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来宾作家黄少崇的《刀锋下的快感》以被看的视角和镜子的意象表现了一次心灵的历程。语言充满着阳刚的力臂,具有爆发力的形式美感。黄少崇以独特的视角和语言的魅力展示了作者狂野的内心悸动,对阅读形成一股强烈的冲击波。  相似文献   

Pleasure is an important aspect of healthy sexual development. Moreover, public health researchers and feminist scholars suggest that pleasure-inclusive sex education is effective for reducing pregnancy and rates of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections and may create a more inclusive classroom environment for underserved individuals. Although scholars have called for the integration of pleasure into sexual health education, these theoretical suggestions have rarely translated into classroom practices. Educators often face myriad challenges in including positive messages about pleasure in sex education curricula. Resources are needed to make the inclusion of pleasure easier for educators. This article helps address this gap in two ways. The first part offers a new, holistic definition of pleasure, exposes deficits in current classroom practices, and explores how including pleasure may address many axes of inequality and enhance classroom experiences for diverse adolescents. The second part applies this understanding of pleasure to offer guidance for performing a curriculum analysis of pleasure deficits and then provides clear recommendations for how educators can fill those deficits by incorporating pleasure into their existing curricula. The analyses and resources presented here will, first, help educators better address the sexual health needs of students and, second, provide feminist academics with a new definition and theoretical approach to pleasure.  相似文献   

《High Ability Studies》1996,7(2):119-127
What is the relationship between the motivation system of research workers (the main motives for scientific work) and temperament? The answer to the question was sought using a hierarchical factor analysis of scores on the Researcher's Work Inventory of Kocowski and the Strelau Temperament Inventory (STI) of a sample of young scientific workers. One secondary and three primary factors were obtained. The secondary factor was identified as self‐actualization or power motivation. This was a composite of intrinsic cognitive or achievement motivation (primary factor I), and will or conscientiousness (primary factor II). The factor will or conscientiousness was positively connected with mobility and strength of excitation (STI scales). A strong nervous system seems to be necessary for successful scientific work combining efficiency and creativity.  相似文献   

This essay through discussing the development of sonnet focus on the delight and pleasure of poetry. In great poetry the form is a living organism which grows from the civilization surrounding the poet as well as from his individual talent, and poetry puts more emphasis on the musical properties of language. So a study of poetic form and rhythms is significant. Sonnet is one of the most ubiquitous of Enghsh fixed forms, although it is not the native form of English poetry. Sonnet has a neat form and a rigid rhyme scheme which undergoes changes in its development.  相似文献   

<正>1图南讨厌自己的名字。图南,典故名,《庄子集释》卷一上〈内篇·逍遥游〉。"'鹏'背负青天……而后乃今将图南。"后遂以"图南"等比喻人的志向远大。这是来自百度百科的解释。听过他名字的人,特别是长辈,大多都会拍拍他的肩膀,说:"小伙子,好名字。"然后迅速对图南的将来寄予厚望。当图南和我说起这个的时候,却咬牙切齿道:"名字和我的人生有什么关系,我要是叫胡亥,是不是还能做出些大  相似文献   

长期以来,自尊因其对人类社会生活和精神生活的独特作用而备受心理学家关注,但自尊的成分与结构问题却一直没有取得共识.在综述以往自尊研究的基础上,提出了一种关于自尊结构的新观点:双重两因素模型.认为个体的自尊包含内隐自尊和外显自尊双重结构,同时二者均具有能力感和价值感两个基本成分;自尊的双重两因素各成分间既有独立性,又相互协调、互相影响.自尊双重两因素结构模型能很好体现个体的自主性与社会性特点,也能更集中地揭示自尊成分的不同特性与心理功能.  相似文献   

约翰·菲斯克的电视研究主要是在上世纪 80年代完成的 ,以《解读电视》和《电视文化》两本著作以及散见于各学术杂志上的论文为代表成果。菲斯克在自己的电视研究中注重运用符号学方法去研究电视文本、电视观众以及电视文化在意识形态中的霸权建构关系 ,在他眼里 ,符号学是揭示接受者接受信息认识途径的有效方法 ,而符号学特定的研究视角和研究领域 ,特别是其对“意义”的基本认识给了他很大的启发 ,决定了他的电视研究对接收者 (也即观众 )的角色予以特别的关注。菲斯克通过对电视的两种经济流程的分析 ,发掘了电视观众创造意义和快感的价值 ,彰显了大众文化潜在的进步力量。  相似文献   


Disneyland is work disguised as play; school disguised as vacation. While Walt Disney’s curriculum deploys across all of its products, it literally engulfs the approximately 50 million ‘guests’ who visit the Disney Parks each year. Drawing on Sarah Ahmed’s phenomenological reading of orientation in Queer phenomenology, this article investigates the ways in which Disney’s didacticism is made material through practices and procedures designed to orient the park’s visitors, to ensure that those visitors always know where they are and who they are, as a means of educating ‘good’ citizens. The argument focuses not on Disneyland’s narrative curriculum but on its corporeal one: visitors are enticed to make affective investments, to construct or reconstruct their identities to comply with the Disney version of the ideal American worker and consumer, as the park attempts to reorient those who resist those roles.  相似文献   

To date, a comprehensive review of supervisory relationship measures has yet to be published. In this article, the authors explore conceptualizations of the supervisory relationship, describe and critique 11 measures, provide recommendations for researchers and practitioners when selecting measures, and offer suggestions regarding future measure development.  相似文献   

