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Gentiana was originally proposed by Tournefort in 1700. Linnaeus adopted this generic name in his “Genera Plantarum” published in 1737. He divided the genus into seven groups on the basis of different shapes of corolla and forms of floral appendages. In his “Species Plantarum” he reorganized them into three artificial ones.  Forty years later, Moench established a new genus, Gentianella under which he described G. tetrandra as the type of his new genus.  In the view of identity of Gentianella tetrandra with Gentiana campestris L., it is evident that Gentianella represents only some plants formerly included in Gentiana at Linnaeus time.  In 1796, Froelich’s monograph on Gentiana appeared.  In his work four sections were represented and one of them was Crossopetalum.  In 1845, Grisebach also published a monograph of  Gentianaceae and recorded fifteen sections of which Amarella and Imaicola are two of his seven proposed ones. In 1888, Huxley studied the floral structure of Gentianaceae  in relation with pollination mechanism and, accordingly, divided the family into two  main groups, one with epipetalous glands, the other with glands at the base of the ovary.  In each group, four types of flowers were found.  He concluded that Gentiana was a  complex genus on account of presence of four different types of flowers in this group,  and suggested that many species of the genus should be separated out to form some smaller  generic categories.  Six years after, Kusnezow in his monograph divided Gentiana into  two subgenera Eugentiana and Gentianella.  In his system, subgenus Eugentiana consists  of ten sections and the Gentianella, seven.  He contributed much to the systematic  treatment of Eugnetiana but little to that of Gentianella.  He maintained the genus  Gentiana in a broad sense.  With increased knowledge of this group in the last thirty years, a number of botanists were able to make a clearer delimitation of true Gentiana  and its allies and treated them in more natural way.  Moench’s genus Gentianella was  rerised.  In 1936, H. Smith separated Megacodon from Gentianella as a genus.  In the  present paper, the writer suggests a generic name Gentianopsis for the section Crossopetalum in the same Genus. This new genus is characterized by (1) its large and somewhat flattened ellipsoidal   flower bud, (2) two dissimilar pairs of calyx lobes which are distichously imbricate in  aestivation, (3) four triangular, ciflated intracalyx membranes at the base of and  alternate with the calyx lobes, (4) distinct gynophore and (5) enlarged stigma. While  in typical Gentianella represented by section Amarella, the flower buds are small and terete, a laciniate corona is usually present, and the calyx-lobes are leafy, lanceolate, imbricate, and not provided with intracalyx membrane.       Besides the morphological characters mentioned above, the anatomical structure of  the floral parts is also a significant generic criterion.  In Gentianopsis, eight vascular  bundles are present in calyx, representing four dorsals and four fused ventrals.  In each  corolla-lobe there are five bundles.  In the body of ovary six bundles are present.  The ovule bearing surface is extensive covering nearly to entire surface of the ovary wall with  the exception of a narrow longitudinal zone along the dorsal bundle.  In Gentianella, calyx bundles are three in each lobe, without fusion of the ventrals.  In each corolla- lobe, the bundles are three instead of five as in Gentianopsis but the lateral ones branch once dichotomously after entering the base of corolla. In the body of ovary only four main bundles are present due to the fusion of smaller ventral ones.  