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韩非集先秦法家思想之大成。《韩非子》中为了宣传法治思想而对当时具有广泛影响的儒家思想进行了尖锐的批评讽刺,作为儒家思想代表人物的孔子在《韩非子》寓言中被多次提及并发生了异化。儒家的贤者圣人被塑造为:站在法家对立面,受法家批驳的孔子;既有儒家性格,又大力宣扬法家思想的孔子;直接以法家面目出现,代法家立言的孔子。异化的孔子是一个假托的虚拟性历史人物,是韩非宣扬法家思想和政治追求的承载物。  相似文献   

张炜小说中塑造了一批大地女儿和大地母亲的完美的女性形象,这些女性人物形象,源于中国神话传说中兼有母亲和女性特征的创世女神形象原型,是民间文学中为爱降生、为爱坚贞的女性人物形象的延续。寄予了作家朴实自然、浑厚深邃的审蔓观念和追求。  相似文献   

自从动画艺术诞生,文学一直作为其渊薮而结伴同行。文学为动画提供了无数再创作的素材与可能,许多动画经典也因此而产生。作为神魔小说代表作的《西游记》一直是我国动画改编创作的一个重点。在历次不同社会文化历史语境下,《西游记》的动画改编经由故事的改写和情节的重构,孙悟空的形象也开始了属于他自己的72变,他由“神”与“猴”的共同体逐渐成为了一个在现实生活中被赋予了一切基本情感的人。通过叙述的转向和元素的重构来对比《西游记》的动画创作与原著小说的异同,是探究文学作品改编成动画艺术过程中继承和嬗变潜在规律的一种途径,其中孙悟空形象的变迁也正标志着中国动画发展的历程。  相似文献   

ThestoryofTheTempesthappensonamagicalis land .Itishalf-mythicandhalf -real ,whichmakesitdifferentfromtheworksofpurerealismandmakesitfullofsymbolsandallegories .Thecharactersinthisplayareinterpretedasallegor icalfigures .Prospero ,asanomnipotentmagician ,hasaboundlesssupernaturalpower ,suchascontrollingtheforcesofnature ,foreseeingeverythingandsendingthespiritsatwilltoachievehisowngoal.Heisnowactuallyasupermanorhalfagod .PerhapsjustinthissensesomecriticsconsiderProsperoasGod ,Calibanasadevil…  相似文献   

古往今来,中华民族一直是个尚红的民族,红色是具有中国特色的吉祥色,被冠之以"中国红"的美称。红色以其热情、喜庆、吉祥、温暖、忠诚的文化内涵一直深受中国人民尤其是汉族人民的喜爱,多数中国人民有着强烈的红色情结。相应的,红色物品在生活中的许多方面都得到了充分的应用。中国人的红色情结本身既是一种重要的文化现象,又对中国的文化、政治、经济等领域产生了重要的影响。文章从红的概念、红与白的比较、中国人形成红色情结的原因以及红色在古今生活中诸领域的应用等方面进行了简单的分析。  相似文献   

The God of Small Things written by Arundhati Roy is a novel about the post-colonial India. Based on the main clue of an upper-class family in a small town, the author describes the life and the state o...  相似文献   

Collaboration is becoming increasingly important in the realm of education (Novoa, 2004). For instance, as soon as training is undertaken, the future teacher must develop an ability to cooperate in a pedagogical context. However, in order to learn to make a relevant contribution to a teaching team's undertakings and to provide innovative suggestions in pedagogical matters (Gouvernement du Quebec, 2001), the student teacher needs solid backing from the cooperating teacher. A student teacher's willingness to reflect on and to question his own teaching practices will create a much more promising learning context (Portelance & Durand, 2006). Reciprocally, the cooperating teacher will make a positive contribution to the student teacher by accepting that his positions be questioned and even altered (Johnston, Wetherill & Greenebaum, 2002). It is the dynamics of sharing of knowledge and know-how in this partnership that retains our interest. From 2004 to 2007, the researchers carried out a study of the subject by examining four practicum sessions at high school level in a number of Quebec schools. To gather data, the researchers used written questionnaires, individual interviews, as well as recordings of conversations between student teachers and their cooperating teachers. These conversations pertain to the conception and to the execution, by the student teacher, of teaching-learning situations. These dialogues were integrally transcribed and processed by N'vivo, software designed to analyze qualitative data. the researchers present a typology of the respective roles taken on by the two partners in their discussions. The cooperating teacher reveals himself to be an advisor, a transmitter of information and a teacher. The student teacher also takes on the role of transmitter of information, as well as that of reflective practitioner, among others, the researchers observed that the conversations are usually carried out in an egalitarian spirit and, in some cases, give rise to co-construction of practical knowledge.  相似文献   

