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论现代图书馆的伦理管理   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
图书馆管理的发展 ,在经历了传统管理、科学管理、行为科学与科学管理的复合阶段之后 ,今天 ,图书馆管理者还面临着许多新的挑战 ,其实质是对图书馆决策者伦理素质的要求和考验。由此提出我国图书馆管理的实践和认识已经进入了第四阶段 ,称之为管理与人文伦理结合的阶段 ,简称为伦理管理阶段  相似文献   

图书馆伦理不仅仅是图书馆成员伦理,它涉及图书馆管理和服务的各个层面,作用于图书馆体制、制度和具体职业行为之中。可从构成要素、作用领域和作用层面三个方面对图书馆伦理体系加以研究。  相似文献   

图书馆伦理教育探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为提高图书馆从业人员的职业意识、职业伦理和职业竞争力,开展图书馆伦理教育是十分必要的。图书馆伦理教育以图书馆职业意识、职业价值和职业规范等为主要内容,以学校教育为基础,贯穿于伦理建设与从业资格认证,以保证图书馆伦理教育的经常化和制度化。  相似文献   

丁峻 《图书馆学刊》2007,29(6):18-20
图书馆伦理就是以公共知识信息服务为价值导向,在图书馆活动中长期总结出来的、用以规范图书馆职业活动和调整图书馆各种职业关系的原则和规范。图书馆伦理分为图书馆成员伦理、图书馆组织伦理与国家图书馆伦理三个层次。不同层次的图书馆伦理相互制约又相互联系,共同维护图书馆秩序和社会知识信息传播的公正。  相似文献   

图书馆伦理建设研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
图书馆伦理建设应包括三个基本内容:一是建立起高尚的职业行为价值目标;二是建立合理的图书馆职业行为规范,防范图书馆员工行为失范,并作为评价图书馆员工职业行为的道德依据;三是建立馆际协作和社会交流机制。实现图书馆伦理的作用就要掌握伦理建设的着力点,即必须处理好伦理主体的利益关系,准确寻求利益平衡和价值统一并最终形成伦理共识。图书馆伦理建设应从道德自律和制度驱动两方面进行。  相似文献   

图书馆伦理概念研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国内学者对于图书馆伦理的研究存在“伦理”和“道德”模糊不清的状况。认识图书馆伦理应从图书馆伦理的公共伦理和职业伦理范畴属性入手,正确把握图书馆伦理的内容体系。图书馆伦理概念可表述为:以公共知识信息服务为价值导向,在图书馆职业活动中长期总结出来的、用以规范图书馆职业活动和调整图书馆各种职业关系的原则和规范。  相似文献   

图书馆职业伦理研究   总被引:48,自引:1,他引:48  
重视职业伦理是现代图书馆运动引人注目的成果之一。图书馆职业伦理守则体现了 图书馆的基本职业理念、职业精神和职业规范。图书馆信息服务中应遵循公共存取、客观公正、 尊重隐私权与知识产权、精益服务及人文关怀等基本伦理原则。参考文献11。  相似文献   

阐述图书馆伦理是在图书馆活动中总结出来的,以公共知识信息服务为价值导向、用以规范图书馆职业行为和调节图书馆职业关系的原则和规范。它以图书馆活动中的伦理问题为研究对象,包括图书馆伦理关系、图书馆伦理价值、图书馆伦理规范和图书馆伦理实践等方面的内容。  相似文献   

图书馆职业伦理制度化建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
面对图书馆界出现职业伦理缺失现象,加强图书馆职业伦理制度化建设十分必要。图书馆职业伦理制度化应从管理体制和人事制度改革入手,完善专业法律和行业规制,依靠多元化监督体系保障职业伦理制度的执行。  相似文献   

我国图书馆界对职业伦理的功能定位不准,职业伦理建设主体不明,造成图书馆员职业责任不清,缺少坚定的职业信仰,加上伦理建设制度安排的严重不足,导致图书馆职业伦理建设效果不佳,影响图书馆行业形象,阻碍了图书馆事业发展。  相似文献   

Moral dilemmas are a seemingly intractable part of librarianship. Although professional codes of ethics offer some guidance as to the nature of librarians’ professional obligations, they are generally silent when it comes to moral decision making at the point of service. This article will argue that librarians must augment their normative professional codes with a rational decision procedure when faced with a moral dilemma involving a library service. In particular, the ethical approach of principlism—the dominant ethical approach in medical ethics—is well-suited to librarianship. Pursuant to the principlist approach, this article will qualify the nature of moral dilemmas, establish the limits of professional codes of ethics, identify a candidate set of core principles of library service, and outline the core principlist concepts of specifying obligations and balancing principles.  相似文献   

