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文章分析了中国儿童入学准备五个领域发展的不平衡,详细探讨了儿童入学准备情绪和社会性发展方面所包括的具体内容,以及如何促进儿童入学准备情绪和社会性方面的发展。  相似文献   

入学准备不仅影响儿童对正规学校教育的适应程度,还对儿童个人的可持续发展起着决定性的作用。对于入学准备的认识及实施,不同主体之间仍存在较大的差异。作为本研究系列的第一步,本文系统回顾了国内外对入学准备研究的现状,指出现阶段国内在入学准备方面存在的问题:研究对象单一、干预研究过少、缺少入学准备对儿童成长影响的研究、缺少"独生子女"身份对儿童入学准备的影响研究。  相似文献   

研究采用随机取样方法,在河南省C镇选取172名4-7岁的儿童,用儿童入学准备综合测评工具对其入学准备水平进行测查,结果发现:有94.7%的儿童入学准备总体得分处于"落后"或者"不足"的水平,在入学准备的五个领域中存在着不均衡的情况。儿童入学准备水平不存在显著的性别差异,但存在显著的年龄差异。建议政府实施针对贫困山区儿童和家庭的干预措施,提升贫困山区学前教育的普及水平,同时提高贫困山区的学前教育质量,以改善贫困山区儿童的入学准备状况。  相似文献   

儿童入学准备的访谈研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对小学一年级教师的访谈研究,对我国儿童入学准备提出5个基本维度,即身体和运动发展、情绪与社会性发展、学习相关、言语发展、认知发展和一般知识基础。其中,小学教师普遍反映我国儿童在入学准备上最为不足的是自理能力和前学习技能。  相似文献   

本研究基于英国剑桥大学入学准备之《早期技能与支持指标评估简表》(BESSI),对黑龙江省H市A、B、C、D四所幼儿园的4个大班,共计101名4.5-5.5岁儿童进行入学准备水平评估。结果发现:城市地区大班4.5-5.5岁儿童入学准备具有片面性、不均衡性以及性别差异性,具体表现为:在语言和认知发展领域准备最为充分,不存在明显问题;在行为适应及日常生活技能方面,部分学前儿童入学准备不足;在家庭支持方面指导缺位或指导不当;入学准备水平在性别上存在显著差异,且男童入学准备水平低于女童。基于此,在学前儿童的入学准备工作中,不同利益相关者尽量关注儿童的性别差异;关注入学准备的重要性;构建科学化的认知准备内容;强调家庭支持在入学准备中的关键作用;提供综合化的入学准备专项服务,以提升学前儿童的入学准备水平。  相似文献   

义务教育均衡发展与儿童入学准备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基础教育,包括学前教育的均衡发展,是确保教育公平,进而推动社会公平的基础.不同文化背景的儿童在入学准备上的差异不仅直接影响他们入学后的学习和发展,也会影响政府通过实施义务教育来促进教育公平的美好愿望的实现.如何发展学前教育,使所有儿童在入学时拥有一个相对一致的起点,这一问题必须引起社会各界的重视.  相似文献   

对国外28份入学准备评价工具的比较分析表明,现有评价工具多是针对儿童个体的技能性评价工具,多用于筛选、判断个体儿童是否具备相应学习能力或需要留级支持,普遍缺乏预测效度的检验.未来入学准备评价工具研究可根据入学准备的生态化概念设计针对学校、家庭和社区的评价工具,深入研究特殊领域准备的内容及其评价方式,加强评价对教学和干预的支持,并检验工具的预测效度.  相似文献   

兰若溪  孙慧 《科教导刊》2021,(1):186-187
近年来,幼儿园教育"小学化"问题如火如荼.与之紧密相关的"入学准备""幼小衔接"却迟迟没有一个清晰的界定,导致一线教师无法准确把握儿童入学准备的工作要求.因此,本研究以大班教师为研究对象,运用问卷调查法和访谈法,对大班教师的入学准备观念进行调查分析,结果发现:大班教师的入学准备观念片面且不稳定、与小学衔接不够紧密.基于此,笔者认为应该从普及入学准备知识、促进教师专业发展和加强幼小教育联系三个方面,促进教师观念的有效衔接.  相似文献   

