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Fifty‐three external university students and a comparison group of 51 on‐campus social and political theory students responded to a written questionnaire on their perceptions of the factors influencing their external studies. Responses were obtained to objective questions and by written open‐ended advice to two hypothetical prospective external students.

In both sets of responses students identified family, job and life circumstances as major influences on external university study.. Advantages of external study were self‐reliance and finances, and disadvantages were related to access to the library and academics' demands. Students expressed preference for studying on‐campus or by the combination of campus and external courses which was available at the university. The study provides base‐line data about students' perceptions of contextual frames or constraints on external study.  相似文献   

高等教育管理领域有三个经典的组织模型,分别是科层模型、学院模型和政治模型。学院模型在共同治理理念下分析校内共同参与遴选过程具有解释力;科层模型则可用于分析威权治理模式中董事会把遴选作为自身决策事务的遴选特征;而政治模型在解释当前美国公立大学校长遴选工作上具有更大的解释效力。本文以佛罗里达大学2003年校长遴选为案例,分析州治理制度变化、州政治气候以及校内群体博弈对当时校长遴选过程和结构的影响。鉴于大量遴选失败案例,有必要对共同治理传统、公立大学董事会制度和《阳光法案》的影响等进行重新审视并采取果断行动,让州立大学重回为公共利益服务的轨道,走出政治化泥沼。  相似文献   

The control of funds has enabled the Commonwealth Government of Australia to achieve just recently the successful introduction of distance education programmes to Monash University, even though provision of correspondence classes was written into the objects of the university, founded thirty years ago. This paper seeks to explain why earlier attempts failed, through reference to academic structure, academic rationale, and the role of governing bodies.  相似文献   

从人才培养定位、学科国际评估和教育教学改革三个方面,介绍了清华大学深化研究生教育改革的思路与措施。  相似文献   

结合北京大学研究生教育工作实际,从保持特色,着力培育优秀的研究生教育质量文化;完善制度,全面推进研究生教育改革和内涵式发展;追求卓越,以一流的学科带动高水平的研究生教育三个方面论述了如何加强质量文化建设,提高研究生教育质量。  相似文献   

Previous research has assumed that earnings reflect productivity. This study compares the relationship between education and earnings to that between education and more direct measures of productivity. Using the personnel files of managers in a large corporation, the author estimates the effects of various graduate degrees on four measures of productivity: annual salary, change in salary, supervisor's rating and probability of promotion. Graduate degrees were found to be positively related to within-grade salary and sometimes to salary increases, but negatively related to all other measures of job performance. Thus graduate degrees are not associated with greater job productivity, as measured here.  相似文献   

哈佛大学作为一所以培养研究生和从事科学研究为主的综合性大学,在长期教育实践过程中,逐渐形成了独具特色的研究生培养经验,包括完善的研究生助教制度、严格的竞争淘汰机制、独特的教学方式和灵活的导师制度.建立国际领先水平的研究型大学,提高研究生培养质量是一个重要方面.这方面,哈佛大学的研究生培养经验值得学习和借鉴,如构建新的专门人才培养模式;实现教学与科研、数量与质量之间的双重平衡;实现“单一导师制”向“导师合作制”的转变.  相似文献   

This research looks at the role of graduate placement programmes in bridging the gap between higher education and the small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) sector. The research design and methodology used in this study was exploratory, in-depth and qualitative in nature. The research took the form of a multiple case study and focused on seven graduates with an engineering, science or technology background who have worked with SMEs. The graduates were employed by companies participating in the Fusion programme, a graduate placement and knowledge transfer programme currently running in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland (the UK). The study shows that graduate placement programmes such as Fusion can help graduates in their transition to the SME workplace, but the impact can vary according to the individual placement context. Implications for policy and future research are considered.  相似文献   

