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通过问卷调查法、访谈调查法、制度文本分析法及德尔菲专家问卷法调查全国15所有具有代表性的高校实施学术不端行为问责的情况。结果发现:大学学术不端行为问责存在问责主体职责未得到确证,问责客体间的连带责任追究不详,问责目标尚存错位,责任追究模糊、方式单一,问责程序尚不健全等问题。在全面推进依法治学、深化学术治理的关键期,健全大学学术不端行为问责主客体体系,明晰大学学术不端行为问责目标,厘清大学学术不端行为问责程序以及划清大学学术不端行为问责责任类型,将成为提升大学学术不端行为问责效力的可靠保证。  相似文献   

大学学术不端行为问责是法律法规赋予高校等学术组织机构的一项学术管理权,是学术权力在学术治理领域中的具体体现。从法理的角度而言,学术不端行为问责作为一种规范性的学术权力,具备了"利益""资格"与"自由行为"等要素,是一种不能排除国家公权力影响的学术自治公权力,也是一种特殊意义上的"行政处罚",这一法理性质体现了新时代大学学术治理受控性与自由性的双重统一。  相似文献   

“理”“道”融通是大学学术不端行为问责的方法论,是赋予该行为以合法性的根本依据。有依据、有效能是有效学术问责实践的两大特征。要开展有依据的大学学术不端行为问责,就必须基于学术不端行为的发生原理、根治机理与问责学理来展开;要实施有效能的大学学术不端行为问责,就必须沿着“责任归咎——程序设计——机制建构”的线路来持续优化学术问责工作方案。  相似文献   

学术不端行为的经济逻辑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学术研究是一种专业化的知识生产行为。在知识生产过程中,众多的个人和机构构成了学术活动的行为主体,并进而形成了不断发展的 学术市场。由于学术行为主体的职业化和组织化,知识产品的不断积累及其商品化,尤其是“学术资本主义”的迅速发展,学术市场竞争日益激烈并呈现层级化和领地化倾向。规范作为一种约定,是维护学术市场秩序的一项制度安排,用以对学术行为进行恰当的约束。然而,擅于算计的经济理性人出于对个人效用最大化的追求,在权衡成本与收益的基础上选择违反规范,从而产生了学术不端。因而,在学术道德与良知层面进行谴责与批判的同时,探寻行为背后的经济逻辑或许能够为问题的解决提供某种新的启示。  相似文献   

文章以"权力"与"权利"规制为"抓手",分析"学术不端行为"的成因,并试图通过借鉴和运用国外的替代性纠纷解决方式ADR制度,从建立ADR纠纷解决机制、明确ADR处理机构的组成与机构权能、细化ADR处罚结果和将ADR制度与相关道德与法律机制进行衔接四个方面,对学术不端行为规制的路径加以探析。  相似文献   

学术不端行为大量存在于高校学生学术过程的各个方面,造成极大负面影响,但对其的规制手段却零散而缺乏针对性。本文通过对高校学生学术不端行为的规制必要性和成因进行分析,提出应从社会、教师以及法律角度探寻整治途径,以期能为根本上解决问题提供参考。  相似文献   

为解决目前高校规定中学术不端行为的体系混乱、类别不一、界线模糊、词语滥用等问题,本文提出三个层次递进的类型化标准;规范了类型化过程中涵义不同或相近的学术不端行为,认为行为的规范化实质上就是行为的类型化。通过类型化和规范化,高校学术不端行为体系具有简洁明确、易于分别等特点。  相似文献   

我国对研究生学术不端行为的研究主要有3个方面:1)研究生学术不端行为的表现形式研究;2)研究生学术不端行为原因研究;3)研究生学术不端行为对策研究。通过对研究生学术不端行为相关文献的综述,指出当前研究成果中存在的不足之处,并提出今后有待进一步研究的问题正是本文的价值所在。  相似文献   

《高等学校预防与处理学术不端行为办法》(以下简称《办法》)是教育行政主管部门针对学术不端行为开出的治理之方。《办法》符合国际科研诚信问题研究的发展趋势,是加强我国科研诚信问责的制度保障和行动指南。从问责的视角来看,《办法》在法律效力等级上属于部门规章,其问责效力作用的主体范围包括责任承担者,追究责任的机关和不特定的机构、组织,问责效力作用的客体是基于问责对象与问责主体之间的关系而产生的权利义务。《办法》对于学术不端行为问责涉及的权责体系、问责内容、问责主体、问责对象、问责程序、问责后果等都有所规定。高等学校应依据《办法》的授权和要求,采取有针对性的措施,形成明责-知责-追责的完整问责制度体系,切实抓好科研诚信建设。  相似文献   

学术不端行为破坏了高校学术研究的有序发展,探寻其成因,并探究监督查处机制的构建具有重大的现实意义。从主客观两个角度出发,分析当前学术监督机制弱化、学术查处机制虚化是当前高校学术不端行为滋生的制度原因,同时从名利诱惑、成本博弈及道德缺失等学术主体的三个角度论证了高校学术不端行为滋生的原因,以期加强对高校学术不端行为研究,促进高校学术不端行为监督查处机制的构建。  相似文献   

