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“双元制”课程模式是以培养学生的综合职业能力和关键能力为主要目标的。它以职业活动为中心选择课程内容和进行课程编排,由校企双方合作完成既定的教学任务。其突出特点是既重视基础性教育,以提高学生的未来适应性,又重视实践性教学环节,使学生具有较强的操作能力,毕业后就能直接上岗工作。  相似文献   

要搞好"双元制"教学,落实"能力本位"的教学思想,就要改革专业课的课堂教学模式,将"双元制"教学模式引入到专业课的教学中;促进学生技能的提高,培养学生的综合职业能力,提高学生的竞争意识;改革考核办法,严把考核关.  相似文献   

德国的“双元制”教育模式是指教育机构与企业联合办学,旨在最大限度地利用双方的条件和优势强化理论与实践相结合的新型教育模式.德国应用科技大学应用该模式取得巨大的成功.“双元制”模式对我国应用型人才的培养有重要的借鉴意义.以浙江科技学院为例,实践“双元制”模式在工程实践教学中的应用和因此而取得的效果.  相似文献   

“双元制”作为德国职业学院的一种教育模式,促进了德国高等职业教育和社会经济的发展,已经深深扎根于德国社会的土壤之中。本文基于我国高等职业教育发展中的不足,通过分析“双元制”的基本特点,探讨其对我国高等职业教育的启示,以促进我国高等职业教育的发展。  相似文献   

文章通过分析巴登-符腾堡双元制大学办学特色,思考我国民办高校教育发展模式。德国“双元制”教育,将企业和高校联合起来进行专业教育的模式,是我国民办教育发展的一个很好的借鉴。校企结合的双元制教育模式需要政府的支持和政策引导,让高校和企业在“双元制”教育模式下,形成相互有利的推动,才能有利于双元制教学模式的深入推广。最后以机械专业为例提出了学生校企联合培养模式的思路及方法,采用“机械设计制造+”的专业培养模式,以培养适应不同岗位需求的针对性人才。  相似文献   

德国“双元制”模式的高职教育的特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
德国的高职教育体系分为两大系列:一是职前职业教育系列,属于高等教育学历系列,主要由高等专科学校、职业学院、技术大学、技术学院来承担,其中高等专科学校是德国高职教育的主体;职业学院是中等职业教育的延伸;而技术大学和技术学院是与综合性大学同等地位的高等学校。一是职后职业继续教育系列,属于非高等教育学历系列,主要指成人职业培训中属于高职教育范畴的部  相似文献   

张涛 《职业技术》2010,(5):18-19
本文通过对德国"双元制"职教模式突出特点的分析,结合我国中等职业教育现存的问题,借鉴德国的成功经验,提出了解决我国中等职业教育困境的方案,以期加快我国中等职业教育的改革和发展。  相似文献   

德国"双元制职业教育"是世界职业教育的典范。其核心是校企合作,以企业为主;理论与实践结合,以培训为主。本文作者通过去德国考察学习后,对德国职业教育进行了分析,并对我国职业教育提出几点看法。  相似文献   

德国双元制模式对于世界职业教育的发展产生了很大的影响。从这一体系的理念、运行机制以及课程模式三个维度进行解读,它与我们社区职业驾驭具有许多对应之处。双元制模式可以为我们社区职业教育提供许多有意义的启示。  相似文献   

Separate approaches in engineering education, research and practice are not very useful when preparing students for working life; instead, integration of education, research and industrial practices is needed. A triangular approach (TA) as a method to accomplish this integration and as a method to provide students with integrated expertise is proposed. The results from the application of TA, both at the course and programme level, indicate that the approach is suitable for developing engineering education. The student pass rate for courses where TA has been used has been higher than for previous approaches, and the student feedback has been very positive. Although TA aims to take both theoretical and practical aspects of engineering as well as research and education into account, the approach concentrates mainly on activities and therefore leaves the goals of these activities as well as the values behind these goals uncovered.  相似文献   

高等工程教育创新人才培养途径的探索与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
创新人才的培养需要在实践平台上实现知识、素质和能力的协调发展和高度统一。对创新人才而言,知识是创新的基础,素质是创新的条件,能力是创新的保障。创新人才的培养需要点燃创新激情的文化,需要训练创新思维的舞台,需要滋生创新思想的土壤,需要培养创新兴趣的氛围。笔者论述了创新人才的内涵及特征,并从知识结构、素质培养、能力训练、实践教学和创新文化方面阐述了创新人才的培养途径。  相似文献   

