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This article advances a framework for computer implementation based on Vygotsky's theory of socially mediated cognitive development. The approach suggested by this framework, teacher-assisted computer implementation, acknowledges the critical role of the adult or more skilled partners in task performance and knowledge construction. An application of this approach, designated as software with enhancement, is described as it was used to provide language enrichment with Head Start children. Implications of this approach for computer implementation in early childhood classrooms are discussed.  相似文献   

A Vygotskian perspective on teacher education   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Contemporary teacher education demonstrates the continued use of competency‐based, personality‐based and inquiry‐based approaches. These approaches are commonly regarded as representing alternative paradigms for designing curriculum and pedagogy. From a Vygotskian perspective, characterized by the use of bridging concepts relating individual functioning and personal development to sociocultural process and setting, these approaches may serve to provide elements for a more comprehensive paradigm of professional development. Drawing on Vygotskian theory, a teacher‐education environment offers support to trainee teachers for developing a professional identity. A central element is that trainees explore the practice of teaching for its underlying public meanings and as these meaning relate to their own structures of personal meanings. Such an exploration involves the shaping and testing of personally‐meaningful action in professional practice. Commitment to meanings found to be valid and practicable constitutes the core of professional identity. The task students face in developing professional identity on the basis of an assignment of meaning to teaching needs an appropriate teacher‐education environment. These conditions are worked out from a Vygotskian perspective on professional development.  相似文献   

Defiant behavior in two- and three-year-olds is a natural expression of a young child’s growing autonomy, and, although frustrating to adults, is a natural phase of a child’s socio-emotional growth. L.S. Vygotsky’s socio-historical theory of the development included a discussion of “crisis” periods, one of which he felt occurred at age three. The crisis that Vygotsky asserted occurred at three is characterized by a group of seven “behaviors”, all of which indicate a struggle with the child’s position in relation to family social structures. This study examined the occurrences and characteristics of defiant behavior in two-and three-year-old children during outdoor play at a child development center, and the existence and context of defiant behaviors the modern childcare setting. Patterns in defiant behaviors during play in different age groups were apparent, and suggested an instrument to facilitate the documentation and analysis of defiant behavior in modern group-care settings.  相似文献   

Sociocultural approaches emphasize the interdependence of social and individual processes in the coconstruction of knowledge. This article uses three central tenets of a Vygotskian framework to examine the relation between learning and development: (a) social sources of individual development, (b) semiotic (signs and symbols, including language) mediation in human development, and (c) genetic (developmental) analysis. The role played by culture and language in human development is an essential aspect of the Vygotskian framework and provides an overarching theme for this article. The methodological foundation of this framework is examined, particularly as it contrasts with other perspectives on the process of internalization of social interaction in the construction of knowledge. The article concludes by surveying sociocultural research on and applications to classroom learning and teaching, particularly that which examines the role of collaboration.  相似文献   

Processes and Consequences of Peer Collaboration: A Vygotskian Analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A sample of 162 children aged from 5 to 9 was pretested to discover each child's "rule" for predicting the movement of a mathematical balance beam. Children then worked alone, with a partner who used the same rule, with a partner who was more competent, or with a partner who was less competent. If partners' predictions differed, the dyad members were asked to discuss and reach agreement, but were not given feedback. All children were subsequently given 2 individual posttests. The results revealed that regression in thinking was as likely a consequence as improvement, both proving stable. Benefits accrued primarily to those whose partner was more competent, but understanding of the outcomes of collaboration required attending both to the nature of the rules (whether they allowed consistent or inconsistent prediction) and the shared understanding attained during the paired session.  相似文献   

课程实施取向是近年来课程研究领域的热点问题。关怀取向是建立在关怀教育思想基础上的课程实施取向,是从德育的角度来理解课程实施的。课程实施需要关怀取向,是由于当前课程领域的课程实施取向存在着困顿,同时,关怀取向作为人文主义的一种直接表达和取向具有自身的优势。利用关怀取向来指导具体的课程实施,应树立关心和被关心的指导思想,创建充满关心氛围的师生关系,让教师和学生积极参与课程实施,并采取多样化的评估方式。  相似文献   

Summary The first part of this paper consists of a discussion of the implications of a Vygotskian developmental model for teaching mathematics to children with communication difficulties. The second describes an exploratory empirical investigation of mathematical behaviour on the part of children with communication difficulties (CD).  相似文献   

《计算机与世界———时代的春意和哲学新意》(武汉出版社 2 0 0 2年版 ,下文简称《新意》)一书是由乔天庆教授所主持的国家社会科学基金项目“计算机赋予辩证唯物论的新意”的最终成果。该书的顺利出版是一件值得庆贺的喜事。由于这本书是以轻松活泼的方式来阐述计算机革命所引起的人类世界的根本变化 ,同时又蕴含深刻的哲学含义 ,因此兼有学术意义与科普价值。这是一本读者适应面宽、知识性、趣味性、可读性都很强的雅俗共赏的好书 ,预计它将成为一本畅销书。我与乔先生是通过“以文会友”方式相识的 ,对科学与哲学的共同兴趣 (更确切地说…  相似文献   

