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Correlations between the WISC-R Full, Verbal, Performance, and Freedom from Distractibility Scale IQs, WISC-R subtest scaled scores, and Wide Range Achievement Test Reading, Spelling, and Arithmetic standard scores were computed for a sample of 114 children (64 boys, 50 girls), aged 6 to 16 years, who were referred for psychological evaluation because of academic or learning difficulties. The Full Scale IQ, Verbal Scale IQ, and Freedom from Distractibility IQ correlated moderately with the three achievement area standard scores (rs of .48 to .59). However, the Performance Scale IQ correlated minimally with reading and spelling scores (rs of .26 and .27), but moderately with arithmetic scores (r = .40). The results support the concurrent validity of the WISC-R.  相似文献   

This study compared the three scales of the WISC and the WISC-R for degree of intercorrelation. The differences among scores and among variances were also computed for the two tests. Fifty-eight subjects from a clinical referred population were studied, including children classified as EMR, Learning Disabled, Emotionally Disturbed, and children in regular classrooms. Results included significant correlations in all cases, no systematic changes in variance, and significantly lower IQs on the WISC-R for all children in this sample, except the EMRs.  相似文献   

Eighty-eight children ages six to seventeen referred for psychological evaluation had been administered the Rorschach test (Exner system) and the WISC-R, among other tests, for diagnostic purposes. The data were analyzed in order to determine relationships between Rorschach variables and WISC-R IQ levels. Significant relationships were found between groups for the variables FM + m and ep, after which prediction formulas were developed for estimates and use of verbal terminology associated with IQ levels.  相似文献   

Comparisons of the WISC-R and PPVT-R were made with 37 students (25 boys, 12 girls). Pearson product moments (r) and two-tail f-tests were employed in the data analysis. The sample ranged in age from 6-2 to 14-6, with a mean age of 10-1, and SD=2.6. There were no significant differences between the WISC-R IQs and PPVT-R standard scores. The PPVT-R did not correlate significantly with the WISC-R IQ scales.  相似文献   

This study compared the WISC-R performance of 40 children ranging in age from 6–6 to 15–10, referred to a university center for suspected learning disabilities, with that of two clinically defined groups of learning disabled children. The university center children were found to have WISC-R profiles similar to those of the learning disabled children, with higher overall levels of performance. It was speculated that these children avoid classification as learning disabled by virtue of possessing higher cognitive abilities than those children who are classified. Implications were raised concerning the role of university centers with children experiencing learning difficulties and the accuracy of parental perceptions of learning disabilities.  相似文献   

The diagnostic utility of Bannatyne's recategorized WISC-R scores in differentiating among children referred to a developmental evaluation center was evaluated. The results failed to provide support for the diagnostic utility of recategorized WISC-R scores in general and for the pattern spatial 〉conceptual〉sequential in particular. The findings are discussed in terms of the caution necessary regarding the empirical basis for diagnostic inferences and the need for replication and/or evaluation of other potential measures with well-defined clinical groups.  相似文献   

A group of 80 mentally retarded youngsters, aged 6 to 16, was tested on the WISC-R, primarily to assess the continuity of measurement between the old and new WISCs. The WISC-R IQs correlated .65 to .82 with Stanford-Binet IQ for a subsample of 45 children, resembling the coefficients between the 1949 WISC and the Binet for retarded groups. In addition, the WISC-R test profiles for the 80 children corresponded closely to the WISC test profiles for many retarded samples. Thus, there was evidence to support the continuity of the WISC-R with its predecessor for retarded populations.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the suitability of the California Abbreviated WISC—Form 1 (CAW-1) for use with WISC-R subtests. Subjects were drawn from the files of previously evaluated students from two southern mountain communities. Examination of WISC records within the age and IQ ranges of the CAW-1 (CA 8-0 to 13-6, IQ 50 to 80) indicated that our sample was not significantly different from the CAW-1 noim group (N = 148, r = .85 between CAW-1 & WISC Full Scale IQ). WISC-R recods (N = 178) for the same ranges were examined and were found to be more highly predictive of Full Scale IQs (r = .91, FSIQ = .98 CAWIQ + 2.2). Extensions of the age range from 6-0 to 16-11 and of the IQ range from 40 to 100 were attempted. Final results (N = 284) indicated the CAW-1 could be used with the WISC-R over the full age range and for IQs ⩽ 100 with minor alteration (r = .96, FSIQ = 1.09 CAWIQ - 5.4). The second sample served for cross validation of these results. Using the alteration, results were consistent with original findings (N = 202, r = .93, FSIQ = .98 CAWIQ + 2.2). It was concluded that the CAW-1 was suitable for use with WISC-R subtests with minor alterations.  相似文献   

