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当全球化迅猛发展并赢得人们的肯定性评价时,反全球化也开始全球化了,反全球化运动并不反对全球化本身,准确地说是反对西方发达国家主导的全球化。为应对当前的反全球化运动,我们应该采取如下措施:一方面要以科学的态度对待反全球化,另一方面又要对之低调处理;要适度开放,尽可能将全球化的成本降到最低;参与全球化的体制建设是中国建立大国地位的必然选择。  相似文献   

论自由软件运动   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
“信息革命”的发展已超过了技术的范围,正在引发巨大的社会变革,新近崛起的自由软件运动突出的地表现着这一事实。本在尽可能全面地介绍自由软件运动的基础上,简要地评析了它深刻的社会意义。自由软件运动是当代高阶自发的社会解放号角和新里程碑,运动的理想具有共产主义倾向;它是资本主义固有的矛盾冲突在当代信息资本主义时期,在信息技术,电脑网络及智力资源成为重要社会基础的新情势下,更加广泛深刻的反映和表现。本率先揭示这一当代社会变革的重大现象,以引发进一步的关注与研究。  相似文献   

The publication of Trading in Futures and When Schools Compete helped give empirical support to the view that choice policies increased differences between schools. However, dispute about this research and changes in policy mean that our understanding of the impact of school choice policies in New Zealand remains partial. This paper aims to address continued uncertainty about the impact of school choice policies in New Zealand. It presents the results of a study that drew upon qualitative data gathered in interviews with school principals and on administrative data on the enrolment patterns in the same competition space explored by the Trading in Futures research. The data show that periods of greatest instability in enrolments occurred around the time of change in regulations.  相似文献   

With the articulation of new ‘Holistic and Balanced Assessment’ initiatives in Singaporean schools, a new standard of conceptualising and enacting classroom assessment is expected of Singaporean teachers. This paper draws on findings from a larger study of ‘high-achieving’ Singaporean teachers’ deliberations and transactions of assessment activities. The use of case studies as a central methodology to investigate a contemporary phenomenon of education assessment extends the studies of conceptions and implementation of new classroom assessment practices in Anglophone and Western European countries. The findings from one of the ‘high-achieving’ case-study Singaporean teachers reveal that any quality assurance framework or guideline for evaluating teachers’ assessment practices needs to be sensitive to their intentions, meaning and context of teaching.  相似文献   

Peer-learning that engages students in multiple choice question (MCQ) formulation promotes higher task engagement and deeper learning than simply answering MCQ’s in summative assessment. Yet presently, the literature detailing deployments of student-authored MCQ software is biased towards accounts from Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths and Medicine (STEMM) subjects, rather than discursive subjects or disciplines where content may contain fewer absolute facts and objective metrics and more nuance. We report on qualitative and quantitative findings from a semester-long deployment of a peer-learning software package (PeerWise) in a 140-student course on Interaction Design. PeerWise enables students to author, rate and comment upon their peers’ MCQ questions. The platform was enthusiastically adopted as a revision aid, yet overall question quality was poor and students expressed difficulty in translating the discursive nature of the course content into MCQs with only one correct answer. In addressing these shortcomings, this paper offers specific recommendations to instructors of more discursive subjects using student-led MCQ authoring platforms, and further, how platforms such as PeerWise may be adapted to better suit disciplines characterised by discursive content. We propose alternative approaches to moderation and two suggestions for potential amendments to the software itself.  相似文献   

John Willinsky 《Interchange》1987,18(1-2):147-163
This paper invites a reconsideration of the divide between oral and literate cultural practices in the research on literacy. It begins by challenging the distinction which David Olson has made between text andutterance as one which overstates the separateness of literate and oral practices. To supplement Olson's position, the author describes the continuing importance of oral practices for the promotion of intellectual activities which are centred on texts. He does so, in part, by drawing on the literacy lessons of the Passover Haggadah. The Haggadah proves to be a text which celebrates the intellectual necessity of interruption and the ongoing need for interpretation, two critical practices firmly rooted in an oral regard for the word. This picture of an alternative literacy tradition is put forward as a possibility for a renewed regard for reading and for the text in the classroom.  相似文献   

