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Fogel A 《Child development》2000,71(5):1150-1151
Multiple case study developmental pathway research is needed to substantiate the theoretical propositions of the target article.  相似文献   

This study sought to identify ways in which adolescent attachment security, as assessed via the Adult Attachment Interview, is manifest in qualities of the secure base provided by the mother-adolescent relationship. Assessments included data coded from mother-adolescent interactions, test-based data, and adolescent self-reports obtained from an ethnically and socioeconomically diverse sample of moderately at-risk 9th and 10th graders. This study found several robust markers of adolescent attachment security in the mother-adolescent relationship. Each of these markers was found to contribute unique variance to explaining adolescent security, and in combination, they accounted for as much as 40% of the raw variance in adolescent security. These findings suggest that security is closely connected to the workings of the mother-adolescent relationship via a secure-base phenomenon, in which the teen can explore independence in thought and speech from the secure base of a maternal relationship characterized by maternal attunement to the adolescent and maternal supportiveness.  相似文献   

今年3月,中国正式启动了探月计划,消息一公布,立即引起全世界的广泛关注。中国为什么要启动探月计划?中国的探月计划包含哪些内容?在科学上有哪些突破?对整个国民经济会有怎样的影响…… 带着这些疑问,记者专访了中国月球探测首席科学家、中国科学院欧阳自远院士,请他详细介绍了中国的探月计划和目前探月工作的最新进展情况。  相似文献   

The technological revolution that has finally permeated K-12 education has direct implications for modern teacher educators whose “Hippocratic oath” is to best prepare future teachers for twenty-first-century classrooms. The goal of this article is to suggest that the heart of sound technological implementation is to encourage students to use whatever tools are available to explain the mathematical relations that underlie what they observe on the screen. We suggest ways in which Mishra and Koehler’s construct of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge may be customized to provide a framework for guiding prospective teachers’ efforts to develop and assess lesson plans that use technology in novel and effective ways. Data are presented in the form of two contrasting case studies to illustrate the differing degrees to which prospective mathematics teachers leveraged technology to teach themselves and their future students to explain the mathematics behind various topics.  相似文献   

We used a false-biofeedback methodology to manipulate physiological arousal in order to induce affective states that would influence learners’ metacognitive judgments and learning performance. False-biofeedback is a method used to induce physiological arousal (and resultant affective states) by presenting learners with audio stimuli of false heart beats. Learners were presented with accelerated, baseline, or no heart beat (control) while they completed a challenging learning task. We tested four hypotheses about the effect of false-biofeedback. The alarm vs. alert hypothesis predicted that false biofeedback would be appraised as either a signal of distress and would impair learning (alarm), or as a signal of engagement and would facilitate learning (alert). The differential biofeedback hypothesis predicted that the alarm and alert effects would be dependent on the type of biofeedback (accelerated vs. baseline). The question depth hypothesis predicted that these effects would be more pronounced for challenging inference questions. Lastly, the self vs. recording hypothesis predicted that effects would only occur if participants believed that false biofeedback was indicative of their own physiological arousal. In general, learners experienced more positive/activating affective states, made more confident metacognitive judgments, and achieved higher learning when they received accelerated or baseline biofeedback while answering a challenging inference question, irrespective of the perceived source of the biofeedback. Thus, our findings supported the alert and question depth hypotheses, but not the differential biofeedback or self vs. recording hypotheses. Implications of the findings for the integration of affective processes into models of cognitive and metacognitive processes during learning are discussed.  相似文献   

本科生提前进入实验室开展科研活动当前受到各高校广泛关注。华中农业大学将实践创新能力培养作为高素质创新人才培养的关键,设立创新基金,构建创新平台,营造了浓厚的创新氛围,大力推进了本科生的科技创新活动,并受到相关部门和社会的好评。以学生组建小组开展水面垃圾清理收集船的制作为例,就本科生开展科研训练,提出了在科技创新活动中要紧扣兴趣驱动、过程体验、学术交流三个要点。  相似文献   

金融体制可以有效规范金融秩序,而民间金融作为我国金融体系的一个重要构成,其体制改革也是非常重要的。我国金融体制改革一直以来在民间金融体制改革方面还有所欠缺,促使金融体制无法适应民间金融的变化和发展需求。因为民间金融既有积极作用,也有消极作用,如果民间金融体制不够完善就会引发和扩大民间金融的消极作用。为了充分发挥民间金融对经济发展的积极作用,就要完善民间金融体制,同时改革民间金融体制和主流金融体制,并和民间金融特点相结合,从监管、利率、投资主体等方面完善民间金融体制,有效规范民间金融体制,避免其带来的金融风险,促使民间金融在推动经济发展方面做出贡献。  相似文献   