纵观历史,我国高等工程教育经历了三次大的重要转型:清朝末期至民国时期层次化和制度化的工程教育转型,中华人民共和国成立初期国家化和工具化的工程教育转型以及改革开放以来以“一体两翼”为核心的工程教育转型。当代我国高等工程教育探索主要体现在工程教育理念、人才培养模式和工程教育目标三个方面,表现为国家、市场和院校之间非线性变迁的发展逻辑,政府规制与高校自治相统一的治理逻辑,国际化与本土化共振的行动逻辑,目标与需求一致的人才培养逻辑。这些转型逻辑对于新工科建设具有重要的理论价值和实践指导意义。  相似文献   

从教育思想观念、体系、模式以及师资建设、人才培养等方面,提出正确发展我国高等工程教育的思路。  相似文献   

我国高等工程实践教育的历史回顾与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从我国高等工程实践教育的重要性出发,简单回顾了我国工程实践教育发展的历史,提出了工程实践教育的主要内涵和存在的主要问题,并对我国工程实践教育的未来发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

Technology-mediated education or e-learning is growing globally both in scale and delivery capacity due to the large diffusion of the ubiquitous information and communication technologies (ICT) in general and the web technologies in particular. This statement has not yet been fully supported by research, especially in developing countries such as Algeria. The purpose of this paper was to identify directions for addressing the needs of academics in higher education institutions in Algeria in order to adopt the e-learning approach as a strategy to improve quality of education. The paper will report results of an empirical study that measures the readiness of the Algerian higher education institutions towards the implementation of ICT in the educational process and the attitudes of faculty members towards the application of the e-learning approach in engineering education. Three main objectives were targeted, namely: (a) to provide an initial evaluation of faculty members’ attitudes and perceptions towards web-based education; (b) reporting on their perceived requirements for implementing e-learning in university courses; (c) providing an initial input for a collaborative process of developing an institutional strategy for e-learning.

Statistical analysis of the survey results indicates that the Algerian higher education institution, which adopted the Licence – Master and Doctorate educational system, is facing a big challenge to take advantage of emerging technological innovations and the advent of e-learning to further develop its teaching programmes and to enhance the quality of education in engineering fields. The successful implementation of this modern approach is shown to depend largely on a set of critical success factors that would include:

  1. The extent to which the institution will adopt a formal and official e-learning strategy.

  2. The extent to which faculty members will adhere and adopt this strategy and develop ownership of the various measures in the context of their teaching and research responsibilities.

  3. The extent to which the university will offer adequate support in terms of training, software platform administration, online resource development and impact monitoring and assessment.


This research investigates the ways in which undergraduate courses dealing with the environment address sustainable development (SD), and contribute to the development of sustainability learning outcomes (SLO). The participants in the study were 13 instructors, and 360 students who were enrolled in 13 courses that addressed the environment in a technical university. Mixed methods were used for data collection and analysis. We found that courses that address the environment are varied in the way that they address sustainable development, and in the pedagogy they use. We also found links between teaching methods and the pattern of reported SLOs: skills development was promoted mainly in courses with a high degree of participatory learning; changes in awareness and attitudes were reported mainly in courses that addressed sustainable development, and motivation to promote sustainable development was reported mainly in courses that addressed sustainable development and also provided opportunities for active and participatory learning. The implications of our research are discussed.  相似文献   

Psychology is frequently used as a foundation discipline in the training of adult educators because it addresses those questions which naturally emerge from an engagement with adult learning and teaching (Tennant, 1997). The professional context which forms the focus of this article is no different. By providing academic support for lecturers in a higher education institution in Ireland, there is a desire to develop a sustainable curriculum model whereby by working with them on designing and developing creative curricula in their various subject disciplines in the arts and sciences they, in turn, pass the benefits of this on to their students.  相似文献   

国家工业化必须发展高等工程教育 ,而且必须更新观念 ,重新认识工程教育的社会意义、经济功能 ,必须通过产学研相结合的活动在企业和院校之间建立一种共同培养工程技术人才的机制 ,必须着力建设一支双师型教师队伍 ,积极探索工程技术人才的培养模式  相似文献   

Professionals working in a range of contexts are increasingly expected to engage in ongoing professional learning to maintain their skills and develop their practices. In this paper, I focus on professional learning in Higher Education and challenge the standardisation of professional learning that is becoming prevalent in a number of countries. I argue that professional learning must challenge accepted wisdom, and that this is possible while still adhering to the standards required for professional legitimacy. Developing praxis is suggested as a way of producing relevant and active professional learners while still addressing the professional standards required for quality assurance.  相似文献   

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