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The myth that children are born gifted and therefore can make it on their own is the belief that most affects the perceptions of the public regarding the gifted student and, too often, the actions of educators. From such a belief comes much of the antagonism toward providing differentiated learning experiences for gifted students and the notion that excellence and equity are separate and contradictory concepts. As a result, the limits to support for gifted learners reflect a lack of accurate knowledge, not a lack of commitment to children. Members of society and even educators still hold beliefs and attitudes that result in actions that are often damaging to the optimal growth of bright children. Data relevant to these beliefs suggest a view that is more in keeping with current biological and genetic research. It is this perception—the interactive and dynamic development of intelligent—that provides the basis for this article. The issues of equity, democratic ideals, and human rights must be reemphasized as they relate to gifted learners. To make a positive difference in what all human beings can be and how much of their potential they can develop and enjoy, we must start by dispelling the limiting ideologies society now holds. There is a need for schools that value uniqueness and talent in all children and that respect and nurture giftedness wherever it is found. By an understanding and use of the data now available this challenge can be met.  相似文献   

Historical and comparative research shows that the roots of andragogy are deeper than certain contemporary authors mean. The learning and education of adults have always been integral parts of human activity and of human aspirations to learn. Theoretical discourses on pedagogy vs andragogy were common during the second half of the twentieth century in the former Yugoslavia. Two schools of thought were formed: pedagogical and andragogical. The first considered pedagogy as an ‘integral’ science of upbringing; the second one considered andragogy to be a relatively independent science dealing with distinctions of learning and education of adults. There were interesting discussions on andragogy in other countries. The greatest numbers of supporters of the concept of andragogy as a social scientific discipline (or under another name) come from Central and Eastern Europe and from the USA.  相似文献   

梁漱溟是中国近现代教育史上一位著名的教育家,开展了至少20年的教育实践活动,形成了独具特色的教育思想尤其是德育思想。本文首先分析了梁漱溟德育思想的理论基础,进而从德育目标、德育内容、德育方法、德育实施过程等方面分析论述梁漱溟的德育思想。  相似文献   

Unique cross-national data on adolescents’ civic skills, knowledge, and political attitudes are used to examine the democratic processes of modern mass schooling, effects of national political systems, and patterns of youth political socialization in 27 nations. Compared to the generally weak reported effects on mathematics and reading achievement, we find robust effects of schooling on youths’ civics knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Secondly, there is empirical support for the importance of a supra-national political culture, beyond that of unique national cultures, in the political socialization of youth. Lastly, there is evidence of an emerging common polity among youth across nations. The results extend notions of the institutional influence of mass public schooling on the political socialization of youth.  相似文献   

Recognizing that academic, scientific and technological strengths have become increasingly important in international relations, this study hypothesizes that the flow of knowledge resources among nations is interconnected with global political, economic and cultural relationships. As a means of validating this premise, this study analyzes one component of academic interaction - international study at the level of higher education. This article outlines changes in international study patterns in the decades following World War n and explores how the postwar context affected international exchange relationships. International exchange during the 1960s and 1970s indicated strong participation by students from Third World nations and the popularity of five industrialized host nations. These relationships are explored through a statistical study of the flow of students from 18 developing nations out to the world and to the United States in particular. The findings assess the importance of key economic factors (such as involvement in global trade and concentration of trade), educational variables (including national emphasis on education and the availability of domestic opportunities) and political arenas (such as international assistance and scholarship dependency) in determining international study patterns. As current shifts in our postwar world order unfold before us, better understanding of historical factors underlying international exchange may be instrumental as we anticipate its future within the context of new geopolitical alliances.  相似文献   

In this column, the author considers the impact of widespread crises and global tensions on pregnancy and early parenting. Childbirth educators can help alleviate the impact of societal stress on expectant families.  相似文献   

This paper explains why under laissez-faire the financing of higher education is both inefficient and inequitable. It is argued that a government-run scheme of income contingent loans (ICLs) for higher education would achieve superior outcomes. We advocate a refinement of existing ICLs schemes. Following Apps, Long and Rees (2014), the paper proposes a piecewise-linear repayment schedule that serves both equity and efficiency objectives.  相似文献   

人类理性向生活世界的回归是当代哲学变革的主题。回归生活世界,是要把教育世界从对生活世界的遗忘与失落中唤醒,也是基于对自身存在合法性危机的反思,也是其最为显著的特征和最为根本性的任务。教育研究必须究问诸如教育回到什么样的生活世界、教育脱离生活世界带来了什么后果,教育和生活是否等同等根本性问题。  相似文献   

试论世界史教学中的爱国主义教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
历史是爱国主义教育的源泉。爱国主义不只是一个民族或国家所特有的光荣传统,而且是世界各国人民共有的精神财富。但世界各国往往都十分重视通过本国历史来进行爱国主义教育。其实,世界历史蕴藏着丰富的爱国主义教育素材,有独特的优势。在教学中,深入挖掘,加强教育,可使学生立足世界,知我中华,爱我中华,增强民族自信心和凝聚力,激发学生立志报国的热情。  相似文献   

省级教育科研机构建设中的差异性管窥   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
省级教育科研机构是教育科研部门的一个重要组成部分,起着呈上启下的作用。但是对其调查和研究发现,我国的各个省级教育科研机构之间的发展表现出很强的不平衡性。这一方面有其必然性和合理性,是其地域特色的表现,也是其发展的动力源泉之一;另一方面也应看到这种不平衡性给开展研究和组织管理工作带来的一系列影响和制约。需要改变这种现状,尤其是相对落后的省市区应当从多方面努力,从而开创教育科学研究的新局面。  相似文献   

论教育回归生活世界   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
生活世界是教育世界的现实基础和意义之源。教育面临的现代性困境实质上是教育对生活世界的遗忘。教育与生活世界的内在关联使其向生活世界的回归成为可能。构建合理的教育价值观,积极开展生命教育,大力倡导生活教育和不断加强人文教育,是教育回归生活世界的实现途径。教育回归生活世界本身也存在着一定的限度与困境。  相似文献   


In a world climate which is increasingly closing down as far as alternative political and social options are concerned, Cyprus as a small semi-occupied country with great European aspirations is facing a number of very serious dilemmas and teachers are faced with an extremely difficult task. The citizens they are preparing have to be passionate enough to claim a Greek-Cypriot identity; have to be tolerant and accommodating enough to live and work with Turkish-Cypriots in a re-united country, which is the main political goal of the Republic of Cyprus; have to be open-minded enough to look to a European future; and have to be ready and able to function in a globalized context. How can such a citizen be 'formulated' when there appear to be immense contradictions between what is required for each goal? What are the priorities and how are they defined? This article will attempt to address these complex issues and arrive at some conclusions regarding teacher education for a very complex new world  相似文献   

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