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As a first attempt to empirically investigate the scope of external information-seeking under uncertainty, this paper examines the direct and interactive effects of task uncertainty on the scope of external information-seeking. Search depth and breadth are the two components of the scope of external information-seeking in defining an individual's external information search strategy. The empirical results show that at the source portfolio level, task uncertainty exhibits positive effects on both the depth and breadth of external information-seeking. It is also found that there is a positive relationship between task uncertainty and depth-first propensity, which is defined as a seeker's propensity to acquire information through increasing search depth instead of through widening search breadth at the source portfolio level. Furthermore, the results show that the positive relationship between task uncertainty and depth-first propensity in external information-seeking is stronger when perceived source accessibility is low than when it is high. This study makes a contribution to the information-seeking literature by helping us understand how task uncertainty and source characteristics shape an individual's external information-seeking at the level of source portfolio and providing evidence of the task-source fit perspective in explaining information-seeking behaviour under uncertainty at the source portfolio level.  相似文献   

Information-seeking is important for lawyers, who have access to many dedicated electronic resources. However there is considerable scope for improving the design of these resources to better support information-seeking. One way of informing design is to use information-seeking models as theoretical lenses to analyse users’ behaviour with existing systems. However many models, including those informed by studying lawyers, analyse information-seeking at a high level of abstraction and are only likely to lead to broad-scoped design insights. We illustrate that one potentially useful (and lower-level) model is Ellis’s – by using it as a lens to analyse and make design suggestions based on the information-seeking behaviour of 27 academic lawyers, who were asked to think aloud whilst using electronic legal resources to find information for their work. We identify similar information-seeking behaviours to those originally found by Ellis and his colleagues in scientific domains, along with several that were not identified in previous studies such as ‘updating’ (which we believe is particularly pertinent to legal information-seeking). We also present a refinement of Ellis’s model based on the identification of several levels that the behaviours were found to operate at and the identification of sets of mutually exclusive subtypes of behaviours.  相似文献   

采用实证研究的方法探讨我国科研人员个体人力资本和社会资本对创新行为的影响作用。研究结果发现:科研人员个体人力资本两维度,即受教育程度和科研工作经验对创新行为产生积极的显著影响,其中科研工作经验的影响更强;科研人员个体社会资本两维度,即人际互动网络规模和人际互动网络密度对创新行为产生显著的二次影响作用,其中科研人员的人际互动网络密度的正向影响和负向影响均更强。  相似文献   

Masuda and Konno [14] first formulated a two-stage contact process on complex networks with heterogeneous degree distribution, and they derived a critical birth or infection rate βc, above which there exists a unique positive equilibrium. The global behavior of this model is not well understood, and the authors have not given a rigorous mathematical analysis of their model. In this paper, we investigate the global behavior in detail and show that the global behavior is completely determined by a threshold R0. In particular, by comparison arguments, we establish the global asymptotic stability of the trivial equilibrium E0 for R0?<?1; by constructing a bounded function, we show that the system is uniformly persistent for R0?>?1. Furthermore, by means of a monotone iterative approach, we obtain a sufficient condition for the global asymptotic stability of the positive equilibrium E*.  相似文献   

科技人员创新行为产生机理研究——基于计划行为理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先,本研究对科技人员创新行为态度、主观规范、知觉行为控制的内涵进行界定,进而将其分别细分为内生态度与外生态度、指令性规范与示范性规范、自我效能和控制力,验证了它们通过创新意愿的中介作用对创新行为的影响;其次,探索了上述关键变量对创新行为的直接影响作用;最后,检验了在创新意愿向创新行为转化过程中组织支持的调节作用。实证研究结果显示:行为态度的内生态度通过创新意愿的完全中介作用对创新行为产生正向作用,主观规范的示范性规范与知觉行为控制的两个维度(自我效能和控制力)通过创新意愿的部分中介作用对创新行为产生正向作用;行为态度的外生态度和主观规范的指令性规范对创新意愿没有影响,但可以直接正向影响创新行为;组织支持在创新意愿对创新行为的影响关系中起正向调节作用,该作用主要体现在上级工具性支持上。  相似文献   

In this paper, the second order non-linear differential equation

农户农地转出意愿与转出行为的差异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈振  郭杰  欧名豪 《资源科学》2018,40(10):2039-2047
基于改进的计划行为理论,结合安徽省郎溪县实地调查数据,实证分析农地流转过程中农户农地转出意愿与转出行为的差异及其原因,以期为促进农地有序流转,提高农地流转效率提供参考。研究结果表明:①农户农地转出意愿是理想状态下的选择,主要受行为态度、主观规范和知觉控制影响;而转出行为是现实状态下的决定,主要受行为态度和知觉控制影响;②农地流转后转入户毁约弃耕、承包地被过度利用或撂荒等风险严重阻滞了农户农地转出意愿向转出行为顺利转化,是导致意愿与行为相悖离的关键因素。因此,要想切实提高农地流转效率,必须为年龄偏大的农户提供就业培训,为其增加稳定的非农就业机会;加强农地流转相关政策的宣传和引导,增强农户流转意识;慎重对待农地流转可能带来的各类隐性风险,严防毁约弃耕、不合理的土地利用行为以及大规模囤地、撂荒等现象的发生。  相似文献   

