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国外体育全球化研究现状、问题及启示   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
运用文献资料分析法对国外学者研究体育全球化的现状与未来面临的课题进行归纳、分析和评价。集中讨论国外体育全球化研究所关心的体育全球化意义、含义、特征、体育媒体全球化、民族国家体育发展与全球化等五大课题,提出未来我国体育发展在体育全球化进程中可能面临的问题。  相似文献   

体育国际化和体育全球化是两个不同的概念,不可混为一谈、相互替换。这两个概念既有区别又有联系,体育国际化是体育全球化的基础和前奏,体育全球化是体育国际化的高级阶段。  相似文献   

媒介体育中国家认同的再现与建构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘红霞 《体育科学》2006,26(10):3-14
以新闻传播学为主要研究视角,采用恩辨研究和实证研究相结合的方法,从宏观层面综合地探讨媒介体育和国家认同之间的关系,并从微观层面重点考察1984年第23届奥运会至2004年第28届奥运会期间《中国体育报》在6届夏季奥运会期间报道中国家认同的再现和建构;提出了体育对国家认同的形成和强化具有重要作用,媒介体育则在国家认同的再现和建构中扮演重要角色,并阐述了媒介体育中国家认同再现和建构的传播特征,探讨了全球化力量对媒介体育和国家认同的影响。对《中国体育报》6届夏季奥运会报道的框架分析表明,《中国体育报》对“国家认同”议题的报道较为重视。该报通过精选在奥运会中的体育事件,加以强调,完成新闻框架,建构了国家认同感,成为体育与国家认同之间的接点。  相似文献   

认为不同文化主体的人们在不同体育文化的互动中吸取其他文化的有益成分,积极的进行自身认同的重构。在保持文化个性的基础上,以开放的建构性认同态度,努力实现体育的文化自觉,实现全球化与本土化的互动,从而形成多元文化认同共存的全球图景。  相似文献   

London 2012 was a contradiction of Kipling's meretricious couplet about East and West. What was the response of the East, specifically the South Korean media, to London's selection as the host city of the 2012 Olympics? Furthermore, what were the various viewpoints of the South Korean media regarding the significance of London hosting the Olympic Games hard on the heels of the Beijing Olympics? Answers to these questions can provide insights into the geopolitics and politics of modern South Korea, which has very different relationships with China and Britain. An analysis, macroscopic and microscopic, in terms of politics, economics and culture, of media reactions in South Korea to the Olympics of the two nations can provide illuminating insights into a sports mega-event as an instrument of soft power.  相似文献   

Kyoungho Park 《国际体育史杂志》2017,34(17-18):1964-1980

Since it was introduced in the late nineteenth century, soccer has been one of the cultural driving forces for Koreans in overcoming national hardships during the dark ages marked by imperial occupations, war, and division during the modern era. This study was carried out to investigate the cultural backgrounds and characteristics due to which soccer has entered an era of professionalization under the name of the Super League. Korean professional soccer started in 1983 under the name of the Super League, not by popular demand but by from political backgrounds. The sport was off to a bad start, and this became an inherent limitation and the reason Korean professional soccer did not flourish. In addition, although Korean professional soccer had grown rapidly in terms of quantity based on a consistent increase in professional teams and the introduction of advanced systems, the cultural limitations of an incomplete local franchise system and a lack of public attention were revealed. Korean professional soccer has shown a variety of sociocultural limits while rapidly developing in its short history. Nevertheless, having a short history indicates the system is young, which means it has the opportunity to mature. Korean professional soccer has sufficient potential and it can be directed toward a brighter future.  相似文献   

