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诺瓦克认为每种文化都有自己的概念体系和实践框架。教育不仅要挑选那些有永恒价值的概念,而且要帮助学生掌握意义学习的原理和方法,使其获得生成和运用新知的能力。梳理意义学习的理论基础、阶段、形式、原则以及相关的课程组织、教学方法等对教学实践具有启发意义。  相似文献   

Children’s interests are a common foundation for early childhood curricula. Yet, little research is available about the fundamental nature of children’s interests and analytical ways to recognize and engage with these. Early work on children’s interests adopted a psychological perspective and associated interests with activity choices. Recent work has taken a sociocultural perspective, arguing that more analytical interpretations of children’s interests can occur through a deeper understanding of children’s funds of knowledge from their lives in their families and communities, and their inquiries that result. This paper draws on a qualitative, interpretivist study in two early childhood centres in Aotearoa New Zealand to extend this work and argue that children’s ‘real questions’ are the fundamental source of their interests. The interpretations presented of children’s questions also challenge earlier psychological research that suggested children cannot imagine their future selves until late in the early childhood period. A revised continuum of children’s interests and examples of interpretations of children’s real questions are proffered for further consideration in other early childhood contexts. Further, the paper argues that interests-based curriculum is justifiable in the early years through likely leading to a range of long-term outcomes valued by societies.  相似文献   

Rational choice theory suggests that parents are utility maximizers who make decisions from clear value preferences, that they are able to demand effective action from local schools and teachers, and that they can be relied upon to pursue the best interests of their children. This paper presents a different perspective and argues that parents invest a mixture of rationalities when selecting schools. Based on the results of a survey of 1,500 parents of students in 11 private, eight public and 10 alternative elementary schools in Alberta, Canada, this paper explores the logic, values, and concerns that inform parental decision making in the selection of an elementary school for their children and discusses implication for policy and educational reform.  相似文献   

巴赫的《创意曲集》是学习钢琴复调技术最好的中级教材,在教学中以巴赫时代的演奏习惯去认识并掌握好巴赫的音乐风格,是演奏巴赫作品时应考虑的首要问题。在演奏巴赫作品时要注意下面几个因素:横向的线条,乐旬的安排;竖向的和声及对位法;对装饰音、节奏的处理;速度和力度的把握,等等。  相似文献   

刘勰提出的风骨论,由于意义重要,引起人们隆重而热烈的讨论,形成诸家的种种说法。从诸家说法中抽绎出共识,以求对“风骨”概念进行诠释。“风骨”概念是抽象而非形象的,模糊而非清晰的,宽泛而非狭隘的,统一而非对立的。总之,“风骨”应是一种美学要求。  相似文献   

What is "high"? The development of reference points for "high" and "low"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Young children have been characterized as interpreting relative adjectives as if they were nominal or categorical terms. The categorical interpretation of relative terms, however, may be quite complex. Indeed, the mature understanding of relative terms would seem to include a complex system of reference points for the terms' categorical usages. In 5 experiments we examined the complexity of 3-5-year-old children's and adults' categorical interpretations. We specifically examined how reference points for the categorical interpretation of high and low are defined. The definition of reference points relative to the object judged, the vertical position of the observer, and the extent of vertical variation were assessed. 3 major developmental trends were observed: a trend from the application of the terms to only extreme values to their application to broader categories; a trend from nominal-like categories to ones defined flexibly relative to context (e.g., nature of object judged, and extent of vertical variation); and a trend from reference points functioning as focal points to their operating as directional category boundaries. In brief, the results suggest that the categorical usage of relative terms involves a rich and intricate knowledge system and that it takes children considerable time to acquire and organize the relevant pieces of knowledge.  相似文献   

生成活动来源于幼儿的兴趣,教师必须以幼儿的视角预设出多种发展思路,并依据教育目标制订出生成活动中的最佳指导策略。在这个过程中,要善于观察幼儿的兴趣,鼓励幼儿的生成活动;师幼积极互动,以发挥在主题生成活动中的作用并促进主题生成活动不断得到延伸。  相似文献   

《诗经》中的诗篇 ,十之八九不能确定其具体时间 ,事件和作者。两千多年以来的《诗经》研究 ,大体上是在确定诗之能指。用隶书传授《诗经》的三家诗 ,在这一方面很有典型性 ,而后来居上的古文(小篆 )毛诗又何以言外呢 !赋诗制度与《诗集传》是诗之能指的成功范例 ,但是它们带着时代的局限性。今天的人们学习《诗经》 ,既要珍惜传统 ,又要找出适合今天的时代要求的方式。  相似文献   

在现代英语语法中,语法学家从逻辑意义的角度将“分句”分为“限定分句”和“非限定分句”,这样“分句”的下住概念“非限定分句”的所指外延包括传统语法的“词和词组”等结构;从句法功能上讲。“短语”可由一个“词素”或几个单词构成的“词组”或“分句”来充当。因此,“短语”的所指外廷涵盖了从句法角度定义的“分句”的外延,“短语”是小于“句子”但大于或等于“分句”的语法单位,即“句子”〉“短语”≥“分句”。  相似文献   

在古代汉语中,“所生”一般与其他“所字结构”表受事有所不同,往往指动作的施事-“父母”。同时,“所生”也表示“儿女”、所产生的事物、所出生的地方等含义。  相似文献   

高校辅导员核心价值观是社会主义核心价值体系的重要组成部分,高校辅导员核心价值观的基本内涵可凝练为:忠诚教育、为人师表、关爱学生、求实创新、专业精神。培育高校辅导员核心价值观,需要以理论学习为主渠道、以实际工作为主阵地、以辅导员切身利益为保障。  相似文献   

