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We all know we are not supposed to rest on our laurels but there is great benefit to be had from reflecting on them. This essay lays out a tool known as The Goals Grid. It can be used to examine how you got to where you are and to set directions for where you want to go from here. Its four quadrants—Achieve, Preserve, Avoid, and Eliminate—will accommodate all goals and objectives.  相似文献   

After discussion of the concept insistent individualism which is addressed as a major problem in the academy, the importance of the collegium—the covenantal community, is presented as a resource for addressing that problem. A collegial ethic of hospitality is explained as a cardinal academic virtue, and it offers us a way of building the collegium. Hospitality can inform our academic work, and we can seek to develop hospitable teaching, hospitable scholarship, and hospitable service.  相似文献   

专业化:教师教育的理念与策略   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
20世纪80年代以来,教师专业化成为世界各国广泛关注的热点之一。在这一背景下,明确教师职业的专业性,进行以"专业化"为核心理念和策略的改革,成为教师教育发展的潮流与趋势。本文拟从教师专业化理论的演进过程及教师专业化的核心与内涵,反思当前我国教师教育发展的现状和问题,探讨我国教师教育改革的宏观应然走向。  相似文献   

论临沂市的城市性质   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
临沂市的城市性质应是鲁东南商贸中心、山东历史文化名城、江北水城,应采取切实的措施突出、强化临沂城市职能与特色。  相似文献   

教师角色的内容是随历史的发展而变迁的,教师角色的内涵,是从一元化向多元化方向发展的。传统的教师角色是单一的知识传授者,教师在教学中处于中心地位,直接以文化权威的身份出现,学生处于被动服从的地位。进入2l世纪,传统的教师角色已不能适应社会的发展,要求教师角色多元化,由此引导了传统教师角色的拓展和当代教师角色的出现。  相似文献   

钟楼和鼓楼研究随笔   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟和鼓由乐器发展为礼器和法器,后来是城市管理和报时的工具。钟楼钟鼓楼从元大都开始,逐渐成为中国古代城市最突出的标志建筑之一。  相似文献   

中国油画家一方面受西方油画的影响 ,在艺术语言上寻求与西方对位 ;另方面又受中国传统文化审美思维的影响 ,主观自觉地力图摆脱艺术殖民地痕迹 ,在艺术语言上又呈现出与西方不对位的势态 ,构成了中国油画风景发展的复杂状况 ,从而表现出中西文化对中国油画风景发展的双重影响  相似文献   

哲学是在争论中求得发展的。哲学的争论大体有三个层次:一是不同哲学基本派别之间的争论;二是不同哲学理论体系之间的争论;三是同一哲学理论体系的内部争论。这三个层次的争论,相互联系、相互交织、相互作用,绘成了哲学史的生动的、丰富的、多彩的画卷,给哲学的存在和发展提供了内在概括和直接动力  相似文献   

Despite the importance of source attention and evaluation for learning from texts, little is known about the particular conditions that encourage sourcing during reading. In this article, basic assumptions of the discrepancy-induced source comprehension (D-ISC) model are presented, which describes the moment-by-moment cognitive processes that readers undergo when reading-to-understand controversial messages. We then review supporting evidence from single and multiple text comprehension research. In the discussion, we draw conclusions based on the theoretical and empirical research, highlight limitations of what is known to date, and suggest how further investigations of D-ISC might address these concerns.  相似文献   

This essay attempts to distinguish and discuss the importance and limitations of different ways of being wrong. At first it is argued that strictly falsifiable knowledge is concerned with simple (instrumental) mistakes only, and thus is incapable of understanding more complex errors (and truths). In order to gain a deeper understanding of mistakes (and to understand a deeper kind of mistake), it is argued that communicative aspects have to be taken into account. This is done in the theory of communicative action, which adds to our knowledge of errors the notion of communicative mistakes: mistakes as obstacles for sincere communication. However, to overcome this still purely negative judgement of errors, two processes are examined in which mistakes are best regarded as developmental steps, that is, steps not only meaningful in their own right (as containing some truth), but also as necessary preconditions for further progress. This would suggest that truth is born out of errors. But if so, one has to understand the wrongness of such errors; how is it that they are erroneous if they (somehow) contain the truth? At the end of this essay, a tentative answer to this question is given.  相似文献   

