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This study assessed the concurrent validity of the Vane Kindergarten Test (VKT), using scores on the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI) as the criterion measure. In addition, VKT scores were correlated with kindergarten grades and the Self-Control Rating Scale (SCRS). The results indicated that the VKT could be used as a valid screening measure for kindergarten children, but that it tended to overestimate ability and was not a test independent of a child's ability for self-contorl.  相似文献   

The Transition to Kindergarten   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The transition to kindergarten is a significant event for young children and their families. The methods teacher use to orient children and families to formal schooling can have a long term effect on academic achievement. This study examined the transition activities of over 3000 kindergarten teachers that participated in the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). The results show that most schools do not provide a comprehensive transition plan that allows teachers and parents to exchange important information about child development and school expectations.  相似文献   

This randomized trial tested the efficacy of an intensive, four-week summer program designed to enhance low-income children's transition to kindergarten (n's = 60 program children, 40 controls). Administered in four public schools, the program focused on social competence, pre-literacy and pre-numeracy skills, school routines, and parental involvement. Hierarchical linear modeling indicated that the program significantly improved teachers' ratings of (a) the transition to the social aspect of kindergarten for girls (but not boys); and (b) the transition to kindergarten routines for the subgroup of children who had the same teacher for kindergarten as for the summer program. Findings are discussed in terms of practices and policies for supporting children's transition to school.  相似文献   

决策者落实科学发展观,作决策设计时,需要科学预测预见未来.科学预测预见未来是必要的,也是可能的.决策者培养和提高科学预测预见能力,需要认真看书学习,提高理论素养;更新思想观念,提升思维素质;理论结合实际,加强实战锻炼.  相似文献   

The analysis of multiple data streams is a long-standing practice within educational research. Both multimodal data analysis and temporal analysis have been applied successfully, but in the area of collaborative learning, very few studies have investigated specific advantages of multiple modalities versus a single modality, especially combined with temporal analysis. In this paper, we investigate how both the use of multimodal data and moving from averages and counts to temporal aspects in a collaborative setting provides a better prediction of learning gains. To address these questions, we analyze multimodal data collected from 25 9–11-year-old dyads using a fractions intelligent tutoring system. Assessing the relation of dual gaze, tutor log, audio and dialog data to students' learning gains, we find that a combination of modalities, especially those at a smaller time scale, such as gaze and audio, provides a more accurate prediction of learning gains than models with a single modality. Our work contributes to the understanding of how analyzing multimodal data in temporal manner provides additional information around the collaborative learning process.  相似文献   

This study examines children's abilities to take other people's personality traits into account when predicting their future emotional and behavioral reactions to events. Kindergarten, second-grade, fourth-grade, and college students listened to a series of stories. Each story described 3 examples of a child's past behavior from which a personality trait could be inferred. Subjects were asked to predict and explain the story character's behavioral or emotional reaction to a new event. Their responses were compared to those of subjects who were not given any information about the protagonist's past behavior, and to those of subjects who received prompts. There was an increase with age in the use of personality attributions to predict and explain future reactions. Subjects were more influenced by the trait information when predicting behavior than when predicting emotion. Understanding emotion may be more difficult in that it requires a conceptualization of personality traits as implying thoughts and feelings, as well as behavioral dispositions.  相似文献   

教育机智是教师在面对突发教育情境时作出迅速、准确的判断与及时、恰当的行动的能力,它具有丰富的教育内涵.本文根据活动观察与相关分析,归纳出幼儿园教师教育机智的几种表现:对幼儿敏感,有克制的干预,理解幼儿,因势利导,施加潜移默化的影响,巧妙创新以及临场应变等.为进一步提升教师的教育机智水平,建议教师重视活动前的准备工作,做有准备的教师;关注活动中幼儿的反应,做善于观察的教师;重返关键事件,做善于反思的教师.  相似文献   

本研究通过对家长在幼儿入园前的问卷调查,以及幼儿入园两个月后对家长进行的访谈,深入了解家长对幼儿入园适应的预期及准备情况,以及家长对幼儿园及教师的期望与要求、对幼儿入园适应的担心和适应期过后的看法与感受.在此基础上,研究者对教师应如何协同家长为幼儿入园适应进行准备以及家长应如何与教师进行沟通等方面提出建议.  相似文献   

Transition to Kindergarten: Family Experiences and Involvement   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The transition to kindergarten is an important developmental milestone for young children, their families, and teachers. Preparing students for successful kindergarten transition has been identified as a national priority, yet the degree to which parents are involved in kindergarten preparation is rarely considered. This study investigated the family experiences and involvement in kindergarten transition in 132 families whose children had completed early education programs and were beginning kindergarten. Results suggest that the majority of families wanted more involvement in the transition to kindergarten planning and wanted information about kindergarten readiness, including academic and behavioral expectations. The top concerns expressed by families were attending a new school and difficulties with following directions or other behavior problems. Families with fewer financial resources reported less involvement in transition activities than families with more resources. Implications for early childhood education are discussed, in light of the growing emphasis on parent involvement and kindergarten readiness. The present work was supported, in part, by a Science of Learning Center Catalyst grant (0350341) from the National Science Foundation awarded to the second and third authors.  相似文献   