农地整治权属调整中农户认知与行为的一致性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王梅  汪文雄 《资源科学》2018,40(1):53-63
农户关于农地权属调整的认知与行为的一致性关系不仅是农地权属调整理论研究的重要内容,也是其政策制定的重要参考。为了探索农地整治权属调整中农户认知与行为的内在联系,本文在计划行为理论框架下,通过对湖北省7个市(县)644个农户的问卷调查,运用相关性分析法检验农户认知与行为的相关性,并用多元有序Logistic模型分析受访者个体和家庭特征、耕地资源特征、村集体特征等因子对农户认知和行为影响的偏效应差异。结果表明:农户的认知状况在认知机制内部表现出不均衡性,农户行为的积极性缺乏;在一致性检验中,相关性分析和模型计量的结果均显示主观规范与行为的一致性较高,行为态度和认知控制与行为之间基本上不具备一致性。在此研究结果基础之上,提出关于信息公开、宣传动员、发挥组织作用等方面的政策建议,以此促进农地权属调整工作的顺利实施。  相似文献   

The article employs deep log analysis (DLA) techniques, a more sophisticated form of transaction log analysis, to demonstrate what usage data can disclose about information seeking behaviour of virtual scholars – academics, and researchers. DLA works with the raw server log data, not the processed, pre-defined and selective data provided by journal publishers. It can generate types of analysis that are not generally available via proprietary web logging software because the software filters out relevant data and makes unhelpful assumptions about the meaning of the data. DLA also enables usage data to be associated with search/navigational and/or user demographic data, hence the name ‘deep’. In this connection the usage of two digital journal libraries, those of EmeraldInsight, and Blackwell Synergy are investigated. The information seeking behaviour of nearly three million users is analyzed in respect to the extent to which they penetrate the site, the number of visits made, as well as the type of items and content they view. The users are broken down by occupation, place of work, type of subscriber (“Big Deal”, non-subscriber, etc.), geographical location, type of university (old and new), referrer link used, and number of items viewed in a session.  相似文献   

谢江佩  戴馨  黎常 《科研管理》2020,41(7):201-209
基于趋近-抑制理论,对权力感知与建言行为之间的内在心理认知机制进行深入分析。通过对3个时点69个团队311名团队成员的问卷调查,探讨了团队成员权力感知对建言行为的影响机制。结果表明:1)权力感知与建设性变革责任感存在正相关关系;2)建设性变革责任感中介了权力感知对建言行为的影响;3)团队权力合法性在权力感知与建设性变革责任感的关系中起调节作用;进一步,4)团队权力合法性调节了建设性变革责任感对权力感知?建言行为中介作用,表现为被调节的中介关系。最后,探讨了本文的理论意义及实践启示。  相似文献   

关于文献老化概念的讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文讨论了以下几个问题;(1) 米哈依诺夫关于文献老化定义的贡献与不足;(2) 情报源的价值与文献的使用没有必然的关系;(3) 情报源的价值不是衡量文献老化的标准;(4) 文献老化是由用户对文献使用的必要性来衡量的;(5) 文献老化的新定义。  相似文献   

探讨技术逻辑导向对新创企业创新行为的作用机制,以及在技术逻辑导向下新创企业创新行为对创新绩效的影响。基于新创企业的发展阶段,实证研究技术逻辑导向、创新行为与创新绩效之间的关系。研究发现技术逻辑导向下新创企业技术创新行为与组织制度创新行为在不同的发展阶段耦合形式不同:在创建阶段,新创企业会仅采取技术创新行为;在生存阶段,新创企业会同时采取技术创新行为与组织制度创新行为,但会以组织制度创新为主、技术创新为辅;在成长阶段,新创企业也会同时采取两种创新行为,但此时会以技术创新为主而以组织制度创新为辅。采取技术逻辑导向战略在一定程度上会提升新创企业的创新绩效。  相似文献   

陈杰 《科学学研究》2008,26(1):169-177
 通过物理空间、个人空间和社会空间属性的比较,得到了对社会空间问题研究的方法;研究了行为的权度及限度的历史性和存在性问题;得到一种创新行为的动态及静态的权限观。  相似文献   

