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本文实现了一款采用H.264编码标准的720P高清网络摄像机设计与实现,符合当今煤矿行业高清视频监控技术的发展和应用。该款高清网络摄像机是以SONY CMOS图像传感器和TI达芬奇数字媒体处理器为设计基础的,特别适合部署在矿井内部、出入口、物资储备等重要场所。  相似文献   

广播电视正在走向数字化,电视节目制作过程中越来越多地采用数字技术和设备.目前MPEG-2、M-JPEG和DV三种压缩方式被广泛应用于电视领域,码率压缩数字录像机主要有Sony的DigitalBetacam、BetacamSX、DVCAM、MPEGIMX,松下的DVCPRO、DVCPRO 50和JVC的D-9.本文比较详细的介绍了以上几种数字录象机不同特点和市场上的一些主流机型,以及如何选择和升级数字电视系统.  相似文献   

The type and severity of body movements exhibited by 79 (unmedicated) boys clinically diagnosed with ADHD (30 Predominantly Inattentive Type and 49 Combined Type), and 67 non-ADHD boys were recorded while playing Crash Bandicoot I, a Sony Playstation platform computer video game. In Crash Bandicoot, participants control the movements of a small animated figure (CB) through a hazardous jungle environment. Two tasks totaling 12 trials were administered, each of which incorporated with and without Distractor conditions. For those trials with the Distractor, a segment of the television show "The Simpsons" was simultaneously played on a television screen adjacent to the computer game monitor and at an equal volume. Contrary to theory and expectations an analysis of the data did not reveal any statistically significant differences in the frequency, type and severity of body movements between the ADHD and non-ADHD boys, or between the ADHD subtypes during computer video game play. These findings have important implications for assessment and teaching processes in both classroom and therapeutic contexts.  相似文献   

“三省体均”是中国封建的理想官制,故而本身并不存在问题。南宋初年内忧外患,“三省归一”虽然有利于政令的统一,但这种情况更有待于“人主”的把握。“三省归一”的结果,反而成了南宋相权膨胀的重要因素之  相似文献   

“影视教学中的社会性别意识解析”以影片《图雅的婚事》为例,具体分析了影视作品如何通过艺术手段实现对社会性别意识的传达,指出以男权文化为标准的传统社会性别观念在当下影视作品中仍居主流,在影视教学过程中有意吸纳社会性别概念不仅有研究意义更有现实的必要性.  相似文献   

在内容方面,苏轼以宽广的生活视角拓展了宋词的题材.在风格方面,他以"豪放"的自觉追求和多元化的风格面貌突破了"词为艳科"的樊篱.此外,深厚的诗文修养和改革词律的努力等都使苏轼成为宋代词史上最重要的词人.  相似文献   

A simple modification of a Sony U‐matic edit controller, to provide an Automatic Cut‐out Facility, is described and its method of operation outlined.  相似文献   

家庭中数字电视、DVD、DC等数字产品不断增多,这些数字家电之间经常需要相互连接共享资源。这些家电接入因特网、公共电话网之后,用户可以实现随时随地地监测、控制,而这些功能都离不开家庭网关。文章分析的一个结构完备、功能齐全的家庭网关如何实现上述功能。  相似文献   

介绍了选购摄录影机的常规性检查方法,以保证购买到称心如意的产品。  相似文献   

北宋中期,面对国内的"三冗"问题与辽、西夏的威胁,北宋政府陷入了内外交困的之中,经济改革迫在眉睫。在这样的情况下,王安石以扶植小农经济等为目标,在扶植个体小农、维持市场秩序、财政改革等改革思想的指导下,采取了青苗法等一系列的改革措施。这些经济改革思想及措施,对宋代的经济与社会产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

作为社会"认知-知识体系"之一的电影在影像的表意过程中反映意识形态。好莱坞影片中的华人形象某种程度上记录了美国社会对其认识的思想轨迹,体现了历史性与现实性的融合。近几年美国电影作品中的华人形象呈现出多样的性格特征,但主流意识形态的审视视角依旧脱离不了固有的框架。全文应用相关电影理论,解读好莱坞电影对华人的阐释视角的变化。  相似文献   

北宋中期,面对国内的“三冗”问题与辽、西夏的威胁,北宋政府陷入了内外交困的之中,经济改革迫在眉睫。在这样的情况下,王安石以扶植小农经济等为目标,在扶植个体小农、维持市场秩序、财政改革等改革思想的指导下,采取了青苗法等一系列的改革措施。这些经济改革思想及措施,对宋代的经济与社会产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