The placentation is confined to the region of the ventral bundles.        Phylogenetically Gentianopsis and Gentianella may be regarded as closely reIated and may represent branches of a common line with Gentianopsis standing at a lower level, Gentianella being more advanced. In Gentianella the number of bundles in the corolla segments and ovary wall are reduced by partial or complete fusion and the distribution of ovules is confined only to the region of the ventral bundles.  However, in the calyx of Gentianopsis there is fusion of ventral bundles, whereas the correspound- ing bundles in the Gentianella remain separate.  The Gentianopsis-Gentianella line on the one hand and the Gentiana line on the other may come again from a common acestral stock.  Gentiana possesses only three bundles in each corolla-lobe.  A variety of plicate between corolla lobes except in case of Gentiana lutea and intracalyx membrane above the throat of calyx-tube are also the common structures in Gentiana.  Thus the pollination mechanism is highly specialized in the genus.  As far as we know, in Gentiana the glandular appendages usually exist at the base of ovary.  If those nectarial processes are correctly interpreted as the representatives of staminodes, gentiana would, undoubtedly, be derived from an ancestral  form with  hypogynous  diplostemonous androecium, and bears no direct relationship to Gentianopsis or Gentianella in which the glands are epipetalous.  It may be reasonable to conclude the Gentiana and Gentianopsis- Gentianella line are two parallel derivatives from a common ancestor which has the floral characters of two series of hypogynous stamens. Gentianopsis and Gentianella may represent branches of a common line with Gentianopsis standing at a lower level, Gentianella being more advanced. Their relations may be diagrammed below:                                                       Gentianopsis                                                                                                                               Gentianella Common ancestor                                                       Gentiana        This new genus consists of fourteen species and two varieties in the world.  Onlyeight species and two varieties are represented in China. They are G. barbara, G. barbatavar. sinensis, G. grandis, G. scabromanginata, G. paludosa, G. nana, G. longistyla,G. lutea, G. contorta, and G. contorta var. Wui.     The species of present genus occur in the alpine regions of North Hemisphere.  InChina t,hey are distributed in Kokonor, Kansu, Shensi, Shansi, Chahar, Hopei, Manchuria,Hupeh, Szechuan, Sikang, Tibet, and Yunnan. G. Yabei (Takeda et Hara) is foundin Japan, G. detonsa (Bott&) in North Europe, G. ciliata (Linn.) in South Europe,G. crinita (Froel.) G. procera (Holm.) and G. degans (A. Nels) in North America.G. barbata is the most widespreading species and reported in Sibiria and China.G. contorta (Royle) is a common plant in Himalayan mountaineous range, China andNorth part of India.     The species and varieties cited in this paper are as follows:           t.  Gentianopsis barbata (Froel.) comb. nov.           la. Gentianopsis barbata (Froel.) var. sinensis, var. nov.          2.  Gentian opsis grandis (H. Sm.) comb. nov.          3.  Gentianopsis scabromarginata (H. Sm.) comb. nov.          4.  Gcntianopsis paludosa (Munro) comb. nov.          5.  Gentianopsis nana sp. nov.          6.  Gentianopsis longistyla, sp. nov.          7.  Gentianopsis lutea, sp. nov.  相似文献   

