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Since 2015, the Taiwan government has endeavoured to uphold maker education for all-level schools. In addition to “learning by doing” or “learning through play”, maker education believed to have varied features that set it apart from preceding pedagogical approaches and have possibility to reform learners’ requisite competencies for future. Engaging with “social care” as the mind-set for example, it could drive maker movement towards a value-oriented disposition. This paper discusses the theoretical roots of maker education, collates its beliefs about the whole, and probes the correlation between social design and maker education. We studied how the experimental pedagogy of social-design-based making based on the text of “The Old Man and The Sea” was used at the 2017 New Taipei City Maker Workshop in Taiwan. And we constructed a case study to document its effects within the classroom context. The study revealed that the teaching model of social-design-based maker education would be the sequence as “topic choosing, problem defining, sympathy triggering, conception outputting, prototype making, integrating and sharing”, the proportion of teachers’/students’ roles in maker courses should be in half of the overall lessons, and teachers’ instructions should be concentrated on offering key questions and assisting on integrating learning points mainly.  相似文献   

"The Old Man and The Sea"is Hemingway latter years’masterpiece,with which he was awarded the Nobel prize in1954.As the protagonist of the novel,Santiago plays a vital role to the novel’s motif.Hemingway expresses his attitudes toward the life through the image of Santiago.The paper intends to explore the character of Santiago from different facets and angles.In the end,we reach a conclusion that Santiago is a strong-willed man with a young,indestructible soul,he is kind,sensitive as well as hardworking.In a ward,he is a perfect Hemingway hero.  相似文献   

刘晶 《初中生》2007,(3):54-55
The wind of the sea kisses m Its cool salt tang cleanses the The wind of the sea caresses Its gentle touch, soft and cool y face. air I breathe; my skin. , like that of a lover.[第一段]  相似文献   

We once had a whole week of life in the army camp. It was a life full of happinessand interest. That was in the first year of my primary school. All of us were excitedwhen teacher announced2 that we were about to pass a week in the camp. Can you imagine t…  相似文献   

沈晔 《英语教师》2023,(7):101-104
阐述多模态、叙事法和多模态叙事法的概念。介绍多模态叙事法的设计原则。以新译林版高中《英语》必修二Unit 4 The old man and the sea为例,从神秘故事、故事复述、传统故事和自制故事等四个方面具体分析高中英语阅读教学中的多模态叙事法教学设计。指出在高中英语阅读教学中,教师要通过多模态叙事法的教学设计,有效培养学生的英语学科核心素养。  相似文献   

Life is exciting and convenient in the city.People can enjoy all sorts of services and entertainments such as restaurants,shopping centers,hospitals,cinemas and so on.  相似文献   

Thedifferencebetweenthelifeinonecountryandthatinanotherisquiteoften1thedifferencebetweenthecitylifeandthevillagelifein2country.InanEnglishvillageeverybody3everybodyelse;theyknowwhattimeyougetup,whattimeyougotobedandwhatyouusuallyhave4dinner.Ifyouwantanyhelp,youwillalwaysgetitandbegladtohelpanyoneelseinreturn.Inalargecity5London,therearemanythingsandplacesforpeopletoseeandtogoto.Butpeo鄄pleoftendon蒺tknoweachother6.Itsometimeshappensthatyouhave7seenyournext鄄doorneighbour,don蒺tknowhisnameora…  相似文献   

1.Feminism and“The woman Warrior”Historically,thinking about gender happens in cultures where gender configurations-the socialmeaning systems that encode sexual difference-undergo changes or shifts.The same is true withthinking about race(thatrace as a constructbecomes apparentwhen ideas of race are shifting) or eco-nomics,or politics,etc.:all of these concepts are reevaluated when social practice(i.e.what peopledo) shifts.So gender,or masculine and feminine qualities,or male/female social …  相似文献   