与非流动儿童相比,流动儿童的入学准备状态不佳,这将影响其后期的学校适应。为帮助流动儿童以更好的状态步入小学,应重视入学准备的奠基作用,为其提供尽早接受系统教育的机会,进一步提升托幼机构的保教质量,转变养育者的教育观念和行为,并做好相关课程与资源库的建设工作。  相似文献   

This study examined elementary school teachers’ experiences working with homeless students. Specifically, we focused on the psychosocial impacts of homelessness on students and their teachers. Qualitative, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 28 teachers who worked at designated public schools for family homeless shelters. A prominent theme that emerged from teachers’ accounts was how the instability tied to homelessness affected students’ behavioral, social, and emotional adjustment in the classroom (e.g. externalizing problems, difficulty developing peer relationships, and withdrawn behavior). Teachers’ own social and emotional competencies (e.g. fostering positive teacher–student relationships, and perspective taking) influenced the manner in which they responded to their students’ needs. Findings suggest that critical components may be lacking articulation in the McKinney-Vento Act’s Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program such as guidelines for teacher responsibilities, supports for teachers, and an emphasis not only on children’s academic but also social and emotional needs.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of universal social emotional learning (SEL) programs are dependent on the incorporation of best practice principles, including an evaluative component. In the present study, the effects of a best practice, teacher-led SEL program was examined with 854 children aged 8–12 years. KooLKIDS uses an interactive multimedia format and animated character to help children develop their emotion regulation capacities, social and friendship skills, empathy and compassion for others, and self-esteem. A quasi-experimental waitlist-control design was used to examine the impact of KooLKIDS on social and emotional competence, behavioral and emotional problems, academic achievement and effort. Hierarchical linear modeling demonstrated significant increases in social and emotional competence, and reductions in internalizing and externalizing problems in children post KooLKIDS program in the intervention group. The findings suggest that KooLKIDS has strong potential as a teacher-led, classroom-based, structured program for enhancing children's social and emotional learning.  相似文献   

Social and emotional learning (SEL) has predominantly been conceptualised as a neurological process, which has precluded understanding of how social, cultural and material discourses inform the expression of emotional experiences. Gender remains a notable omission. This article explores the micro-practices through which gender structures the development of young people’s emotional subjectivities within the context of a school-based SEL intervention. Particular emphasis is placed on the gendering strategies utilised by educational professionals during the course of their emotional pedagogy. Three strategies are considered: the overt coercion of girls to demonstrate their learning; the permission of boys’ passivity, with their docile bodies being indicated as a signifier of participation; and the restricting of occasions for emotional expression in accordance with perceived gender norms. Efforts to inculcate students with a gendered emotional subjectivity mean that differential learning opportunities are on offer, raising concerns about the introduction of new forms of gendered educational inequalities.  相似文献   

In recent years, the English education system has reflected a worldwide interest in social and emotional learning (SEL), as evidenced by the national launch of the secondary social and emotional aspects of learning (SEAL) programme in 2007. SEAL is a whole-school approach designed to positively influence a range of pupil outcomes, including increased social and emotional skills, better behaviour and reduced mental health difficulties. The aim of the current study was to examine the impact of SEAL on such outcomes. The study utilised a quantitative, quasi-experimental design with a sample of 22 schools (approximately 2360 pupils) implementing the SEAL programme, and 19 ‘matched comparison’ schools (approximately 1991 pupils), selected on the basis of similar school-level characteristics. A cohort of pupils in these schools completed annual self-rated assessments of their social and emotional skills (using the Emotional Literacy Assessment and Intervention instrument), mental health difficulties and pro-social behaviour (using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire) over a two-year period. After controlling for a range of school- and pupil-level characteristics, analysis using multi-level modelling indicated marginal, non-significant effects of the SEAL programme on pupils’ social and emotional skills and mental health difficulties, and no significant effect on their pro-social behaviour. The study findings are discussed in relation to existing evidence about the effectiveness of the SEAL programme and the broader SEL evidence base.  相似文献   