WISC-R Verbal and Performance IQ scores obtained from a sample of 124 referred children were correlated with WRAT-R achievement scores. The Verbal IQ was found to predict Reading, Spelling, and Arithmetic. The Performance IQ did not add significantly to the predictions. The results were consistent with earlier studies that examined the relationship of the WISC-R to the WRAT.  相似文献   

The WISC and WISC-R protocols of 94 special education students (51 white males, 5 black males, 30 white females, and 8 black females) who tested in the mildly retarded and borderline range of abilities (IQs of 50–78) were examined. Their test performance was then followed longitudinally for two additional WISC and WISC-R assessments. Mean age of subjects was 8 years at Test 1, 10.75 years at Test 2, and 14.9 years at Test 3. As predicted, subjects had lower IQ equivalent scores on Bannatyne's Sequencing Ability category than their IQ equivalent scores on the Verbal Comprehension or Perceptual Organization factors of the WISC and WISC-R for all three testings. Results were interpreted as supporting the notion that mildly retarded children and learning disabled children have qualitatively similar learning patterns.  相似文献   

The factor structure for the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) was investigated for White (n = 183), Mexican American (n = 129), and African American (n = 139) nonreferred school-age children (6.8 to 14.6 years) of low-to middle-class socioeconomic background. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were performed. The WISC-R factor structure model tested was Kaufman's (1975) three-factor solution that consisted of Verbal Comprehension (VC, Factor 1), Perceptual Organization (PO, Factor 2), and Freedom from Distractibility (FD, Factor 3). The results of the exploratory analyses showed Kaufman's three-factor solution for the three ethnic groups, but the order of Factor 2 and Factor 3 was reversed for the Mexican American and African American samples—thus raising questions about the comparability of the WISC-R factor structure across groups. The confirmatory analyses, which used the orthogonal nested factors approach by Gustafsson and Balke (1993), resulted in a model (for each of the ethnic groups) in which a G factor explained most of the variance (followed by the nested first-order factors—VC, PO, and FD). The results of the confirmatory analyses provide some support for David Wechsler's (1974) original intentions that the WISC-R structure is best described as having a general, or global, factor. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) purports to assess fluid and crystallized intelligence via processing and achievement subtests, respectively. Eight K-ABC Mental Processing and five K-ABC Achievement subtests were administered to 41 gifted students. Scores were subsequently compared to concurrent achievement measures from the California Achievement Test (CAT), as well as previously obtained mental ability measures (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised [WISC-R], Stanford-Binet [SB], and Wide Range Achievement Test [WRAT] achievement scores). In general, K-ABC mental ability scores were lower than WISC-R and SB IQs. K-ABC achievement scores were consistent with K-ABC mental ability scores, but more highly related to SB and WISC-R VIQ (r = .42 and .40, respectively) than to WISC-R FSIQ (r = .16) and PIQ (r = .09), or to the K-ABC Mental Processing (Composite r = .17), Simultaneous Processing (r = .08), and Sequential Processing scores (r = .20). With the exception of WRAT Word Recognition, WRAT, K-ABC, and CAT achievement scores were similar. The patterns of intercorrelations suggest that the K-ABC achievement scores are more verbally loaded than are the CAT and WRAT achievement measures.  相似文献   

The paper reviews WISC/WISC-R comparison studies which have been conducted with a wide variety of samples. Significant WISC/WISC-R IQ score differences have been reported with the WISC-R yielding consistently lower scores of approximately 5-8 IQ points for the three major scales. Several studies do report variable WISC/WISC-R differences for various ages, races, and ability levels. These results have implications for practicing school psychologists. Caution is advised in the interpretation of a WISC/WISC-R difference, as a discrepancy of one SD may not be meaningful. Many students who scored in the borderline classification range on the WISC and who are currently being readministered the WISC-R are scoring in the mentally impaired classification range. This does not necessarily reflect negatively on the validity of the WISC-R, but does document the need to keep intelligence tests up to date. There is a continuing need to exercise caution in the use of individual intelligence tests and to utilize data in addition to WISC-R scores in order to make special education placement decisions.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between perceived parental acceptance-rejection, psychological adjustment, and substance abuse. A volunteer sample of 40 young adult substance abusers was compared to a comparable volunteer sample of 40 nonabusers with respect to individuals' perceptions of paternal and maternal acceptance-rejection and psychological adjustment. Discriminant function analysis using the jackknife procedure was utilized to examine the predictive power and the classification accuracy of perceived parental acceptance-rejection and psychological adjustment. Results of the research show that: (a) Both perceived paternal and maternal rejection in childhood tend to be significantly higher among substance abusers than among nonabusers, and; (b) substance abusers are more impaired in their current psychological adjustment than are nonabusers. These two classes of predictor variables yield a correlation of .77 with group membership (i.e., abusers vs. nonabusers), and the three predictor variables successfully discriminate substance abusers from nonabusers with jackknifed classification accuracy of 87.5%. Adding the demographic variable "education level" to the model raises the jackknifed classification accuracy to 91.2%, yielding only seven misclassifications in the total sample of 80 volunteers.  相似文献   