创新性实践教学环节对学生创新能力的培养具有重要意义。笔者就在组织学生参加国际CAPRI竞赛中如何培养他们的创新意识、创新精神和创新能力作了初步探索。总结了5点:精彩新颖的导入,激发参赛兴趣;自由平等的环境,营造创新氛围;团结合作的队伍,集体创新的基础;博大无私的师爱,点燃创新激情;教师自身创新进取,树立榜样作用,在实践中收到了良好的效果。  相似文献   

西部农村中小学远程教育工程项目提供了丰富的优质远程教育资源,而对于特定的对象,如何将这些资源合理的运用于教学中,来达到真正的促进教师教学素质和培养学生的高级思维能力,是值得我们努力探索的问题.通过分析西部农村中小学教育落后的主要原因,总结西部农村中小学现有的远程教育资源,提出了将优质的远程教育资源合理、有效的运用到实际教学中的一些方法,以提高教学质量和教学效率.  相似文献   

佟玉平 《双语学习》2007,(11M):234-235
This thesis focus on the analysis of the motive of the two murders made by Bigger Thomas, a black man. The black people's miserable living condition is one of the reasons why the two murders happened. The white's bias towards the black is also responsible for them. Bigger Thomasg deformed, distorted personality is also part of the explanations for the murders.  相似文献   

杨绛先生在她的小说中塑造了一批姿态各异、贴近人性的女性形象,这些形象在现当代文学史上闪耀着璀璨的光芒。究其原因是杨绛在创作中占据了清晰的观察角度,在作品里呈现了自己独特的智慧和思考。解读扬绛小说中的不同类型女性形象,可以更充分地了解扬绛对社会的理解和她小说的丰富内涵。  相似文献   

Wu Hui 《现代企业教育》2014,(16):491-491
Since the reform and opening up,the rapid development of China' s national economic trends for decades to promote sustained,rapid and healthy growth of the show,attracted the attention of people around the world.This article aims to analyze the basic way China attracts foreign investment and policies,prompting foreign investors to understand China's trade policy,to provide a clear idea of China attracts investment,to promote bilateral trade to maximize and achieve more bilateral trade exchanges and cooperation.  相似文献   

In order to quickly explore the quality of cut-off wall in dams, a new method of high-density seismic image was adopted and estimated by model and in-situ wall tests. The vibration exciter was employed and several parameters such as hypocentral distance, length of signal record and sampiing space in signal collection were determined, which are 8 m, 0.25 ms and 128 ms respectively. Through time and frequency field signal analyses, it is concluded that, the smaller arrival times of reflected longitudinal and surface waves, and the higher their main frequencies, the higher the strength of the wall, vice versa. Accordingly the construction quality of the wall can be evaluated quickly by high-density seismic image.  相似文献   

小时候,我们都看过《绿野仙踪》和《爱丽丝梦游仙境》这两部经典的儿童故事,对里面活泼、可爱的小动物更是印象深刻。作者将两部作品中的起关键作用的小动物放在一起对比,提示了故事的主旨:孩子的成长。两部作品用童话的手法讲述残酷的成人世界,让主人公经历磨炼,  相似文献   

The school of thought represented by Confucius and Mencius has strong contempt for women. It asserts male superiority and female inferiority and holds that women are subordinate to men. Confucius ranted: "Women and inferior men [meaning slaves] are hard to get along with, they get out of hand when befriended and they resent it when kept at a distance." His loyal successor Mencius said: "Do not disobey your husband, because to look upon compliance as their correct course is the rule for women." This meant that women must do as men say and the wife must in no way act against the wishes of her husband.  相似文献   

Oscar Wilde is one of the most famous writers in the period of the Victoria Age. As his classical work, "The Nightingale and The Rose" has been worshiped for its profound theme and the brilliant exertion of color. Now, the tale will be analyzed from the view of beauty in Color, expecting sharing my reviews with all of you.  相似文献   

延安整风是马克思主义中国化、时代化、大众化的典范。延安整风不仅为马克思主义中国化、时代化、大众化奠定了思路基础,创造了理论条件,提供了组织保障和制度保证,同时还为新时期的马克思主义中国化、时代化、大众化提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

加拿大文学女王玛格丽特·阿特伍德的小说或诗歌表现出三大侧重点:女权倾向、民族主义和生态环保意识。作为兼有女性作家以及女性学者的双重身份,阿特伍德一直关注着女性在男性社会的挣扎和斗争。通过她在小说中创造出的形形色色的女性形象,可以看出女性在男权社会所处的“他者”地位。在她们中间,既有屈服于传统角色要求,深受压迫和迫害的圈内女性;也有进行反抗、积极地进行自我身份确认,最后实现自我身份构建,走出男性桎梏的勇敢女性。文中选取了阿特伍德的四部长篇小说中的一些女性作为研究对象。通过对她们进行分类研究,更好地理解阿特伍德小说深刘的主题思想,同时,对女性反思自身命运。实现自身真正的解放也有着积极的参考价值。  相似文献   

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