图书馆员职业道德规范有利于约束图书馆员在其从业生活中的行为,有利于维护图书馆知识自由,有利于保障信息用户权利。文章在定位图书馆员职业道德内涵基础上,介绍了国际图联IFLA/FAFIE所制定的图书馆员职业道德规范的意义及内容。结合泰国图书馆协会TLA、智利图书馆协会CBC所制定的图书馆员职业道德规范个案特色,提出了对图书馆员职业道德规范的特色化建设、执行保障力度及图书馆协会角色定位的思考。  相似文献   

图书馆口述历史伦理是图书馆伦理的一个重要组成部分。文章的研究基点即是建立在这个认识基础之上,对图书馆口述历史活动中的伦理问题进行了论述,同时针对实际提出了加强图书馆口述历史伦理建设的途径,并指出口述历史工作应遵循史学单元构成、回忆性陈述、尊重受访者意愿和隐私、忠实于口述记录等原则。  相似文献   

关系绩效是组织绩效的重要组成部分,能够提高组织的总绩效。借鉴关系绩效理论,对高校图书馆人力资源管理提出几点建议:重塑图书馆组织文化,培养馆员对图书馆的认同感和归属感;加强馆员职业道德建设,提高自觉劳动积极性;树立尊重意识,创建馆员民主决策和民主监督机制。参考文献7。  相似文献   

诚信建设事关图书馆事业建设与发展。图书馆在不断发展建设过程中,要以诚信管理带动诚信服务,用诚信服务体现人本诚信。图书馆必须加强馆员诚信意识培养及诚信文化建设,并构建馆员岗位诚信管理体系,这是图书馆大力倡导诚实守信职业道德的关键。  相似文献   

以往对图书馆伦理的研究,大多侧重于现实活动中的道德问题,而忽视了对图书馆活动内在价值的探讨。把握图书馆活动的伦理维度是图书馆伦理研究的认识前提,有助于现实道德问题的解决。文章从内在道德价值和外在道德规范两个方面对其进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The school librarian is a manager — despite what others and they themselves might believe. The school library management experience resembles that of the public, special, and academic library. There are common issues of self-sufficiency, conflicting roles, problematic patrons, and lack of respect. School library managers face unique challenges as well. They often have unusually constricted budgets, dubious personnel support, little time to plan, and facilities that are routinely co-opted for other purposes. They are expected to be technology experts and teach on a regular basis. They act as “loco parentis” for their patrons. They must not just promote their services but advocate for their existence. Graduate library schools often offer few courses in school library management for a variety of, usually economic, reasons. Traditional management courses should be supplemented by in-the-field experience and observation as well as input from practicing school librarians. In conclusion, I offer a wish list of school library management tips from my 30+ years of experience.  相似文献   

在论述图书馆与图书馆员将知识与大众给合到一起的从业观念;图书馆员vs.知识媒体vs.读者服务所担负的社会责任;图书馆的服务与图书馆员的角色在于社会记忆、信息传播和知识管理;图书馆演化与图书馆员的角色变化从对知识媒介的加值服务到对人的知识服务;图书馆员的素质坐标及图书馆员的素质塑造等的基础上,指出当前对图书馆员的素质要求以心理素质和沟通能力最为重要。  相似文献   

In the earlier years of the Web, libraries focused on moving services online and building digital collections, but in recent years, libraries have emerged as key players in the world of digital publishing. Librarians possess all of the necessary skills to act as digital publishers; they join the ranks of many others who have discovered the barriers around digital publishing are lower than ever. Library-based digital publishing solutions have matured to a point that the act of digital publishing could—and should—become a new core competency for the library profession. To explore this hypothesis, the researchers offer a working definition of digital publishing and assess the key roles that traditional publishers have historically offered over time. They find that librarians already possess the requisite skills to become digital publishers, and the collaborative culture of the library profession is a strength for this new role. Examples of digital publishing from two libraries at the University of California-Berkeley offer a proof of concept. Services at these libraries include the conceptualization of overall Web site strategies, a content plan that emphasizes distinctive and original material, and special projects that promote digital publishing at the local level, even as they take advantage of campus- or system-level services. Researchers find that offering library-based Web publishing services can reinforce overall information management programs and also advance the status of libraries within their respective host organizations. The comparative ease of digital publishing has opened an opportunity for librarians to follow the user as they use the Web in creative ways.  相似文献   

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