介绍了一种scatter插件编辑器,编辑器采用Eclipse插件多页编辑器技术实现。在分析scatter文件结构和特点基础上,编辑器利用图形表示文件的内容和结构,这是编辑器主要的特点和优势,编辑器还增加了文件内容语法着色和报错机制等功能。因此,该编辑器相对其它编辑器更加适合scatter文件的编辑。  相似文献   

陈晓畅  仲伟周  李霞 《科研管理》2004,25(2):129-134
自推行市场化经济体制改革以来,公益机构已进入了一个全新的飞速发展时期;目前公益机构已经发展成为我国社会中非常重要的社会组织,并在科教文卫体等领域的公共物品供应、救死扶伤、促进社会效率与公平以及正义等方面做出了非常重要的贡献。但是,由于转轨社会制度对社会活动主体行为规范性有效约束不足。我国目前的公益机构的行为在许多方面出现了偏离原有社会规范的种种扭曲并产生了严重的社会恶果,严重阻碍了我国公益机构的健康发展及其社会功能的进一步发挥。本文在对我国公益机构形成与发展进程充分描述的基础上揭示了公益机构的性质与功能,剖析了我国公益机构行为扭曲的表现、恶果及其根源,并从中外比较角度提出了公益机构行为扭曲管制的宏观政策与微观机制等。  相似文献   

This paper tests the ability of two consumer theories—the theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behavior—in predicting consumer online grocery buying intention. In addition, a comparison of the two theories is conducted. Data were collected from two web-based surveys of Danish (n=1222) and Swedish (n=1038) consumers using self-administered questionnaires. These results suggest that the theory of planned behavior (with the inclusion of a path from subjective norm to attitude) provides the best fit to the data and explains the highest proportion of variation in online grocery buying intention.  相似文献   

The proliferation of cell phones and the growing culture of constant connectivity has introduced a plethora of new challenges for mobile citizens. One of the major challenges transportation professionals desire to address involves the use of cell phones to text while driving, especially for less experienced drivers. In this study, the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in conjunction with psycho-social factors is utilized to explore the intention to text while driving among young drivers. The results of a survey administered to 524 drivers suggest that the TPB constructs (attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control) along with the perceived disadvantages of abstention and age of the driver explain a significant amount of variance in the intention to send text messages while driving (adjusted R2 = 0.71).  相似文献   

在经济转型发展以及不断创新的时代背景下,跨界已是大势所趋。作为一种积极行为,跨界行为对员工创造力以及企业创新绩效都有着重要意义。近年来,跨界行为引起了学术界的兴趣并在国内外展开了实证研究。本文对跨界行为的相关研究成果进行了梳理,首先梳理了跨界行为的相关内涵以及结构测量;其次,厘清跨界行为的前置因素与作用结果;最后对未来研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

Yamini Jha 《Research Policy》2010,39(9):1174-1184
Norms of academic science and engineering are moving in the direction of broader applicability and transferability of knowledge beyond the borders of the university. In response, scientists are expected to engage in collaboration that includes both basic and applied collaborative activities. More specifically, the norms of science are beginning to change to allow for novel forms of collaboration that involve sharing of research ideas on multiple facets of collaborative work. This paper examines the extent to which multifaceted collaboration is attributable to relational aspects of individuals’ networks. Specifically, we ask the question: what relational aspects of social capital determine multifaceted collaboration among scientists in six fields of science and engineering? Borrowing literature from social capital and science and technology (S&T) human capital, this paper develops a multi-level model of multifaceted collaboration and presents a set of testable hypotheses. Then using data from a national survey of men and women faculty in six fields, we analyze the multi-level data: relationship or dyad level (level 1) and ego level (level 2) with hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to predict multifaceted collaboration of academic scientists. Findings show that some relational characteristics explain multifaceted collaborative behavior as predicted, while others behave in unexpected ways. Conclusions place the findings in context for theory and policy.  相似文献   

如何借助企业之间的相互带动作用,探索温和的、低成本的外部干预方式,助推企业的创新投资行为,对于实施创新驱动发展战略至关重要。本文从同群效应的角度研究企业创新投资行为的相互影响作用及路径,发现同群效应存在于企业的创新投资行为中,检验和对比企业之间创新投资行为传递的两条路径,结果显示跟从企业管理者的创新投资行为意向在创新投资行为传递中发挥重要的中介作用。进一步检验异质性企业对同群企业创新投资行为的应对性反应差异,发现缺乏规模优势和研发水平较低的企业则更容易同群企业的影响。本文的研究发现启示政府管理部门,充分发挥企业创新投资行为的互相带动作用,通过“以点带面”、“以大带小”、“以高带低”,不仅有助于激发区域或社会范围的创新投资联动,而且在企业创新投资行为引导上也有望实现四两拨千斤的助推效果。  相似文献   

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