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There has been a need to identify a quick screening and reevaluation instrument to determine eligibility status for specialized programs. The Slosson Intelligence Test (SIT) is one instrument that has been suggested for this purpose. In a ten-year review of validity studies with the SIT, Stewart and Jones (1976) found substantial correlations between the SIT and WISC. They recommended that future validity studies with the SIT focus on specific subgroups with restricted IQ ranges. The present study compared the SIT with the WISC-R for a group of intellectually gifted students. The results indicated reduced correlations between the measures. The calculated regression equation was dissimilar to the one reported by Stewart and Jones for nonrestricted IQ populations, although predictive ability was greater. The need for comparing the SIT with other measures for specific subgroups was supported.  相似文献   

The California Test of Mental Maturity, Short Form (CTMM-SF) and the WISC-R were compared in a sample of black and white children, ages 6-8 to 15-2 years, referred for learning problems. A 2 × 2 mixed ANOVA (Ethnicity and Test) indicated that ethnicity was the only significant effect, with black children obtaining lower scores than white children. All correlations between the two tests were significant, although they were higher for white children than for black children. The results indicate that the CTMM-SF has adequate criterion-related validity.  相似文献   

This study investigated the performance of 166 special education students who had been administered the WISC-R and approximately 3 years later the WISC-III. The sample ranged in age from 6.0 to 16.6 years. The scores were analyzed using Pearson product moment correlation coefficients and t tests of the differences between means for related samples. The results indicated that there was a significant, positive correlation among global scales (p < .001). This finding suggests that the WISC-R and the WISC-III IQ scores measure similar abilities. Analysis of mean IQ score differences revealed significant differences in the WISC-R and the WISC-III IQ scores, with the WISC-III global scores being lower. Implications for the evaluation of students for special education are discussed, with special emphasis on the role and function of the psychologist practicing in the schools. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the degree of comparability between the WISC and the WISC-R over time. Hypotheses were tested using a sample of 276 mildly mentally handicapped children enrolled in special education classes who had received a WISC (Trial 1) and a WISC or WISC-R (Trial 2) after an interval of approximately three years. The sample was grouped on the basis of test administered in Trial 2. Group I contained those children who received the WISC on Trial 2 and included 183 children, of whom 121 were males and 62 were females. Mean age at time of initial testing was 8–10; mean age at second testing was 11–8. Group II was composed of 93 children who had been posttested on the WISC-R and included 72 males and 21 females. Mean age at initial testing was 9–5; mean age at posttest was 13–0. The study was conducted in five school districts and one county department of education. Verbal IQ, Performance IQ, and Full Scale IQ for both instruments administered were transcribed from the special education folders of the children. The design used to test hypotheses was repeated measures analysis of variance. Data analysis resulted in rejection of the hypotheses that the WISC-R yields mean Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ scores greater than or equal to the corresponding mean IQ scores of the WISC. It was concluded that the WISC-R may unfairly penalize special education children who are reevaluated with this instrument. Fluctuations in IQ scores due to the instrument of measurement must be recognized, and appropriate action should be taken to insure that children are evaluated for special class placement on comparable bases.  相似文献   

A group of 95 black and 52 white low socioeconimic children assigned to special education calsses were initially given the Stanford-Binet (1972 norms) and three years later the WISC-R. Correlations between the Stanford-Binet and WISC-R Full Scale IQs were significant in both ethnic groups, with r=.60 for the total group. Correlations between the Stanford-Binet and WISC-R subtests also were generally signiificant (rs between .29 and .52 for the total group). Stanford-Binet and WISC-R Full Scale IQs did not differ significantly. For this sample of special education children, the Stanford-Binet was found to have satisfactory predictive validity.  相似文献   

The relationship between the WISC-R and WAIS-R was studied in a sample of 30 special education children (22 male and 8 female). Children were administered the WISC-R at an average age of 13.85 years and the WAIS-R at an average age of 17.52 years. ANOVAs indicated that the two tests yielded Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQS that were not significantly different. For example, the mean Full Scale IQ was 81.13 for the WISC-R and 82.70 for the WAIS-R. Product-moment correlations also were highly significant, with rs ranging from .76 to .86 for the three scales. The results suggest that, for children of limited intelligence, the WISC-R and WAIS-R provide comparable IQs over a four-year time period.  相似文献   

Eighty public school children referred for psychological assessment for potential special education placement were given the Slosson Intelligence Test, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Revised. Correlational and regression techniques were used to determine the effectiveness of the three former measures in predicting WISC-R IQ scores. SIT IQs were found to be the best predictors of WISC-R Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQs; however, these statistical relationships reveal little about the clinical utility of the screening measures. Problems with use of the current findings and those of other studies are discussed.  相似文献   


The mathematics achievement gap in special education is a chronic and significant challenge for the field. The need for improved teacher preparation in mathematics is crucial in addressing this gap. This study examines a capstone experience in higher level mathematics tutoring for preservice teachers. Results indicate that the experience was effective at improving preservice teachers’ higher level math content knowledge compared to teachers who did not receive experiential math learning in their teacher preparation. Implications for preservice teacher preparation programs are presented.  相似文献   

A statewide survey of public and private schools was conducted to determine the prevalence of adoptees among children classified for educational purposes as neurologically impaired (NI), perceptually impaired (PI), or emotionally disturbed (ED). Results indicated that adopted children were overrepresented in these special education populations, accounting for 6.7% of NI students, 5.4% of PI students, and 7.2% of ED students. Implications of the findings for educational and clinical intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the similarity in the pattern of strengths and weakness on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) subtest scores between those students evaluated and placed in special education programs and those students evaluated but not placed in special programs. Subjects were 585 students in grades 1–6 from three county school systems in eastern Kentucky who were referred for evaluation for possible special education placement. A multiple profile analysis using a MANOVA technique was used to test two hypotheses for each of the two profiles created for both study groups. Comparisons also were made between each group in the rank order of the various scores. The findings revealed that the two groups were similar in the pattern of their relative strengths and weaknesses on the WISC-R. Implications of these findings for teaching strategies for the two groups were discussed.  相似文献   