The present paper describes the pollen morphology of 30 species belonging to 7 genera of Plumbaginaceae from China.  The pollen grains were all examined under light microscope, and those of some species under scanning and transmission electron microscope.       The pollen grains of the family are subspheroidal, prolate or oblate, (37.5-74.5)× (40.4-81.9)μ in size, 3-colpate, rarely 4-6-colpate,  only pancolpate in  Ceratostigma willmottianum.  The exine 2-layered, 2.0-7.4μ thick, sexine thicker than nexine, verrucate, reticulate or coarsely reticulate.       On the basis of the morphology, two types of pollen grains are distinguished in the family:       (1)  The pollen grains are 3-(rarely 4-6 ) or pancolpate, the exine verrucate. They are found in the tribe Plumbagineae (inculuding the genera Ceratostigma, Plumbago and Plumbagella).       (2)  The pollen grains are all 3-colpate, the exine reticulate or coarsely reticulate. They are found in the tribe Staticeae (including the genera Acantholimon, Ikonnikovia, Goniolimon and Limonium ).  相似文献   

The morphological characters in the genus Orobanche were evaluated from the taxonomic point of view.  The author finds that the plants of this genus are relatively similar to each other in respect to characters of vegetative organs, fruits and seeds.  But the differences in the floral structures can be served as a basis for delimitating infrageneric taxa.   The seed coat of 18 species and pollen grains of  6 species were also examined under scanning electron microscope (SEM). They seem to have little significance for distinguishing species.       The result supports G. Beck’s (1930) division of the genus Orobanche into 4 sections, of which 2 occur in China, based on the characters of the inflorescence, bracteoles and calyx. The author considers that some characters, such as anther hairy or not, upper lip of corolla entire or not, lower lip longer or shorter than the upper one, the state of corolla-tube inflec-  tion and the hair type of filaments and plants, are important in distinguishing Chinese species.  A key to the species of Orobanche in China is given.       This genus consists of about 100 species, and is mostly confined to Eurasia, with over 60  species found in Caucasus and Middle Asia of USSR, where may be the mordern  distribu-  tional  centre.        Orobanche L. in China is represented by 23 species, 3 varieties and l forma. As shown in  Table 1, most species (12 species) are found in Xinjiang, which clearly shows a close floristic  relationship between this region and Middle Asia of USSR.  6 species are endemic to China,  of which 4 are confined to the Hengduan Mountains  (Yangtze-Mekong-Salwin divide).        The relationships between this genus and related ones of Orobanchaceae are also discussed.  The author holds the following opinions: the genus Phelypaea Desf. should be considered as a   member of Orobanche L. Sect. Gymnocaulis G. Beck,  the monotypic genus,   Necranthus A.   Gilli endemic to Turkey, is allied with Orobanche L. Sect.  Orobanche, the monotypic genus,   Platypholis Maxim, endemic to Bonin Is. of Japan, is far from Orobanche L. in relation and   should be regarded as a separate genus.        The 11 OTU’s, including all the sections of Orobanche L. and 7 genera of Orobanchaceae,   and 15 morphological characters were used in the  numerical  taxonomic treatment  to  test  the   above-mentioned  suggestions.   After standardization of characters, the correlation matrices were   computerized.  The correlation matrices were made to test the various clustering methods.   At    last the UPGMA clustering method was chosen and its result is shown in a phenogram.  The   result of numerical analysis is basically in accordance with the suggestions.  相似文献   

 The pollen morphology of 11 species and 1 variety in the genus Lespedeza and its allied genera (Campylotropis, Kummerowia) from NE China was examined under light and scanning electron microscopes.      1.  Lespedeza Michx. (plate 1:1-6; 2:1-6; 3:1-6; 4:1-2)      Pollen grains prolate, rarely subprolate or spheroidal, elliptic or rarely suborbicular in equa- torial view, 3-lobed-rounded in polar view, tricolporate, colpus margins smooth or jagged.  Polar axis 20.7-33.1μm long, equatorial axis 15.4-20.9 μm long.  Exine reticulate or foveolate, lu- mina verrucose or smooth under SEM.      2.  Campylotropis Bge. (plate 4:3-4)      One species in NE China, C. macrocarpa (Bge.) Rehd.  Pollen grains prolate, elliptic in equatorial view, 3-lobed-rounded in polar view, 3-colporate, colpus linear, 25.1μm long, 1.79μm broad, colpus margins jagged, with a series of verrucae equal in size along one side visible under SEM.  Polar axis 19.7μm long, equatorial axis 14.6μm long.  Exine reticulate, lumina nearly rounded, verrucose at periphery under SEM.       3.  Kummerowia Schindl. (plate 4:5-6)       Pollen grains spheroidal, oblate or prolate, elliptic in equatorial view, obtuse-triangular in polar view, tricolporate, colups linear, 25.1μm long, 2.01μm  broad,  colpus margins sinuate. Polar axis 24.7-27.9μm long, equatorial axis 19.7-26.6μm long.  Exine reticulate or subreti- culate, lumina nearly rounded, with verrocae visible under SEM.       According to the pollen morphology of Lespedeza and its allied genera, the division of Lespedeza (s. lat.) into Lespedeza (S. str.), Campylotropis and Kummarowia by Schindler (1912) is reasonable.  The subdivision of Lespedeza (s. str.) into Sect.  Macrolespedeza and Sect. Lespe- deza by many botanists, and the treatment of Lespedeze juncea  (L. f.) Pers. var. inschanica Maxim. as an independent species (i.e. Lespedeza inschanics (Maxim). Schindl.) are also suppor- ted by the pollen morphology shown in the present work.  相似文献   

