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关于汉字的讹变现象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对汉字演变中的讹变现象进行了初步探讨 ,阐述了讹变的内涵 ,分析了讹变现象之所以产生和讹变现象能够积非成是的原因 ,认为对讹变现象的研究应把眼光扩大到整个汉字演变过程中 ,而不应只局限于古文字阶段 ,强调应结合汉字符号学来研究讹变现象  相似文献   

汉字演变中的讹变现象已被人们所认识,但需进一步探究.就每个讹变字来说,它们发生讹变的部位、幅度,和变化原因都不尽相同,但还是存在一些普遍的规律.  相似文献   

汉字形体演变中的讹变是个受到综合多方面因素影响的过程,内因和外因在此漫长的过程中都起着一定的作用。本文在对汉字讹变从定义到演变缘由进行了分析整理,在例举了汉字讹变多种情况的基础上,详述了讹变所体现的当时社会的历史和所蕴涵的丰富的文化内蕴。  相似文献   

讹变是汉字形体演变中十分重要的现象,二十世纪八十年代至今,不断有学者在关注这个问题,就讹变的定义、原因、具体类型、影响、承载的文化信息、研究意义等问题做了论述,本文就汉字讹变现象的研究情况做个概述。研究者们就讹变的定义、原因、影响、研究意义等问题基本达成共识,近年的讹变研究已伸展到汉字文化学的领域,但学者们对古文字的讹变现象关注较多,对整个文字发展过程中讹变现象的历时研究较少。  相似文献   

关于"面"字的古文字到小篆字体的发展变化和现代研究结论已经基本定型,都认为其所从部件是从"目"到从"■"的讹变,本文从古文字各个时代的形体演变实际情况出发,试图推演出它的演变阶段和原因,找到其讹变轨迹,同时也根据发现的"面"字材料推断出其发生讹变的两种可能情况。  相似文献   

黎琳 《语文知识》2001,(3):43-44
俗语的讹变有三种形式:一是音讹,二是字讹,三是义讹。“有眼不识金镶玉”,这是人们熟悉的一句俗语。金镶玉,是一种特殊工艺,指在金器上镶嵌各种  相似文献   

《中国语文》1994年第3期发表了张鸿魁《〈金瓶梅〉》“扛”字音义及字形讹变》一文,认为《金瓶梅》五十八回例中的“證”是从“扛”讹变而来,并且还论证了它们之间的演变关系,并就此探讨了近代汉语训释的方法问题。本文不准备对张文的观点作全面的评价,只想就文中作者所认为的“證”是“扛”的讹变谈一点不同的看法。  相似文献   

汉字是形音义的统一体,字形演变是汉字研究的重要内容。清代雷浚的《说文外编》是一部补充《说文解字》收字的重要字书,其将所见到的经籍中的文字字形与《说文解字》所收字相对照,沟通字书收字与文献用字的关系。本文考察并分析雷氏在《说文外编》里条陈汉字字形变异的情况:隶变、讹变、形似而误以及偏旁位置与形体结构关系,分析汉字字形演变原因,有助于加深对汉字字形的理解,有助于掌握字形与字义的关系,有助于进一步理解汉字的内涵。  相似文献   

隶变是汉字发展史上的一次重大变革,隶变过程中的讹变对汉字发展的影响尤为突出。其中的一些讹变直接导致了汉字的合并与分化,这其中的某些合并增加了汉字字形表义的负担,给人们对字义的理解带来了一定的困难,而某些分化却满足了文字适应语言发展的需要,具有进步意义。其消极与积极作用并行,对汉字的发展起了重要的作用。  相似文献   

试析古文字的形体讹变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讹变是对原字结构不了解或错误理解而造成的字形变化,它是一种超越常规的变化,又常常以失去构形理据为代价。我们可以通过古人对讹变字形的说解窥探到其中蕴涵的丰富的文化内蕴。  相似文献   

The field of educational technology as reflected through its definitions   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The purpose of this article is to examine how, over time, the major definitions of the field of educational technology have reflected changes in the field itself. Major definitions from the early 1900s through 1994 are reviewed and compared. Each definition is discussed in terms of the events and ideas that were current at that time. Major changes in the field, as reflected by the definitions, are identified and thoughts regarding future definitions are presented.  相似文献   

In this article, we analyze critically available definitions of learning disability (LD). The general problem of definition is discussed first followed by a discussion of individual LD definitions from the earliest to the latest. We conclude that LD definitions fail to provide substantive insight into the nature of the condition. The reasons for this failure are discussed in relation to the nature of definition and the difficulties in providing operational definitions of LD that are meaningful and significant. Finally, means for resolving the problem of definition are discussed.  相似文献   

