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钟灿涛 《科学学研究》2013,31(3):335-343
科学技术知识在各种生产要素中的地位与作用越来越显著。新的信息革命又导致知识传播的效率空前提高。科学技术知识的生产、分配和使用做为一项重要的政治议题,反映了作为科技知识生产者的科学家和研发人员个体以及其所依附的机构(大学、研究所、企业)、社会公众以及国家和政府之间的多角色利益博弈。影响科技信息传播的主要制度性安排包括学术期刊系统、知识产权制度和国家保密制度,开放与保密则是科技信息传播控制的两个极端。美国是当今科技最为发达的国家,本文力图从科技信息的开放与保密这一视角,分析美国科技信息的传播控制机制及其对科技创新活动的影响,同时探讨对我国的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The economic health of nations and regions is increasingly coming to rest on the scientific and technical labor force conducting scientific research. As such, enormous social resources are directed to educating and training those who will fire the engines of economic growth. In the first part of this paper, we compare recent investment in the scientific and technical labor forces by two giants of nationally-supported research endeavors: France and the United States. We find that France is more invested in scientific and technical training, but that both nations invest directly and indirectly in the scientific and technical labor force. French policy is more likely to support the individual graduate student directly through a national grant, while graduate students in the US tend to rely indirectly on federal support through research grants to other researchers. We then use duration models on individual data to predict entry into a permanent academic position within three years of completing a Ph.D. We do not find that industrial support of graduate training has any effect on later success in obtaining a position. There is, however, evidence of different academic labor markets operating in each country. In France, entry into a position has not depended on period factors, while in the US more recent cohorts have been more successful in obtaining permanent employment. Furthermore, postdoctoral positions in France delay or deter academic careers, but have no impact on entry in the US: this suggest that two different modes of scientific human resources management operate in France and in the USA. In the USA, Ph.D.s are seen as an essential element in the process of knowledge transfer, and early mobility does not affect entry into permanent academic careers. In France, few incentives are given to encourage mobility, which merely deters the access to permanent jobs. Finally, we found that graduates of the most prestigious undergraduate institutions were systematically advantaged in obtaining permanent academic employment, suggesting that academic stratification occurs very early in the training path in each country.  相似文献   

Harper KC 《Endeavour》2008,32(1):20-26
Rainmaking, hail busting, fog lifting, snowpack enhancing, lightning suppressing, hurricane snuffing...weather control. At the lunatic fringe of scientific discussion in the early twentieth century--and the subject of newspaper articles with tones ranging from skeptical titters to awestruck wonder--weather modification research became more serious after World War II. In the United States, the 'seeds' of silver iodide and dry ice purported to enhance rainfall and bust hailstorms soon became seeds of controversy from which sprouted attempts by federal, state and local government to control the controllers and exploit 'designer weather' for their own purposes.  相似文献   

转基因玉米是事关我国粮食安全和工业发展的重大科技创新主题.本文基于近年来兴起的"融合"范式,构建"基础研究-技术研发-产品开发-市场发展"的全链条态势分析逻辑框架,开展中美两国转基因玉米科技创新的发展态势比较.结果表明,美国在"转基因玉米"创新价值链上具有多节点相互衔接和协同发展的优势,保障其在目标结果端(商业化种植和生产)居于全球性垄断地位;我国"转基因玉米"基础研究和技术研发之间有一定的贯通和衔接,但创新价值链的前端和后端(生产试验、产业化)的衔接性较弱,在商业化发展道路方面任重道远.本文既是科技领域态势分析方法在"融合"范式下的新发展,也为我国转基因玉米的发展态势判断提供了有价值的结论.  相似文献   

中美两国有关Bolar例外的理论与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对药品专利的保护上,中美两国均在作出持续的努力以更好地平衡专利权人和公众的利益。经过近200年的发展,美国的案例法和成文法对相关问题有着较为详细的表述。中国则已经制定亚正在努力完善有关这方面的法律规定。本文将对美国和中国有关新药临床试验专利侵权例外的典型案例和规定作一介绍和对比,主要涉及“实验使用”例外、Bolar例外以及非生产经营目的的非专利侵权行为,为读者了解中美这一例外的现状和预期其未来的可能发展提供一些参考。  相似文献   

构建中国和美国石油脆弱性的评价指标体系,运用熵权法对脆弱性指数中的指标赋权,根据2002—2012年指标数据对中美两国石油脆弱性进行评价和比较。结果表明:中国石油脆弱性的波动程度比美国大得多,其中,中国石油脆弱性呈波动上升趋势,美国石油脆弱性呈波动下降趋势。中美石油脆弱性波动程度的比较表明建立完善的石油储备体系非常重要。  相似文献   