Classification changes are common in special education. Using the first four years of the Pre-elementary Education Longitudinal Study data set (N = 3000), we investigated national trends in classification changes among young children with disabilities, the relationship between classification changes and children’s demographic information, and the relations between classification changes and children’s performance outcomes over time. The results revealed that declassification rates ranged from 35.6% for the three-year-old cohort to 46.3% for the five-year-old cohort. Approximately 25% to 35% of the children in each age cohort were reclassified at least once. The results showed that the prevalence rates of de/reclassification differed according to children’s demographic characteristics without consistent pattern. The study also revealed that reclassified children consistently exhibited lower performance than those without classification changes over time. The results suggest that reclassification did not help children “catch up” with those who remained in the same disability categories.  相似文献   

The differences between genders in 14 different categories of disability, of samples of children and students found eligible for special education, are presented. In kindergarten and upper secondary schools, 65 per cent of the children or students deemed eligible for special education were boys. In elementary through junior high school the figures were about 70 per cent. In the kindergarten sample the difference in prevalence remained the same as the overall difference within each category of disability. In the samples from elementary, junior high and upper secondary schools a relatively higher prevalence than the overall difference between the genders was found with regard to problems of vision, hearing, language and intellectual disabilities among girls. A similar higher prevalence than expected was found among boys with regard to problems with reading and writing, psychosocial problems and attention deficit disorders. The conclusion is that the higher incidence of boys in special education during the pre-school years must be attributed to genetic or biological differences between the sexes. Further, in addition to these differences, the higher incidence of boys in special education during the school years is caused by an interaction between genetic or biological factors and a pedagogy that does not match the educational needs of male students.  相似文献   

The WISC-R, PIAT, and DAM were examined to ascertain relationships among the three instruments. Moderate to high correlations were found when PIAT scores were compared to WISC-Rg iqs, while DAM standard scores correlated moderately with PIAT and WISC-R scores. Correlations indicate that information yielded by the PIAT may be obtained through WISC-R results, while the DAM may be tapping other abilities not adequately assessed by either of the other two measures.  相似文献   

Successful implementation of inclusive practices depends mainly on teachers' attitudes towards children with special needs and their inclusion, and teachers' willingness to work with children with special needs in their classrooms. Experiences teacher candidates have during pre‐service stage might influence their perceptions towards children with disabilities and their inclusion. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of two special education courses on (1) preschool teacher candidates' general attitudes towards inclusion, (2) their willingness to work with children with significant intellectual, physical and behavioural disabilities within inclusive classroom settings and (3) their level of comfort in interacting with children with disabilities. A four‐part survey was administered to participants four times throughout the study, once before and after each course. The survey package included (1) a demographic information form, (2) the Opinions Relative to the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities Scale, (3) an adapted version of the Teachers' Willingness to Work with Children with Severe Disabilities Scale and (4) the Interaction with Children with a Disability Scale. The results showed that both special education courses positively influenced teacher candidates' attitudes, willingness and comfort levels. However, impact of the second course focused on helping teacher candidates learn and apply instructional strategies to work with children with disabilities in inclusive classrooms was much larger. Implications of the study findings in relation to future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

While plagiarism has been a growing problem in higher education for a long time, the use of the Internet has made this increasing problem more unmanageable. In many countries, this problem has become a matter of discussion, and higher education institutions feel obliged to review their policies on academic dishonesty. As part of these efforts, the study aims to examine the tendencies of teacher candidates to plagiarise using the Internet, factors affecting their tendencies and the reasons for plagiarism. In this context, a questionnaire was administered to a total of 386 first- and fourth-grade college students at a college of education. The data were analysed using frequencies, percentages, the Mann–Whitney U test and Kruskal–Wallis one-way analysis of variance. The findings revealed that the teacher candidates had, to some extent, a tendency to plagiarise using the Internet by copying material or using the same assignment in different courses. Gender, department and length of computer use were found to be significant factors affecting their tendencies to plagiarise using the Internet. Time constraints, workload and difficulty of the assignments/projects were indicated as among the major reasons for tendencies towards Internet plagiarism.  相似文献   

The discipline of neuroscience draws from the fields of neurology, psychology, physiology and biology, but is best understood in the wider world as 'brain science'. Of particular interest for education is the development of techniques for 'imaging' the brain as it performs different cognitive functions. Cognitive neuroimaging has already led to advances in understanding some of the basic functions involved in learning and raised implications for education and special education in particular. For example, neuroimaging has enabled scientists to study the very complex processes underpinning speech and language, thinking and reasoning, reading and mathematics. In this article, Professor Usha Goswami of the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education first reviews basic information on brain development. She provides a brief introduction to the tools used in neuroimaging then considers recent findings from neuroscience that seem relevant to educational questions. Professor Goswami uses this review to suggest particular ways in which neuroscience research could inform special education. In its closing sections, this article provides authoritative perspectives on some of the 'neuromyths' that seem to have taken root in the popular imagination and argues for increased dialogue, in the future, between the disciplines of neuroscience and education.  相似文献   

Data are reported on special and regular education students' perceptions of control at school and the importance to the students of having such control. For both special and regular education populations, comparisons were made between students enrolled in experimental and nonexperimental programs. Findings indicate comparability among the four groups with regard to areas in which control is valued. Perceptions of control at school for those in the standard special education group were lower than the ratings of regular education students and lower than those given by special education students in the experimental program.  相似文献   

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