This exploratory case study examined in depth the studying activities of eight students across two studying episodes, and compared traces of actual studying activities to self-reports of self-regulated learning. Students participated in a 2-hour activity using our gStudy software to complete a course assignment. We used log file data to construct profiles of self-regulated learning activity in four ways: (a) frequency of studying events, (b) patterns of studying activity, (c) timing and sequencing of events, and (d) content analyses of students’ notes and summaries. Findings indicate that students’ self-reports may not calibrate to actual studying activity. Analyses of log file traces of studying activities provide important information for defining strategies and sequences of fine-grained studying actions. We contrast these analytic methods and illustrate how trace-based profiles of students’ self-regulated studying inform models of metacognitive monitoring, evaluation, and self-regulated adaptation.  相似文献   

少数民族地区有其独特的地理人文环境,职业技术教育要充分考虑这一特点。着眼于民族地区经济和社会发展的目标,建立与之相适应的职业教育体系,加快各少数民族整体现代科技素质的提高。  相似文献   

Emotions as a lens to explore teacher identity and change: A commentary   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Change is pervasive in our schools, yet little information exists about its impact on teacher perceptions and behavior. From a variety of theoretical and methodological perspectives, emotional reactions to reform and change are explored as they relate to the participants’ professional and personal identity. When confronted with the ambiguity and uncertainty of change, these emotional reactions influenced their risk taking, learning and development, and identity formation. Overall, the authors demonstrate that emotions are a key component of teachers’ lives and underscore the need for acknowledging them when planning and implementing school reform.  相似文献   

从封闭走向开放:试论开放性课堂教学的构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本从系统论的理论视角和信息化时代的新要求出发,对封闭性课堂教学的弊端进行针灸剖析,指出从封闭走向开放是课堂教学的必由之路,开放性课堂教学要做到价值取向,师生关系、教学资源、教学过程和教学设计与组织程序上的开放。  相似文献   

A conceptual model was tested in which the effects of mentoring relationships on adolescents' academic outcomes were hypothesized to be mediated partially through improvements in parental relationships. The parameters of the model were compared with those of an alternative, in which improved parental relationships were treated as an outcome variable rather than a mediator. The study included 959 young adolescents (M age = 12.25 years), all of whom applied to Big Brothers Big Sisters programs. The adolescents were randomly assigned to either the treatment or control group and administered questions at baseline and 18 months later. The hypothesized model provided a significantly better explanation of the data than the alternative. In addition to improvements in parental relationships, mentoring led to reductions in unexcused absences and improvements in perceived scholastic competence. Direct effects of mentoring on global self-worth, school value, and grades were not detected but were instead mediated through improved parental relationships and scholastic competence. Implications of the findings for theory and research are discussed.  相似文献   

放大电路分析的教学方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了放大电路学习难点存在的原因,结合长期的教学实践,提出了教学内容组织图和电路仿真分析的教学方法,并举例介绍了这两种方法的具体应用.  相似文献   

目前,我国职业教育领域存在着片面追求"技能至上"、"证书至上"的急功近利倾向,职业基本素养教育相对处于职业教育"边缘"的境地;如何提高高职院校学生职业素养,成为亟待解决的难题,本文拟从加强高职生综合素质教育等四个方面对这一问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

本文就教师如何巧妙的利用问题资源这一教学方式在生物教学中,激发学生对知识探究的兴趣,使学生真正喜欢参与到其中,培养学生的探究兴趣,从而调动学生的学习积极性。  相似文献   


Qualitative data can allow us to see multiple meanings and realities of human experiences. Sometimes the variations of realities makes interpretation challenging. This article provides examples of how metaphors, related to the life history context, "extend horizons of insight and create new possibilities" (Morgan, 1997, p. 351) to view the participants, the researcher, and the story of research as well as to add to the knowledge about Finnish scientists' creative processes. Metaphors connect different layers of text (academic story (normal font), personal story (bold font), and the meta-story) and tease out a story of research with multiple faces, changing stages, views, and alternative interpretations. I do not look for conclusions or a single definition of creativity. Rather, I ask questions and trouble the "category of creativity", addressing methodological issues of educational research.  相似文献   

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