This paper examines how funding patterns, career pathways and collaboration networks influence scientific recognition. We analyze these institutional factors in the early and middle phases of academic careers through comparison of a group of researchers recognized as creative by their peers with a matched group of researchers. Measurement of scientific recognition is based on survey nominations and research prizes in two growing, laboratory-intensive research domains: nanotechnology and human genetics. Curriculum vitae data is used to compare researchers based in the United States and Europe. In the early career model for the United States, we find that scientific recognition is associated with broad academic education, fast completion of PhD, and a record of independent postdoctoral research, while in Europe these factors are much less prominent. The mid-career model suggests that both in the United States and Europe fast job promotion within academia is a strong predictor of future recognition. However, there is a clear divide across the Atlantic regarding other mid-career factors: work experience inside and outside academia, research leadership, external grant income, and prizes from professional associations are connected to scientific recognition in the United States, but are less influential in Europe.  相似文献   

我国票据市场经过二十多年的发展,现在正日臻走向成熟,但在发展过程中暴露出来的问题不容忽视,关起门来搞票据市场建设也是不可取的。为了使票据和票据市场真正成为我国企业和金融界现实便利的投融资工具和市场,借鉴发达国家票据市场发展经验是必要的。  相似文献   

孟芷薇  陈媛媛 《情报杂志》2021,40(1):120-125,32
[目的/意义]通过中美国智库网站的对比,分析中美智库网络传播的异同,发现各自的优势和不足,从而取长补短,从而为我国智库网站的建设提供参考。[方法/过程]采用链接分析和案例分析相结合的方法,以20家中美两国高端智库网站为研究样本,对智库网站的相关链接指标和个别智库案例进行对比分析。[结果/结论]国内智库网站在网页数量上蓬勃发展,但在网站链接能力和页面设计、内容更新宣传等方面还需加强。  相似文献   

中美间R&D溢出估计   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
王铮  龚轶  刘丽 《科学学研究》2003,21(4):396-399
借助知识网络的概念 ,对中国与美国的R&D溢出情形作了初步的统计考察 ,结果发现 :中、美R&D溢出在溢出时间上有明显不同 ,同时中美之间存在明显的R&D区域溢出。中国对美国R&D投入的溢出响应时间约为 4年。美国R&D溢出对中国的GDP增长作用是明显的 ,中国对美国的作用也存在 ,二者都是正的溢出 ,中美经济的合作对双方均有积极意义  相似文献   

近年来,美国通过实施出口管制、经济制裁、合作限制等一系列措施,严重阻碍我国科技的发展,中美技术摩擦已给我国高技术产业及企业带来一系列关涉技术经济安全的重大问题。文章基于已有研究,分析了当前我国科技安全形势、技术摩擦给中国和美国及其他国家高技术企业带来的影响等关键问题,并从建设科技风险监测预警机制、强化原始创新和战略性技术攻关能力、推动产业价值链高质量升级、培育锻长板企业主体和集群、健全科技人才培养和引进机制、积极拓展国际合作等方面提出政策建议。  相似文献   

本文介绍了美国保险业的监管模式,阐述了美国保险业的组织体系,全面分析了美国保险业的监管手段,进而借鉴美国保险业的监管经验,提出了我国保险业监管制度发展和改革过程中应采取的对策。  相似文献   

熊飞  邱菀华 《科学学研究》2006,24(Z1):132-137
本文总结了美国创业学的发展历程与现状,介绍了美国创业学的教育课程,学术期刊,以及社会系统对创业学发展的支持。在此基础上,分析了中国发展创业学的必要性与重要性,得出借鉴美国创业学发展经验中国应尽快建立创业学学科的结论,并进一步展望了创业学在中国的发展前景。  相似文献   

Farber P 《Endeavour》2003,27(4):166-170
Scientific racism was widely used as a justification to oppose race-mixing in the United States. Historians have justly criticized this abuse of science, but have overlooked some of the important ways in which science was used in the 1930s and 1940s to overturn scientific racism and opposition to race-mixing. Of particular importance was the cultural anthropology of Franz Boas and the evolutionary biology of Theodosius Dobzhansky, which supplied arguments against racism and fundamentally altered the scientific understanding of race.  相似文献   

面对自然灾害,各国对巨灾损失分担机制的设计存在明显的不同,从而形成不同的结果.美、日两国在巨灾损失分担机制方面具有丰富的经验,巨灾的损失也得到了很好的弥补.他山之石,可以攻玉,本文重点对两国在自然灾害,尤其是在农业和地震灾害方面的经验进行分析,揭示其共性和成功经验,从而对我国的巨灾损失机制的设计以及相关政策建议的提出提供有益的思路.  相似文献   

陈能华  刘梦华 《情报杂志》2007,26(8):111-112,110
通过对中美两国政府信息资源公共获取保障机制的比较,从法律制度、实施机制、获取技术三个层面对我国在保障政府信息资源公共获取方面提出了可行性的建议.  相似文献   

基于中美电子商务人才培养模式的思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
电子商务人才培养模式是目前教育界研究的一个热点问题,而人才培养如何适应社会需求则是其中的难点问题.通过对中美两国电子商务人才培养情况的考察与比较,归纳了两国电子商务教育在培养层次、培养方向和教学模式上的差异.借鉴美国电子商务教育的办学特点并结合中国该类教育的实际情况,指出中国的电子商务人才培养应该以市场为导向,明确人才培养层次和培养方向,加强产学研结合,纳入非学历认证教育,培养具有实践能力和创新能力,符合社会需求的电子商务专业人才.  相似文献   

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