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目的验证应用产气粉治疗胃石症的效果.方法服用胃肠造影专用产气粉对消化道气钡双重造影发现的18例胃石症患者给予治疗.结果12例患者分别于治疗3d内胃石消失,余6例分别于7d内消失,患者均无其它不良反应.结论治疗胃石症,产气粉以其简单易行,成本低,效果好等特点,可作为首选药物.  相似文献   

肺结核的诊断主要依赖于X线检查,本文对肺结核结构的病理生理、病理过程各期中的X线表现及肺结核的分期及X表现作了一般的概述  相似文献   

研究联合窄带成像技术(NBI)、Lugol氏液染色及超声微探头序贯检查对早期食管癌及癌前病变的诊断价值。以378例经常规内镜观察有食管黏膜粗糙、糜烂、颜色异常等可疑病变患者为研究对象。可疑病灶先行NBI观察,再行Lugol氏液染色观察,最后行超声微探头扫描,结果发现452处病变。与NBI和Lugol氏液染色相比,常规内镜对早期食管癌及癌前病变较易漏诊。高级别上皮内瘤变均主要表现为NBI I级(71.3%)和Lugol氏液染色I级(82.0%),低级别上皮内瘤变主要表现为NBI和Lugol氏液染色Ⅱ、Ⅲ级。超声微探头对早期食管癌与术后组织病理学检查诊断符合率为82.4%。结果表明,联合Lugol氏液染色及NBI检查能提高早期食管癌及癌前病变的检出率,联合超声微探头检查可增加对早期癌及其浸润程度的判断。  相似文献   

目的:对比分析大中学生对肿瘤早期检查的认知和需求。方法:选取金华市1所中学和1所大学学生共568名进行调查与分析。结果:中学生对肿瘤相关的健康生活方式水平认知程度比大学生的认知程度低,中学生在对肿瘤可防可治和肿瘤早期筛查项目的认识程度低,大学生对肿瘤早期检查的态度比中学生更积极。结论:大中学生对肿瘤早期检查的认知程度较低,有关学校尤其是中学应重视开展肿瘤早期发现的健康教育工作。  相似文献   

讨论了网络故障的常见类型以及检查和排除网络故障的常用方法;介绍了几个简单实用的网络管理工具。  相似文献   

早期阅读教育不仅对孩子的学习、生活有着举足轻重的积极意义,而且对于提高孩子的自我调适能力、参与阅读的积极性也有也不可磨灭的作用。教师要通过创设良好的文字环境、人文环境、活动渗透、家园合作等方式让孩子们享受阅读,快乐阅读。  相似文献   

本文着重对初中阶段常见的气密性检查方法进行了归纳,主要分为加热法、液差法和抽气(充气)法三种,其共同点都是利用气体压强的改变而产生气泡和液柱等现象来对仪器的器密性情况作出判断。  相似文献   

经营性企业都可以从税务机关取得普通发票。企业在销售时,可开具增值税发票或普通发票。小规模纳税人不具有获得增值税发票的资格,企业在销售产品或提供工业性劳务时,要开具普通发票;一般纳税人可获得增值税专用发票,同时也可获得普通发票,一般可根据客户的需要向客户开具增值税专用发票或普通发票。  相似文献   

警务战术学科教学质量的检查方法较多,针对性较强,既有联系,又有区别,往往结合在一起进行,操作起来较为困难,需要逐一把握,灵活运用。  相似文献   

The development of children's early numeracy through key stage 1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract This paper describes a limited longitudinal study of young children's early numeracy development within three testing cycles, at the mid‐point and towards the end of their reception year (at five years‐of‐age) and again at the mid‐point of Year 1 (at six years‐of‐age), located within the broader context of progress through to Key Stage 1 SAT results (at seven years). Assessment was carried out using the Utrecht Early Mathematical Competence Test (Van Luit et al., 1994). This comprised eight sub‐topics, five items in each, including comparison, classification, correspondence, seriation, counting, calculation and real‐life number problem solving. Broadly, one set of sub‐tests related to understanding of relations in shape, size, quantity and order, whilst a second set of sub‐tests related to basic arithmetic. Three hundred pupils were selected from twenty‐one schools, large and small, from rural and urban areas, with high and low concentrations of children eligible for free school meals and/or with special educational needs, as well as representing a broad range of achievements levels based on standards assessment tasks. Whilst this paper focuses upon the performance of English pupils, reference is also made to the larger European sample which involved children from Flemish‐speaking Belgium, Germany, Greece, Slovenia and the Netherlands. Results showed that children's total scores at around the mid‐point of reception year were indeed predictive of later achievement at the end of KS1 though the combined scores over three testing cycles which extended to the mid‐point of Year 1, were more so. Discriminant analysis confirmed that a combination of a counting sub‐test (one seemed sufficient) and a sub‐test focusing on understanding of relations in shape, size, order or quantity (a different one at each testing cycle), together with the general number knowledge sub‐test was best predictive of final SAT levels. Comparison with the international data set suggested a different trajectory for English pupils, with more of a bias towards arithmetic sub‐tests than their European counterparts who start school later. Moreover, the pattern of dependence of scores on age in which no advantage was found in including any national differences was especially interesting. These findings are discussed within the context of different school start ages and traditions of preparation for formal schooling. Perhaps what emerged most strongly is the need for young English pupils to maintain a broad and balanced early mathematics curriculum, which places appropriate emphasis on practical problem solving.  相似文献   

