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(一)重点词汇1.curious adj.①好奇心强烈的;渴望知道的;爱探究的②稀奇古怪的;不可思议的【联想速记】curiously adv.好奇地/curiosity n。好奇心;稀奇物【帮你归纳】含有curious的短语: be curious to do急想做be curious about对……感到好奇2.debate n.【C,U】正式讨论;辩论;辩论会vt.&vi.①正式讨论;辩论:to debate(upon)a questionwith sb.与某人辩论问题【同】argue,discuss,dispute②考虑;思考  相似文献   

宁怀宾 《新高考》2013,(12):19-20
单词巧记curious adj. ① wanting to know about sth.好奇的,好求知的②strange,unusual奇妙的,稀奇的。  相似文献   

杨恩莲 《高中生》2008,(12):12-13
1.curious考点点拨curious意为"好奇的",可构成短语becuri-ousabout,表示"对……好奇"。如:Don’t be toocurious aboutwhat has nothingtodowith you.不要对与你无关的事太过于好奇。考例(2006年高考辽宁卷)People have always  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.curiosity【用法】用作名词,意为“好奇;求知欲”。常构成搭配curiosity about sth.。例如:H is curiosity m ade him succeed.他的好奇心使他成功了。I’m full of curiosity about distanlands.我对遥远的国度充满了好奇。Tom stared at m e in curiosity.汤姆好奇地盯着我。curiosity还可用作可数名词,表示“新奇的事物;古玩;珍品”。例如:She was interested in curiosities.她对珍品感兴趣。【拓展】curiosity的形容词形式是curious,常构成搭配be curious about...“对……感到好奇”及be curious to do“极想……”。…  相似文献   

张文楷 《初中生》2011,(6):52-53
Magician Liu Qian has made "magic" a hot word.His two shows for the CCTV Spring Festival Gala(春节联欢晚会)left people amazed and curious.  相似文献   

People are curious to know when China first took part in the Olympics. Some say it was at the very first Olympic Games in 1896,or during the latter part of the Qing Dynasty  相似文献   

My dear readers,Weather is very important to us.We need to know the weather to plan our days.Mary is curious about the different kinds of weather How does she learn about the weather?Let's read to find out.  相似文献   

Some rangers in Kings Canyou National Park(that's located in the Sierra Nevada mountain range in Califomia)came down from theirfire towers-or maybe they simply steppedoff the trail for a minute-to send us a question. They were curious to know if there were any connection between what they dubbed the  相似文献   

I began to learn English8years ago.Y et I can still well rem em berthe tim e when I had m y first English class in m y prim ary school.I wasso curious and excited that I kept asking m yself,“W hy is this languageso different from C hinese and w hy should…  相似文献   

陈琼 《中学生英语》2013,(30):33-40
考点梳理一、重点单词1援陈述;说明n援statement2援迎接;问候vi.&vt.greet3援代表;象征vt.represent4援社团;联系;联想n援association5援飞行;航班n援flight6援好奇的adj.curious7援接受;靠近;走近vt.&vi.approach8.保护;保卫vt.defend  相似文献   

<正>[英语原文]Once upon a time,there was a curious man.He liked to gossip about other peoples'privacy.He knew too many secrets and found it hard to keep them all.One day he drank several cups of wine,and while drunk spilled all the secrets.To his surprise,the man next  相似文献   

Story:Roxy's father shows Kathy and Leo around his Indian house.The kids arequite curious about some special furniture.Kathy sees something and asks,"What's this?"It's a chair,"Roxy's father replies.Leo sees something and asks"What's that?"It's a lamp,"Roxy replies.The kids are happy to learn manypieces of cuts furniture.  相似文献   

Unitl 补七咖}如珍 考点出处:The seientist’5 name 15 simi-lar to the English word eurious,meaning…(P2) 考点点拨:curious时.好奇的(可构成短语be curio此about,表示“对……好奇”,“爱打听”,“很想知道”)。 Don’t be too eurious about what hasnothingt。d。with  相似文献   

When you see the topic, you may grow curious. Why do I say that learning is a lifelong obligation. In fact, from the time we were born, we were faced with a learning task. A baby learns how to eat, speak and walk. Afterwards he, at his six or seven years will go to school to learn reading and spelling. In the same way, an adult has to learn the basic skill of communication.  相似文献   

Nowadays, drug taking has been a serious social problem. According to the data gathered by the World Health Organization, there are about 300 million drug addicts in the world, and 66% of them are teenagers.Why do so many people take drugs? I think the main reason is that they know little about narcotics. And most of them are very curious about strange things, especially the youth. They try to taking drugs just for fun at the beginning, and then they will addict to heroin soon. In the end, they will  相似文献   

Passage 3 on Being Translated into English 1. One Saturday moming a magazine that I' d nev-er seen before arrived. In fact, when I picked it up Icouldn't quite make out either its title or the captionunder the cover picture;so I turned it over, as one doesany curious and unfamiliar object, and became immedi-ately absorbed in a three-strip episode of Tarzan, enti-tled "Overrumplet af Guxa." When I had finished(leaving Tarzan engaged in furious hand - to - hand -to - hand combat with a halfdozen pointed - toothed,bodiless heads that looked like nothing so much as  相似文献   

would与used to,是英语的特别的助动词。当表示过去的习惯行为时,用法大体相同,可以互相代替,句子所表示的意思不会发生多大差异。也正因为此,在同一段落中常可同时使用would与used to。例如: The old man Would go every day to the park to feed the birds.=The old man used to go every day to the park to feed the birds. 这个老人过去每天常去公园喂鸟。 Sometimes he used to tell us of his expeditions through the woods and fields round his home, and how he explored the solitary brooks and ponds; and then he would describe the curious animals and birds he saw.  相似文献   

近年来。内蒙古第一机械集团公司结合企业经营发展的需要.确定了以实施“三组升级”为抓手.以提高职工素质为目的。深入开展以完成任务好、现场管理好、成本费用控制好、质量安全好、精神文明好、管理信息真实准确为主要内容的“五好一准确”班组建设活动.促进公司又好又快发展,使具有“第一机械”特色班组建设运行模式取得实效.  相似文献   

家长——周围同事的孩子学习越来越好。与别人家的孩子一比.自己家的孩子总是不如别人家的:尤其现在到高三了.眼看着同事孩子的成绩一坎比一次好.我是既着急.又觉得好没面子。怎么办?  相似文献   

题目是文章的眼睛.好的题目能激发读者的阅读兴趣.对文章起到画龙点睛的作用。“花香蝶自来,题好一半文”。一个有文学色彩、有创意的好标题,能先声夺人。尤其是在高考中.题目往往影响着评分老师的情绪.最终影响自己的作文得分。好的作文题目往往会让人眼前一亮.甚至可以“秒杀”阅卷老师:一个陈旧平庸的标题.犹如平静的水面.难以引起评卷老师的阅读兴趣:至于拙劣的标题.‘则让人一头雾水.不知所云.往往会有偏题离题之嫌。  相似文献   

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