完善高校学术规范制度是治理研究生学术不端的重要环节。综合分析38所985工程大学研究生学术不端治理文本后发现,当前高校在研究生学术不端治理的制度构建上主要体现在治理依据、治理原则、治理内容、治理程序、惩治方式等五个方面,较为全面。但也存在一些共性问题,一是文本内容表述不一,认定、惩戒标准失衡;二是制度设计缺陷,主动治理意识不足;三是教化性特征不显,学生权益保障不移;四是"重处罚、轻预防"。完善研究生学术不端治理制度需强化高校主动治理意识、构建系统化治理机制、重视治理程序正义、优化惩戒实施以及改变功利性评价机制。  相似文献   

The two primary objectives of this study were: to identify the preferred teaching styles of secondary‐school students and to compare these preferences with those of university students from past research; and to examine the contributions of students’ preferred teaching styles to their academic achievement. A sample of 298 students from a Catholic boys’ school completed the Preferred Thinking Styles in Teaching Inventory and the Self‐rated Ability Scale. Participants’ achievements in 12 school subjects were obtained. Results indicated great similarities between the preferred teaching styles of the present sample and those of university students in previous studies. Achievement scores in all 12 subjects were predicted by students’ preferred teaching styles beyond their self‐rated abilities. Some of these predictive relationships were domain‐specific, while others were not. The findings’ scientific and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   


In this paper, I describe an approach to the integration of theory and practice at the intrapersonal, interpersonal, and organizational levels. The results of the research projects in which I have been involved over the last ten years are used to illustrate how these three levels have facilitated the identification of three tensions. These tensions together create a framework that can help academic developers better understand how to approach the challenges of advocating for the integration of higher education theory with academic practice in their own institutional environments, and how this integration is linked to existing higher education literature.  相似文献   

Portfolios are an assessment tool that help frame expectations of personal professional learning about teaching in higher education, a key dimension of academic practice. In this paper, we review our experiences in both supporting academic colleagues to develop a teaching portfolio, and in their assessment. We argue that the authenticity of the account offered is key: participants should aspire to render an authentic account of themselves, their context, actions and their professional stance. Likewise, assessors need to verify that an account is authentic. We posit five signifiers of authenticity: biographical/professional context; practice development and experience of practice; integration of core concepts and key ideas from the literature, especially evaluation and conceptions of teaching; purpose and values in continuing professional learning (CPL); coherence of writing, vocabulary used, writing style, etc. These are intended to help course leaders and conveners of CPL activities to articulate what it is that is being sought from participants, and hence clarify expectations for both participants doing the learning and for disciplinary colleagues assisting with the assessment.  相似文献   


Social-emotional learning (SEL) is gaining prominence in education practice and policy. Research shows that SEL can be improved by short-term, targeted interventions and longer-term strategies to improve school contextual factors. However, little is known about how much of the variance in SEL constructs is stable over time versus specific to a given time/context. The present study examines the stability of academic achievement relative to four SEL domains (growth mindset, self-efficacy, social awareness, and self-management). While the rank ordering of math and reading skills are highly stable over time, the four SEL domains seem to be more strongly influenced by contextual factors. Implications for school accountability systems and intervention approaches are discussed.  相似文献   

Academic Literacies and English for Specific Purposes perspectives on the teaching of academic writing tend to be positioned as dichotomous and ideologically incompatible. Nonetheless, recent studies have called for the integration of these two perspectives in the design of writing programmes in order to meet the needs of students in the increasingly diverse and shifting landscape of academia. The aim of the present paper is to reflect on how this theoretical integration could be put into practice. Drawing on the design of a research-based writing workshop for postgraduate anthropology students, we argue that rather than a ‘hybrid’ model of writing pedagogy, a theoretically grounded but eclectic approach is needed in order to respond to students’ personal, local, and disciplinary contexts.  相似文献   

教师的专业发展是伴随着教师的专业责任的强化而发展的。教师专业责任的强化有赖于建立一套共负的专业责任体系和有效的评价机制,以确保教师在自主发展和教育教学过程中承担相应的责任,进而促进教师的专业化发展。  相似文献   

This research study describes the experiences and perceptions of an instructor and an instructional design specialist who collaborated on the design and implementation of a university course using a new course design process. Findings uncovered differences between an informal collaboration process and the adaptation of that process for implementation in a classroom setting. Recommendations support the concepts of a long‐term collaboration, consideration of classroom constraints, and the importance of course participant voices and perspectives. Thoughtful consideration of the interaction of the design and implementation processes and commitment to continual course design collaboration can have positive implications for academic development.

Cette étude décrit les expériences et perceptions d’un enseignant et d’un spécialiste du design pédagogique ayant collaboré au design et à la mise en ?uvre d’un cours universitaire à l’aide d’un nouveau processus de développement de cours. L’étude a permis de mettre en lumière les différences entre un processus informel de collaboration et l’adaptation de ce processus de façon à le mettre en ?uvre dans le contexte d’une classe. Les recommandations présentées soutiennent les concepts de collaboration à long terme, la considération des contraintes de classe, et l’importance de la voix et de la perspective des participants au cours. Une réflexion approfondie de l’interaction entre les processus de design et de mise en ?uvre, de même qu’un engagement à l’égard d’une collaboration continue en matière de design pédagogique peuvent avoir des implications positives sur les expériences de développement pédagogique.  相似文献   

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