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二语习得输入输出理论中的克拉申输入假说、Swain的输出假设、中介语理论和教师纠错性反馈理论等给外语教学提供了许多建设性的启示,同时也给外语教师培训提供了有益的启示。根据这些启示,我们可以结合实际情况,对高中英语教师开展有针对性的培训:指导教师为学生提供大量的可理解性语言输入;指导教师创造宽松和谐、低情感障碍的课堂氛围;帮助教师创造较为真实的语言使用环境;指导教师开展任务型教学、探究性学习和合作型学习;帮助教师正确认识和处理学生输出过程中的错误,特别是规律性的错误;指导教师开展校本研究。  相似文献   

课堂分层教学法初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在课堂教学中 ,由于学生知识、能力等差异 ,必须进行分层教学。实施分层教学 ,需做好分层对象的层次性 ,教学目标的层次性 ,分层次落实 ,分层次整合等工作。  相似文献   

Comparing self-perceived quality of teaching to students’ perception can be used in higher education to improve the quality of teaching of pre-service teachers in teacher education. However, comparing these measurements from different perspectives is only meaningful if the same constructs are being measured. To shed light on this comparison’s meaningfulness, we scrutinised whether aspects of quality of teaching are measured in the same way across pre-service teachers and their students by means of measurement invariance analyses. To do so, 272 pre-service teachers in teacher education rated aspects of their quality of teaching, and were rated by their 4851 students. Measurement invariance across these perspectives was tested in multilevel structural equation models. Strong measurement invariance held for two aspects of quality of teaching; for the third, one item lacked weak measurement invariance. Pre-service teachers perceived their quality of teaching lower than their students. In conclusion, aspects of quality of teaching can be compared across perspectives, and teacher education should encourage pre-service teachers to use students’ feedback as a valuable resource for improving their quality of teaching.  相似文献   

Many teachers in higher education use feedback from students to evaluate their teaching, but only some use these evaluations to improve their teaching. One important factor that makes the difference is the teacher’s approach to their evaluations. In this article, we identify some useful approaches for improving teaching. We conducted focus groups with award-winning university teachers who use student evaluations to improve their teaching, and we identified how they approach their evaluation data. We found that these teachers take a reflective approach, aiming for constant improvement, and see their evaluation data as formative feedback, useful for improving learning outcomes for their students. We summarise this as the improvement approach, and we offer it for other teachers to emulate. We argue that if teachers take this reflective, formative, student-centred approach, they can also use student evaluations to improve their teaching, and this approach should be fostered by institutions to encourage more teachers to use student evaluations to improve their teaching.  相似文献   

在反馈理论和过程体裁法指导下,采用实验方法,探讨三种方式纠正反馈对提高商务英语写作准确性的作用,发现三种反馈方式都在一定程度上提高了商务英语写作准确性,表明全面、清晰、直接的纠正反馈在短期内对提高学生写作准确性有显著作用,还表明纠正反馈后修改重写对提高商务英语写作准确性非常必要。  相似文献   

全面、清晰的教学过程与及时的反馈功能是微格教学的一大优势。利用现代教育技术手段,角色扮演者自己可以作为第三者来观察自己的教学活动,以收到旁观者的客观效果。微格教学的反馈和分析:为师范专业生教学技能训练提供了创新的机会。  相似文献   

分层次教学是面对生源的实际情况 ,提高教学质量的一种对策。具体实施时 ,注意为不同层次学生设计不同的课程结构 ,选用不同的教材 ,确定不同的考核标准 ,并改革考试方法。这样才能培养出社会需要的各层面上的人才。  相似文献   

通过对西南地区某高校大学英语课教师和学生的问卷调查及访谈,发现:在传统大学英语教学环境下,书面任务反馈的对象丰富,但方式传统,以教师纠正性反馈为主,评价简单;师生均认为反馈对学生学习提高有一定效果;学生希望得到更多的来自老师的详细反馈,而教师认为当前的反馈方式耗时较多,效率较低,应采用多元化的反馈方式。反馈理论的成果难以引用于实际,建议研究者关注转变学生对教师依赖,以改变大学英语书面任务反馈的方式,提高效率。  相似文献   

英语教师在组织和实施英语课堂教学时产生的话语具有情感性。教师对学生的情感态度影响着学生对英语学习的态度。通过对英语教师的课堂话语语料的分析,发现教师反馈语对学生情感态度具有一定的影响。从语用学中的言语行为理论出发,探寻了英语课堂教学中教师反馈的言语行为特点,为学生课堂上的学习焦虑现象作出描述和解释,同时验证言语行为理论的解释力,指出了有利于解决目前教师课堂反馈话语存在的主要问题的策略,认为教师应该积极运用肯定的反馈语来优化教师话语,达到英语教学的效果。  相似文献   

纠正性反馈是二语习得研究领域的一个热门话题。它不仅令学习者意识到自身的二语水平和目标语之间的差距,并且提供机会让他们修正自己的语言输出,从而提高自身的语言水平。本研究对本校非英语专业学生对口语教学中教师提供纠正性反馈的态度进行了抽样调查,并分析了学生个体因素对这种态度的形成所产生的影响,以启示教师在口语教学中更为合理有效地运用纠正性反馈。  相似文献   

大学英语写作教学中的纠错反馈研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章讨论了大学英语写作教学中有关纠错反馈的理论基础——输入输出假说以及纠错反馈的研究进展。认为教师应重视自己在纠错反馈中的角色,教师应知道纠正什么、何时纠错和如何纠错;还应重视学生在纠错反馈中的角色,了解学生的喜好和愿望,重视和引导学生进行自我纠正和同辈反馈。  相似文献   