半蒴苣苔属的研究(续)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The genus Hemiboea is a curious genus of the tribe Didymocarpeae (Cyrtandroi- deae), characterized by its peculiar pistil with one fertile carpel and its follicle-like capsule. This genus has not yet been thoroughly studied since its establishment by C. B. Clarke in 1888.  In the present paper, the taxonomic history is briefly reviewed; the external morphology, leaf his- tology, pollen morphology and geographical distribution are discussed; a key to the 21 species recognized by the author is provided; and the economic uses reported in various publications are summarized.       I.  Morphology       (1)  Sclereids  The foliar sclereids, occurring in this genus and defined by their forms, fall into two types.       (A) Vermiform selereids  This type of sclereids is noted in 15 species and may be clas- sified into two groups according to their positions in leaf tissues.  Those of the first group are interspersed in the ground tissue around the vascular bundles of leaves and noted in 12 species, i.e.H. longisepala, H. cavaleriei, H. bicornuta, H. fangii, H. omeiensis, H. gracilis, H. glandulosa, H. mollifolia, H. pingbianensis, H. parviflora, H. strigosa and H. gamosepala, and those of the second group are dispersed in the mesophyll, occurring in H. subcapitata, H. henryi and H. latisepala.       (B) Astrosclereids The sclereids of this type are discovered for the first time in Hemiboea, dispersed in the mesophyll of a single species, i.e.H. lungzhouensis.      No foliar sclereids are found in the remaining 5 species, i.e.H. integra, H. flaccida, H. longgangensis, H. subacaulis and H. follicularis.      The differences in forms and positions of the foliar sclereids and their absence or pre- sence are of great help in understanding the relationship between the infrageneric taxa.    (2)  Pollen grains  The pollen grains of 19 species were examined with LM and SEM. They are 3-colporate, subglobose or prolate, 20-38.8×22-28μm.  The exine  is  1.3-2μm thick and the sculpture is foveolate (e.g.H. cavaleriei) to reticulate (e.g.H. omeiensis).  In Sect. Subcapitatae the pollen grains are subglobose or prolate, while those of Sect. Hemiboea are prolate.       No pollen grains are observed in anthers of 13 speciemens of H. subacaulis var. subacaulis and var. jiangxiensis.        (3)  Seed-coat Under SEM the seed-coat exhibits considerable diversity in the genus, fur- nishing useful characters for explaining the relationship between the two sections.       2.  Geographical distribution  The genus Hemiboea ranges from the eastern border of the Xizang Plateau and Yunnan Plateau eastwards to Ryu Kyu Islands, and from the southern slope of the Qinling Range southwards to northern Vietnam.  The karst region of S. E. Yun- nan and W. Guangxi is the centre of maximum variation of the genus and is probably its origin centre, where the most primitive taxon exists, and where more species (13 species, i.e. 61.9 per cent of the sum total) and more endemic species (8 species) are found than elsewhere.       3.  Classification  The genus consists of 21 species and 6 varieties which are classified into 2 sections.  The Clarke's classification is accepted, but emended here as follows:       Sect. 1. Subcapitatae Clarke Sepals free or posterior ones connate.  Muri of the seed-coat laevigate or rugose; bottom of meshes flat, smooth or with few verrucae.  Pollen grains subglo- bose or prolate.       Sect. 2. Hemiboea Sepals connate.  Muri of the seed-coat tuberculate or aliform-tuberculate; bottom of meshes flat or concave, with dense verrucae.   Pollen grains prolate.       Based on the analysis of external and internal morphological characters, the main evolu- tionary trends in the genus are discussed and enumerated, and a hypothesis indicating the re- lationships between the two sections is given.  相似文献   

 Parmelia is a genus of economical importance.   According  what  was  recorded, Meyen & Flotow were the first foreigners to study Chinese lichens in 1843.  Up to the present time 74 species, 24 varieties and 11 forms have been described from China.      The majority of specimens reported in this paper were collected by many Chinese botanists and collectors from 21 provinces from 1928--1962, while a few of them were collected by Licent from 1916 to 1917 and by Poliansky in 1957.      The system of classification adopted here is that held by A. Zahlbruckner in 1926. But in section Hypotrachyna, the two subsections-Myelochroa and Myeloleuca proposed by Asahina are adopted and Parmelia xanthocarpa which has not been properly placed before, is here referred to the subsection Myelochroa.      In the subgenus Hypogymnia the writer discovers that the length of spores of two species are longer than 10μ, especially  Parmelia macrospora reaches  17.5μ long.  So far as the writer knows, the upper limitation of the spore length  recognized  by  many lichenologists has been 10μ in this subgenus.  The spore measurement of this subgenus needs, therefore, to be revised in future.       In this paper 78 species, 14 varieties and 6 forms are presented.  Among them, 5 species, 5 varieties and 1 forms are considered as new and two new combinations have been made.  Out of all these, 31 species, 6 varieties and 2 forms are first recorded from China.  All the materials cited are deposited in the Mycological Herbarium of Instituteof Microbiology, Academia Sinica, Peking.  相似文献   

