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关于提高博士研究生培养质量的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文根据我国部分高校近年来博士生培养中存在的问题,提出了一系列改进和加强的措施,包括加强导师队伍建设,严格把握培养过程中各道关口,强化学位论文质量保证体系,完善论文评审和答辩制度等,旨在提高博士研究生的培养质量。  相似文献   

一、学科建设是培养高质量博士研究生的关键一流的学校必须有一个合理的学科体系和一批在国内外有影响的学科,一批高水平的学术带头人和一支结构合理、素质优良的学术队伍,一些相对稳定而又处于学科前沿的学术方向,一些高水平的实验研究基地,一批高质量的学术成果,而...  相似文献   

提高研究生的科研能力,是高校提高研究生培养质量的首要任务。本文结合研究生管理工作经验,在已有的研究基础上,以西部某一高校547名研究生为样本,在评估其科研能力的同时,从课程改革的视角,探讨培养研究生科研能力的途径,为研究生的培养工作和研究生自我科研能力的提高提供借鉴。  相似文献   

根据我国体育学博士研究生培养的现状,主要就当前博士研究生培养中存在的规模、规格、着力点、博士学位论文的选题和评审,以及体育人文社会学科博士和自然科学学科博士的区别等问题进行了分析讨论,以期为体育学博士研究生培养工作的健康发展提供参考借鉴.  相似文献   

博士研究生作为国家教育的高层次人才,其科研创新能力是衡量教育水平的重要指标。本文以理工科博士研究生为例,针对目前在科研创新能力培养过程中存在的问题进行分析,提出一些提高理工科博士研究生科研训练及能力培养的途径,为提高博士研究生的创新能力提供了思路。  相似文献   

博士研究生作为高等教育的最高层次,对于国家的综合国力有着深远的影响,目前我国博士研究生教育存在很多弊端,针对这些弊端进行深入思考,分别在课程体系、博导队伍、外部环境、博士质量方面进行分析,提出切合实际的改革建议,这些改革方法对于博士教育今后的发展有很大意义。  相似文献   

One of the outcomes of the policy emphasis upon skills formation in countries like Australia and the UK has been an increase in cross-disciplinary structured programs for higher research degrees raising implicit, but often unexamined, questions about the curriculum and expertise that should inform them. Key insights from applied linguistics and composition studies about disciplinary similarities and differences and writing pedagogy for the development of university-wide structured programs are discussed in the article. In addition, student evaluations of two ‘social sciences, humanities and business' writing programs that were developed to reflect these insights are reported. The findings are read to suggest that the framework within which research training is conceptualized must consider not only the diversity of domains and activities that characterise higher degree research, but the communicative purposes against which research texts are evaluated and differentiated. The overlapping and contrasting nature of these purposes suggests collaborations among specific discipline groups in structured program provision within the research degree cohort, rather than the local/general research training split that is often assumed.  相似文献   

This study of the impact of doctoral adviser mentoring on student outcomes was undertaken in response to earlier research that found (a) students with greater incoming potential received more adviser mentoring, and (b) adviser mentoring did not significantly contribute to important student outcomes, including research productivity [Green, S. G., and Bauer, T. N. (1995). Personnel Psychology 48(3): 537–561]. In this longitudinal study spanning 5 1/2 years, the effect of mentorship on the research productivity, career commitment, and self-efficacy of Ph.D. students in the ‘hard’ sciences was assessed, while controlling for indicators of ability and attitudes at program entry. Positive benefits of mentoring were found for subsequent productivity and self-efficacy. Mentoring was not significantly associated with commitment to a research career.  相似文献   

博士生群体构成的日益多样化呼唤博士生培养模式的变革。当前博士生课程存在学生参与度低等问题,其合理性正面临挑战。对我国三所“双一流”高校教育学专业博士生的深度访谈发现,课程制度设计的模糊性与有限性导致学生选课决策更多表现为既定约束下的次优博弈。此种选课机制与课程教学质量的不确定性相结合,最终引致学生课堂参与行为的分异。博士生通过旁听、权变等非制度化实践,一定程度上彰显了学习者在教育场域中的能动性。未来,有必要增加博士生课程制度的弹性,重申有效互动的价值。  相似文献   

中文研究生课程改革应面向社会需求、以学生为主体、以能力为中心,强化理论和方法类课程、增加科研工具类课程、加强写作能力培养和研究范例教学.应该大力减少课程数量和授课时间、科学设置一级学科学位课程、合理设置方向选修课程、认真落实实践性课程,以培养口径宽、能力强的综合型专业人才.  相似文献   

以全国博士质量调查结果为基础,借鉴国外师生互动关系研究、导师人际行为模型的思想,利用西安高校博士生调查数据,分析了博士生怎样看待导师对其的指导,并从学生的视角分析了体验到的不同师生互动关系对其科研创新能力的影响。结果显示:导师与博士生互动关系处于"高度合作+一定程度强势指导"和"高度合作+一定程度尊重学生观点和意见"时,更有利于博士生科研能力、创新能力的培养,有利于推进博士生的科研和学位论文进展。  相似文献   

美国研究型大学本科教育改革透视   总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50  
近 1 0年来 ,美国研究型大学超越通识教育与专业教育之争 ,开始建构以研究为本的本科教育。合作性、问题性和实践性构成本科教育新范式的三个维度 ,并由此引发了研究型大学课程体系的创新  相似文献   

The development of cultures of support has become important in programmes for the preparation of research students. The paper draws on in-depth interviews with 21 research education coordinators from Australian and UK institutions to identify the strategies that they use to build research cultures and integrate research students into them. Students’ research cultures are not always linked to departmental research cultures more generally. Local contexts and conditions and staff (including supervisors’) attitudes are found to be critical in how research education coordinators respond and what is considered possible in order to ensure that research students are involved in research cultures.  相似文献   

促进学生的积极主动发展是时代发展的客观要求 ,也是国际教育改革的共同目标。我国新一轮基础教育课程改革以此为目标 ,是针对时代要求做出的正确选择 ,它实现了我国课程目标的根本转型。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来美国博士教育的问题与改革   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
美国博士教育虽处于国际顶尖水平,但随着其社会经济的发展及政治需求的变化,到20世纪90年代,美国博士教育出现完成学位时间长、博士生辍学率高而导致博士教育高损耗现象,其原因是博士教育培养目标与社会需求不协调、资金不足、课程质量低劣和就业指导缺乏。对此,大学和博士教育研究机构采取了相应的改革措施。  相似文献   

This paper draws on Bourdieu’s concepts of field, capital and habitus to examine the learning and enculturation of alumni of a Canadian PhD programme in the discipline of Education. We introduce the concept of doctoral capital to help explain how and why some PhD graduates go on to secure faculty positions and others do not. Our research suggests that certain existing and acquired academic practices, attributes, dispositions and behaviours collectively form a type of doctoral capital that alumni can then use in the academic marketplace.  相似文献   

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