从柏拉图到夸美纽斯,再到斯宾塞,标志着西方快乐教育思想发展的“三级跳”。斯宾塞基于功利主义幸福快乐论和自然主义教育心理学,在英国传统乐趣教学的基础上,创造性地形成了体系完备、理论与实际结合、至今仍未超越的快乐教育思想,由此使我们领略到这位著名教育家的又一不凡之处。  相似文献   

What role should pleasure play in kinesiology? Although pleasure is an important concept in kinesiology, the strengths, weaknesses, and dangers of this concept have not been properly clarified. Douglas Booth and Richard Pringle have both recently scolded kinesiologists over the issue of pleasure in kinesiology with decidedly mixed results. They insist that the importance of pleasure has been neglected, and that the role that human culture plays in properly understanding pleasure in kinesiology, has been underestimated. Booth (2009) Booth, D. 2009. Pleasure and physical education philosophy. Quest, 61(2): 133153. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] argues that “puritanical” prohibitions have made pleasure suspect. Pringle (2010) Pringle, R. 2010. The educative value of positive movement affects. Quest, 62(2): 119134. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] argues that kinesiologists must remember that “many students are not currently gaining a love for movement in their [physical education] experiences” (p. 130). Each scholar's suspicion of traditional distinctions between “good and bad physical pleasures” (Booth, 2009 Booth, D. 2009. Pleasure and physical education philosophy. Quest, 61(2): 133153. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], p. 148) results in an untenable commitment to pleasure as an intrinsic good. In short, their views are hedonistic. Although Booth and Pringle are right that pleasure is good, it is not an end in itself.  相似文献   

原作点评1.优点:习作The pleasure of learn-ing English写出了小作者对英语的喜爱和学习英语带给她的乐趣和自信,同时又点明了学习英语的重要性。  相似文献   

经过30多年计划生育国策的大力推行,我国人口的生育水平、年龄构成、职业构成等都发生了很大变化。从人口学视角审视我国人口自身变化对高等教育大众化的影响,可以看到我国生育水平的下降、人口年龄结构的变化给高等教育大众化的发展带来的机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

本文主要是基于一个文化心理结构的分析视角。首先,分析了学科与情结的概念;其次,分析了情结与文化心理结构的关系,揭示了学科情结的基本定位;最后,从中西民族文化心理结构异同的比较中,揭示了我国高等院校在开展学科建设过程中存在着“合一、斥多”情结。  相似文献   

研究国外教育后发现,本科教育的地位与任务取决于它与中等教育、专科教育及研究生教育的相互关系。在教育结构已经发生了较大变化的情形下,必须重建我国大学本科教育。我国本科教育改革要以多样化思想为指导,逐步形成本科教育多元共生的新格局。  相似文献   

此研究从儒家传统出发,在以往他人工作的基础上,编制和确定了儒家式应对问卷,并使用抑郁、焦虑、心理韧性和中国人思维方式作为外部效标工具,确定了儒家式应对心理结构的有效性。探索性和验证性因素分析确定了儒家应对思维可以分为天命思想、亲挫折思想和责任思想3个维度。进一步的回归分析发现天命思想会增加焦虑,责任思想会降低焦虑;亲挫折思想和责任思想均会降低抑郁和增加心理韧性个人力。研究还发现亲挫折思想与中国人的联系性和变化性思维存在显著正相关;责任思想与变化性之间存在显著正相关;天命思想与变化性之间存在显著负相关。研究结果对我们了解中国文化对中国人应对方式的影响有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

英汉两种语言在语态上的一个重要区别就在于英语中大量使用被动句,尤其是结构被动句;汉语中被动语态的使用频率比较低,主要通过意义被动句来表达被动语态。造成这种语态使用差异的原因是多方面的,除了语法、修辞、文体、思维方式及语言习惯等方面的差异,更深层次的原因还存在于语言系统内部。本文旨在通过对英、汉动词的语义结构进行分析和比较,探讨造成两种语言被动语态使用差异的根源。  相似文献   

Examined the psychometric properties of the Parenting Stress Index (PSI) in 191 low-income, urban African-American mothers of infants and toddlers recruited from a primary health care facility. The subscales of the PSI had acceptable levels of internal consistency and stability over six months. Concurrent validity, examined through self-report and observational measures, revealed high convergence with mothers reporting consistent levels of stress across measures. Factor analysis suggested a 3-factor solution including parent, child, and parent–child interaction factors. In comparison with the nonnative sample, mothers reported elevated levels of stress on three of the seven parent subscales and all of the child subscales. These findings support the consistency of the psychometric properties of the PSI across samples that vary in ethnicity and socioeconomic status.  相似文献   

Examined the psychometric properties of the Parenting Stress Index (PSI) in 191 low-income, urban African-American mothers of infants and toddlers recruited from a primary health care facility. The subscales of the PSI had acceptable levels of internal consistency and stability over six months. Concurrent validity, examined through self-report and observational measures, revealed high convergence with mothers reporting consistent levels of stress across measures. Factor analysis suggested a 3-factor solution including parent, child, and parent-child interaction factors. In comparison with the nonnative sample, mothers reported elevated levels of stress on three of the seven parent subscales and all of the child subscales. These findings support the consistency of the psychometric properties of the PSI across samples that vary in ethnicity and socioeconomic status.  相似文献   

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