The literature on ethics in higher education tends to focus primarily on the professor/student relationship. While that relationship is central to academia, there are important ethical dimensions to consider in the work of faculty development. Principles used to gloss the ethics of the professor/student relationship are applicable to the ethics of faculty development as well.  相似文献   

本文对杂文的本质、特点、创作规律、当前杂文创作的困惑和杂文作家的苦衷,以及杂文创作的出路与对策都作了回答.  相似文献   

科学写作是科学教育的重要组成部分,具有极其重要的作用和功能.科学写作在国外已引起一人们的高度重视,但国内有关科学写作的研究和实践还不被人们所关注.科学写作是指通过文字或图表等载体将人们对科学的理解和思维具体地呈现出来,它不仅是一种语言技能的表现,更是学习者对科学内容的理解和再现的反映,将学习者的内在认知活动具体化为外在表征.科学写作有助于学生将不同的概念进行连结,从而促进科学概念的发展;增进学生的认知策略和科学推理能力;促进师生之间的双向交流和沟通.  相似文献   

词体观念即人们对词的体裁特性的认识和见解。词是韵文之一体,是词体发展和词体观念嬗变的结果。词由唐五代时配合燕乐歌唱的纯艺术歌曲发展到宋末完全脱离音乐,成为新体格律诗,是一个漫长的动态过程,人们对它的认识也随着变化。元代以后,词已成为“古典文学”,人们站在各自时代的立场对其做倾向性的理解,认识越来越深刻。应以开放的思维,动态地认识词体和词体观。  相似文献   

张爱玲是现代文学史上一位风格独特、魅力独具的女作家。她的小说结构精巧、语言华丽,在人性方面有深刻的发掘。本文以张爱玲小说的奇喻为基点,来窥视张爱玲小说独特的艺术魅力。  相似文献   

传统儒学的缺陷在于道德世界和物质世界杂糅不分,熊十力哲学区分了本体界、现象界和道德界。他以体用不二为宗旨,建立了本体论;以翕辟成变说明心的现象和物的现象。建立了宇宙论;以本心和习心的区别开出了道德界。熊氏认为本心即是本体,见心即是见体,以明心见性的方式使本体界、现象界、道德界打成一片。  相似文献   

Agada  John 《The Urban Review》1998,30(1):77-95
This article discusses the origins of multicultural education from the perspective of cultural epistemology. It contends that at issue in the multicultural education debate is the challenge of paradigmatic shifts in understanding multicultural society and multiculturalism as sociopolitical constructs. A review of the value systems of the anthropomorphic, scientific, and emerging paradigms suggests that the debate is, in essence, a contest between prevailing and emerging cultural paradigms.The values which underlie multicultural education seem to converge with the ideals of participatory democracy. Consequently, multicultural education and multiculturalism may be analyzed as phases in the evolution of liberal democracies. The emerging paradigm serves as the catalyst in that process. The article concludes with proposals for integrating the values systems of the emerging paradigm with the theories and practices of multicultural education.  相似文献   

悲剧在诞生处,就与命运观念结下了不解之缘,命运观是古希腊悲剧最重要的特征之一。本文旨在比较三大悲剧家的命运观的基础上,旨在论述随着文明进化,悲剧中的命运观不断演化并逐渐与现实生活相联系,在不同的历史时期呈现出不同的内容形态;也试图说明在后世文学中,以“神谕”形式为核心的古希腊悲剧艺术观并没有消亡,而是在不同的历史阶段,显出不同的风格特征、思想倾向和社会历史内涵。  相似文献   

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