叙事是人类交流的一个基本形式,逻辑是人类思维规律的基本形式,叙事和逻辑是从具体事物中抽象出来的属于形式范畴的产物。对于视频公开课而言,这二者都是不可或缺的。与形式相对应的是内容。从微观来讲,对于具体的一门课,内容是本质的,它决定了形式。从宏观来讲,对于多门课程,来自微观的诸多形式业已转化成内容的一部分,成为内容必须遵循的形式。本文通过公开课中的具体案例对上述命题重新验证,以图把形式的问题提高到应有的重视程度。  相似文献   

南宋新安理学家汪莘为朱熹的及门弟子。汪莘初对“文词”有兴趣,后在朱子的指教下,研究儒学与理学,成为朱子在徽州的“高第弟子”。汪莘关于宇宙是有限与无限相统一的思想以及天地交泰的思想,代表了南宋自然哲学的最高成就。  相似文献   

Working with digital video technologies, particularly advanced video tools with editing capabilities, offers new prospects for meaningful learning through design. However, it is also possible that the additional complexity of such tools does not advance learning. We compared in an experiment the design processes and learning outcomes of 24 collaborating participant pairs (dyads) using 2 contrasting types of video tools for history learning. The advanced video tool WebDIVER supported segmenting, editing, and annotating capabilities. In the contrasting condition, students used a simple video playback tool with a word processor to perform the same design task. Results indicated that the advanced video editing tool was more effective in relation to (a) fostering student understanding of the topic and acquisition of cognitive skills, (b) the quality of student design products, and (c) the efficiency of dyad interactions. The implication of our experimental findings for constructivist design-based learning is that mediating functions of video tools may be used as cognitive and social supports, for example when students learn by solving design tasks in school.  相似文献   

《旅游规划》课程教学过程中,使用视频材料不仅能呈现真实的资源和产品环境,还能完善课程实践教学体系。教师应合理确定视频材料的选取标准和来源,根据教学内容进行教学环节设计,结合教材进行案例教学。  相似文献   

利用Sony Tektronix AFG310任意函数信号发生器的随机软件Wavewriter编写任意函数信号,通过GPIB下载到AFG310任意函数信号发生器中,经TDS210存储式数字示波器对信号数字化后,再通过GPIB总线连接到计算机中由Matlab完成对可编程信号的采集与处理工作,从而实现了基于GPIB的任意函数信号的自动化产生与采集。  相似文献   

The current study presents results from students' engagement of composing print essays and composing across modes on the same topic. It builds on the premise that print‐based reading and writing should complement and coexist with multimodal pedagogy. A group of Taiwanese adolescent students were invited to complete one print essay and one multimodal product on the same topic of “My favorite place in the world”. For their multimodal product, students were required to use at least two modes (e.g. words and image, sounds and words) in any medium (e.g. video, collage, scrapbook or website) of their choice. It was found that the most frequently used medium for students' multimodal projects was video which incorporated words, sounds and visuals. Most students felt that for the topic of “My favorite place in the world”, their multimodal products helped them to convey their ideas better because they provided the audience with more sensory information. To conclude the paper, a few future research directions are outlined to help move the research of multimodal composing forward.  相似文献   

This paper discusses three separate educational projects which involved students working side-by-side with homicide investigators in an effort to conduct cold case investigations. Each project resulted in two different products, one for agency use and the other for public consumption. The cold case investigative reports produced for each case became part of the investigative file and are confidential documents. The video PSAs were for public consumption and were designed to provide additional exposure to the cases with the hope of generating productive tips. Each project was carried in collaboration with local Crime Stoppers programs, law enforcement agencies, and coroner’s offices.  相似文献   

为增强无线多跳网络(Ad hoc网络)中视频传输的抗误码性能,提出了一种面向Ad hoc网络的视频多描述编码及其传输方法。首先,通过判断两个相邻帧运动矢量的差值,自适应地在视频序列中插入参考帧以提高帧间编码效率;然后分别抽取出视频序列中的奇数帧和偶数帧形成两个描述;最后,在确保传输路径可靠性的基础上,选取两个质量较高的节点不相交路径分别传输视频序列的两个描述,以提高视频传输的可靠性。OPNET Modeler中的仿真实验结果表明,与目前Ad hoc网络中典型的多描述编码及传输方法MDC_AODV相比,本文提出的方法有效地增强了视频传输的抗误码性,提高了接收端的视频质量。  相似文献   

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