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The present study describes experiences associated with parenting children diagnosed with learning disabilities. Parents whose children were diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, dyslexia/language problems, and Asperger syndrome, related to poor performance at school, took part in the study. A qualitative study design was implemented, using three focus groups. The data obtained were analysed following an inductive thematic approach. Five major themes were identified: parenting emotions, diagnosis and cause, daily experiences, social relationships and concerns about the future. The parents in this study experienced a range of emotions, and assigned different explanations to the learning disability, depending on the diagnosis (attention, verbal or non-verbal). Daily experience, both at home and at school, was influenced by the child’s specific impairment. All parents, independently of the diagnosis, believe a central role is played by social relationships and expressed concerns about their child’s future development. Emotional interventions targeting these parents should take these considerations into account and address the specific type of learning disability.  相似文献   

近年来随着普通高校招生规模的扩张,学业困难学生(简称"学困生")数量渐趋增加,不仅给大学生健康成长与自我发展带来障碍,也给教学与管理工作带来了极大不便和压力,更影响到了高校教育整体教学质量的提升.为全面了解学困生现状,采用访谈与问卷调查相结合的方法,对西北某高校2009~2012级学困生群体进行了调查,在全面考察学困生现状的基础上,重点从学生自身、家庭、社会、学校教学与管理等方面对学困生学业致困因素进行了深入分析,并提出一些有针对性的建议.  相似文献   

学生的学习心理对科学的学习具有重要影响。从营造良好的课堂氛围、培养学生学习科学的兴趣等策略出发,构建了适应学生、激发激励学生主体参与学习的科学课教学模式。  相似文献   

儿童学习不良问题是目前困扰义务教育发展的一个重要问题。家庭环境有硬环境和软环境之分,硬环境比如家庭的成员结构、成员素质、资源分配、生活方式等,软环境比如家庭成员间的关系、父母的教养方式和态度、家庭功能等,这些因素都会对儿童学习不良造成不同程度的影响。改善学习不良儿童家庭环境的几点建议包括:(1)给予孩子积极关注;(2)创造良好的家庭心理环境;(3)改善家庭功能,明确角色定位;(4)与孩子共同学习、共同成长;(5)关注孩子的身心健康。  相似文献   

学习不良儿童信息加工特点和影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据学习不良儿童筛选标准 ,采用认知研究范式 ,运用自然实验法和教育实验法 ,以及量表法和访谈法等 ,对 1 2 2名学习不良儿童信息加工特点和影响因素进行了实证研究 ,同时通过个案研究和调查研究进行了定性分析。研究结果表明 ,学习不良儿童属于异质群体 ,其实质在于信息加工存在缺陷 ,且可以从一般信息加工或基本心理过程障碍和社会信息加工过程障碍 ,来研究其学业和社会性困难的心理机制。这可以为制定科学的学习不良儿童干预和矫治方案提供心理学依据。  相似文献   

学习障碍是一个比较新的、越来越受到关注的领域。近年来,我国开始重视学习障碍儿童的干预训练,从单一的采用某种干预模式到综合利用多种干预技术,在全纳中重视个别化教育的指导,加强学校教育和家庭教育的配合,对学习障碍儿童的干预训练提出了一些以后发展的方向。  相似文献   

外语学习障碍的概念在上世纪80年代提出,一直作为一种学习障碍被研究者关注,特别是在外语学习研究领域。这一概念在提出后就存在争议,争议的焦点在于如何定义和测量外语学习障碍,以及是否存在一种学习障碍叫做外语学习障碍。导致这些争议的原因主要来自学习障碍概念本身的争议和分歧,另外在外语学习障碍的定义和诊断上的问题也是导致争议的重要原因。对外语学习过程及其与母语习得之间差异的考察有助于我们重新认识外语学习障碍。  相似文献   

学业不良研究的生态学取向:教育社会生态学模式的提出   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过分析当前我国教育改革所面临的问题 ,以及对学业不良成因研究概况和存在的不足的总结 ,提出以生态学取向的研究思路 :教育社会生态学模式 ,并提出具体的可操作的实施方案  相似文献   

通过回顾学习困难界定中IQ的出现渊源及其在现有学习困难鉴别中的条件和要件作用,指出虽然能力(智力)-成就差异模式是当前广为采用的学习困难鉴别模式,但在研究实践中却存在着诸多问题,难尽人意。本文从具体操作、IQ自身、逻辑假设三个方面重新审视了IQ在学习困难鉴别中的作用,就能力(智力)-成就差异模式的必要性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

三种学业成绩水平学生元认知、学习动机的比较   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对学业成绩优、中、差三类学生的元认知、学习动机水平进行比较发现:与学习优秀生相比,学习中等生的元认知水平明显落后,其学习动机水平则与学优生基本相当,未表现出显著偏低的态势。而学习困难生在元认知与学习动机这两因素上都显著低于学习优秀生。与学习中等生相比,学习困难学生有着与中等生较为一致的元认知水平,但学困生的学习动机水平显著偏低。这对教育的启示是:对学困生的干预补救应以激发和培养学习动机为重点,而对中等生的促进则应以元认知水平的提高为关键。  相似文献   