体育需要传播,体育传播与一个国家的传播实力密切相关,在全球化浪潮下的体育存在传播的偏向。分析了目前偏斜的全球化的现状,对体育传播的现状进行考察,提出了基于全球化背景下对体育传播的反思。  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the relationship between the Chinese government and the globalization of sport. The analysis looks at how the Chinese government has developed and managed its national sport, table tennis, as the sport became more and more globalized. This research developed a theoretical framework and an analytical tool based on Houlihan's model for analyzing ‘global reach and local response in sport’ and adopted a qualitative approach of content analysis and semi-structured interviews. A total of 16 interviewees contributed to this study, consisting of officials from Chinese sports administrations and Chinese scholars specializing in sports studies. This study found that the Chinese government has responded to the challenges associated with the globalization of table tennis in the dimensions of ‘participating in international organizations’ and ‘commercialization’ in two and five different ways, respectively. As this case study of China shows, a country's response to the globalization of sport is not limited to just one of the three types of responses described by Houlihan: passive, participative, or conflictual. In fact, a combination of two types is also possible. In China's case, the response has been both participativeand conflictual, but never passive. This study concludes that since the Chinese government habitually prioritizes the interests of the state ahead of everything else, it has never loosened its grip on the development of table tennis. It has so far demonstrated its ability to control resources when dealing with the impacts associated with the globalization of table tennis. China's socialist market economy model, which features a ‘dual-track system’ and ‘socialism with Chinese characteristics’, has generated a unique set of values that serves to rationalize whatever conflicts arise between capitalism and socialism. Although the Chinese government currently handles its relationship with globalization effectively and flexibly, the reform and opening up policies in China are expanding and may expose conflicts of interest between the Communist regime, enterprises, and professional players in the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

Modern Korean sports have been adopted mostly from the West, but now Korea has emerged as a sporting power demanding global attention. The influence of historical and political ideology has been in the cultural background of Korean sports development, and the process of cultural evolution in soccer may be explained in the similar context. What helped the Korean soccer team qualify for the World Cup eight consecutive times – only the sixth country in the world to do so – thus making it the most powerful soccer team in Asia? Soccer initially appeared in Korea during the threat of Japanese invasion, and this backdrop provided the opportunity for soccer to be combined with nationalism and transformed into a cultural product that confronted Japanese imperialism. Since the Korean War, South Korean soccer has become a vehicle for ideological confrontation with North Korea amid the atmosphere of the Cold War, and it thus gave rise to sports nationalism by revealing an ideological superiority and nationalistic disposition. Soccer, which arrived in Korea on a British ship, has become a representative Korean sport and continuously challenges the global stage ahead of Asia's leading economic power. It was against the background of such rapid development that nationalism formed.  相似文献   

The 2010 FIFA World Cup held in South Africa was the biggest mega-event ever to be hosted on the African continent. This historical event had several social, economic and developmental imperatives, including destination profiling and changing negative perceptions of South Africa, specifically, and the African continent more generally. This research undertakes a media analysis of the 2010 FIFA World Cup in selected key markets, namely the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and the USA. The study investigates the media impact of the 2010 FIFA World Cup on South Africa as the host nation and Africa's major tourism destination by undertaking a media analysis of the key source markets. Africa's first mega-event provides an ideal opportunity to examine how a host country (in this case South Africa) is profiled in relation to sport and leisure consumption patterns, including shifts in sentiment over time. Four time periods were identified, namely pre-, leading up to, during and post-2010. A qualitative analysis is undertaken, which includes content sourcing, content identification, semantic cluster analysis and the use of Leximancer, an analytical tool used to evaluate the content of textual documents, in this case primarily online newspaper articles. For each of the source markets identified, 400–600 articles were extracted. The findings show generally positive or favourable media coverage in relation to sport and leisure consumption patterns. However, a higher level of unfavourable media coverage was discernible during the pre- and lead-up periods, which may have influenced World Cup attendance figures and therefore leisure consumption. Specific tourist products (in particular Table Mountain and Robben Island) and the main host cities (Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban) had more mentions and stronger associations than South Africa generally. The positive imagery which prevailed during the event needs to be further emphasised in future sport events and the tourism and leisure marketing of South Africa.  相似文献   

美学共同体聚集的是寻求个人意义和身份认同的消费人群,是以偶像、品牌或事件为中心。对现代体育而言,媒介体育最鲜明地凸显了美学共同体的特征。在这个由体育产品、体育消费者和媒介构成的美学共同体中,体育产品是核心,体育消费者是成员,而媒介则是构造者和放大器。具有易碎的稳定性、虚假的归属感和内在的矛盾性等特征。认为媒介体育不是体育的一切,美学共同体无法代替真实的共同体。它的庞大、热闹和喧嚣也许可以成为资本有利可图的资源,但却值得冷静的研究者从另一个视角对体育及媒介的种种进行思考。  相似文献   

文本对体育全球化概念、体育全球化与民族传统体育关系、体育全球化与体育产业发展等大家关注的问题予以分析,并指出我国体育全球化问题研究中存在的4个缺陷:一是研究课题来源单一;二是对体育全球化概念认识不统一,没有构建出完善的理论研究体系;三是研究范围较窄;四是体育产业方面研究的细分度不够.  相似文献   

