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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of variations in lesson control and practice on the learning of facts, procedures, and problem-solving skills during interactive video instruction. Subjects were volunteers from graduate and advanced level undergraduate college classes. The instructional content was a 30-minute videotape. “Project Lifesaver,” which was designed to introduce cardiopulmonary resuscitation [CPR]. Students were randomly assigned to one of three instructional control groups: designer control, learner control, and linear control. A posttest was administered to assess learning of facts, procedures, and problem-solving skills. The results indicated that there were [1] significant differences between practiced and non-practiced information; [2] significant differences on posttest scores among various lesson control groups; and [3] a significant interaction between practice and type of learning.  相似文献   

Animating the graphics in electronic documents may increase readers’ willingness to study them but may impair or distort the processes of gist comprehension. Experiment 1 confirmed that, compared with static diagrams, animation increased readers willingness to study a range of graphic genres (maps, time-lines, drawings of unfamiliar objects). Total reading time was also increased but readers’ differential access of static and animated graphics confounded the interpretation of immediate and delayed retention tests. Experiment 2 contrasted the effects of accessing the graphics before or during reading. Scores on a quiz immediately after reading were significantly higher when the graphics were seen before rather than during reading, suggesting that readers found it difficult to integrate the graphics while still building the gist of the text. Scores on both an immediate and a delayed quiz were significantly higher when the graphics were static rather than animated. One pointer to the cause of the decrement with animated graphics was that the quiz performance of readers having animated graphics correlated with their scores on a picture memory test, whereas those of readers with static graphics did not. In contrast the delayed quiz scores of readers with static graphics showed a significant interaction with their performance on a digit memory task. Readers with high scores on digit memory benefited from accessing the graphics while reading, but readers with low scores on the digit test were impaired by such access during reading. This suggests that the cognitive skills needed for integrating text with animated graphics may differ from those needed for dealing with static graphics.  相似文献   

Computer-based multimedia learning environments make it possible to present interactive animated pictures, which can be manipulated for active exploratory learning and which allow the dynamic behavior of complex subject matter to be displayed. Due to the large range of possibilities for exploratory interaction, such learning environments seem well suited for co-operative learning in which different learners analyse the presented subject matter from different perspectives. This paper first describes a theoretical framework for learning from texts and pictures together with an analysis of possible effects of animation and interactivity on knowledge acquisition. It then presents two empirical studies in which knowledge acquisition from interactive animated pictures was compared with knowledge acquisition from static pictures under the conditions of individual learning (Study I) and of cooperative learning (Study II). In Study I, learning with interactive animated pictures resulted in a superior encoding of detail information, but did not facilitate performance of mental simulation tasks. In Study II, learning with interactive animated pictures resulted both in inferior encoding of detail information and poorer results in mental simulations. These findings and the analysis of discourse protocols of subjects’ co-operation suggest that exploratory learning with interactive animated pictures is associated with extraneous cognitive load and that this load can be further increased by the co-ordination demands of co-operative learning. Although animated pictures may provide external support for mental simulations, they do not appear to be generally beneficial for learning, because they can prevent individuals from performing relevant cognitive processes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of variations in learner control on children's level of curiosity and learning from computer-based interactive video (CBIV). The content was presented as a videodisc visit to an art museum and contained both facts and concepts. A posttest-only control group design was employed with 101 first-and second-grade subjects randomly assigned to one of three experimental conditions—Program Control, Learner Control, Learner Control with Advisement—or a control group. The dependent variables were achievement and three measures of curiosity. Children in the Learner Control with Advisement group scored significantly higher on the achievement posttest than the Learner Control subjects or control group. No differences were found between the Program Control and either of the Learner Control groups. For the curiosity measures, the Learner Control with Advisement subjects scored significantly higher than the control group on Content Exploration, and the subjects in the control group scored significantly higher than those in the Program Control group on Persistence.  相似文献   


Critical thinking is an important component of learning, yet it has received little attention in distance education literature. The purpose of this study was to investigate graduate students' satisfaction and perception of opportunities for critical thinking in distance education courses that utilized a two‐way audio/video system.  相似文献   

Recently, multimedia-based learning is widespread in educational settings. A number of studies investigate how to develop effective techniques to manage a huge volume of video sources, such as summarization and recommendation. However, few studies examine how these techniques affect learners' perceptions in multimedia learning systems. This article aims to examine learners' perceptions for summarization and recommendation, with an emphasis on the perspective of prior experience. In this study, we developed a multimedia content summarization and recommendation system, which can automatically extract summaries from raw video sources and recommend suitable video content to learners through emails. The results demonstrate that learners' prior experience and preferences for the presentation of document types affect their perceptions, including the enhancement of interests, the ease of information acquisition and the intention for the further use of the system. Finally, the findings are applied to develop a framework that can support for the design of multimedia learning systems.  相似文献   