对学习不良学生的教育长期以来一直是教育中的难题。新课程改革倡导学生学习方式要有所改变,强调学生自主、合作、探究式的学习,要求教师在多元智力理论的指导下重新审视学生,并提出相应的教育对策,以期解决学习不良这一难题。  相似文献   

Computer-based learning environments (CBLEs) present important opportunities for fostering learning; however, studies have shown that students have difficulty when learning with these environments. Research has identified that students’ self-regulatory learning (SRL) processes may mediate the hypothesized positive relations between CBLEs and academic performance. In this review, we identified 33 empirical studies of SRL and CBLEs. We address three research questions: (1) How do learner and task characteristics relate to students’ SRL with CBLEs? (2) Can various learning supports or conditions enhance the quality of students’ SRL as they learn with CBLEs? (3) What conceptual, theoretical, and methodological issues exist for this growing area of research? We found evidence that specific SRL processes are more often associated with academic success than others and that SRL skills can be supported. We also identified a number of issues that researchers should aim to address in future investigations, including a more comprehensive measurement of facets of SRL and the quality of SRL processes, the seeming disconnect between SRL processes and learning outcomes, and the distinction between self- and other-regulation. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

师范生职业价值观调查的分析研究报告   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
章通过对优秀师范生的抽样调查,从自我成长取向,自我实现取向,社会互动取向,经济取向,尊重取向等五个方面比较全面地概括出师范生职业价值观的总体特点,提出了优化师范生素质结构,着力教师角色的塑造,找准师范生职业价值观教育的切入点等对策和建议。  相似文献   

This qualitative study explored the perspectives of parents and teachers in the US with regard to the meaning and implications of disability in the context of schoolling, and of raising a child with a disability. The findings revealed broad conceptual differences in the perspectives of these two groups. Teachers’ beliefs were generally consistent with medical model perspectives on disability as biologically defined. Parents’ interpretations, more aligned with a sociocultural paradigm, were situated in the cultural meanings ascribed to disability and linked with issues of stigma, marginalisation and access. The findings also revealed the existence of master narratives on families of children with disabilities, entrenched in assumptions of pathological functioning and negative outcomes among these families. Implications for professional–family partnerships in the education of students with disabilities are discussed.  相似文献   

创建学习型组织是一个最前沿的管理理论,是成功企业共有的特征,是市场竞争的最终决定力。真正有生命力的保持企业活力的组织是那些善于学习的企业。人人都希望自己的组织是一个学习型组织,人们也认识到创建学习型组织的重要性、必要性和紧迫感。然而,学习型组织的创建,是不可能一蹴而就的,创建进程中存在着许多需要克服的智障因素。消除组织学习的智障,是个世界性的难题,它贯穿于创建学习型组织的全过程。  相似文献   

美国学习不良概念的发展、问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习不良概念自提出后一直存在争议。学习不良的正式定义和操作定义都存在一些问题。正式定义处于规定定义的发展水平,缺乏科学定义的两个关键元素——理解性和解释性。操作定义缺乏与正式定义的逻辑联系,变异性太大,在实际使用中也存在一些问题。针对学习不良的定义问题,研究者提出了不同的解决方法。  相似文献   

随着学习科学、学习分析等领域的发展,学习设计也进入了崭新的发展阶段,正在成为国际教育技术领域的新研究热点,需要从更多更新的视角看待和研究。本文以“2019学习设计、技术与学习科学国际研讨会”为抓手,采用文献分析法和内容分析法,对研讨会内容及国内外代表性学者和文献进行了分析,总结提炼了当前国内外学习设计、技术与学习科学领域的研究热点。本文还提出要从新的理论、新的技术、新的证据、新的方法等视角看待学习设计的未来发展方向与趋势。  相似文献   

This article summarizes the research literature that describes the nature and effectiveness of services that are provided to college students with learning disabilities. Six categories of services are described: assistive technologies and programs, program modifications, therapy and counseling, strategy training, direct academic assistance, and interventions designed to strengthen weak academic skills. Nearly all of the literature that was examined fell within the first 5 categories, with only 3 studies describing efforts to directly improve the academic performance that identified a student's learning disability. In addition, there is almost a total lack of evidence showing that any of the first 5 categories of services resulted in improved academic performance. There was, however, evidence that attempts at improving academic skills resulted in improved academic performance. The article concludes with a discussion of the role that learning disability services should play in a college environment.  相似文献   

影响外语学习的因素是多方面的,情感因素以其独特的形式在外语学习中起到了举足轻重的作用。但是今天外语教学中仍然存在着重认知而轻情感的现象,文章就情感因素对外语教学的影响以及如何帮助学生克服学习中消极情感所造成的障碍试作粗浅探讨。  相似文献   

This paper examines the implications of Dempster and Corkill's Interference and Inhibition in Cognition and Behavior: Unifying Themes for Educational Psychology for the field of learning disabilities (LD). The LD concept has been anchored in assumptions that the condition is related to neurological dysfunction and psychological processing deficits. These concepts have proved problematic, and consequently, theoretical understanding of LD has been limited. The concepts of interference and inhibition offer two advantages for explaining LD. First, they suggest a different perspective about the nature of process deficits associated with LD. Second, they may be more confidently related to brain functioning. A more comprehensive view of LD is thus possible that may lead to enhanced understanding and explanation.  相似文献   

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