Israeli society has a long reputation of being intolerant and violent. In this study we chose to look into the role of the education policy in Israel and to ask why do civic education programmes fail in implanting more seeds of tolerance and democratic values within the society. The first part of the study presents the subordination of the civic education programmes to the needs of the ethno-national agenda in the early years of the state of Israel, accomplished mainly by marginalizing the field of civics both in terms of contents and instruction hours. Then, we argue that since the 1980s, after the Israeli leadership was exposed to the problematic consequences of the lack of education to democratic values, all the initiatives to promote such agenda collided with the strong non-liberal character of the state which prevented any progress toward a more democratic orientation. We present the nature of this collision by using three levels of analysis: structural, policy making and policy implementation. We conclude by arguing that only a process of real liberalization of the state of Israel has the potential to liberate the education system from the paradoxes inherent to it.  相似文献   

To test the suitability of an automatic system for emotional management in the classroom following the control-value theory of achievement emotions (CVT) framework, the performance of an emotional expression recognition software of our creation is evaluated in an online synchronous context. Sixty students from the Faculty of Education at the University of Alicante participated in 16 educational activities recording close-ups of their faces and completing the AEQ emotional self-report, as well as detailed reports from the subsequent review of their videos. In addition, they completed the VCQ-36 test to measure their volitional competencies and relate their influence on their emotional response. The results indicate a high coherence between the emotional expressions detected by the automatic system and the detailed emotional self-reports, but insufficient precision to meet the CVT requirements. On the other hand, both the AEQ test results and the emotion expression recognition software suggest students' preference for participative activities as opposed to passive ones. Meanwhile, statistical analysis results indicate that volitional competencies seem to influence the emotional response of students in the educational context, although the AI system does not show sufficient sensitivity in this field. Implications and limitations of this study for future work are discussed.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic

  • Student motivation and involvement in the learning process are highly related to appropriate emotional regulation, which can be associated with particular educational activities, strategies and methodologies.
  • Deep learning technology based on convolutional neural networks feeds automatic systems focused on facial expression recognition from image analysis.

What this paper adds

  • There is high coherence between the emotional expressions detected by the AI system and the students' emotional self-reports, but the AI system provides just emotional valences, insufficient to meet the CVT framework.
  • Both emotional self-reports and the emotion recognition software suggest students' preference for active educational activities as opposed to passive ones.
  • Volitional competencies seem to influence the emotional response of students in the educational context.

Implications for practice and/or policy

  • It is possible to use automatic systems to effectively monitor the emotional response of students in the learning process.
  • Only if sensitivity improved, a real-time, easy-to-interpret emotional expression recognition software interface could be implemented to assist teachers with the emotional management of their classes within the CVT framework, maximizing their motivation and engagement.

The primary purpose of this study was for teacher education students to develop a framework for assessing the performance of children in their current ecology or environment. To that end, data were collected relevant to child and context variables that might influence learning. Relationships between variables emerged that are of interest and provocative of further study. A discriminant analysis revealed that children who were identified as being hyperactive and as having academic problems tended to be male, Anglo, and from a large family. Although it is much too early to use this model to predict or classify, if replicated, patterns might be identified that would contribute to instructional decision making.  相似文献   

J. Salmi 《Compare》2000,30(2):163-178
Haiti, the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere, has a unique education system. The overwhelming majority of children are enrolled in private schools. In the absence of a functioning system of public schools, religious communities and private operators have become the main providers of educational services. This situation raises the question of the fairness of a system in which the quality of the education children receive is directly related to the level of tuition their families can afford. This paper assesses whether private education is playing an appropriate role in a poor country like Haiti in terms of providing quality education and promoting equity. It also reviews strategies which could allow the government to use its limited financial resources in a more cost-effective and equitable manner.  相似文献   

张宪宝 《海外英语》2005,(12):36-37
历史长河中,矛盾充斥在我们的周遭:楼房变高了,人的性情却急躁了;道路变宽了,人的思想却狭隘了。我们花费的多了,拥有的却少了;我们购买的多了,享受的却少了。我们拥有的房子更大了,家庭却小了;条件更便利了,时间却少了。学位多了,却缺少见识;知识增了,却缺乏判断力。专家多了,问题  相似文献   

