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王学军 《德州学院学报》2012,(3):100-104,106
邢慈静是明末多才多艺的杰出女性,诗文书画等方面造诣颇深,特别是书法堪称一家,博得历代书家的赞誉。其书法渊源来自深厚的家庭启蒙、传统的经典范本、艰辛的人生历练以及佛教影响等方面。其书法特点为高古、遒劲、中和。其历史贡献在于:坚守、弘扬了魏晋书法传统;保护、传承了邢侗书法艺术成果;开创了中国古代妇女新书风之先河。  相似文献   

英国小说家哈代的代表作《还乡》集中反映了他的生态思想。对埃格敦荒原的描述体现了哈代的生态整体观:自然环境不再纯粹是人物活动的背景,而具有积极的生命形态和独立的生存意蕴,人物不再是世界的中心。只是生态体系的一个组成要素,与自然环境保持着相互依存的关系;对荒原动植物意象的刻画,表达了哈代对人与自然应该和谐共处的生态渴求及对非人类生物形式的同情与关怀。而哈代对主要人物与自然的三种不同关系(亲近自然,远离自然,回归自然)的对比述写则进一步加深了小说的生态主题:人类只有和大自然保持亲密和谐的关系,才能获得幸福生活。  相似文献   

每年的2月14日,世界各地的数百万人会送给爱人们糖果、鲜花、巧克力还有其它可爱的礼物。在许多国家,大大小小的餐馆里,坐满了一对对的情侣,他们想用美味佳肴来庆祝爱情和在一起的快乐。几乎没有哪个年轻人不想充分利用这一天。  相似文献   

This paper aims to provide a discussion of the style of English children‘s poems. The focus is on several characteristics of the style,namely,detailed analyses are presented.  相似文献   

姜红伟  周莲芳 《初中生》2008,(1):118-119
世界上最大的问题恐怕就是人口问题。如果不能及时控制人口增长的话,未来的地球上恐怕连站着的地方也不会有了。怎么办呢?办法是有的,请看看他们是怎么做的。想不想学呢?[编者按]  相似文献   

曹祺婕 《海外英语》2013,(15):229-230
The Nightingale and the Rose is the masterpiece of Oscar Wilde’s fairy tales,he is famous in American literature as an outstanding representative of aestheticism.This paper uses the method of comparison to analyze the theme,and introduces the aesthetic ideology.The aim is to express that the main purpose of this tale is its educational role,not just "art for art’s sake".  相似文献   

Wu Hui 《现代企业教育》2014,(16):491-491
Since the reform and opening up,the rapid development of China' s national economic trends for decades to promote sustained,rapid and healthy growth of the show,attracted the attention of people around the world.This article aims to analyze the basic way China attracts foreign investment and policies,prompting foreign investors to understand China's trade policy,to provide a clear idea of China attracts investment,to promote bilateral trade to maximize and achieve more bilateral trade exchanges and cooperation.  相似文献   

Joan  徐云图 《海外求学》2011,(2):14-14
我们人都有两个膝盖。那么其他动物有膝盖吗?小小的蜜蜂有膝盖吗?这个“高深”的自然问题还是留待大家自己去解决。咱们先来看漫画——  相似文献   

Long long ago, an elephant didn't have a long nose. It only had a short one.  相似文献   

Geoffrey Chaucer was an English poet, his best known work is The Canterbury Tales. During which, Chaucer described the pilgrimage undertaken by people on horseback to the shrine of Archbishop Beckett at the Canterbury Cathedrale, with each tolling a story to pass the time. "The Knight'sTales" is one among those stories with exciting plot, and is full of turns and twists.  相似文献   

高校校友能为高校提供教育教学、信息、智力、物质、公共关系等多种资源,确立可持续性开发的战略,充分挖掘校友资源,创设顺畅的信息沟通平台,并将校友资源融入就业教育当中,推动实训基地建设,举办校友企业专场双选会,对提升高校学生就业竞争力、促进就业工作起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

1942年毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》是文艺大众化理论的典范之作。毛泽东以马克思主义哲学作为立论基础,以“文艺与人民”的关系为逻辑起点,强调社会实践在文艺创造中的意义和价值,抓住文化、文艺的创造性特征,形成了辩证的文艺发展理论。重读《讲话》,对于我们认识和理解当代文艺发展的矛盾和问题,具有重要的理论指导意义和价值。  相似文献   

The Bridges of Madison County by Robert James Waller occupies an important position in American popular literature. On August 16, 1992, The Bridges of Madison County debuted on the New York Times bestsellers list and it spent the following three years on Times bestsellers. In this fiction, the author knit the story from multipoint views to portray Robert Kincaid, the hero in the novel, and how he showed his counter-elite's spirit with his behavior during the 1960s in the United States (US). The present paper, first of all, gives a brief introduction of the story. Then, the paper mainly explores the novel from two aspects: Robert Kincaid's challenge against the industrialized American society and the counter-elite's spirit reflected in the novel. The paper concludes that Robert Kincaid is a counter-elite in the industrialized American, where elites are the mainstream of the society.  相似文献   

Ma  Yan-hong 《美中教育评论》2013,(9):702-706
Since Krashen put forward the Affective Filter Hypothesis, more and more concern has been paid to the anxiety problem in Second and foreign language teaching and learning. Meanwhile, CL (cooperative learning) has gained much attention in recent years, both at home and abroad. Most researches (Oxford & Ehrman, 1993; Kagan, 1994; Slavin, 1995) on CL indicated that CL is a classroom procedure which can lower anxiety and improve learning outcomes. Although the researches abroad have suggested that CL has a positive impact on reducing foreign language learning anxiety, few empirical researches on CL have been conducted in China. Moreover, according to the author's observation, anxiety is most obvious in oral English activities. Therefore, this thesis attempts to investigate some Chinese non-English freshmen's foreign language learning anxiety. Two classes are involved in the study: one as the experimental class instructed with CL method, the other as the control class taught with the traditional teaching method. By using a classical instrument, the FLCAS (foreign language classroom anxiety scale), this study examined the subjects' foreign language learning anxiety. According to the analysis and comparison of the first and second FLCAS, the author finds CL has a significant effect on reducing students' foreign language learning anxiety.  相似文献   

某个星期四一个护士丢失了她的紫色钱包.她在寻找钱包时弄伤了她的手臂.一位男士帮助护士寻找她的紫色钱包。最后他们在教堂里找到了这个紫色钱包.  相似文献   

王利娟 《教师》2014,(23):120-121
F. Scott Fitzgerald,the famous American novelist in the 1 920 s,is known as the spokesman and laureate of the"The Lost Generation". Considered one of Fitzgerald’s representative works and the finest achievement of his literary career, The Great Gatsbyis widely recognized as a classic of American literature. The paper is an investigation of the patriarchal ideology and misogyny,with a discussion of their influence on the portrayal of women characters in The Great Gatsby.  相似文献   

周而复始的结尾方式是张爱玲小说创作中惯常的做法,它凝结着张爱玲对传统戏剧手法的发现与超越;参差的对照手法是张爱玲的自我总结,反映在小说的整体情节安排、人物塑造以及主题方面。两种手法都联接着张爱玲的反高潮,是其反高潮手法的形式特征,同时隐含着反戏剧化精神。  相似文献   

The Story of Joseph, from his sold to Egypt to his reunion with his family, is one of the longest stories of ~Thc Old Testament'. It's a story of a young man's growth which belongs to the fictional tradition of bildungsroman in the West. This paper explores the techniques of Joseph's characterization in the process of Joseph's reunion with his brothers.  相似文献   

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