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Recent research has found that the acquisition of theory of mind (ToM) is delayed in children with specific language impairment (SLI). The present study used a battery of ToM and visual perspective taking (VPT) tasks to investigate whether the delayed acquisition of ToM in children with SLI is associated with delayed VPT development. Harris' (1992, 1996) simulation theory predicts that the development of VPT will be delayed. Participants were 20 children with SLI (M=62.9 months) and 20 typically developing children (M=61.2 months) who were matched for nonverbal ability, gender, and age. The results supported Harris' theory and a role for language in ToM and VPT development.  相似文献   

This study examined developmental changes in Level-2 visual perspective taking (VPT2) in 90 children aged 4–12 years and tested the role of their ability to mentally simulate changes to their bodily locations (self-motion imagery; SMI). Performance of a mental toy rotation task and a self-motion (SM) task (changing location of children) was superior to that of VPT2 and SMI tasks. Task performance of SMI was better than that of VPT2 before 10;0 (years;months). Furthermore, egocentric responses in VPT2 and SMI tasks were significantly more frequent than those in the mental rotation and SM tasks before 10;3. These findings suggest the involvement of embodied cognitive processes in perspective taking and the advantage of utilizing bodily information by age 10.  相似文献   

Cognitive impairment is common among children born very preterm (VPT), yet little is known about how this risk changes over time. To examine this issue, a regional cohort of 110 VPT (≤ 32 weeks gestation) and 113 full‐term (FT) born children was prospectively assessed at ages 4, 6, 9, and 12 years using the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence–Revised and then Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 4th ed. At all ages, VPT children obtained lower scores than their FT born peers (p < .001). Growth curve modeling revealed stable cognitive trajectories across both groups. Neonatal white matter abnormalities and family socioeconomic adversity additively predicted cognitive risk. Despite some intraindividual variability, cognitive functioning of typically developing and high‐risk VPT children was stable and influenced by early neurological development and family rearing context.  相似文献   

This research tests the role of visual perspective taking (VPT) in mediating the relation between spatial ability and theory of mind (ToM). Study 1 demonstrated such mediation correlationally in seventy 3.5- to 4-year olds. In Study 2, twenty-three 3.5- to 4-year-olds were trained on using play blocks to copy preassembled models as a way to promote spatial ability. Resultant increases in VPT and ToM were compared to those from a control group learning to draw instead (n = 23). Both studies showed that the effect of spatial ability on ToM depended on VPT, suggesting a role of embodiment in ToM development in early childhood. These findings provide an alternative way to think about ToM development and the psychological mechanism that may be involved.  相似文献   

本文从十个方面论述了中国古代文学教材中现有的问题,并对某些问题提出了自己的一些设想。这十个问题是:1、中国古代文学的名实不符;2、对古代文化的评价落后;3、把文学作品当作信史看待;4、情理分析的尺度欠妥;5、教材的结构杂乱;6、成就与特点混淆;7、对文学自身规律认识不够;8、对社会人生重视不够;9、教材的观点太死;10、文学史与作品选不配套。  相似文献   

In this article it is argued that reading skills in the teaching of a foreign language are much neglected in the first phase of secondary education. In order to show (I) why reading is of great importance for language acquisition in general and (2) how to utilise reading in the initial stages of language learning, the following questions are dealt with: (1) What is the status of reading in the different approaches to foreign language learning? (2) Why not focus on listening in terms of the receptive skills? (3) Which different types of texts (books) can be used? (4) How should these texts be used in order to maximise the contribution to language acquisition?  相似文献   

闽南方言近指指示词"只"应源自章母之韵平声的"之"。"只"的基础语音形式为[tsi],在闽南各方言区音同或音近于"之";由语音演变规律来看,"只""之"声韵相符;由历时的语法功能来看,"只"有传承自"之"的痕迹;"只""之"声调有异由禁忌词避讳造成。  相似文献   

清华简《保训》述及舜"求中"、"得中",上甲微"假中"、"归中",论者说以中道。借助对有关记载的中、中和、中正、中庸及相关的极、皇极诸概念的比证分析,可知中乃一内涵极为丰富的政治伦理概念,代表了中国古代的治道理想,其义当从三代的河洛文化背景内寻绎。"保训"当读为"宝训",但绝非"珍贵的训诫"。宝者以道为贵宝,其义存于《逸周书·宝典》所记载武王对周公的训谕之中。  相似文献   

Little is known about the origins of anxiety manifested in the career counseling process. Through a case illustration, this article highlights the appropriateness of using functional family therapy (FFT) principles in career counseling sessions to assess the family dynamics involved in this issue. The discussion emphasizes seven suggestions: (1) this anxiety is not necessarily easily recognizable and (2) is not limited to the career choice; this anxiety may be related to (3) separation anxiety, (4) parenting, (5) antecedent of family traumatic event, or (6) paradoxical injunctions; and (7) this anxiety can be treated through autonomy support.  相似文献   

The dominant error source of mobile terminal location in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is the non-line-of-sight (NLOS) propagation error. Among the algorithms proposed to mitigate the influence of NLOS propagation error, residual test (RT) is an efficient one, however with high computational complexity (CC). An improved algorithm that memorizes the light of sight (LOS) range measurements (RMs) identified memorize LOS range measurements identified residual test (MLSI-RT) is presented in this paper to addre...  相似文献   