Promoting students’ conceptual understanding and academic language development is a primary goal of instructors in all subject areas. These goals, however, are sometimes hindered by the way students’ learning is assessed. In many college-level courses, knowledge-level tests that assess concrete thinking associated with superficial approaches to teaching are frequently used. Rubrics used to grade short open-ended responses often have vague criteria subjectively applied to a rating scale. To address these issues, this paper uses a new lens, shaped from the ideas of Vygotsky, a cultural-historical theorist, for understanding the development of academic language use (in Vygotskian terms, thinking that demonstrates conceptual understanding) and its assessment. Vygotsky’s stages of concept learning are applied to form criteria on a short-answer response rubric. Examples of students’ academic language use according to developmental level are provided. Recommendations for the adaptation of this type of classroom assessment for use in other courses are made, along with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that in spite of some superficial similarities the current mathematics reform in the US based on constructivist principles differs substantially from mathematical education based on Vygotskian cultural-historical theory (V.V. Davydov’s mathematics program), and to illustrate the manner in which Davydov’s program virtually obliterates the conceptual-procedural division that has fueled the current “math wars”. Both constructivism and Davydov’s approach emphasize the active character of students’ acquisition of mathematical concepts. Constructivists, however, begin the instructional process from the children’s preexistent concepts while Vygotskians reorient it toward acquisition of what Vygotsky defined as “scientific” rather than “spontaneous, everyday” concepts. A three-year study of the implementation of Davydov’s elementary mathematics program in a school setting in the US found that the American children overcame the initial challenges of the program, consistently resolved computational errors conceptually, and finally demonstrated the ability to solve high school level mathematics problems. The curriculum appeared to foster the development of theoretical thinking, an explicit goal of Davydov’s program, which constitutes its major value and educational significance.  相似文献   

基于HOOK技术的计算机监控系统设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文基于Hook技术使用VC++6.0设计和实现了一个计算机监控系统,实现了对QQ、MSN、飞信聊天记录的监控,以及对文件使用记录和网页浏览记录的监控。  相似文献   

An introductory CS1 course presents problems for educators and students due to students' diverse background in programming knowledge and exposure. Students who enroll in CS1 also have different expectations and motivations. Prompted by the curricular guidelines for undergraduate programmes in computer science released in 2001 by the ACM/IEEE, and driven by a departmental project to reinvent the undergraduate computer science and computer engineering curricula at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, we are currently implementing a series of changes which will improve our introductory courses. One key component of our project is an online placement examination tied to the cognitive domain that assesses student knowledge and intellectual skills. Our placement test is also integrated into a comprehensive educational research design containing a pre- and posttest framework for assessing student learning and providing valuable feedback for needed instructional revisions. In this paper, we focus on the design and implementation of our placement exam and present an analysis of the data collected to date.  相似文献   

通识教育致力于培养整全的人,使其拥有值得过的完满人生。在通识教育理念的这一理念日益明晰的情况下,从课程实施的视角,以吴宓的"文学与人生"为例阐明通识教育只有在课程实施的过程中改变教育传授知识的被动性和技能性,才能在师生的深度交往和精神对话中,获得自我的整全,过一种丰富生动的完满人生。  相似文献   

SOR算法是解线性方程组的迭代加速方法,通过选择恰当的松弛因子ω,它能使收敛速度较慢的迭代法变的收敛快,使发散的迭代法可能变成收敛,因此SOR算法有极高的应用价值.文章提供了SOR算法设计和分析,使得SOR算法能在计算机上高效执行.  相似文献   

金萍 《职教论坛》2020,(1):154-157
2019年《国家职业教育改革实施方案》明确提出了职业院校应启动1+X证书制度(即"学历证书+职业技能等级证书"制度),该制度的实施将调动社会各方参与职业教育发展,畅通技术技能人才培养通道。从1+X证书制度实施影响主体层面看,1+X证书制度实施对职业院校、学生和社会都有很大影响,从1+X证书制度实施实效影响层面看,1+X证书制度实施为职业院校学生考证培训规范化提供了契机。1+X证书制度落实在顶层设计时应注重教育治理的开放性、坚守职业教育的公益性和坚持内涵发展路径。  相似文献   

布朗诉教育委员会是美国教育法中里程碑式的案件。本文以弗吉尼亚州为例,分析了布朗案实施过程中抵制力量所使用的三个政策工具——学生派位制度、以"介入权"为标志的源于州权利的对抗、"选择的自由"。资料来自弗吉尼亚州议会和政府的史料、布朗及布朗案后一系列的法院判决、美国地方和国家媒体的报道以及相关的美国历史研究。分析表明,政策的执行并不是一个自上而下的简单过程,而是具有"纵横交错"的互动特点。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

This study explores the themes in the talk of two mothers and daughters as they share a self‐created story with an iPad app. Vygotsky's theory of learning is applied to inform a thematic analysis and help interpret the learning potential within the observed parent–child exchanges. A deductive–inductive thematic analysis identified three recurring themes in the parent–child talk: realistic fiction, scaffolding variations, and engaged players and objects of ‘play’. The themes suggested that Vygotsky's theory has particular relevance in exploring the learning processes facilitated by the iPad app. In addition, however, post‐Vygotskian theoretical frameworks were helpful in capturing the dynamic co‐construction of the authentic and multimedia stories parents and children shared.  相似文献   

积木建构游戏中包含了STEM项目实施所需的核心要素和特色要素,且以其情境性、延续性、合作性等特质成为幼儿园开展STEM项目活动的优质载体。教师通过有效识别建构游戏中的教育契机生成STEM项目活动,并采取鼓励幼儿建构"前设计"、基于观察搭建"脚手架"、灵活开展项目评价等方式,有效转化建构资源,拓展STEM项目活动,丰富了幼儿园课程。  相似文献   

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