This article examines the hypothesis that there are preliminary stages in problem solving which most chemists neglect when trying to teach their students how to solve problems in introductory chemistry courses. It is during these early stages that relevant information is disembedded from the question and the problem is restructured. Unless students can successfully complete these cognitive restructuring stages, they cannot proceed on to the more analytic stages in problem solving that have received more attention from chemists. Preliminary evidence for this hypothesis consists of linear correlations between student ability to handle disembedding and cognitive restructuring tasks in the spatial domain and their ability to solve chemistry problems.  相似文献   

长沙市早期民办大学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
早期民办大学诞生于一个非常特殊的历史时期 ,是在社会对人才和青年对成才的双重需求下产生的。办学中的“挂靠”现象是由当时的历史原因造成的 ;学校的组织形式主要有董事会领导下的校长负责制和校务委员会领导下的校长负责制两种。早期民办大学具有主动适应社会需要 ,富于创新精神 ,白手起家、艰苦创业的特点。长沙市的早期民办大学在中国民办大学发展史上占有重要的地位  相似文献   

1992年春,邓小平在南方谈话中,对于社会主义本质做出了"五句话"的概括.这一概括对于我们进一步理解和把握社会主义的本质具有重大的指导意义.但是,这一概括是以社会主义初级阶段理论为立论基础的,并不是对整个社会主义社会阶段的本质概括,对于"什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义"的问题也只是做出了初步的回答.客观地讲,这一本质论断只是社会主义本质在社会主义初级阶段的具体表现和反映.  相似文献   

周作人在日本留学时对"儿童学"产生了浓厚的兴趣,当时的日本不论是儿童文学创作还是儿童文学研究都领先于中国。周作人回国后前十年对日本儿童文学的译介,尤其是发表在《绍兴教育会月刊》上的三篇译文,分别从趣味性、玩具、儿童争斗等方面探讨儿童教育,为其在"五四"时期提出"儿童的文学"奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

在文化交流和文化接受的过程中 ,由于“接受屏幕”的不同 ,经常发生文化误读现象 ,“话剧”这一称谓正是中国对于不同于自身戏剧特征的西方戏剧艺术的误读。从文化交流和文化接受的角度 ,探讨了中国早期话剧在对西方戏剧的接受中产生的种种误读现象 ,从而把握早期话剧的某些特征  相似文献   

高校的意外事故总有耳闻,在危机突发事件的处理中,共情技术,倾听技术,陪伴技术等在学生的心理辅导及危机干预中,运用的较为广泛,也能够起到很好的效果,本文从工作中的实际案例出发,发现陪伴不仅能让问题学生在较短的时间对陪伴人员建立起安全感,感受到支持和理解,减少问题学生的情绪紧张,偏激,冲动等行为,为我们及时处理危机事件带来"软化剂"。  相似文献   

通过盆栽实验研究了沙颍河污水对灌浆初期小麦生长发育及生理特性的影响.结果表明:与对照组相比,经污水浇灌处理的小麦株高、出稳数和可溶性糖含量都有所降低;游离脯氨酸的含量在低浓度污水处理时升高,随污水浓度的增大而降低.实验结果显示,小麦只适宜于在较低浓度污水浇灌的土壤中生长.  相似文献   

基督教文化深深地影响了曹禺早期的戏剧创作,在他的三部代表作<雷雨>、<日出>和<原野>中,基督精神构成了作品的内蕴,也是作品戏剧情境的形成的本质因素,在这些剧作中,作者充分宣扬了体现着基督教道德伦理观的基督精神.  相似文献   

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