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Research has been carried out on students’ epistemological development in higher education for at least 50 years. Researchers on both sides of the Atlantic have converged on accounts that describe students’ epistemological development in terms of a sequence or hierarchy of qualitatively distinct stages or positions. The rich qualitative data obtained from longitudinal investigations do demonstrate intellectual changes, but whether the same scheme fits all students and whether the changes found are a specific result of exposure to higher education are open to debate. Well-validated quantitative instruments that could be used to measure epistemological development in large samples of students are still lacking. Unresolved issues include: whether students can adopt multiple epistemological positions; whether these are culturally and contextually specific; and whether they are mental entities, discursive practices or social constructions.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the debate on strategic capability of academic organizations by presenting three case studies of Swiss Higher Education Institutions. Strategies are conceived as instruments by which universities manage their organizational processes and deal with their environments in order to select a portfolio of activities and find an appropriate position in the higher education system. Our findings show that strategies are at the same time a matter of intentions and actions: first, they relate to current HEI’s position within the national Higher education system—and to relevant normative models—as well as to the degree of institutional autonomy. Second, even within participatory governance structures, organizational strategies appear to be initiated by the academic administrators, then substantially shaped and subscribed by academics at different stages. In this perspective, the dynamic relation of formal and informal processes holds diverse functions from making academics accept a strategy, to controlling and coordinating decentralized organizational structures.  相似文献   

The patterns of government subsidies to higher education in France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom (UK) are compared and contrasted. The subsidies are subsequently evaluated in the light of stated policy objectives, with particular attention to the objectives of efficiency and equity. Two extreme models of financing are considered; one in which public subsidy covers 100 per cent of the private costs of higher education, including income forgone by students, the other in which public subsidy to students is kept at a minimum. The study concludes that the ideal package from the standpoint of efficiency and equity is (1) a grants system in the last few years of secondary education; (2) a system of fees equal to about 30–50 per cent of institutional incomes and (3) an income contingent loan scheme (or graduate tax) for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.The research for this paper was sponsored by the United States Education Policy Research Center for Higher Education and Society under HEW Contract No. 300-76-0026. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the Center. Our thanks are due to J. Froomkin for valuable comments on an earlier draft.  相似文献   

高校校本课程开发是一种与国家课程开发相对应的课程开发策略。高校校本课程开发的主要特征表现为课程开发是民主开放的过程,能尊重学校师生的独特性和差异性,是教育制度内权利与资源的重新分配,也是课程理论与课程实践不断丰富和完善以及国家课程开发的重要补充。高校校本课程开发面临着国家政治、经济、文化改革和高校自身改革的良好机遇,同时也遇到高校内部管理体制、教育观念、师资队伍和课程开发能力等现状的严峻挑战。高校校本课程开发的基本条件为明确教育哲学、办学宗旨、改善学校组织、强化教师培训、调动学生积极性、增加投入以及加强课程开发的评价等。  相似文献   

在大学生创业活动发展的同时,有关创业教育的研究越来越受到社会各方面的重视与关注,各高校也开始着手进行创业教育的尝试.创业教育必将成为今后高校教育的重中之重.  相似文献   

高职教育的发展形势令人可喜,存在的问题也显而易见。教育资源的结构不尽合理;教育对象的培养也有缺失,重视技能培养,忽略了人文教育。因此,在逐渐完成高职体制健全的同时,利用优势资源,进行人文素质的教育,势在必行。这既是目前缓解高职体制中教育资源结构不合理的有效手段,更是以优势资源完善高职教育体制的必然手段。  相似文献   

Taiwan had been ruled by Japan for fifty-one years before the end of World War II. The island's higher education was established during that period, mainly to support Japan's policies of colonization and expansion. When Taiwan was restored to China in 1945, the Japanese system of education was replaced by that of modern China, which followed the American prototype after 1922. American impact on the island's higher education has been substantial since then. However, there are some unique features in Taiwan's higher education. Centralized administration and college entrance examinations are two examples.  相似文献   

如何在高等教育规模快速增长的同时,使高等学校保持优质的办学质量和良好的办学效益,使高等教育保持健康协调发展,是需要我们思索和解决的问题。而印度20世纪50年代至70年代高等教育的大发展,给我们一些启迪的同时,其发展过程中的失误,造成办学质量的下降,也为我们提供了有益的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

西方大学评价的权力模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文把西方各国大学评价过程中表现出来的权力分配模式(大学自治与责任的相互作用模式)分为:英国,荷兰,美国三种模式,荷兰模式备受国际高等教育界推崇,这种模式在外部责任要求与大学自治之间达到了较为理想的平衡,这有可能使大学发展起组织学习文化。  相似文献   

按照美国著名学者马丁·特罗(Martin Trou)“高等教育阶段学说”理论,一个国家的高等教育毛入学率达到50%以上,意味着该国进入高等教育普及化阶段。2003年,北京高等教育毛入学率达到52%。成为中国内地第一个迈入区域高等教育普及化的地区。[第一段]  相似文献   

Patterns of core and generic skill provision in higher education   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
The study reported here is seeking to gain enhanced understandings of the acquisition and development of core and generic skills in higher education and employment against a backcloth of continued pressure for their effective delivery from employers, government departments, and those responsible for the management and funding of higher education. This pressure appears to have had little impact so far, in part because of tutors' scepticism of the message, the messenger and its vocabulary, and in part because the skills demanded lack clarity, consistency and a recognisable theoretical base. Any empirical attempt to acquire enhanced understandings of practice thus requires the conceptualisation and development of models of generic skills and of course provision. These models are presented together with evidence of their validity, including exemplars of the patterns of course provision identified.  相似文献   

高等职业教育院校中的成人教育具有服务范围广泛、办学形式多元、教学内容务实等特点,决定了高等职业成人教育必须不断创新创优,继续提升办学实力,加强校政、校企、校校合作与交流,为社会培养更多具有创新能力的技能型人才,服务经济社会发展。  相似文献   

国家工业化必须发展高等工程教育 ,而且必须更新观念 ,重新认识工程教育的社会意义、经济功能 ,必须通过产学研相结合的活动在企业和院校之间建立一种共同培养工程技术人才的机制 ,必须着力建设一支双师型教师队伍 ,积极探索工程技术人才的培养模式  相似文献   

劳动力市场特征和高等教育的多样化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于教育和劳动力市场关系的四种理论模型对教育与个人劳动生产率的不同假设,强调高等教育的多样化以应对劳动力市场多方面的需求,是当前促进我国高等教育改革与发展的必然选择。增强高等院校的自主性、提倡教育投资多元化和均衡的政府拨款导向,是推动高等教育机构强化自身特色及其在劳动力市场中的竞争优势,并形成多样化的高等教育系统的有效途径。  相似文献   

高等教育国际化对中国高等教育发展的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着经济全球化、信息社会及知识经济的迅猛发展,高等教育国际化成为包括中国在内的许多国家高等教育发展的主要特征和重要趋势。高等教育国际化给中国高等教育的发展带来了良好的机遇,同时也提出了严峻的挑战,需要我们冷静思考并认真面对,以保证中国高等教育事业的健康发展。  相似文献   

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