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敬爱的陶叔叔:您好!我是一名初中生,对于我而言,学习英语却总是那么的难,看着别人的英语成绩直线上升,心中有说不出的羡慕。而自己的英语却是一味的下降,最后,对它失去了兴趣。因此,我的成绩一落千丈,遭到老师的批评,家长的教训。我也特别的清楚英语是主课,是必须学习的科目,升高中英语有120分,对于想考上好的高中的我来说,无疑还是在原路上徘徊、思考着。偶然的一次,我在《中学生英语》杂志上看到了《陶教授专栏》,我欣喜万分。我想,也许您可以帮助我,解开我的心灵之锁。陶叔叔,我想请问您:(1)怎样才能把英语学好,而且又轻松?(2)英语听力怎…  相似文献   

敬爱的陶叔叔:您好!我是一名初中生,对于我而言,学习英语却总是那么的难,看着别人的英浯成绩直线上升,心中有说不出的羡慕。而自己的英语却是一味的下降,最后,对它失去了兴趣。因此,我的成绩一落千丈,遭到老师的批评,家长的教训。我也特别的清楚英语是主课,是必须学习的科目,升高中英语有120分,对于想考上好的高中的我来说.无疑还是在原路上徘徊、思考着。偶然的一次,我在《中学生英语》杂志上看到了《陶教授专栏》,我欣嘉万分。我想,也许您可以帮助我,解开我的心灵之锁。陶叔叔,我想请问您:(1)怎样才能把英浯学好。而且又轻松?(2)英语听力…  相似文献   

Whenever I saw the winners flaunted(炫耀)their victories(胜利),I felt so sad in myheart.I stared at them,thinking of my hard work.There's an old saying"No pain,no gain."But for me,it's"Much pain,no gain."  相似文献   

一位山东大学的学生对英语兴趣浓厚,但是学习起来却很棘手。单词多多记不住,释义复杂搞不清,最为头疼的是口语糟透了……  相似文献   

韦妙 《海外英语》2011,(12):63-64
Listening plays a fundamental role in foreign language acquisition. Though most schools have offered listening class, the effect is rather poor. This thesis will analyse some reasons that cause students weak ability in listening and explore some effective strategies to solve some issues.  相似文献   

To improve college students'reading comprehension,the author studies student factors-patience and reading motivation.The author views that reading motivation is the main element,and analyzes the instrumental motivation,enjoys mental motivation and the relation between the reading proficiency and the above motivations.Therefore,advice on the English reading teaching is put forward.  相似文献   

To improve college students'reading comprehension,the author studies student factors-patience and reading motivation.The author views that reading motivation is the main element,and analyzes the instrumental motivation,enjoys mental motivation and the relation between the reading proficiency and the above motivations.Therefore,advice on the English reading teaching is put forward.  相似文献   

Today, I asked some classmates about "how to learn English". Most students watch English programs once a week. Some students watch English programs twice or three times a week. As for "read English magazines", some students read English magazines once a month, not all the students read English magazines every week. And all students do exercises and speak English every day, because we have English classes every day.I think,a language is like musicalinstrument.You must practice everyday,you…  相似文献   

This morning, I asked some of my classmates what they do to improve their English. Gretel said, reading English newspaper can improve her English. Linda said that watching English programs is very good for her English. Jack and Bill think playing English games is the best way to improve their English. And I think reading English books is very improtant to our English study. Books are our greatest friends.Most students choose reading Englishbooks,writing English articles to improvethei…  相似文献   

The purpose of middle school English teaching is to improve the students' four skills of listening,speaking,reading and writing,with the base of necessary phonetics,large vocabulary and good grammar,but this is not the final purpose.The final purpose is to let students be able to use the language.  相似文献   

Listening is considered to be one of the most difficult skills in English learning.As one of the receptive skills,listening is the foundation to develop other language skills.For a long period of time,...  相似文献   

如何提高英语写作能力?写出英文美文有一蹴而就的捷径吗?你是否在英语学习中也面临着这些困惑呢?  相似文献   

It is well known that reading plays an important role not only in our daily life but also in learning a foreign language.And,of course,reading depends on reading speed to some degree.So it is natural that it is important to improve reading speed.  相似文献   

Asacollegestudent,youhavetoreadabroadvarietyofmaterial.YoursuccessofcollegeEn glishreadingdepends ,inpart ,onhowwellyoucanreadandevenwriteandhowwellyoucancon nectthesetwoprocesses .Readingwithunderstandingdependsontheinterplayoffourfactors:vocabulary ,stru…  相似文献   

This paper aims to resesrch on the autonmons tearning so as to improve the college students’English learning . First of all, it introdues some basic concepts of the autonomous learning theory , Secondl...  相似文献   

From of us think that we can learn English well if we learn lots of grammar rules and memorize as many words as we can.But I don't quite agree with them.I don't think it is enough to remember  相似文献   

英语中时间的表达法有很多种,主要可以用下面三种:整时法,顺时法,逆时法。  相似文献   

学好初中英语并不容易。目前,不少家长反映他们的子女什么科目都不错,唯有英语跟不上。不少学生虽然花费很多时间、精力,但英语知识仍然不扎实,成绩不理想。在多年的英语教学生涯中,我不断地探索、实践,觉得初中生学英语要从平时的一点一滴积累知识,持之以恒,而掌握良好的学习方法是学好英语的重要保证。我认为学习方法应注意以下几个方面:一、要进行“听”、“说”两种技能的训练。“听”和“说”这两种技能是相辅相成的。课堂上,老师教新语音时,学生要静听,集中注意力听单词的发言,看教师用来表明那些词的意义的动作或图片。…  相似文献   

How to write English diary? I'll give you my idea.I think it's easy to write English diary,because you canwrite many things that you like.  相似文献   

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