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教师的幸福关系着国家和社会的幸福,关系着学生的发展和民族的未来,而教师的幸福需要社会对教师身份的合理定位形成的良好教育环境。拟从伦理学的角度出发,分析了目前教师身份对其幸福的冲击,以期能引起社会重视,对教师身份进行合理定位,使教师能获得幸福。  相似文献   

教师职业认同是教师职业的核心,既是个体与教师职业交互作用的结果,也是受内外各种因素影响而不断变化的动态过程,个体内在特点和外在环境及社会文化制度等因素共同影响教师职业认同的发展变化。论文追溯了教师职业认同的发展历史、研究视角,分析其概念内涵、影响因素,比较了不同理论模型对教师职业认同的形成与发展变化的解释,阐释了教师职业认同的研究方法、不足及未来研究方向,以期为未来的教师职业认同研究和师范生职业认同教育提供有益的指导和借鉴。  相似文献   

This article investigates the link between teachers' appraisal of specific interpersonal situations in classrooms and their more general interpersonal identity standard, which together form their interpersonal role identity. Using semi-structured and video-stimulated interviews, data on teachers' appraisals and interpersonal identity standards were collected and analyzed using appraisal and interpersonal circumplex theory. Results show a variety of interpersonal identity standards, although the majority of the teachers mentions standards focusing on the codes steering and being friendly. The situation “reacting to student positive behavior” evoked most appraisals that confirmed identity standards. For 13 of the 29 teachers, their identity standard matched with their appraisals. In most cases, however, this match was only to some extent (10 teachers) and sometimes not at all (six teachers). The results suggest that teachers can enhance their relationship with students by becoming more aware of the meanings teachers attach to this relationship in specific situations.  相似文献   

从心理契约的角度来看,师范生职业认同的核心在于"理念"。为提高师范生的职业认同,需要:1)尊重教师价值,营造尊师环境;2)强化职业信念,打造职业技能,塑造职业角色;3)建立相互信任、相互依存的关系,促进学校和教师的共同发展。  相似文献   

大学校园文化不是一种抽象的、纯粹的精神文化形态,更不是"低层次"形态的娱乐活动文化;它是在特定活动空间中,以学生为主体,以教师为主导,由全体师生员工在各个领域的相互作用中共同创造出来的物质和精神的成果,有着特殊的社会价值和教育功能。建设有特色的大学校园文化,必须要有彰显风格的物质载体,要有独具特色的校园精神,还要有切合实际的制度规范。  相似文献   

对来华留学生的中华文化认同教育是提升国家文化软实力的重要途径之一.基于浙江省五所高校的来华留学生调查问卷数据分析,目前高校留学生对中华文化的认同总体趋于积极正向,且汉语水平对留学生中华文化认同的影响较显著.针对来华留学生中华文化认同的现状,应在树立文化平等意识的基础上,通过加强语言与文化教学的融合、优化对外汉语教学策略...  相似文献   

在新课程理念的指引下,教师的身份认同在课程、教学、教师与同事的关系以及教师与家长的关系等层面必将发生一些转变。即教师要从官定的课程执行者向“生本”的课程设计者和共同开发者转变;教师要从以往的“高高在上者”向“共同遭遇者”转变,对学生实施“对话教学”;教师的群体文化要从“马赛克文化”向团结、互助和合作文化转变;教师要从“代理家长”,与家长缺乏合作向吸引家长参与,与家长共同管理学生转变。  相似文献   

The term transgender is used by people whose gender identity or expression falls outside the boundaries of traditional gender expectations. In educational systems, transgender issues are becoming increasingly relevant as both students and staff "come out" as transgender, and as young people explore non-normative gender expression. In comparison to the empirical and theoretical discussions on gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth issues in education, research on transgender youth is sparse, and academic research on transgender teachers is non-existent. Like closeted gay, lesbian, and bisexual teachers, transgender teachers are isolated, hidden, and silent about their authentic identities. This exploratory study offers one transgender-identified teacher's story in an urban public school system. The issues addressed include gender dynamics in the classroom, relationships with students, the connections between sexual orientation and gender identity, and discrimination in the work environment.  相似文献   

This article speaks to the reality of the lived experiences of student of color in society today: navigating the structures of diversity in a white world. For many, the author’s story resonates with what they feel at their core of belonging and unbelonging. It answers the age old questions, “Who am I?” and “What is my purpose?” The article gives pre-service teachers of color the ability to claim agency about who they are and what their purpose is in life. The author’s story is one of self-authorship. With the hope that White middle class teachers will better understand their students, the author also gives insight into the struggles and realities student of color face on a daily basis.  相似文献   

基于一项中美学校之间进行的网上跨文化教育交流项目的实践考察,通过把布迪厄的符号权力和符号斗争的概念运用于跨文化交流的分析,研究了参加项目的中国师生的身份认同建构过程.研究结果表明,通过揭示和挑战中国师生社会认知中的二元固化模式,为新的认识世界的方式开辟了空间和可能性;通过增加跨文化交流方面的知识,可以帮助教育者创设能够真实促进跨文化的环境和增进跨文化理解,同时培养师生的平等意识和跨文化交流能力.  相似文献   

