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高校档案馆主页的设计与维护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李向群 《北京档案》2001,(11):34-36
目前,越来越多的高校档案馆开始在校园网上展示自己的主页,并把它作为获取、交流和提供信息服务的强有力工具.是否拥有自己的网站已成为衡量一个高校档案馆在信息时代发展水平的重要依据之一.因此,如何设计与维护高质量的主页,应是每一个高校档案馆都十分关注的问题.  相似文献   

孔子与档案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孔子(公元前551-公元前479年)是我国古代伟大的思想家、政治家、教育家和儒家的创始人.  相似文献   

张华 《四川档案》2008,(4):32-32
该文以成都市第三人民医院为例,说明基建档案在医院工作中的重要作用。  相似文献   

Through the Treaty of Paris in 1898, Spain ceded to the United States all its colonial authority over the Philippines, including its other colonies. The Treaty also placed in American possession the Spanish records kept in the various agencies of the former colonial administration of the islands. Upon assumption of its role as the new de facto colonial regime, the American insular government initiated the process of collecting the Spanish colonial records to be housed in a central repository that became the nucleus of the National Archives of the Philippines. An important aspect of understanding the context of archives in post-colonial Philippines is to trace its early beginnings and to examine the archives’ association with former colonial powers. Established against the backdrop of the shift in the continuum of colonial regimes, the archive is undeniably a colonial creation and a manifestation of colonial domination. For the contemporary imagination, however, its very presence represents a common and collective past that consequently contributes to the formation of a “national consciousness” and ironically reinforces the idea of nationhood of the formerly colonized territory.  相似文献   

编研工作是利用档案服务社会的一项重要工作,作为编研作品的资料来源应该丰富多样,具有广泛性和社会性.但目前档案馆藏结构单一是每个档案馆的通病,这导致相当一部分编研作品内容简单,实用性不强.因此笔者认为,编研作品的资料来源不应局限于馆藏,应将社会上可靠的信息资源作为辅助资源加以借鉴和利用.  相似文献   

王德俊 《北京档案》2000,(10):16-16
1933年,国民党政府开展了旨在以通过各项行政业务改革,提高其国家机关行政办事效能、效率的"行政效率运动",作为该运动的一个重要组成部分,在内政次长甘乃光的主持下,开展了"文书档案改革运动".  相似文献   

档案专业在职培训是档案专业教育的一个重要组成部分,是由各级档案行政管理部门实施的,对档案人员进行的一种专业培养和训练,它以岗位培训和继续教育为重点,是档案专业人员不断提高和深造的重要途径.岗位培训是按照岗位职务的需要和事业发展的要求,对档案工作人员进行的以提高其岗位工作技能为目的的培养和训练.继续教育是对具有学历或专业技术职务的档案人员进行再培训、再教育,以达到知识和技能得以增新、补充、拓展和提高的目的.近年来,随着"科教兴档"战略的提出,档案专业的在职培训有了较大的发展.  相似文献   

档案信息资源的开发   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
一、开发利用档案信息资源的重要性 档案是信息的一种,档案部门是储存,输送信息的一个部门.因此,开发信息资源包括档案部门,也适用于档案部门.在知识经济的新形势下,大力开发档案信息资源,为社会各方面服务,应该把开发档案信息资源作为档案部门做好档案工作的中心任务和指导思想.  相似文献   

李筱春 《北京档案》2004,(8):20-21,24
档案新闻作为一种新的新闻体裁稿件,在新闻传媒界已不是什么新鲜事物,关于它的讨论也是此起彼伏.但从我们档案界的角度来看,这却无疑开创了我国档案利用工作的新天地.  相似文献   

在当今时代,随着计算机、通信网络和虚拟现实等现代技术手段的广泛应用,人类社会的实践方式发生了极大的变化,其中最引人瞩目的新变化之一,是出现了一种前所未有的崭新社会实践形式--虚拟实践.在虚拟实践的旗帜下,档案整理实践形式也出现了革新--虚拟化整理,并在不可逆转的逐步扩展和普及.档案虚拟化整理将日益成为人们关注的焦点.  相似文献   

Tacit narratives: The meanings of archives   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Archivists and historians usually consider archives as repositories of historical sources and the archivist as a neutral custodian. Sociologists and anthropologists see “the archive” also as a system of collecting, categorizing, and exploiting memories. Archivists are hesitantly acknowledging their role in shaping memories. I advocate that archival fonds, archival documents, archival institutions, and archival systems contain tacit narratives which must be deconstructed in order to understand the meanings of archives. Revision of a paper presented, on the invitation of the Master's Programme in Archival Studies, Department of History, University of Manitoba, in the History Department Colloquium series of the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, 20 February, 2001. Some of the arguments were used earlier in two papers I presented in the seminar “Archives, Documentation and the Institutions of Social Memory”, organized by the Bentley Historical Library and the International Institute of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 14 February, 2001.  相似文献   

Archivists and historians usually consider archives as repositories of historical sources and the archivist as a neutral custodian. Sociologists and anthropologists see “the archive” also as a system of collecting, categorizing, and exploiting memories. Archivists are hesitantly acknowledging their role in shaping memories. I advocate that archival fonds, archival documents, archival institutions, and archival systems contain tacit narratives which must be deconstructed in order to understand the meanings of archives. Revision of a paper presented, on the invitation of the Master's Programme in Archival Studies, Department of History, University of Manitoba, in the History Department Colloquium series of the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, 20 February, 2001. Some of the arguments were used earlier in two papers I presented in the seminar “Archives, Documentation and the Institutions of Social Memory”, organized by the Bentley Historical Library and the International Institute of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 14 February, 2001.  相似文献   

一、加强对档案利用工作重要性的认识 首先,它体现了档案工作的最终目的,是实现档案自身价值的有效途径.党和国家重视发展档案事业,不断加大对档案事业的投入,都是为了档案的提供利用,只有坚持做好利用工作,档案的作用才能充分发挥出来,才能实现档案潜在的价值.  相似文献   

社区居民健康档案的内容及其管理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
社区居民健康档案是社区卫生工作者掌握社区居民健康状况的基本工具,是为社区居民提供连续性、全面性、综合性的高质量医疗卫生保健服务的重要依据.建立健全社区居民健康档案,科学地管理、有效地使用居民健康档案,对于社区卫生服务尤为重要.  相似文献   

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