  A new psilophytic plant, Hsüa robusta, is found in the Xujiachong Formation  (Emsian) of the Lower Devonian from the Qüjing (= Kütsing) district of Yunnan,  China.  This plant is tentatively referred to the Cooksoniaceae of Rhyniales.       Hsüa gen. nov.       Type species: Hsüa robusta (Li et Cai) C. S. Li.       Diagnosis:  Plants erect and then creeping. Main axes dividing pseudomonopodial- ly and bearing dichotomous lateral branches which somewhat differentiate into vegeta, tire and fertile ones, with dichotomous root-like and rhizophore-like appendages.  Spo- rangia terminal, round to reniform or wide reniform, dehiscing along distal margin into two equal halves.  Spores homosporous, trilete.  Stomata anomocytic.  Protostele cen- trarch.       Hsüia robusta (Li et Cai) C. S. Li, comb. nov.       Cooksonia zhanyiensis Li et Cai, Acta Geologica Sinica, 52 (1) 1978, p. 10, pl. II, fig. 6.——Taeniocrada robusta Li et Cai,ib. p. 10, pl. II, fig. 7—14.       Diagnosis:  Characters same as in generic diagnosis. Main axes 6—10 mm wide and at least 24 cm long, with vascular strands 1.2—2.4 mm acr  oss.  Fertile branches 3—4 times equally or unequally dichotomous, 10—1.5 mm in width and up to 11 cm in length, possessing a vascular bundle of 0.5 mm in its greatest diameter.  Branches circinately coiled in apical regions.  Axial tubercles, root-like and rhizophore— like appendages aris- ing from the main axes usually anterior to the lateral branches. Axial tubercle round with a diameter of 2.2—2.4 mm, having a vascular bundle about l mm across.  Root- like branches 3 times bifurcate, 1—0.3 mm wide and up to 1.5 cm long, with a vascular bundle about 0.1 mm across.  Rhizophore-like appendages forked, 3—1.7 mm in width, possessing a vascular bundle of 0.7 mm in its greatest diameter. Root-like protuberances sometimes arising from rhilzophore-like branches.   Epidermal cells of axes generally elongate, measuring 60—290μby 25—60 μ.  Stomata mainly fusiform, 90—110 μ long and 50—60μ wide, consisting of a pair of guard cells enclosing a pore 6—15μ  in length and 1—3μ  in width.  Cuticle of guard cells quite thick.  Stomatal density about 5 per mm2.  Sporangia 0.8—4.2 mm high, 1.0—8.2 mm across, usually having a dehiscent distal border which measures 50—100μ broad.  Demarcation between sporangium and its stalk quite clear.  Epidermal cells of basal part of sporangial walls elongate, about 100 μ long and 30μ wide, but those of distal part isodiametrally polygonal, about 50μ in diame- ter.  Stomata, radially arranged scattering over sporangial walls, generally round about 50μ in diameter and 50 per sporangium.  Spores round, 18—36μ (average 27μ) indiameter, and smooth.  Tracheids of protoxylem about 10μ across; those of metaxylem about 30μ across, with scalariform thickening.      This plant is similar to Renalia hueberi Gensel in general morphology, but differs from the latter in possessing root-like and rhizophore-like branches.      The generic name is derived from Prof.  Hsü Jen.     This paper is a thesis for M. Sc.  相似文献   

白芳 《科教文汇》2011,(34):124-125
"交际与语言知识并重"教学模式是Long Michael提出的一种综合教学模式,不仅注重语言知识的输入,同时强调语言实际应用能力的培养,是中国大学英语教学中必要和可行的全新方法。传统的英语教学模式已不能满足当前英语教学的需要,实施该教学模式,在英语教学中构建学生、教师的双主体地位,以提高学生的语言习得能力和交际能力为教学目标,可以提高大学英语教学效果和质量。因此,"交际与语言知识并重"教学模式对促进中国英语教学的改革是行之有效的。  相似文献   