高职学生外语交际策略运用能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外语教学的主要目的是培养学生语言交际能力。交际策略在交际中的地位是非常重要的。教师要在外语教学的各环节中合理地对学生加强交际策略的训练,使学生积极地运用交际策略,顺利有效地实现交际目的,一方面要做到课堂教学与交际策略训练相结合,打破传统模式,组织真实自然的交际活动,为学生创造交际策略运用的良好环境;另一方面要丰富课外语言交际实践活动,营造良好的外语交际策略训练第二课堂,提高学生交际能力。  相似文献   

提高机械制图课堂效率,教师要不断提高自身的专业知识水平。了解学生实际学习能力,教学中根据教学内容的不同,选择不同的教学方法。讲清概念,理清关系,深入浅出,化繁为简,运用计算机辅助教学,将抽象的概念转变成为生动、具体、形象的动画图形。合理分配课堂中的教学比例关系,突出学生的主体地位。  相似文献   

"高等数学"是理工类本科生的重要基础课程之一。针对"高等数学"课程的特点,将反馈控制法应用于其教学过程,按照教学过程中不同阶段学生学习的反馈进行教学控制,并且结合实际教学经验,分析由这些反馈如何优化控制教学过程和设计教学内容,以便取得最佳教学效果。通过实施反馈控制法,增强师生之间的交流互动,调动学生的学习积极性,培养学生自主学习和创造性思维能力。  相似文献   


Student achievement is not always the equivalent of what students learn, especially when educators use their feedback to shape daily instruction. When students share their classroom experiences, we can determine better ways to create interdisciplinary partnerships, manage workload, enhance historical understandings, and communicate conclusions. Being able to trust in what students are doing in class, how well they are doing it, and what they will be able to do motivated the authors, who are two veteran educators, to reevaluate when their own teaching seemed most effective. What they discovered is incongruent with the traditional delivery of instruction by a single teacher. The authors found that their collaboration as co-teachers not only benefited their students but increased their own professional learning in terms of pedagogy, content knowledge, and the use of disciplinary literacy.  相似文献   

This article, based on the analysis of responses given by 27 students in initial teacher education, gives an account of how education theory can be conceived by students as relevant to their teaching practice. Research on teacher education in many countries has revealed that students regard theory and practice to be inconsistent or to belong to different worlds in initial teacher education. This may have a potentially negative effect on the teachers’ opportunities for future professional development, as such development should be based on the ability to view one’s own teaching practice from a critical, theory- and research-based perspective. In the research and development project reported in this article, the PIL-project, the students’ teaching practice was chosen as the pivotal point for all the other activities involved in the teacher education programme. Results indicate that when questions emerge from the students’ own experience, theory is often found useful in discussing and understanding their practical experiences. The results further show that the students’ choice of theory when discussing their teaching practice is eclectic. Students tend to choose theory with direct relevance to their daily tasks in the classrooms. The implication for initial teacher education is that the educational theory taught should more often address the immediate challenges faced by the students doing their teaching practice.  相似文献   

确立现代教学与现代管理的观念,掌握基本的教学管理方法是形成课堂教学管理艺术的基础。现代教学管理观念包括学生是教学主体的观念、教学管理是服务的观念、教学管理创造与维护教学活动的观念等。教师应学会使用自我管理、分组控制、激励等现代管理方法。教学管理艺术形成的内容包括沟通与化解矛盾艺术的形成、表扬与批评艺术的形成等。在形成化解矛盾艺术的过程中。教师应学会使用分析问题。区分矛盾,“制造”矛盾,让学生解决矛盾的能力。为了形成表扬的艺术.教师应掌握表扬的方法,在教学实践中应学会表扬的设计。批评手段的有效使用对教学的顺利进行.学生学习任务的完成有十分重要的意义。掌握批评原则、学会批评设计有利于形成批评艺术。  相似文献   

One way that universities assess teaching effectiveness is by eliciting student feedback. However, what standards do students themselves use to judge whether a lecturer is a ‘good’ teacher? As part of a study carried out at a Hong Kong university, students were interviewed about their first-year learning experience and asked what they felt constituted ‘good’ and “bad’ teaching. Unlike when asked to complete teacher effectiveness surveys, no criteria or characteristics were given. Responses focused primarily on teaching skills that supported student learning and encouraged critical thinking, particularly the teacher’s ability to give clear explanations supported by relevant, practical examples.  相似文献   

不同层级教师专业发展道路的个案研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新课程改革以来,教师发展研究从理论论述迅速发展到实践层面,受到广大教师群体的重视。教师专业发展的不同层级的个案研究显示,校本教研是教师群体专业成长的最好途径,而教师个体也可以通过适合自己的研究,达致教师专业发展的良好状态。参与教师专业发展的各种力量,对于教师发展具有不同的作用。教研员应立足于地区性的教师专业发展的促进,校长在教师专业发展中应起到引领和管理的作用,学科教研组是教师专业知识交流和成长的核心地带,教师个人通过行动研究可以达致专业发展的目的。  相似文献   

要进行历史高效课堂教学,就要处理好"学"与"教"的关系,为此,教师在课堂教学中要制订明确的教学目标,运用恰当的教学方法,有针对性地设计教学问题,创造一种民主的师生关系,及时进行教学反馈以及加强学法指导。  相似文献   

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