The globalization of learning: Paradigm or paradox?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
‘Globalization of Learning’ is one of the most recent of the buzz-words and phrases which have gained currency in educational discourse, resembling in this sense, ‘development’, ‘accountability’, ‘education as cultural imperialism’, ‘curriculum renewal’ and ‘paradigm shift’. Like these, ‘globalization of learning’ is a relatively easily understood and accepted notion. It is also a ‘large’ concept that temptingly invites academic trend-followers to identify a range of its manifestations in one or more societies. The purpose of the present paper is to subject the whole notion of the globalization of learning to sceptical enquiry. The paper begins, by attempting to clarify the concepts involved in ‘the globalization of learning’. It proceeds in a roughly Hegelian way, attempting to identify, as part of a thesis, the arguments adduced to establish that the globalization of learning exists and has importance. An antithesis emerges from the identification of suspect arguments. In an effort to reach conclusions about whether globalization of learning is an accurate and valuable modern paradigm or, instead, a contradiction in terms, evidence is presented, the combined effect of which is to cast doubt on the extent and importance of globalization of learning. The paper tentatively concludes with a set of alternatives to the globalization of learning, principally by advancing the claims of the individuation of understanding.  相似文献   

The authors of this article reflect on their experiences as facilitators of an action research network aiming to provide a context for participating schools to identify and address barriers to pupils' learning and participation. Within the network, action research is seen to have different meanings for individuals within and between schools in terms of the relationship between action, data and changes at the personal, group and institutional levels. In nearly all schools in the study, however, it importantly signifies a measure of autonomy over the direction of development, in an era of strongly imposed external agendas. The relationship between the action research process and the values associated with inclusion is explored with the use of school-level data, and interpreted through attention to the actions developing in the schools. Some of the consequences of these actions are described, both intentional and unintentional, and the possible significance of developing rhetoric within and between schools is suggested. The article concludes that action research as described in this network may sustain the development of more inclusive schools, by creating possibilities for critical reflection on the relationship between values and practice within the institution.  相似文献   

An experimental study examined the effect of context personalization and example choice on situational interest in mathematics of adolescent students. Middle school students (N = 736) learned about probability calculus and were assigned to one of four instructional conditions. Individual interest and perceived competence in mathematics was examined as moderator on three measures of situational interest: triggered situational interest, maintained situational interest, and perceived value. Context personalization promoted triggered and maintained situational interest, and perception of value among students with low individual interest and perceived competence in mathematics. Similar results were observed for example choice, with the exception of perceived value. Although context personalization and example choice promoted effort for students with low individual interest, we observed no effect on performance. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of the findings.  相似文献   

Herbert Gintis 《Prospects》1996,26(4):629-642
Conclusion I would like to close with a plea for more research on the effects of competition and choice on the functioning of the education system. Despite the large proportion of national budgets devoted to education, the issue is only very rarely addressed. One important exception to this rule is Hoxby (1994). This paper uses instrumental variable econometric techniques to determine the independent effect of the existence of choice among public schools on per-pupil expenditure, educational productivity, average student performance, student educational attainment and post-graduation wages.Hoxby found strong evidence that increased parental choice availability led to improvement on each of these measures of educational performance. Hoxby also found that the existence of choice among public schools leads to more mixing of students by social class, race and ethnicity. This mixing, she found, did not hurt the scholastic performance of any group, but improved the performance of several groups, including white non-Hispanic males, and students of parents with at least a high school degree.Original language: EnglishHe has jointly authoredDemocracy and market: participation, accountability and efficiency (with Samuel Bowles and Bo Gustafsson, 1993). He is editor ofMacroeconomic policy after the conservative era: studies in investment, savings and finance (1995) and has written numerous journal articles. He is currently co-chair with Paul Romer of the MacArthur Foundation research project on The human side of economic analysis: economic environments and the evolution of norms and preferences.  相似文献   

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