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This paper reports on a collaborative research study between three secondary teachers and two university researchers, initiated by the teachers, into the practice and impacts of assessment for learning in science, geography and history classes. The research provides insights into how teachers and researchers can collaborate to develop a research and practice agenda. The study illustrates the need for a dynamic interconnection between the personal, micro or school-related level and the macro or policy level factors. The findings highlight the importance of external support, shared teacher knowledge and beliefs, professional experimentation, and shared reflection on student responses to classroom innovations.  相似文献   

本文简要对比了两种教育,即为了经济富裕的教育和为了人的发展的教育。作者指出,因为迫切追求利润,对民主未来非常重要的价值正面临丧失之虞。如果教育真的要促进人的发展而不仅仅是为了经济增长和个人财富增加的话,批判性思考能力和想象力就绝不能忽略。  相似文献   

杨启亮 《教育研究》2012,(7):98-103
从选拔与淘汰意义上说的教学评价是为评价的教学,它关注的重心是评价,这样的教学可能会失落教学的价值,这不是教学论意义上的教学评价。教学论中所说的教学评价是为教学的评价,它关注的重心是教学,是为调节、激励、促进教学而评价。为教学的评价不是教学的"指挥棒",而是教学的"服务器",它生成并守护教学的价值。为教学的评价旨在创造教学的可持续发展价值,教学应该从这里觉悟到良心的拷问与责任的鞭挞,评价应该从这里检省到自己是否漠视、异化、失落了教学的价值。基础教育生死攸关的使命就在于它必须百倍地关怀那些被放逐、被贬抑、被薄弱的学生所拥有的可持续发展的教学价值。  相似文献   

呼唤善的教育评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一教育评价做为教育过程的反馈环节,对整个中小学教育教学活动起着十分重要的导向作用。它不仅引导着学生的发展,而且对一个国家教育发展的水平、教育的后果及人才类型起着不可低估的影响。为了推进素质教育,促进学生全面、主动和生动活泼的发展,有必要对教育现状和教育评价进行深刻的反思。目前,这种反思集中反映在两个方面:一方面是对教育伦理的关注,其主要表现为对教育中社会公正和个体的主体价值的追求;另一方面是对教育异化的批判,即是从教育的本质和人性本质的高度进行反思。对教育伦理的关注和对教育异化的批判是从不同的理…  相似文献   

构建和谐社会是我们不懈追求的社会理想。和谐社会对人的社会属性有着特别的要求,而全纳教育能有效地对人的这些社会属性进行培养。构建和谐社会呼唤民主平等的教育、参与合作式的教育、多样化的教育,和谐社会的构建离不开全纳教育的参与。  相似文献   

Low reading comprehension persists among deaf readers, and recent research indicates that low automaticity in recognizing words and parsing sentence patterns is a significant source of the difficulty. When a learner does manage to gain an insight about some aspect of printed English, there may be limited impact on comprehension until the new knowledge can be applied fluently because the multiple cognitive demands of reading call for completing basic linguistic operations with a minimum of conscious effort. The research literature agrees that the route to improved automaticity is effective practice, and, thus, practice is also a likely route to increased comprehension. This article presents considerations to guide the design of practice for deaf readers. Certain of these notions are relatively applied in nature and may shape practice activities directly, for example, the discussion of research-based guidelines for tailoring the sequence and composition of practice items. Other parts of the discussion, such as those related to word recognition, are more theoretical than directive, and they imply research hypotheses that can and should be tested empirically. A principal point of this article is that without appreciable improvements in practice, the reading of many deaf students will remain largely unimproved.  相似文献   

The increasing emphasis on participation in education offers the starting point for this paper. Participation appears to be a strategic notion in a particular problematisation of education: this is installed through certain ways of speaking and writing (discourse) and through certain procedures, instruments and techniques that are proposed and developed in different places and spaces (technology). Participation is thereby claimed to empower individuals and to emancipate the child or the student from dominant regimes of power, including liberating them from oppressive traditional educational practices. Foucault's concept of governmentality, which offers us a specific understanding of power, helps us to analyse the discourse and technology of participation in a different way: participation comes to be seen not as an increase in freedom and empowerment, but as an element in a particular mode of government or power. According to this analysis the plea for practices of participation appears as an interpellation or call, governing the way that people act and behave, and encouraging them to think of themselves in a very specific way. We characterise this in terms of immunisation.  相似文献   

Investigation of interrater agreement for the Adjustment Scales for Children and Adolescents (ASCA) discriminant classifications is reported. Two teaching professionals or paraprofessionals working in the same classroom for a minimum of 1 hour per day provided independent ratings of the same child using the ASCA. A total of 119 students ranging in age from 7 to 18 years were independently rated on the ASCA. Results indicated significant and moderate to substantial interrater agreement for the discriminant classifications. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

传统师范教育只是一种培养目标单一的职业教育,具有较强的功利性,这种教育忽视了对人的心灵、生命的全面关爱。在知识经济时代,教师职业教育不能凌驾于教育规律之上,师范教育必须树立“生命”、“大学”、“创新”、“终身”、“质量”等意识,进行大刀阔斧地改革。改革的根本转向在于从教师职业教育的外在指向转向教育者自身,转向教育中真实而整体的人。关爱职业必须转向关爱教育。  相似文献   