本文通过运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法和案例分析法对我国体育大众传媒的异化现象及其原因进行剖析,针对存在的问题提出相应的对策,旨在引起体育界人士更广泛、更深入的关注,以便能更好地利用体育大众传媒这把双刃剑,使其能为我国现代体育的健康、可持续发展起到更好的推动作用。  相似文献   

肖焕禹 《体育科研》2006,27(6):38-40
在应用传播学领域里,媒介分层是现代媒介发展的趋势之一,体育媒介分层是媒介分层的典型代表。通过对体育媒介分层社会背景、文化背景、媒介背景的分析,指出了体育媒介分层所面临的问题和挑战。  相似文献   

大学生媒介体育信息需要与体育兴趣的关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当代大学生是信息社会的主要力量。通过问卷调查法对我国19所高校1806名大学生大众传媒体育信息的需要进行比较系统的调查分析,证实我国大学生有多种大众传媒体育信息接触动机,并且接触每种大众传媒体育信息的动机有所不同。大学生接触不同大众传媒体育信息的部分动机与大学生的体育兴趣程度有一定关系。  相似文献   

论全球化时代中西体育文化价值冲突的形式及意蕴   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
宋小荣 《体育与科学》2005,26(2):26-28,32
在全球化这一复杂时代背景的影响下,中西体育文化的价值冲突日渐突显,并日益为人们所关注。本文针对这两种不同体育文化形态在中国不断交流、碰撞的现实,对它们的价值冲突作出一种理性分析,概括它们在当代中国的表现形式与特殊蕴涵,旨在探寻未来中国体育文化统合价值冲突的机制。  相似文献   

通过分析韩国跆拳道的国际化开始阶段,形成竞赛化阶段和国际化飞跃阶段,对韩国跆拳道的推广政策进行了研究。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法,剖析媒介体育的含义,并对媒介体育消费的主客体特性进行分析,描述媒介体育消费的逻辑过程。认为:体育仍然是"媒介体育"的核心,媒介扮演的是一个"文化中介"的角色;媒介体育消费者既是体育消费者,又是媒介消费者,但本质上,还是体育消费者;媒介体育消费真正的客体是"意义";媒介体育消费要经历一个阅听、获得意义、再生产的过程。在此基础上提出了针对媒介体育的一些基本营销对策。  相似文献   

The Asian Games have exercised an influence over the Asian region which has been strong enough to change the paradigms of host countries having substantial socio-cultural effects on various elements of relationships such as geopolitical diplomatic relations in the region. South Korea has confidently hosted three Asian Games in the last two decades, the 1986 Seoul, 2002 Busan and 2014 Incheon Games. In this study, an investigation of the socio-cultural impacts of the Asian Games held in South Korea in the last two decades is carried out. The focuses of the study are the aspects of globalization, regionalism and reconciliation featured through the three Games. The outcomes of the study may contribute to the understanding of the role of mega sports events in promoting globalization of society and in intertwining with regional states. The Asian Games, as witnessed, which are held while maintaining the motto of the Olympics within Asia, will not only promote the globalization of host countries and cities in the future, but also it will contribute to improving diplomatic relations with neighbouring countries. These games are also predicted to help relieve political tension in the Asia-Pacific region, including the Korean Peninsula. However, as the effects of hosting mega sports events are largely concentrated on the development of their host countries and cities, these events also have the potential to become the seeds of regional conflicts or disputes by creating further competition or a sense of alarm.  相似文献   

During the past several decades, South Korea has gained tremendous international recognition by achieving an excellent performance in a variety of international sport competitions and hosting numerous mega-sporting events. Although success in elite sport (i.e. Development of Sport approach) has contributed to making South Korea one of the sport powerhouses in the world, South Korea has paid very little attention to the role that sport can play as a tool for social and personal development (i.e. Development through Sport approach). Similarly, scholars also paid little attention to the ‘development through sport’ approach in South Korea while predominantly focusing their attention in taking the ‘development of sport’ approach. In recent years, however, the South Korean government has begun to show interest in the ‘development through sport’ approach to become a truly advanced sporting nation. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to explore how South Korea's paradigm in sport has historically shifted from ‘development of sport’ to ‘development through sport’ in its socio-political context.  相似文献   

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