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It is widely admitted that teaching English to a large class has certain disadvantages over a small class. But in many schools even universities in China, large class teaching is still a common practice. English teachers in many universities in China often have a lot of teaching difficulties and problems. Therefore, it is necessary for those teachers to understand the main principles and learn Some basic strategies for large class English teaching in order to improve their teaching. This paper aims to suggest some guidelines for large class EFL teachers.  相似文献   

When I was very young, with my mother's influence, I fell in love with English. I liked it so much that my parents sent me to an English class when I was eight. I was young and I couldn't fit at first. The strange English words were hard for me to accept. And then, the teacher taught me the basic English-phonetic, symbols and ABC. They helped me to learn English words  相似文献   

Currently in most L2 litening classes, teachers tend to assume that listening lesson should mainly be responsible for by students themselves with the teachers acting as recording players. Based on the ...  相似文献   

A mathematical model for collective learning by several autonomous agents is described. This is a stochastic recursion that arises in several disparate fields like statistics, engineering and economics  相似文献   

1.Tom’smothergoestoEngland.ShewillstudyEnglishforaboutayear.2.Tom’sfatherisabusiness-man(商人).Heisverybusyeverydayandhas___1___timetodohousework.3.Tomandhisfatherdon’tsweepthefloorandwashtheplatesaf-ter___2___.Theydon’tcleanthetable___3___twoweeks.Thereismuchdust(灰尘)onthetable.4.OneFridayafternoon,Tomcleansthetableandotherfurniture(家具)___4___becausehisfriendswillcometohishome.Hewantsthemto___5___agoodtime.5.Whenhisfath…  相似文献   

Cordua  Fine  Netz  Nicolai 《Higher Education》2022,83(5):1079-1101
Higher Education - In many Western countries, women are more likely to study abroad than men. At present, there is a lack of theory-guided empirical studies searching explanations for this pattern....  相似文献   

这道考题比较贴近考生的实际生活,要求考生讲的无非是他们的一些心里话,因而不管是新生也好,老生也好,考试时面对这道问题“卡壳”的现象并不多。然而,就回答的质量而言,却还有不少地方有待于提高:相对于基本信息的表达而言,他们对于非基本信息,如情感等的表达,还显得颇有欠缺。绝大多数的考生在考试中显得较为拘谨,其对于节奏、语调、  相似文献   

Everybody uses one.There is one on my desk now.It is1.Is there one on your desk,too?2am I talking about?Can you3what it is?It is a pencil.4pencils are about18centimeters long.One pencil can5a line thirty-five miles long,or write45,0006!One pencil may be s…  相似文献   

do,to do和doing是中学英语中十分重要且使用极其广泛的语法项目,也是中考中重要的考点。其运用正确与否常常难以把握。对于初学者来说,更是模糊不清。本文仅就其使用及其相互之间的对比问题作如下归纳,以供参考。  相似文献   

MrsHarrislivesinasmallvillage.Herhusbandisdead,butshehasoneson.Heistwenty-oneandhisnameisGeoff.Heworkedintheshopinthevil-lageandlivedwithhismother,butthenhegotworkinatownandwentantlivedthere.ItsnamewasGreensea.Itwasquitealongwayfromhismother's  相似文献   

一个寒冷的冬日,一只狐狸告诉熊妈妈他能教她怎样钓鱼。熊妈妈想学,狐狸就把她带到一个冰窟窿旁,告诉她把尾巴放进水里。  相似文献   

Research in Higher Education - For decades, science policy has been promoting interdisciplinary research (IDR), but universities have not responded uniformly. To explain this variation, we...  相似文献   

Today, I asked some classmates about "how to learn English". Most students watch English programs once a week. Some students watch English programs twice or three times a week. As for "read English magazines", some students read English magazines once a month, not all the students read English magazines every week. And all students do exercises and speak English every day, because we have English classes every day.I think,a language is like musicalinstrument.You must practice everyday,you…  相似文献   

Whenever I saw the winners flaunted(炫耀)their victories(胜利),I felt so sad in myheart.I stared at them,thinking of my hard work.There's an old saying"No pain,no gain."But for me,it's"Much pain,no gain."  相似文献   

The purpose of middle school English teaching is to improve the students' four skills of listening,speaking,reading and writing,with the base of necessary phonetics,large vocabulary and good grammar,but this is not the final purpose.The final purpose is to let students be able to use the language.  相似文献   

【新课程要求】1.本单元要求从听、说、读三方面认识一些常见的动物,简单区分食肉性动物与食草性动物。2.学会用形容词来正确地描述动物,表  相似文献   

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