商务英语口语表达能力提高策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国经济的迅速发展,与外商交流谈判变的日益频繁,商务英语口语在商务交流和谈判中发挥着非常重要的作用.商务英语口语的教学目标就是要提高学生口语表达能力,本文就语境、跨文化交流以及资源整合三个方面,对提高商务英语专业学生的口语水平问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

Assessment for learning (AfL) is integral to teaching and learning, and has as its central foci (i) pedagogical intervention in the immediacy of student learning, and (ii) the students’ agency in the learning and assessment process. The role that students adopt in AfL is consistent with the idea of self-regulated learning, which involves students as metacognitively, motivationally, and behaviorally active agents in their own learning. Through an analysis of an extended sequence of classroom interaction for the purpose of obtaining evidence of learning, this paper demonstrates that self-regulation is supported through a temporary process of co-regulation between teacher and student in the context of AfL. Co-regulation is a construct derived from Vygotsky’s concept of socially mediated learning, and the neo-Vygotskian perspective on human learning as a culturally based communicative process, through which knowledge is shared and constructed. Specific features of co-regulation illustrated through the analyses presented in the paper are (i) goal orientation, a focus on the learning to be achieved; (ii) scaffolding, the assistance the teacher provides to achieve a goal that is currently beyond students’ unassisted efforts; (iii) intersubjectivity, a shared understanding based on a common focus of attention; (iv) the active construction of knowledge by students, rather than transference of knowledge from the teacher to the student; and (v) temporary support, provided through scaffolding and other external supports that students can ultimately appropriate as their own.  相似文献   

利率市场化进程的不断推进对商业银行传统经营模式和增长模式带来了冲击。城市商业银行应结合自身优势,坚持错位经营和差异化经营;强化成本管理,走精细化管理之路;全面构建风险管理体系;适时推进参股、控股、兼并收购战略,发挥规模效应;对照"好银行"标准加强内部管理,坚持内涵发展,通过不断提高自身核心竞争力应对利率市场化带来的冲击,实现健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

一类常微分方程特征值的带权估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑一类常微分方程的特征值的带权估计,利用分部积分、Rayleigh定理和不等式估计等方法,获得了用前n个特征值来估计第n+1个特征值的上界的不等式,其估计系数与区间的几何度量无关,其结果在物理学和力学等领域中应用广泛。  相似文献   

The reasons for students' preferences for different contexts were investigated by surveying 379 high school students (Year 11) in Taegu, Korea. Students were asked to select the most preferred and the least preferred context out of six presented contexts and to write reasons for their selections. The method of systemic network analysis was used to analyse students' written responses. It was shown that students' preferences were largely influenced by their perceptions of the relevance and the psychological effects which such contexts would have. In particular, the similarity to textbooks, the relevance to real life and the novelty of the contexts were shown to be the most important factors affecting students' preferences.  相似文献   

This paper analyses aspects of a Hong Kong school curriculum reform, which recommends amongst other things, a greater focus on assessment for learning. It outlines the principles of the reform as it pertains to assessment and discusses how structural changes are being employed to lend support to changes in the assessment culture in Hong Kong. The paper draws on a previous problematic attempt to introduce formative assessment through the Target-Oriented Curriculum initiative. Two examples of assessment for learning practice of 'early adopters' are used to illustrate both the potential and some of the challenges of implementation in the Hong Kong primary school context. From these cases, are drawn out some of the facilitating and inhibiting factors impinging on the implementation of assessment for learning in schools, building on a model of professional growth.  相似文献   


This article discusses how the purpose of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is reflected within the perception of teachers and educational stakeholders in Vietnam and whether a difference exists between the two respondent groups’ perspectives. Biesta’s three functions of education, qualification, socialization, and subjectification, are considered to be the theoretical outline for analyzing perceptions of the respondents. The empirical material for this analysis consists of interviews in Vietnam with secondary teachers and educational stakeholders. The perspectives of the two groups regarding the purposes of ESD somewhat overlap: central interests in ESD discourse are to qualify students with knowledge, skills, and competences, and to teach them how to behave in sustainable ways. In other words, qualification and socialization, not subjectification, are major concerns of the respondents. This reflection, to some extent, reveals Vietnam’s sustainable development priorities and the role education should play.  相似文献   

由精英阶层向大众传播其社会信息与价值的过程称“等级传播”,是古今传播机制的主要模式;大众阶层接受、消化、散播、反馈、修正精英阶层对社会信息的意义解释过程,称“平级传播”,是传播机制的辅助模式。当代社会大众传播空前膨胀,但其实质仍然是精英阶层以大众利益的名义,利用大众的认知误区,用“等级传播”来为特殊政治或商业集团利益服务的“权力代言”活动。要实现精英传播与大众传播之间的良性互动,使大众传播由“权利代言”变为“道德代言”,建构和谐社会公平合理的传播秩序,就应采取以下措施:一、在教育和学术机制上确保大众传播对本国优秀文化遗产的有效传承;二、建立国家对媒介产业的评价监测系统,发挥其引导、调节、制衡的作用;三、政府和企业赋予媒介一定程度的监督批评空间,以推行社会规范;四、形成全社会的道德评价机制。  相似文献   

针对大部分多媒体中央控制器操作复杂、价格昂贵、不易维护的缺点,致力于简单实用的多媒体自动控制器的研究,力求使其功能实用、性能佳、安装方便、操作简单、价格低廉,能够实现多媒体环境下各种设备的全自动操作管理。  相似文献   

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