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2005年8月8日,吉林省档案馆会议室坐满了来自省内的有关专家及驻长春各大新闻媒体的记者。上午9时,吉林省档案馆公布馆藏日本侵华时期强征中国劳工档案媒体见面会开始,吉林省档案局副局长、档案馆副馆长程国茹凝重地向在座的各位介绍了这部分历史档案的发现整理过程,并宣布向社会公开这部分档案。  相似文献   

我叫毕恒,遵化市山里各庄东上庄村人,现离职休息。回顾我的一生,苦辣酸甜都有,最苦的要算被捕去日本当劳工的一段事。  相似文献   

杨博 《档案》2015,(4):52-55
在抗日战争胜利70周年之际,回顾日本侵华战争给中国人民带来深重灾难,尤其是被强征、捕抓、诱骗去的中国劳工所受的非人待遇,令人不寒而栗。不忘历史不是复制仇恨,而是为了不忘国耻,反省历史,汲取教训,珍视和平。但是,日本极右翼势力至今漠视甚至想抹杀其侵略历史,敬拜供奉二战甲级战犯的靖国神社,多次修改历史教科书,混淆视听,篡改历史,把其侵略行径冠冕堂皇地说成是为了"把中国等亚洲国家从欧美的殖民统治下解放出来,建立大东亚共荣圈",这就严重伤害了包括中国在内的亚洲各国人民。  相似文献   

李斌 《兰台世界》2007,(8S):63-64
“勤劳奉公”制度是伪满时期日本帝国主义强制中国东北人民无偿出卖劳动力,疯狂掠夺东北人力资源的一种罪恶的劳工制度。1942年11月18日,伪满政府正式发布《国民勤劳奉公法》,以国家文件的形式把这一制度确定下来,并制定了相应的严格措施,其强制性、掠夺性充斥其中。  相似文献   

1944年秋季的一天,一艘日本侵略者的货船从中国天津的塘沽港出发驶向日本,这艘船装载的不是什么别的货物,而是上千名中国劳工。除了少数几个跳海欲求逃生的外,这些中国人将在日本度过悲惨的劳役生活。年仅20岁的崔广庭就是他们当中的一个。今年7月7日,中央档案馆的离休干部崔广  相似文献   

“徐锡章要跟日本政府打官司!”这条爆炸性新闻,在方山脚下一向安宁平静的杨徐村掀起一场轩然大波。  相似文献   

被抓 我叫张考生,山西省左权县石匣乡林河村人。今年86岁。 1944年农历5月23日早晨,我赶着两头毛驴,到村子后面的沟里下地干活。突然来了日本兵,我赶快边跑边喊:日本人来了。因为前一天八路军围攻了日军红都炮台,所以就来了这些援兵。当时日本人朝村子开了抢,打死了想逃走的我父亲、岳父,但大部分老百姓都躲起来了。……  相似文献   

The recession increased media organizations' reliance on freelance photojournalists, while affecting the support they receive covering conflict zones. This study investigates freelance and staff photojournalists' perception of support they receive and whether that affects content produced. Grounded theory was used to analyze nine in-depth interviews with freelance and staff photojournalists. The research found that freelance photojournalists receive less than sufficient support. Both believe that support systems improve their coverage in conflict zones.  相似文献   

赏识教育在读者失信行为管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
读者失信行为是读者在图书馆进行借阅活动和接受服务时的违规行为。失信行为的出现使图书馆诚信服务的承诺受到质疑,给图书馆管理工作带来很大的难度。将“赏识教育”应用于读者失信行为管理中,通过树立全新的赏识教育观、将赏识教育渗透于读者诚信行为养成的全过程、对不同性质和性格类型的失信读者采取不同的赏识教育方法、将“爱的艺术”贯穿于赏识教育的全过程、从图书馆细节上体现赏识观念等措施可以有效地控制失信行为的发生。  相似文献   

The indigenous peoples of Australia have recently won legal battles and are asserting their rights as the original owners of the land. Although state-controlled media provides them with some programs, broadcasting focuses primarily on the non-Aboriginal population. Recently, indigenous groups have started their own organization, and have initiated two projects to connect remote Aboriginal communities with both radio and television networks, as well as providing equipment and training for production of their own programs. These communities are linked via satellite to this network, which has the potential to unite this population politically, culturally, and socially. This will enable Aboriginal people to resist the hegemonic influences of the mainstream commercial media.  相似文献   

全文检索中的汉语自动分词及其歧义处理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
歧义处理是汉语自动分词的核心问题,汉语自动分词是中文信息检索的基础性课题。目前有基于词典的分词方法、基于统计的分词方法、基于语义的分词方法和基于人工智能的分词方法。自动分词的歧义处理,目前主要有:利用“长词优先”排歧,利用特征词消歧,利用“互信息”和“t-信息差”消歧,利用专家系统分词消歧。参考文献15。  相似文献   

Library patrons have many requests for library services and resources. With limited budgets and library staff who are already stretched thin, how can academic libraries ever hope to understand and meet the growing variety of patron needs and desires? This article will outline a successful strategy of utilizing students to pitch, pilot, and implement academic library services as well as gather feedback from fellow students about their expectations for the academic library.  相似文献   

对少数民族文字古籍的产生、发展、分布和书目编制情况进行概述性介绍。  相似文献   

A medium-sized academic library system conducted a multi-year (2012–2016), large-scale ethnographic study using a survey, observations, and in-depth interviews. The goal of the project was to better understand how students conduct research and study in the library. The analysis of the large pool of data resulted in various reports of theoretical and practical nature. This article addresses one aspect of the findings: undergraduate and graduate student use of library resources. The findings offer an array of considerations for designing effective library services and provide a more nuanced understanding of how student use the library website, libguides, and library databases as well as print and electronic collections.  相似文献   

我今年已年近八旬,从20世纪50年代初起,就住在德胜门大街刘海胡同,至今已有60年了。当初我在公安部门工作,我的邻居就是北京市公安局西四区分局。刘海胡同  相似文献   

National news media represent mothers of US combat soldiers in the Iraq War as archetypal good mothers, that is, mothers who continue their maternal work even after their children are deployed. However, not all mothers are depicted as the archetypal patriotic mother, i.e., a good mother who is also stoic and silent about the war and her child's role in it. Mothers of soldiers are portrayed as good mothers who sometimes also voice their attitudes about the war effort. The maternal attitudes ranged from complete support for the war to opposition to the war but support for the soldiers. The findings suggest a picture of wartime motherhood that is more nuanced than the historical image of the patriotic mother suggests.  相似文献   

《文海披沙》是晚明福建文坛诗人、学者谢肇淛的笔记体著作。谢氏去世后,很多作品流传到东邻日本,并在日本多次刊刻,产生了很大影响。  相似文献   

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