This article explores how resilience draws upon positive individual, social, contextual, and cultural variables and buffers gifted children from the harmful impact of their psychosocial and emotional needs. Its purpose is to consider building resilience in gifted children and advocating the resilience curriculum requirement for their unique social and emotional development. Based on resilience theory, recommended policies and practices are categorized as program design, curriculum planning, educators’ capacity and continuum of gifted supports, programs, and services. This resilience framework for meeting their best interests is rethought to allow a greater opportunity for growth of innovation and change of curriculum to reflect recent trends in the field. If gifted children are to achieve their academic potential, social and emotional aspects of giftedness must be recognized and developed, because excelling in one academic area requires thriving in others.  相似文献   

现在能看到的有关《诗经》的版本很多,翻检诸家对《豳风·东山》"熠宵行"一词的注释存在很大的分歧。分歧的原因在于各家的释义只关注了"熠宵行"词语本身的含义,而没有照顾到上下文所赋予它的语境意义。本文尝试运用现代语境学的理论对此进行了重新阐释,以求能为更好地理解诗歌本身的含义提供帮助。  相似文献   

关于契丹小字“大契丹国”的释读,一直有不同意见。20世纪80年代以来,经过热烈讨论,形成了互不相同的三种意见。在20世纪90年代,陆续发现了关于这个词组的几种不同的写法。对比研究这些不同的写法,对检验不同释读法的正确与否提供了条件。  相似文献   

区域是幼儿园环境的重要组成部分,在班级里我们会根据幼儿的年龄特点和兴趣爱好,开辟多种多样的区角,"阅读区"是必不可少的一角。利用好阅读区,既可激发幼儿说的兴趣,又可有效地发展幼儿的语言,达到事半功倍的效果。但随着多样区域活动的开展,孩子们更加喜欢形形色色的玩具,对阅读区不太感兴趣了,因此要努力创设幼儿感兴趣的阅读区,让幼儿在区域中快乐的阅读,并加强对幼儿在区域中阅读的指导策略,发挥阅读区的教育价值。  相似文献   

《庄子》首用“股脚”一词,而后沿袭二千余年,使用颇广,然辞书及古人训解多失义,今人所著《庄子》注译类著作,多照录而已,不加训解。今通检《四库全书》正文及文注释,共得“股脚”用例约103条,考查其用法与结构,综该其义,释“股脚”为双音节复合词,其本义为“下肢”;《庄子》中“股脚”指称下肢中凹曲隐蔽之处。  相似文献   

This article presents findings on students’ views and experiences of tiering in Northern Ireland and Wales from a children’s rights perspective. It considers the extent to which tiering fulfils the rights to education, best interests, non-discrimination, and participation under the Convention on the Rights of the Child. It emphasises that while the majority of students were supportive of tiering, their responses highlighted a range of negative effects of tiering on students taking foundation tier. Students described the impact of being placed in the foundation tier on their self-esteem and relationship with their peers, indicating that being allocated to foundation tier can have a labelling effect. Students who were taking foundation papers, or a mixture of foundation and higher-tier papers, were more likely than those taking higher-tier papers to report that they wanted to change tier and to raise issues overall regarding tiering. Furthermore, students who were faced with these difficult choices often had a poor understanding of several aspects of tiers. The article argues that alternative forms of differentiation should be considered, and presents students’ perspectives on some of these. It argues that we must ensure that young people have a good understanding of tiering and that their views and experiences of tiering are taken into account when considering further reforms to GCSEs.  相似文献   

Reading disability in children with dyslexia has been proposed to reflect impairment in auditory timing perception. We investigated one aspect of timing perception—temporal grouping—as present in prosodic phrase boundaries of natural speech, in age-matched groups of children, ages 6–8 years, with and without dyslexia. Prosodic phrase boundaries are characterized by temporal grouping of functionally related speech elements and can facilitate syntactic processing of speech. For example, temporary syntactic ambiguities, such as early-closure structures, are processed faster when prosodic phrase boundaries are present. We examined children’s prosodic facilitation by measuring their efficiency of sentence processing for temporary syntactic ambiguities spoken with (facilitating) versus without (neutral) prosodic phrase boundaries. Both groups of children benefited similarly from prosodic facilitation, displaying faster reaction times in facilitating compared to neutral prosody. These findings indicate that the use of prosodic phrase boundaries for speech processing is not impaired in children with dyslexia.  相似文献   



When children interpret experiments concerning the physical properties of gases, they generally use frameworks from the field of mechanics. In reality, these experiments give them the opportunity of expressing relationships between movement, equilibrium and mechanical dimensions, such as forces.

In their experimental interpretations, children aged 11 to 13 years emphasize in most cases those stages of an experiment which involve movement: movement as a cause of pressure change of a gas, and movement as the effect of this pressure change. This leads them to express frameworks which have been similarly observed by Piaget and other authors. For example, movement of air in one direction is thought to cause or to be caused by a specific force in one direction; similarly, the state of equilibrium and thus the immobility at the end of the experiment, are characterized by an absence of forces.

The interpretations of several experiments relating to air pressure are analysed using the commentaries of children aged 11 to 13 in class and interviews carried out with children of the same age.  相似文献   

表示处所的"到L"与"把"字短语的连用构成三种句式。"到L"的位置不同,"到L"的语义指向也不同,三种句式的结构类型和动词的类也不同。不同位置上的"到L"所受的限制也不同。  相似文献   

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