在传统的宗教思想定义中,信神和对来世的向往被认为是两个最主要的因素。但是,这样的定义无法有效地对中国传统宗教思想作出归纳和解释。根据我们的研究,中国传统宗教思想的本质特征是人类的生命关怀和生命神圣化。以此为依据,中国传统宗教思想大体可分为两种类型:自救的宗教思想,即依靠信徒自己的努力而摆脱疾病和死亡;他救的宗教思想,即依靠神灵的拯救而摆脱疾病和死亡。  相似文献   

This paper explores whether facial microexpression state (FMES) changes can be used to identify moments of conceptual conflict, one of the pathways to conceptual change. It is known that when the preconditions of conceptual conflicts are met and conceptual conflicts are detected in students, it is then possible for conceptual change to take place. There were 102 university and high school students who were involved in this research, and about 80% of the participants held erroneous preconceptions on the scientific topic chosen. The results showed that FMES changes were detected in the majority of the students who made erroneous predictions as they underwent conceptual conflict. Furthermore, the lack of FMES change was shown to indicate a lowered likelihood of conceptual change, while the presence of FMES change doubled the likelihood of conceptual change. The results confirm that FMES can be useful in determining learners’ awareness of conflicting concepts and their progress towards scientific understanding. Educational implications are discussed.  相似文献   

通过分析和研究现行教材中二重积分的定义,对其做出了适当的改进,即在选取点(ξ1,η1)的任意性不变的情况下,将定义中的任意分割T改为特殊分割,得到了几种等价定义,并加以证明。  相似文献   

信息的定义是信息相关学科最为重要的问题,长久众说纷纭。信息定义主要有科学的信息定义和哲学的信息定义两类:科学的信息定义主要有差异论和负熵论;哲学的信息定义主要有独立元论、属性论和关系论。在目前形成的哲学的信息定义中,邬焜和钟义信两位教授的定义是其中的佼佼者。  相似文献   

Preschool-age children were presented four picture-dictionary definitions to leam. Definitions were accompanied either by pictures detailing all the attributes of the definition referent (elaborated pictures) or simpler, less complete illustrations (nonelaborated pictures). After one presentation, the definition was repeated either as a series of questions to which the child responded, or as simple declarative restatements. Total recall of information stated in the definitions was improved by the elaborated pictures. The presence of elaborated pictures also resulted in greater recall congruent with the defined concept, but not present in the definition as stated (i.e., inferences). Questioning produced a higher percentage of paraphrased recall (i.e., nonverbatim recall of information stated in the definitions). These latter two findings are consistent with the interpretation that both elaborated pictures and questions lead preschoolers to process more extensively information provided in definitions.  相似文献   

Despite efforts to promote uniform criteria for defining child sexual abuse, there are still variations in the definitions adopted by individual researchers. This paper focuses on four representative studies, describes differences in the definitions used and examines how such differences may contribute to discrepancies in the estimated prevalence of abuse. Similarities and dissimilarities are identified in several areas: the upper age limit for child sexual abuse, the criteria used to define a given sexual experience as abusive, the inclusion or exclusion of experiences involving age peers, and the use of different criteria for incidents occurring during adolescence. Prevalence rates from one study, which used a slightly less restrictive definition of abuse, were recalculated based on the definitions of other researchers. This resulted in a 14% decrease in the number of individuals identified as abused. While this is a substantial change, it accounts for only a portion of the discrepancy in prevalence rates, suggesting that other factors, such as methodological differences, need to be examined with regard to their impact on prevalence rates. Historical and legal issues pertaining to the definition of child sexual abuse are also discussed.  相似文献   

中国所有翻译教科书中的必不可少的奈达翻译定义被视为翻译理论的金科玉律。研究发现中国翻译教材中的奈达翻译定义是被中国一些翻译理论家误读和误译了的假奈达翻译定义,不是理论经典,不是翻译理论的金科玉律,而是翻译教材中的瑕疵,是白圭之玷。笔者的译文是"翻译是用最相当的自然流畅的接收语再现原语信息,首先再现信息的意义,其次再现信...  相似文献   

在所能查到的自 5 0年代以来的大量书籍中 ,对光学共轴球面系统的定义如出一辙 ,看来能均是错误的。本文分析了错误的原因并提出了正确的定义。  相似文献   

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