采用问誊调查方法,对河北北方学院职前数学教师职业认同状况进行了调查,剖析其认同度不高的主要原因,一是对教师职业缺乏必要的了解,二是教师对教育类课程认同度不高。建议高师院校严把学生入学关,不断改革教学内容与教学方法,加强相关教师与中小学的沟通,增加职前教师教学实践机会。  相似文献   

This article explores some of the alternative perspectives on national identity which exist within the current Japanese education system. Analysis of official Japanese Ministry of Education policy is juxtaposed with presentation of the voices of junior high school students and pre-service student teachers to highlight the issue of the role of education in developing national identity in schools. It is argued that a wide discrepancy exists between Ministry of Education ideology, and the opinions of Japanese students and student teachers, and that these conflicting discourses raise questions about the definition, form, importance and even the very existence of education for national identity in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

师范生教师身份认同危机的本质是一个以价值认同为核心的循环向上的发展过程。这种危机主要表现在归属感的消解、方向感的模糊和无力感的侵袭。究其原因,它主要是由于教师角色的不确定性、师范生与教学实践的疏离、功利主义评价、师范生个体消极被动的学习态度等造成的。基于上述分析,本文提出了加强师范生职业伦理教育,强化课程的实践性、改进评价方式和促进师范生自我反思四方面的建议。  相似文献   

师范生教师职业认同影响因素实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自编问卷对243名高等师范生教师职业认同现状进行了调查,结果显示:(1)我国师范生教师职业认同水平略低于在职教师的水平。(2)入学动机为“自我价值实现的需要”的师范生教师职业认同高于把做教师作为谋生手段等的师范生。(3)家庭经济十分困难的师范生教师职业认同高于家庭经济状况一般和比较富裕的同学。(4)不同年级师范生教师职业认同存在显著性差异,水平由高到低依次为大一、大四、大二、大三。师范生的教师职业认同水平在很大程度上受到课程设置及实习模式等因素的影响。  相似文献   

马妮 《海外英语》2012,(12):30-32
该文选取杭师大钱江学院《综合英语》课题组这个教研团队中的六位初任英语教师为研究对象,研究其在"教研团队"这个特定语境中的"教师身份认同困惑",经过访谈发现该六位教师面临身份认同困惑,笔者解读原因为:1)扮演多重角色身心疲惫;2)将教师角色与研究者角色割裂;3)缺乏职业安全感;4)渴望工作与生活融合却力不从心。笔者从内外因素两方面提出实现身份认同的对策:1)外部因素:高校教育改革应重视教师成长,帮助初任教师应对改革带来的挑战;2)内部因素:教师群体应加强团队合作型组织文化建设,真实面对自我与学生,加强教师自身反思性和合作性实践。  相似文献   

Faith, feeling and identity look to be essential ingredients in personal growth, but what do they mean 'on the ground'? Drawing on the results of a survey of teachers and school chaplains, and on her own experiences as a student, teacher and chaplain in Catholic education, Maureen Glackin explores some of the questions which face schools seeking to promote spiritual development and personal identity. Contrasting a model which emphasizes received doctrine and traditional authority with one which sees the spiritual journey as an open-ended, shared encounter, she argues that teachers must be spiritually aware and open to possibilities for their own spiritual growth if they are to be able to help their students develop in these ways.  相似文献   

This mixed-methods case study examined the notebook entries of one class of 22 second graders as a way of examining how teacher identity shaped the way students experienced their science curriculum. These notebook entries were created during lessons with three different teachers over the course of one school year, using similar kit-based materials to teach science. The entries were coded for inquiry phase, percent missing or incomplete entries, and driving force (teacher-driven, student-driven, or balanced); chi-squared analyses revealed significant differences among the notebook entries created by the same students during lessons taught by each of the three teachers. Qualitative observations of each teachers' instruction around notebook use supported these quantitative differences, and suggested that the differences in curriculum as experienced by students could be attributed to differences in teacher identity, both who the teacher is and what they do in the classroom. These findings indicate that students' notebooks are useful tools for examining how teachers' identities might shape how elementary students experience science curriculum, and that they can be used to help structure more effective professional development plans for each teacher.  相似文献   

This study aimed to design and validate the Teacher Identity Measurement Scale (TIMS) for assessing primary student teachers’ professional identity. Based on identity theory and a systematic review into quantitative instruments of teacher identity, teacher identity was decomposed in four first-order constructs: motivation, self-image, self-efficacy, and task perception. This resulted in a measurement scale consisting of 46 items. The factorial design was examined by administering the TIMS to first- and second-year primary student teachers. In phase 1, involving 17 students, qualitative scale development methods were used to assess the construct validity. In phase 2, its second-order factor structure was tested and confirmed among a sample of 211 students. In phase 3, this structure was cross-validated among a new sample of 419 students. The instrument may contribute to understanding primary student teacher’s professional development and can be used as a tool to support the process of developing a professional teacher identity.  相似文献   

保持党员队伍先进性和纯洁性,夯实认同之基础;发挥专任教师榜样示范作用,推动认同潜移默化;互动课堂网络与社区生活,畅通认同教育之渠道,是当前艺术院校以党建创新推动学生意识形态认同的三大有效突破点。  相似文献   

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