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1.在英国,大部分人可以免费接受高等教育(higher education)。但学生们常常利用假期赚些零花钱(pocketm oney)。2.英国各类学校每年都有三个学期(the spring term,the autum n term andthe w inter term),工人每年有两个星期的假期(vacation)。3.在英国,非机动车辆和行人靠左行,而不是靠右行。走在街上你可以见到这样的交通牌:K eep To The Left4.大多数英国人不愿住高楼大厦,却愿住在只有一、两层的房子里,最好外加一个花园(garden),可供孩子玩耍(play)。5.英国人称呼亲属(relative)的词不多,像uncle和aunt包括了父母双方所有的兄弟姐妹…  相似文献   

① A man had to go on a long travel. He hid his money in a pot and put butter over it. So nobody could see what was there under the butter in the pot. 一个人要去长途旅行了。他把积攒的钱藏在一个罐子里,在上面倒了奶油,这样就没有人能看到罐子里奶油下面有什么东西了。  相似文献   

1.在英国,非机动车辆和行人靠左行,而不是靠右行(不像我国这样)。走在街上您可常见到这样的交通牌:“Look Left!”。2.大部分英国人可接受免费高等教育,但学生必须在假期中赚些零花钱(pocket money or spendingmoney)。3.英国法律规定:儿童的学龄是从5岁到16岁。5岁进小学,11岁进中学。18岁的青年就到婚龄了,但是英国人一般21岁以上才结婚。难怪有人说:“An Eng-  相似文献   

To many people, the word Hollywood has two meanings. Hollywood is an area in Los Angeles. Hollywood is also the American movie industry. In 1918, after four years of war, which had left millions of people dead, the people alive began to look for a better and happier world. The cinema supplied an answer. With little money, people could forget their unhappy lives and dream(向往) of better ones. In Hollywood, the warm climate(气候) and  相似文献   

Family QuarrelThe young newly-weds(新婚夫妇)quarreled.At last she could bear (忍)it no longer and burst into tears(哭起来)."I don't want to have anything to do with you any more.I'm packimg up(收拾)my things and going off to mother.""Fine,my dear,"said the husband."Here are the travelling expenses(路费)"She counted the money and asked: "What about the money for the return ticket?"  相似文献   

第一卷(选择题)第一部分:英语知识运用第一节:语法和词汇知识从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1.The young man works very hard andthe opportunity to prove this ability.A.greed B.greed forC.is greedy for D.is greedy with2.—How much money do you need for yournew business?—I made a budget.I’ll need20,000dollars,and I’ll borrow the money frombank with my house as a.A.condition B.guaranteeC.ensure D.deal3.Mr.Smith,of the long speech,satthere,to death.A…  相似文献   

) 1 .Mrs White lived inatown of England.Her hus-band died three years agoand one of her ehildrenworked in the eapital andthe other three lived in an-other town. 怀特太太住在英格兰的一个镇里。她的丈夫在三年前去世了,她的一个孩子在首都工作,其他三个住在另外一个镇上。 2 .Her husband didn,tIeave her mueh money andshe had to live a simPlelife.Sometimes her ehildrenwent to see her during theirholidays· 她的丈夫没有留给她多少钱,她不得不过着简朴的生活。有时她的孩子们在假期里去看她。老妇人的狗@张晨 …  相似文献   

趣味阅读理解(初三适用) Mr White lived in a small village.The far-mers worked hard all the time,but the fieldswere poor and the weather was bad,so they wereall short of money and food. Once Mr White went to town.It was veryhard for him to carry the wood to the market buthe sold it at only two dollars and he couldn't buya bottle of medicine for his wife with the money.  相似文献   

Dick and Robert studied in the same class four years ago. Dick liked all kinds of beautiful clothes and spent (花费) a lot of money on them. His father was a worker and he hadn't enough money to give his son. Dick had to borrow some money from his friends. At first they lent(借) some to him, but he never gave any back to them. And later nobody believed(相信) him.  相似文献   

复旦大学主编的《英语》第三册第四课讲的是一个女孩如何成长为导游的故事,课文里有这样一段话,“When she was just a little girl,she usedto watch the group of tourists being led around some famous historicalsite.Whenever she could,she would stand close to the group and listento the guide.”(当她还是个小女孩的时候,她总是去看一批游客被人领着  相似文献   