This study examines an innovative model program for the mentorship of diverse graduate students entitled the Inter-Ethnic/Interdisciplinary Mentoring Institute for Graduate Education (i.e., Mentoring Institute), which was established by the Graduate Student Diversity Programs in the Office of the Vice President for Research at the University of Virginia (UVa). The Mentoring Institute was created to promote an inclusive environment for graduate students from diverse backgrounds as well as to provide support for and increase the number of students of color who successfully matriculate and graduate from UVa. A comprehensive program evaluation was conducted that assesses the mentoring experiences of UVa graduate students who participate in the Mentoring Institute. The evaluation data reveals how graduate students’ involvement in the Mentoring Institute has positively impacted their academic and social experiences as well as their feelings of connectedness to UVa's professional community. The evaluation also assesses ongoing activities, professional trainings, workshops, and other support mechanisms provided for graduate students by the Mentoring Institute. In all, graduate students who participated in the Mentoring Institute evaluation indicated that the program has contributed significantly to their academic success, social well being, and feelings of connectedness to the UVa graduate school community. This study should particularly benefit administrators, faculty, students, and higher education professionals who are interested in multicultural graduate student development at predominately White institutions of higher education.  相似文献   

随着研究生招生规模的扩大,研究生党员人数不断增加.研究生党建工作所面临新问题以及新挑战,亟需我们用科学发展观的态度来探讨和解决.本文就现阶段高校研究生基层党建工作存在的问题以及改进研究生党建工作的对策进行探讨,促进研究生党建工作顺利开展.  相似文献   

On July 1, 1975 the private New College of Sarasota, Florida became New College of the University of South Florida, a state institution. Since this merger New College has maintained its innovative approach, its high academic quality, and its main means of instruction, thecontract. Its off-campus study program has, however, declined in the number of students who utilize it. The main decline in numbers has occurred in group studies/travel groups and extensive cross-cultural studies. Reasons for the decline are varied and not all may be attributable to the merger of the previously private institution with a state university.  相似文献   

记叙了作者1978~1981年在北京大学读研究生的经历,叙述了当时治学、科研、导师.指导等方面的事例,回顾了三年研究生生活带给自己学术上的启迪和收获.  相似文献   

研究生教育是研究型大学人才培养的重心,是研究型大学的最主要的特征要素。发展研究生教育能有效提升研究型大学的水平。因此研究型大学都把发展研究生教育放在首要位置。发展研究生教育应坚持“质”、“量”协调发展原则,在学科建设、导师队伍建设等方面都要把握好“质”、“量”发展的度。  相似文献   

受绩效主义思想影响,佛罗里达州州长推动议会通过了佛罗里达州卓越大学法案并委托州立大学系统董事会制定遴选标准和资助政策.佛罗里达大学在校长领导下制定了卓越计划,并通过加大配套经费投入、加强战略绩效监控、重点资助跨学科前沿领域、加快科研成果转化等举措,推动一流大学建设进程.执政党和政治文化与州立研究型大学建设有显著关联,州高等教育治理模式与州立大学法律地位对州立研究型大学建设一流大学也有重要的影响.建设一流大学需要处理好政府与大学的权责关系.  相似文献   

1991年开始的东京大学研究生院重点化改革,到1997年告一段落.在全面调研的基础上,东京大学拟从教育体制、学术研究体制、管理体制三方面进一步深入改革.这些改革对于我国研究型大学发展研究生教育具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

加州大学伯克利分校的研究生培养模式及其启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了吸引更好的生源,伯克利大学不但在招生环节上着眼于优质人才的具体情况,而且努力为他们提供丰厚的资助,营造良好的研究环境。同时,伯克利大学通过采用研究生导师和顾问的双重指导,开辟自由开放的学习渠道和层层分级的课程体系以及对评价过程的严格把关,保证了研究生的培养质量。伯克利大学采用的研究生培养模式对于我国的研究生教育具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

The present paper discusses the decontextualization of learning in a case of compulsory Swedish language studies for university degrees. In this case learning Swedish is mostly disconnected, not only from the everyday lives of the students in a way typical of formal learning in general, but also from the study activities and contexts that students engage in for their major subject. Learning has been transferred to a specific context, the University Language Centre Swedish courses, where the main purpose is to learn Swedish for possible future needs. The study explored the correspondence between Finnish speaking students' own learning goals and the formal objectives set for these compulsory studies (i.e. learning Swedish for educational and occupational purposes). The sample consisted of 10 student groups from different subject majors. The results suggest that all students do not necessarily share the prescribed formal objectives. First of all, students expressed goals which contradicted the formal objectives, namely learning only discrete words or grammar rules. In addition, only four of the 10 groups mentioned learning goals related to their present studies (educational domain) and only five groups discussed learning goals from the point of view of their future professions (occupational domain). The paper discusses ways to overcome the problems of decontextualization in compulsory language studies for university degrees.  相似文献   

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