《老人与海》阐述了海明威的人生哲学和生活观:在残酷的社会现实和命运之中,人应该勇敢地面对一切痛苦和磨难,并同一切痛苦和磨难进行斗争,热爱生活,珍惜生命。这种人生哲学是美国社会价值的精髓,同时对全人类也都有普遍的哲学意义。  相似文献   

车乐格尔 《海外英语》2011,(11):228-229
Santiago in the Old Man and the Sea has been widely treated as a "defeated hero and a real hero";however,the symbolic meanings are doubtful.He is tough indeed,but to analysis the novel in other views we can find his power comes not from his own spirit.By paraphrasing sentences and analysis Hemingway’s suicide we can find more truth in the masterpiece.  相似文献   

桑地亚哥是一位"硬汉"老人,也是一位慈祥、善良、兴趣广泛、富有人情味的老人。在老人内心深处是无比渴望得到别人的关心,另一方面,老人灵魂深处也怀着关爱之心。桑地亚哥,一位坚强、宽厚、仁慈、充满爱心的勇士。即使在人生的角斗场上失败,面对不可逆转的命运,他仍然保持着一种在重重压力下的胜利者的优雅风度,是精神上不折不扣的强者。正因为如此,他才是一位不一样的、真正的老人。而桑地亚哥这种在精神上的永不可战胜也使其成为文学史上最著名的"硬汉"形象之一。  相似文献   

<老人与海>是海明威的代表作.其主题思想主要宣扬了一种不屈不挠的奋斗精神,塑造了一个即使失败依然保持优雅风度的"硬汉子"形象.海明威的小说在语言上具有简洁的风格,<老人与海>发展了其简洁的"冰山"理论创作说.  相似文献   

《老人与海》一书自出版一直广受大众欢迎,大量隐喻涵盖其中。本文试图用认知语言学下的隐喻理论和隐喻工作机制理论中互动原则为指导点分析《老人与海》中隐喻的运作。进一步了解《老人与海》的深层含义,让我们更深入了解这本著作中隐喻使用的精妙之处。  相似文献   

论海明威独特的文体风格--以《老人与海》为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从文学文体学的角度对《老人与海》独特的文体特色进行较为系统的分析,运用统计法和描写法揭示其风格要素即小说的语言材料,表达方式和叙事方式的具体特征,进而指出《老人与海》是海明威客观、简洁、朴实的创作美学思想的完美体现。  相似文献   

海明威的《老人与海》所运用的创作方法,除简约叙事等所反映出来的现实主义倾向外,基本上是西方现代主义。其中,运用得较为突出的是意识流和象征主义手法。  相似文献   

《老人与海》和《红岩》的作者都同样塑造了具有高傲、意志和坚忍不拔精神的英雄形象。本文试图比较两部作品中的英雄人物形象,从中找出相似处和相异处,对其进行分析比较,探索人生真谛,发掘世界丈学宝库中的精华以及其现实意义。  相似文献   

在《老人与海》中,海明威竭力扣紧超越与反超越这一尖锐的两极对立,即桑地亚哥与大海、鲨鱼、马林鱼之间的对立,并在他们之间形成一种超越与反超越的相互循环,正是在这种超越与反超越的循环中凸显出古希腊以来形成的勇于进取、主动抗争、那怕失败也是轰轰烈烈这一西方悲剧精神。为此,在海明威笔下的桑地亚哥的结局尽管是悲剧性的,然而我们被桑地亚哥所打动的不是悲剧结局而是隐含其中的悲剧精神。这种悲剧精神就是面对失败超越失败,在失败面前顽强地保持着人的尊严,展现出直面惨淡人生的勇敢精神。而海明威在桑地亚哥身上赋寓的这一精神也体现了作者本人的超越意识及其对社会现实的认知。  相似文献   

思维方式是沟通文化与语言的桥梁,中西方由于不同的地理位置、经济制度、历史文化传统,思维方式体现出许多差异。以老船夫和圣地亚哥为研究对象,主要从注重伦理与注重认知、天人合一与天人相分、内向与外向、人性是善与人性是恶这四方面对比了中西思维方式差异。  相似文献   

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