考什么和怎么考是考试命题不可逾越的两大核心问题。基于不同角度,对高考生物学科考什么的问题,可以有多种答案。本文认为,应该首先关注国务院下发的相关文件、考试大纲、考试说明等从不同层面对这个问题的回答。高考生物学科怎么考也可以有多种思考角度和答案,本文所关注的是试题的设计思路问题。依托相关的研究成果,本文探讨了高考生物学科试题编制过程中如何体现原创性、科学性、匹配性、简约性等设计理念,并讨论了原创性和万变不离其宗、科学性和模糊性、设问和答案匹配、简约和解题条件充分等关系。  相似文献   

幼儿园环境作为幼儿教育的组成部分,对促进幼儿的全面发展具有重要作用.但是当前幼儿园环境创设中存在着诸多问题.本文在对存在这些问题的原因进行分析的基础上,提出了在幼儿园环境创设中协调好物质环境创设和精神环境创设的关系、应创设有利于幼儿多种感官参与互动的幼儿园环境、在幼儿园环境创设中注重培养幼儿的主体性以及加强幼儿园教师环保培训,提高其专业化水平等策略,以期能够对幼儿园创设高质量的环境提供有益借鉴.  相似文献   

This paper presents five key aspects of cultural pedagogy theory: social interactions, self-identity, externalization of inner thought, educational institutions, and narratives. These are viewed as critical vehicles to fostering the child's literacy development in early childhood, among other things. Within this sociocognitive theoretical frame work great importance has been assigned to the cooperative link between the young child's two primary worlds: the home and the kindergarten.  相似文献   

The transition to kindergarten is regarded as a critical early childhood developmental milestone with important implications for later school outcomes. Little prior research has focused on predictors of socio-behavioral kindergarten outcomes using longitudinal research designs. Further, few studies have examined kindergarten transition using samples of children both with and without disabilities. The goal of the current study was to explore predictors of socio-behavioral kindergarten outcomes in children with and without developmental disabilities over time. Data collection involved parent, preschool teacher, and kindergarten teacher reports of child behavior and involvement in kindergarten transition practices across three time points during transition. Results of hierarchical linear regression analyses demonstrated that preschool child behavioral variables (i.e., adaptive and problem behavior) were stronger predictors of kindergarten outcomes relative to caregiver concerns and involvement in transition preparation. Best practices in kindergarten transition programming for children with and without disabilities are discussed.  相似文献   

Reading and Writing - One of the aims for compulsory education is to diminish or alleviate differences in children’s skills existing prior to school entry. However, a growing gender gap in...  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between extra-year programs and later school achievement. Ninety-five children were identified as being either retained in kindergarten, placed in a transition classroom, recommended for an extra-year program but went into first grade, or as being in a control group of children who went from kindergarten to first grade without reservation. Results indicated that children retained in kindergarten performed significantly lower on a standardized achievement test than did children in the other three groups. Despite an extra year of schooling, children placed in transition classrooms did not differ significantly in their performance from children who were recommended for an extra year but went onto first grade and children in the control group.  相似文献   

马文香 《天津教育》2021,(4):114-115
幼儿教师是学前教育发展的第一资源,而园本教研则是促进幼儿教师专业成长的有效途径。服务式教研管理能有效地引导教师转变教研观念,树立专业自觉意识,走上反思性实践的专业发展路径,提高自身的保教能力和科研能力。  相似文献   

The longitudinal stability of measures of peer acceptance, social status, and social reputation and the role of children's ages relative to classmates were studied during the transition from same-age kindergarten to mixed-age (ungraded) primary. Both overall peer acceptance and aggressive social reputation showed moderate stability from kindergarten to ungraded primary. Half of the children who were rejected at Time 1 (kindergarten) maintained their rejected status in ungraded primary. Results were comparable to previous research on same-age classrooms. Implications of children's peer relations for adjustment to ungraded primary are discussed.  相似文献   

当前我国大部分地区幼教师资仍是中专学历居多,已不能适应我国现代化建设和幼儿教育发展的要求。幼教师资培养的课程设置主要是基础文化知识课程、专业理论课程、艺体课程、教育实践4类。职业中学、中等师范学校侧重于文化基础知识和艺体的学习与训练,而专科院校较之本科院校更注重艺体技能的学习和训练。职前培养应着力提高幼教师资的学历层次,构建应用型学前教育专科的培养模式,加强专业技能的训练,同时加强在职培训,完善评估机制等,以促进幼教师资素质的提高和专业发展。  相似文献   

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