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针对生物化学的学科特点及教学难点,对生物大分子物质的结构与功能,物质代谢途径的联系与沟通,能量代谢的过程和高能化合物的利用转换,以及对一些具有生理和病理双重作用物质的全面认识,巧妙地运用比喻法,以学生熟悉的事物、经验、常识来帮助学生理解一些抽象、复杂的内容,并激活学生学习生物化学的兴趣与动力,提高教学效果.  相似文献   

This article contributes to a reconceptualization of pedagogical content knowledge through exploring what is entailed in teachers' understanding of content within the framework of the institutional curriculum, with a central concern for the development of human powers (capacities or abilities, ways of thinking, understanding worlds). The contribution is made by way of a curriculum making framework and through examining the capabilities approach and Bildung-centered Didaktik. The central thesis is that a teacher necessarily interprets the content contained in the institutional curriculum, identifying its elementary elements and ascertaining its educational potential. The interpretation calls for curriculum thinking informed by a theory of content.  相似文献   

本文从文学语言审美的“本质”、人的审美“心理”、比喻的审美层次三方面分析了“异质取譬”的美学价值。  相似文献   

针对力学课程的特点,提出引申触类在力学教学中的重要性与具体应用。引申内容包括力学教学中的工程意识培养,力学史、力学家、力学事件等相关历史发展知识培养,工科课程学习方法培养及人文素质培养。教师在课堂中有意识地引申触类,能够扩展学生的思维空间,增强课堂教学的生动性和启发性,提高学生的理解能力,掌握知识点的内涵与外延,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

麦家 《高中生》2012,(13):6
有熟人之子,个性温良,成绩中上。去年中考前,父母照他的意愿许诺,倘若考上重点高中,奖励一辆价值上万的山地单车。有此诱惑,少年奋发图强,牛角挂书,韦编三绝。天道酬勤,好运降临在这位少年的头上:他顺利地考上了理想的高中,父母痛并快乐地兑现了承诺一足足耗去全家一个半月的收入!我闻讯想当然地认为,他家公子定是一位爱好运动的阳光少年,我为此欣然又自责。因为本人常鼓励  相似文献   

类比在物理学中有广泛的应用.学生在学习物理过程中也总在不自觉地应用类比的方法.但由于学生类比时的盲目性和不恰当性,常常出现错误.教师的任务就在于引导学生自觉地应用类比,掌握类比在物理中的应用方法.  相似文献   

类比推理是一种特殊的推理形式,也是个体抽象思维的一种主要形式。有些心理学家着重研究与类比推理有关的问题,以期可以找到发展类比推理能力的有效策略,以提高学生学习新知识、新技能等的效率。经过大量研究与调查数据显示,工作记忆的各个子成分与类比推理之间有着密切的联系,工作记忆直接影响着个体类比推理能力的发展。因此,文章主要探讨工作记忆与类比推理的含义,以及工作记忆对类比推理的影响,希望能够为相关研究者提供参考。  相似文献   

根据磁电比拟理论得到电流密度与剪应力,导体片的热功率与抗扭刚度的比拟关系,并利用磁电比拟法解决等直杆自由扭转的应力和刚度问题.  相似文献   

This microgenetic study examined social influences on children's development of analogical reasoning during peer-led small-group discussions of stories about controversial issues. A total of 277 analogies were identified among 7,215 child turns for speaking during 54 discussions from 18 discussion groups in 6 fourth-grade classrooms (N = 120; age M=10.0, SD=0.6). Use of analogy was found to spread among the children in discussion groups and occur at an accelerating rate, primarily because of the increasing use of novel analogies. Relational analogies with shared surface features triggered purely relational analogies during the next 2 speaking turns, showing a trend of relational shift. These results provide distinctive new evidence for the importance of social interaction in an aspect of cognitive development.  相似文献   

王尔德的《莎乐美》是杰出的戏剧创造。这部歌剧史上的奇葩历经百年而经久不衰,成为世界上演率最高的歌剧之一,在世界文学长廊中,留下了一个美丽而罪恶、纯洁而疯狂、高傲而阴郁的复杂立体的女性形象。《莎乐美》中运用了连续的一系列比喻,详细铺陈了肉体之美。本文着重分析莎乐美的五段对白,来探讨夸饰这种写作手法。  相似文献   

该文通过类比推理与物理学发展的联系,讨论了类比推理在物理学中的一些应用。  相似文献   

This textbook survey analyzes the construction and use of analogies in social science texts and compares the results to an earlier analysis of physical science texts. Although the results indicate that the categories in the Curtis and Reigeluth classification system for analogy construction were consistent across disciplines, several differences were revealed related to how and when the analogy is used as an instructional design strategy.  相似文献   

运用类比思维 培养创新精神   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
类比推理所体现的思维方式(即本文中所指的类比思维)具有开放性、开拓性及探索性,在数学教学中适当渗透类比思维的教学,有助于学生创新精神与创造能力的培养,能促使学生思维素质的全面提高。  相似文献   

根据平抛运动的定义,把与平抛运动相类似的一些运动定义为一种"新"的运动——类平抛运动,通过研究类平抛与平抛运动在哪些方面是相类似的,常见的哪些运动可被看成是类平抛运动,我们将能更深刻、全面地认识类平抛运动和其他一些运动。  相似文献   

Research on expertise suggests that a critical aspect of expert understanding is knowledge of the relations between domain principles and problem features. We investigated two instructional pathways hypothesized to facilitate students’ learning of these relations when studying worked examples. The first path is through self-explaining how worked examples instantiate domain principles and the second is through analogical comparison of worked examples. We compared both of these pathways to a third instructional path where students read worked examples and solved practice problems. Students in an introductory physics class were randomly assigned to one of three worked example conditions (reading, self-explanation, or analogy) when learning about rotational kinematics and then completed a set of problem solving and conceptual tests that measured near, intermediate, and far transfer. Students in the reading and self-explanation groups performed better than the analogy group on near transfer problems solved during the learning activities. However, this problem solving advantage was short lived as all three groups performed similarly on two intermediate transfer problems given at test. On the far transfer test, the self-explanation and analogy groups performed better than the reading group. These results are consistent with the idea that self-explanation and analogical comparison can facilitate conceptual learning without decrements to problem solving skills relative to a more traditional type of instruction in a classroom setting.  相似文献   

The ability to successfully discriminate between multiple potentially relevant source analogs when solving new problems is crucial to proficiency in a mathematics domain. Experimental findings in two different mathematical contexts demonstrate that providing cues to support comparative reasoning during an initial instructional analogy, relative to teaching the same analogs and solution strategies without such cues, led to increased ability to discriminate between relevant analogs at a later test. Specifically, providing comparative gestures and visibly aligned source and target problems during initial learning led to higher rates of positive extension of learning to new contexts, and lower rates of susceptibility to misleading contextual features, both immediately and after a week delay.  相似文献   

"建筑是凝固的音乐,音乐是流动的建筑",这个经典名言流传至今,看似毫无关系的两种事物在一定程度上会相互转化,古典音乐与古典建筑被公认为是人类文明中最纯粹的艺术作品,通过对这两者风格演变的对比,来找到音乐与建筑之间的内在联系。  相似文献   

针对模拟电子技术传统教学方法的弊端,教学过程中引入了OrCAD技术,在具体实施过程中遇到了一些新问题。为了充分利用OrCAD的优势,避免仿真带来的弊端,教学过程中讨论了仿真技术的地位和作用。强调了理论学习的重要性,明确了仿真实验和物理实验的关系,充分挖掘了OrCAD高级分析的功能。这些方法在教学实践中取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

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