谢德三《墨子虚词用法诠释》认为"而"作指示代词犹"此"、作系词犹"乃"、作准系词犹"如"、作副词犹"乃、才",并根据译义把"而"归为介词和连词。这些"而"的语法功能都是连接前后两个谓词性结构,是连词。《墨子虚词用法诠释》忽略了"而"的语法功能,用强赋实义、翻译的方法,对"而"做出的词性归类是值得商榷的。《墨子》中的"然而"大部分都不是凝固结构,"而后""而况""而已""而已矣"都是词与词的组合,《墨子虚词用法诠释》把它们都归为熟语也是有问题的。  相似文献   

Teaching Scientific Analogies: a proposed model   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The purpose of this paper is to propose a model for teaching scientific analogies. This model is called: ‘The General Model of Analogy Teaching’ (GMAT). A theoretical framework is developed first for this model. The following points are covered in this framework: (1) definition of the analogy, (2) analogical learning, (3) variables related to the analogical learning, (4) evaluating the outcomes of analogical learning, and (5) limitations of using analogies in teaching. The General Model of Analogy Teaching proceeds in the following nine stages: (1) measure some of the students’ characteristics related to analogical learning in general, (2) assess the prior knowledge of the students about the ‘topic’ to be taught, (3) analyse the learning material of the ‘topic’ to be taught, (4) judge the appropriateness of the analogy to be used, (5) determine the characteristics of the analogy to be used, (6) select the strategy of teaching and the medium of presenting the analogy, (7) present the analogy to the students, (8) evaluate the outcomes of using the analogy in teaching, and (9) revise the stages of the model.  相似文献   

Gender bias in textbooks (GBIT) is a low-profile education issue, given the 72,000,000 children who still have no access to schooling, but this article argues that GBIT is: (1) an important, (2) near-universal, (3) remarkably uniform, (4) quite persistent but (5) virtually invisible obstacle on the road to gender equality in education—an obstacle camouflaged by taken-for-granted stereotypes about gender roles. Specifically, GBIT: (1) is important because (a) textbooks occupy ~80% of classroom time, and (b) it may contribute to lowering girls’ achievements, especially in weak schools in poor countries; (2) has been found worldwide to varying degrees (except, perhaps, Sweden in recent years); (3) involves nearly identical patterns of under-representation of females, plus stereotypes of both genders’ occupational and household roles that overwhelmingly underplay women’s rising worldly importance; (4) is decreasing very slowly, according to “second generation” re-studies; and (5) remains obscured by the “hidden-in-plain-sight” system of gender stratification and roles. Case studies from Syria, India, Romania, China and the US document these points. Other case studies from Sweden and Latin America describe government initiatives to reduce GBIT, with differing levels of success. Totally revising textbooks (and curricula) to eliminate this bias is quite unlikely, partly because it is very costly. The article concludes by presenting inexpensive alternate methods that can combat GBIT.  相似文献   

清代训诂巨著《经籍纂诂》是今人阅读古籍的必备工具书。然今人诸多论及此书的著作多将书名中的“纂”误作“纂”。从历史演变渊源来看,“纂”与“撰”同,有创作义。“纂”为“缵”之假借,乃汇集义。“籑”与“纂”二字在原始义、语法义、比喻义诸方面存在显著区别,因此《经籍纂诂》使用“纂”是不宜替代的。  相似文献   

本文利用DDMBAB作为相转移催化剂运用在苯甲酸的合成中进行了实验探讨。寻找到了优化条件:(1)中性介质进行反应;(2)相转移催化剂与KMnO_4等摩尔比时可一次性定量萃取MnO_4-进入反应底物相中;(3)本实验条件下相转移催化剂用量nDDMBAB与底物甲苯n甲苯比为0.08,在反应中足以反复运载MnO_4-进行相转移;(4)KMnO_4的量与甲苯量比为n=2配原料;(5)反应2~2.5hr.。PTC氧化合成苯甲酸简便,产率70%。  相似文献   

利用有限域上推广的Euler Fermat定理对f(x)modp的可约性进行研究 ,给出了一种判别多项式f(x)modp不可约算法 .该算法通过随机选取F上满足αm(x)≡ 1 (modf(x) )的多项式α(x) ,以及m的因子k ,并由 (am/q(x) - 1 ,f(x) ) =1 (q是k的任一素因子 ) ,来确定f(x)modp的不可约性 .  相似文献   

The particular solution yp (t) of a linear non-homogeneous differential equation with constant coefficients can be expressed in term of a convolution integral, namely, yp(t)=g(t)?T(t), where t(t) is the nonhomogeneous (forcing) term and g(t) is the Green's function for the associated differential operator. g(t) is also the Laplace inverse of the transfer function T(s) = l/P(s), P(s) being the characteristic polynomial of the differential operator. Owing to its versatile application, mathematical sophistication and elegance, and its simplicity, it is suggested, that the Green's function method be introduced while teaching Laplace transform, in a manner described in this article. Some simple results on convolution integrals involving discontinuous functions have been shown to be useful for computing the particular solution when the forcing function r(t) is discontinuous. An attempt has been made to justify the proposed method through a number of simple examples.  相似文献   

函数f(x)(?)(x)和g(x)(?)(x)分别在[a,b]上连续,在(a,b)内(?)(x)≠0则必存在一点ξ∈(a,b)使得g(ξ)integral from n=1 to ab f(x)(?)(x)dx=f(ξ)integral from n=1 to b(a)g(x)(?)(x)dx成立.这个结论对于多个函数对f_i(x)(?)(x),i=1,2,…,2n也成立.  相似文献   

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