人生最重要的是要有伟大的目标以及达到目标的决一歌德《德国诗人)~肠e important thing in life dde助ination to attain it. i,10 havea脚at aim,and the—J.W.Goethe who get on in this worldare伴。ple wh。罗t at and look for ei忱umstances want,and if they eannot find them,make them. the they—Bernard Shaw在这个世界上,取得成功的人是那些努力寻找他们想要的机会的人,如果找不到,他们就会去创造。—萧伯纳(英国剧作家、评论家) I名人名言~~…  相似文献   

缪兰 《中学生英语》2015,(Z2):36-37
It is never too early for you to learn about the value(n.价值,重要性)of money as a teenager(n.十几岁的青少年).Many teenagers have no concept(n.观念,概念)what it takes to earn money or what it costs to live.Lifestyle may have an influence on how you understand money since this is especially true for teens from rich families.If you live in poor area like other teens you may often work hard to get money and sometimes do wrong things article discusses some important things about teenagers and money.  相似文献   

The future of money is increasingly digital,likely virtual,and possibly universal.A globally accepted networkedcurrency would reduce costs and alleviate many prob-lems,such as the money hundering(洗黑钱)that sup-ports terrorists,but there are still many obstacles to sucha system,reports the Organization for Economic Cooperationand Development(OECD).金钱数字化的必要  相似文献   

王逢鑫 《课外阅读》2008,(14):58-59
句子:全国人民正在为抗震救灾捐款物。误译:The Chinese people are donating money and materials to fight the earthquake and save the disaster.正译:The Chinese people are donating money and materials to fight the earthquake and provide disaster relief.解释:"救灾"的意思是"援助灾难中的人,使其免于灾难"。救的对象  相似文献   

在英语里,像公寓费、学费、医疗费以及外出时的飞机、火车、出租车和公共汽车等费用,都用不同的词语来表达,而且又不太好记。下面这篇短文可以巧妙地帮助大家记住这些不同的表达方法。 Price is all around us.You pay RENT for your apartment(公寓),TUITION(学费)foryour education,and a FEE for your doctor.The airline,railway,taxi or bus companies charge you a FARE,and the bank chargesyou INTEREST for the money you borrow…The price for a dial is a TOLL(电话费),the“price”of an  相似文献   

在英国,最受欢迎的早餐是玉米片加牛奶、酸奶加水果或者涂了果酱的烤面包。他们喝咖啡、果汁还有茶,但茶通常是加牛奶和砂糖。周末,按照传统,英国人会吃熏肉、香肠、鸡蛋、和烤面包当早餐。因为工作繁忙,很多人会吃三文治作为午餐。英国人主餐一般不吃米饭。他们吃肉或者鱼加蔬菜,餐后还有美味的甜点。The most popular foods for breakfast are cornflakes2and milk,yogurt3and fruits or toast4with jam5.They drink coffee,juice6and alsotea,but the tea is usually with milk and sugar.Onweekends,English people have a traditiona…  相似文献   

Feeding the milch cow Emboldened by its own success, London wants more money and power ——受到成功鼓舞,伦敦欲获取更多的财富和权力 1 从迪克·惠廷顿(英格兰商人,民间传说中的伦敦市长)开始,不论何时,年轻人要想发财致富,一定要去伦敦。作为英国的首都,伦敦主导了国家生活的各个方面。伦敦的生产能力要高于英国的其他地区,国民生产总值占全国的18%,而人口仅占  相似文献   

衣(clothes):以英国模式为最佳。英国虽然是世界上比较讲究衣着的国家(country),但英国人却从来不为穿着打扮而过多地浪费金钱(money)。在英国人的衣橱里,一般只有两套衣服加上三条裤子(trousers),他们的一套衣服往往一穿就是七八年(years)。  相似文献   

Brigh衡the sun 15 shinningMerrily birds sing and singAlea即the new term 15 to beginTogether we’11 90 for schoo五ng.太阳笑眯眯,鸟)L叫喳喳,新学期已开始,我们上学去。上学去@水仙  相似文献   

Jack was an able worker.He could do 1 the work in the factory and often helped hisboss(老板)Mr.King.Mr.Kingliked himand he got much money.But he enjoyed drinking and he spent most ofhis money 2 the drinks.When he drank much,he 3 control(控制)himself.His boss hadtold himto stop 4,but he didn’t listento her.The woman hadtoleave him.Nowhe livedin a small and oldhouse alone.It was a Saturday evening.Jackfelt very 5 in his house.He couldn’t stay there and went in abar(酒吧).He drank 6,but he…  相似文献   

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