80 years, respectively). Results revealed that in‐group norms supporting contact and quality of intergroup contact at Time 1 predicted student's changes in Mapuche identification at Time 2, which in turn predicted changes in support for adoption of Chilean culture and maintenance of Mapuche culture at Time 2; some of the relationships between these variables were found to be moderated by age and ethnicity. Conceptual and policy implications are addressed in the Discussion .  相似文献   

This study underscored the importance of addressing the well‐being of college students of Asian descent, because these students had higher rates of depression and lower positive feelings about their ethnic group compared with students of European descent, as measured by the Affirmation subscale of the Ethnic Identity Scale. Affirmation mediated the depression difference between these groups. Within the Asian group, affirmation and depression were inversely correlated, and this relationship was mediated by acculturative stress.  相似文献   

The middle level classroom presents unique challenges to educators who strive to provide opportunities that acknowledge learner diversity in terms of social, cognitive, physical, and emotional development. This is confounded even further within inclusive middle-school classrooms where the responsibility to differentiate instruction is even more critical. One way to meet the needs of all students is through cooperative grouping. Through cooperative grouping, middle-level educators can differentiate instruction and promote active learning by leveraging the naturally social nature of young adolescents. In this article, the authors present research on cooperative grouping as well as several considerations for effectively designing and implementing cooperative grouping for middle-level learners in an inclusive setting. Suggestions and examples with regard to group size, membership, group structure and roles, and classroom management and clear expectations are provided. Additionally, the four-clue group strategy is presented as a specific instructional method to support effective group learning experiences in the inclusive middle-level classroom.  相似文献   

The current study explores the intersection of ethnic identity development and significance in a sample of 354 diverse adolescents (mean age 14). Adolescents completed surveys five times a day for 1 week. Cluster analyses revealed four identity clusters: diffused, foreclosed, moratorium, and achieved. Achieved adolescents reported the highest levels of identity salience across situations, followed by moratorium adolescents. Achieved and moratorium adolescents also reported a positive association between identity salience and private regard. For foreclosed and achieved adolescents reporting low levels of centrality, identity salience was associated with lower private regard. For foreclosed and achieved adolescents reporting high levels of centrality, identity salience was associated with higher private regard.  相似文献   

网络空间中的族群认同:一个分析架构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球化和集体认同是塑造当今世界面貌的两种基本力量。分析和梳理网络空间中的族群认同,对于我们理解当今世界全球化与集体认同之间交织、对抗的基本面貌,拓展网络社会和族群认同研究的理论视野,有着重要的价值。网络互动和集体记忆是解释网络空间中族群认同构建的两个关键因素,其中网络互动是形塑族群认同的社会建构因素,而集体记忆则是促成族群认同形塑的实践机构。  相似文献   

Finding appropriate instructional settings in science for students with disabilities is challenging, and the range of services or placements used is currently unknown. This study identifies administrative structures, instructional settings, and special/general education teacher roles in teaching science to students with disabilities. A phone survey was conducted with special education coordinators of fifth graders in 137 districts in Texas. Survey data indicated that while nearly all districts reported special education settings for the instruction of science for students with disabilities, some districts provided only general education settings. Theoretical and practical implications for teacher preparation are discussed.  相似文献   

在全球化语境中,人们需要的是一个由人类共同价值所导向的全球化,坚决反对文化霸权主义和文化部落主义。因而,笔者认为:面对强势文化的冲击,一方面,中国文化要积极走出国门,进行文化输出,以减少误读,增进了解,使中国文化发出它应有的声音;另一方面,世界各民族之间需要取长补短,减少敌意,平等对话,加强对于文化多元的认同,以实现全球真正的共存共荣。  相似文献   

回族大学生的民族认同与心理健康的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
回族大学生的民族认同影响其心理健康状况。民族认同积极组的回族大学生与民族认同消极组的回族大学生的心理健康状况水平有显著性差异,积极组的心理健康水平好于消极组。结合以上结论,围绕高校民族地区大学生的培养目标和理念,对如何有效地培养回族大学生的心理素质提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Key findings from the various studies of this special section of Child Development are that ethnic identity is embedded in a positive proximal interpersonal context in adolescence and that the links between ethnic identity and the interpersonal context seem to become stronger from the beginning of early adolescence on. Remarkably, the (longitudinal) studies do not show that ethnic identity is a better predictor of developmental outcomes or that it can be better predicted in minority groups than in majority groups. I use one of the articles to demonstate that a longitudinal prediction model is different from a developmental sequence model. Finally, an extension of the present measures of ethnic identity is proposed. This extension would allow for a thorough investigation of the saliency of ethnic identity and its interplay with other identity domains during adolescent development.  相似文献   

In order to study the nature of the relationships between early childhood educators and minority families, we interviewed child care teachers (N = 199) and supervisors (N = 77) in three Canadian cities of major immigrant influx. Views of minority families were elicited through 14 focus groups (total attendance, N = 108) in these cities. A coordinated analysis of data revealed four main findings as follows: 1) Although both minority parents and teachers agreed that minority parents were not involved enough in the child care setting, they disagreed about the reasons for the lack of involvement. 2) Minority parents and teachers tended to be unaware of their basic differences in ECE goals, particularly with respect to cognition, social skills, and respect for authority; they gave conflicting accounts of difficulties related to these goals. 3) Schools and minority parents appeared to have substantial differences over what constitutes proper child-rearing methods in the home. The practices of minority parents were often viewed by teachers as lax. 4) Based on teachers' and parents' reports, racial and discriminatory incidents, according to the various definitions of those involved, were not uncommon in child care centers; sometimes teachers were unaware of them. Subtle and unintended effects of racism were much more noticed by some parents than by many teachers. Some of these difficulties may be linked to an “expert model” of early childhood education; hence it is proposed that a collaborative approach is one avenue to better relations between teachers and minority parents.  相似文献   

表现非白人移民的自我文化身份认同和他者文化身份认同的矛盾是诸多非白人移民文学的重要题材,这些作品通过探讨造成这种文化认同困境的历史背景和现实原因,表明具有不同族裔身份的人在多元文化景观中应该互为主体,才能真正实现族裔文化之间的融合。  相似文献   

民族文化认同:内涵与结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民族文化认同是个体获得、保持与创新自身民族文化的社会心理过程,是文化变迁和融合中的必然现象.在考察民族文化认同相关研究的基础上,结合心理测量和社会认知理论,探讨民族文化认同的内在属性、基本内容与结构,旨在为民族文化认同的计量研究夯实相关的理论基础,进而准确把握民族文化认同及其相关变量间的确切关系,寻求民族文化认同对于民族延续、社会促进与和谐的理论与实践价值.  相似文献   

During the last decade, diagnostic training has been increasingly assimilated into counseling curricula; however, the consequences for counselor identity of including this training have seldom been critically examined. The author argues that this diagnostic trend has major implications for the formation of individual counselor identity and for the counseling profession. He discusses associated risks and suggests ways of presenting diagnostic topics.  相似文献   

景颇族史诗神话对景颇族民族传统文化的传承发挥着重要作用,是景颇族民族认同的重要标识之一。景颇族史诗神话所包含的共同的族源神话、集体记忆、宗教、生活习俗等都是民族认同的基础要素。  相似文献   

从民族认同概念分析入手,基于社会认同理论和民族认同的发展观,发现民族认同具有区分性和发展性,并且与文化适应、人格发展、心理健康、行为适应等存在不同的关系,进而分析了当前研究存在的问题,并对未来趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

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