王园春 《现代情报》2010,30(9):121-123
本文以信息素质教育为核心,探讨了高校图书馆在信息素质教育中的作用。针对目前高校信息素质教育中存在的教育体系不完善、教学内容缺乏深度和广度、教学软环境建设不足、教学模式陈旧等现状,提出了信息素质教育的新模式,并从构建分层次教学模式、建立模块化教学方式、构建分层次考核模式等方面进行了研究和实践,最后从提高思维能力、掌握检索方法、应用检索功能、认识文献在科研中的意义等方面进行了教学效果的评价和分析。  相似文献   

石岩 《科教文汇》2014,(19):67-68
将“体验式教学模式”应用于高校土木工程专业课程教学,旨在检验新型教学模式的应用效果,分析“体验式教学模式”在高校土木工程专业课程教学中的适用性,为其在高校课程改革中的应用提供依据。  相似文献   

英语课堂教学采用开放式教学模式的优势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张伟利 《科教文汇》2011,(32):135-136
开放式教学是一种全新的教学模式。应用开放式课堂教学法,能培养学生的思维能力,调动学生学习英语的积极性,增强学生学好英语的自信心,提高教学效率。  相似文献   

刘灵芝 《科教文汇》2014,(19):33-34
法学教育是一门实践性很强的专业教育,教育部将培养应用型、复合型法律职业人才作为卓越法律人才教育培养计划的重点,把培养西部基层法律人才作为培养应用型、复合型法律职业人才的着力点。民族高等院校应当以国家实施卓越法律人才教育培养计划为指引和契机,改革现有的法学专业人才教育培养模式,开展双师型教学模式,增加校内实践教学和校外实习基地实践教学比例,实施实践教学模式改革和创新。  相似文献   

李贤伟 《科教文汇》2011,(3):146-147
本文将探讨角色扮演法在中学体育教学中的应用,期望能改变目前中学单调的体育教学模式,解决学生学习厌烦的心理,提高学生学习积极性,改善师生关系,从而提高中学体育教育的教学水平。  相似文献   

王耀新 《科教文汇》2013,(1):145-146
关爱学生是教师的灵魂,班主任如何去关爱学生对加强师德建设意义重大。因此,本文尝试从尊重学生并做学生的朋友、把学生置于师生交往中的主体地位、运用合理的交往方法、热爱学生、掌握教育分寸方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

王耀新 《科教文汇》2013,(2):145-146
随着新课程改革的不断发展和完善,传统的教学模式已经无法满足教学目标的需求。语文作文作为中学时代的一个最基本的部分,其教学目标主要是培养学生的写作能力,从而适应综合素质的发展需要。但是,在实际教学中,大部分学生对写作文都没有足够的兴趣,缺乏自信心,这就让作文教学成为了现代语文教育过程中的一项重大难题。为了能够将此项难题合理解决,教师就必须采取科学合理的教学模式。本文通过对中学语文以读促写的教学模式进行分析,以期进一步实现中学语文作文教学的教学目标。  相似文献   

陈治萍 《科教文汇》2013,(1):3-3,91
高等教育教学需要创设教学模式,形成自身特色的发展体系.独立学院是我国高校教育教学改革中形成的一种独具特色的办学模式。独立学院的创建在一定程度上满足了人民群众日益增长的文化需求,扩充了教学规模,促进了教学资源的有效利用。本文从高校的特色发展出发,立足于独立学院的创办理念及办学定位思考,论述独立学院发展战略的选择。  相似文献   

彭学著  洪俐  袁媛 《科教文汇》2021,(12):115-116,149
目的:创新编写基于显微数码互动系统,采用教、学、做一体化模式教学的《药用植物学》教材。方法:在湖南中医药高等专科学校连续三届中药学专业班级中,每届取四个平行班级作为研究对象,其中两个班级采用传统模式授课,另外两个班级采用教、学、做一体化改革教学模式授课,以课程结束后的显微操作考试成绩为指标,做统计分析,进行对比研究。结果:每届一体化教学试验班的显微操作考试平均成绩均高于传统授课教学班。结论:基于显微数码互动系统的教、学、做一体化教学模式教学效果更好,因此,认为应当摈弃旧的教材编写体例,创新编写《药用植物学》新教材,重新整合课程内容、调整教学时数,以优化显微结构的教学方式。  相似文献   

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