The Slosson Intelligence Test (revised norms) (SIT) and the WISC-R were compared in two samples of children. In the first sample, there were 34 black and 27 white rural Southeastern Alabama children being considered for special education classes. In the second sample, there were 4 black and 81 white suburban Alabama children being considered for classes for the talented and gifted. In both samples, correlations between the SIT IQ and WISC-R Full Scale IQ were significant (rs of .70 and .48, respectively). However, in the special education sample, SIT IQs were significantly higher than WISC-R Full Scale IQs by about 7 points. The results from both samples provide a moderate degree of support for the concurrent validity of the revised SIT norms, using the WISC-R as the criterion. However, the IQs on the two tests may not be interchangeable.  相似文献   

Past research on social marking and pragmatic reasoning schemas suggest that cognitive processing modes are first elaborated by children when are carying out regulating social routines in the course of which they learn to produce the responses that satisfy the demand of their environment. The data of five experimental studies with 3–6 year old children, for object distribution tasks, are reported here. The data of the three first experiments show that the social routines evoked by the objects to be processed have a dual effect, influencing both the representation of the partition to be made, as well as the procedures used to make them. The data of the two last experiments seems to attest that, in training situations, the utilization of routine-evoking tasks promotes the construction of more general schemas, by the attribution of an operative meaning to the linguistic expressions used to characterize the states to be attained, and the transformations to be applied in order to attain them.  相似文献   

Summary This study is a preliminary correlational study. Consequently, the statements given in the discussion are tentative and imply no cause-effect relationships. In general this study supports the idea that the ability to recognize valid principles is not a unitary ability which develops with age and levels off at a fixed age in the age range 11–16 years. For one thing, decisions made by children concerning the validity of inferences do not seem to be made solely on a formal basis but also on the kind of the linguistic structures of the natural language used. Moreover, there are structural variables which seem to reflect developmental growth and variables which do not. The most important single one in the latter is decidability, i.e., ability to recognise principles with no logically necessary conclusions. Further research is being planned with the hope of refining the model and isolating and studying different variables under experimental control.American University of BeirutThis research was supported by The Science and Mathematics Education Center (SMEC) of the American University of Beirut with funds from a Ford Foundation Grant.  相似文献   

The relationship between WISC-R subtest scores and Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQs was investigated for a sample comprised of rural Appalachian children. The sample was comprised of both white and black children who might be described as culturally different by virtue of low family income and residence in the mountainous areas of Virginia and North Carolina. Data analysis consisted of computing product-moment correlations (rs) between each of the ten subtests and the Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQs. Correlations between individual subtests and the FS IQ ranged from.49 through.63, but none of the differences between these rs were large enough to attain significance. Correlations between the verbal subtests and Verbal IQ ranged from.64 for Comprehension up to.78 for Vocabulary. For the performance subtest, the rs ranged from.54 between Coding and the Performance IQ up to.72 for Object Assembly.  相似文献   

This article reviews the literature on sexual victimization of minors and the role of school psychologists in assessing and intervening with sexually abused minors. Although estimates of child sexual abuse prevalence differ widely owing to disclosure biases and the definitions that researchers have used in studying it, it is clear that child sexual abuse is a serious public problem. Also troubling is the extent to which “normal” adults, especially males, exhibit sexual interest in children, suggesting that a substantial number may be at risk for victimizing minors; fortunately, a variety of inhibitory mechanisms prevent most adults from committing this crime. Although victims typically suffer from sexual abuse, surprisingly, some evidence suggests that victims of sexual abuse can exhibit neutral or even positive outcomes, a controversial finding that has numerous possible explanations. Tragically, childhood sexual abuse may lead the victim to become an abuser later in life, sometimes while still a minor. We suggest directions for future research. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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