Distance education, in which learners are remote from the primary educational institution and the teacher, is increasingly delivered via interactive television technology. Moore (1980) described transactional distance between students and faculty in distance education as characterized by dialogue and structure. He hypothesized that high structure and low dialogue yield “remote” transactional distance and low structure and high dialogue yield “close” transactional distance. The variables in the current study were operationally defined following Moore (1973, 665): “A learner's ‘distance’ from his teacher [transactional distance] … is defined as a function of individualization [structure] and dialogue.” Student volunteers (n = 221) in thirteen public health and nursing graduate courses at the University of Hawaii at Manoa responded to an investigator‐developed questionnaire regarding elements of dialogue, structure, and transactional distance in their courses. Principal components and internal consistency reliability analyses verified the presence of three factors: structure, dialogue, and transactional distance. Dialogue was greater in the distance‐format courses than in the traditional‐format courses. Distance‐format courses did not differ from traditional courses on amount of structure or transactional distance.  相似文献   

The addition of animated pedagogical agents (APAs) in computer-assisted learning (CAL) systems could successfully enhance students' learning motivation and engagement in learning activities. Conventionally, the APA incorporated multimedia materials are constructed through the cooperation of teachers and software programmers. However, the thinking and technical gap between two roles, a concept/content provider (teacher) and an implementer (software programmer), may lead to the concept distortion and loss in the final teaching material implementations. This often results in preventing a teacher from preparing his or her own APA-based multimedia learning systems. This study aims to develop a courseware to facilitate the CAL through the combination of the two roles into a single one and then teachers can use it freely by themselves. The courseware can help teachers to develop appropriate multimedia instructional materials incorporating APAs, which attracts students' attention and enhances their interest in learning. Furthermore, in this study two separate trial experiments were conducted to measure the teachers' satisfaction with the courseware and students' learning motivation after using APA-based multimedia learning systems. The results show that the participating teachers were satisfied with the courseware and would like to apply it in their instruction. Moreover, the participating students were strongly motivated by the customized APA-based multimedia learning systems. Therefore, the proposed courseware could give teachers a good opportunity to add pedagogical value to the curriculum, so that students' learning interest and motivation could be enhanced.  相似文献   

Summary The evaluation and selection of interactive video hardware is a difficult process even for experts. There seems to be a multitude of models, options, peripherals, and prices. The task becomes even more perplexing because of rapid advances in the technology. What is new today may be obsolete tomorrow. Using the checklist should help make your job easier. It allows you to compare computers “apple for apple.” The recommendations listed are general suggestions. Different organizations may require most or less than what is recommended. Always plan for at least the minimum requirements of your software, even if those requirements are above our recommendations.  相似文献   

Explored in this article are factors that influence learners' preconceptions of television, the mental effort they invest in processing a video-based lesson, and their achievement. It is proposed that learners' preconceptions of the effort required by a medium directly influence the amount of effort they invest in processing a lesson presented through that medium, and that the amount of mental effort learners invest in a mediated lesson influences the quantity and quality of the information they gain from the lesson. Factors that influence learners' preconceptions and mental effort include the characteristics of the media, the characteristics of the task, and the characteristics of the learners. Research findings regarding learners' preconceptions of television and the mental effort expended in processing a video-based lesson are reviewed. Practical implications and issues for future research that arise from the literature are identified.  相似文献   

远程教学平台人机交互界面的人机学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
远程教学平台是远程教育的重要组成部分,目前远程教学平台通常以网站的形式呈现给学生,但学生通过教学网站自主学习的效率并不是很高。本文将从人机学的角度探讨如何利用多通道技术改进远程教学平台,更好地为远程教育服务。  相似文献   

Interactive instructional technologies, such as computer-assisted interactive video, appear to offer unique capabilities. However, little research exists to support the instructional applications of interactive video. The purposes of this paper are: a) to evaluate the relevance of existing research in the component technologies to interactive video; b) to describe several important assumptions and issues associated with the use of interactive video; and c) to propose a propositional framework for use in the study of computer-assisted interactive video.  相似文献   

The paper gives a brief overview of the use of digital video in distance education, the background to The Open University's Digital Video Applications (DiVA) Project, the contexts in which the Digital Video Library system is being used and some evaluation findings. Through DiVA, the university is investigating how it can use its video assets effectively, to support reuse of existing materials in course production. The project team is also evaluating student use of the system. The paper reports on an observation study which revealed several usability issues and stakeholders' opinions about potential uses of the DiVA system. This is followed by findings from an evaluation of student use of the system at a residential school and its use as part of an online learning activity undertaken by students accessing the system remotely. Evaluation findings to date indicate some quality and workload issues but they also show opportunities that come to light when using the DiVA system.  相似文献   

The effects of systematically varied interactivity on learning from interactive video were studied. A total of 98 high-school students served as subjects. Four increasingly interactive versions of instruction were used. After receiving the instruction, students took a 23-item recall test. Recall was significantly affected by the amount and type of interactivity provided. The fully interactive version yielded the greatest recall but took longer to complete than any of the other presentations. Time to complete the instruction was shortest, and the resulting rate of learning was greatest, for the simple linear video presentation. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

交互式DVD视频光盘的应用与制作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
交互式DVD视频光盘既可以承载视听资源,又具有多媒体CAI课件的交互性。而且相对于视频点播等网络应用而言,交互式DVD视频光盘对应用设备的要求低,图像质量好,在学生自学、课堂辅助教学中都能发挥重要的作用。交互式DVD视频光盘可以为视听资源的应用提供一个新的思路。本文主要阐述了交互式DVD视频光盘的作用,并介绍了DVD光盘的格式类型以及交互式DVD光盘的制作方法和步骤。  相似文献   

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