Under-developed social and emotional learning (SEL) skills limit educational progress and make it difficult for children and young people with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD) to form effective relationships with peers and ADULTS. This paper focuses on an SEL intervention set within an outdoor learning context. The research was practitioner led and used an action research (AR) approach to implement and evaluate the SEL intervention. Research participants (aged 12–13 years) were recruited from a UK special school and were all considered to have SEBD. The paper provides evidence for the specific SEL skills that participation in outdoor learning can enhance. The evidence suggests that outdoor learning can be an effective approach for educators wishing to augment the SEL skills of young people with SEBD.  相似文献   


This paper discusses the fundamental importance of achieving quality implementation when assessing the impact of social and emotional learning interventions. Recent findings in implementation science are reviewed that include a definition of implementation, its relation to programme outcomes, current research on the factors that affect implementation, and a framework for understanding the steps, actions and challenges involved in achieving quality implementation. Examples from the social and emotional learning literature are used to illustrate different issues.  相似文献   

1.5岁左右婴儿,伴随自我意识和交往、认知的进一步发展,逐渐产生了更高级、复杂的社会性情绪。随着情绪交流中情绪感染、情绪交流主观性的发生和早期发展,能够辨别各种不同的社会情绪,产生了移情和同情,婴儿情绪交往技能得到提高,逐步学会合适的情绪应对方式。情绪社会化也随之有了较成熟的发展,形成初步的社会性交往,从而促使婴儿更好成长为一个社会人。  相似文献   

This article draws from an evaluative case study of a group work approach – Support Groups – designed by the author to support pupils perceived as having Social and Emotional Behavioural Difficulties within a Secondary school situated in an area of multiple deprivation in Scotland. The study, which is principally qualitative, draws from the accounts of 69 pupils who participated within the intervention during its first four years of inception and from a range of stakeholder accounts – parents, Support Group Leaders, class teachers and senior managers. The intervention focused upon collaborative, discussion-based activities designed to foster reflection, understanding and thinking skills. The study utilises data drawn from attendance, attainment and discipline statistics, comparing the Support Group population to wider comparator groups, in addition to questionnaires (open and closed), scheduled interviews and focus group discussion. This article focuses specifically upon the extent to which pupils developed intrapersonal intelligence. The findings indicate that the majority of pupils had, to at least an extent, developed greater understanding of their behaviour and that these outcomes were still in evidence up to two years after intervention.  相似文献   

Social skills training (SST) is an evidence-based intervention to help increase social competence for students with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD), but there is limited research that addresses SST for students identified as experiencing EBD at alternative campuses. A mixed methods design was utilized to examine SST at an alternative campus for students identified as experiencing EBD. Pre-intervention data were collected for students' attendance, grades, office disciplinary referrals, and behavioral rating scales, after which the WhyTry SST program (Moore 2008 Moore, C. 2008. The WhyTry Program, Salt Lake City, UT: WhyTry.  [Google Scholar], WhyTry, Salt Lake City, UT, USA) was implemented. Following the intervention, the same data were collected. Non-parametric statistics guided the quantitative analysis, because of the small population being studied. Differences from pre- to post-intervention were examined. Students exhibited significant differences from pre- to post-intervention in the number of office disciplinary referrals and several areas on the behavioral rating scales. Triangulation methods drove the qualitative data collection through observations, student interviews, and teacher interviews. Insight into motivation and perceptions was gained through the qualitative analysis.  相似文献   

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