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This paper explores the effects of audit cultures on school education through a highly personal reading of the My School website, launched in Australia in 2010. It situates two personal narratives, from the points of view of student and teacher, alongside the other stories available about two of the secondary schools listed on the website. Although statistics such as those generated through the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy tests, school comparisons and post-school destinations present certain kinds of stories about these schools, I argue that these are reductionist and insufficient for understanding the complexities of pedagogical spaces and the teachers and learners within them. Whilst arguments for hard data to address educational inequity can be marshalled to support My School, I suggest that it also inadvertently disguises other elements of schooling and risks increasing inequity. Rather, the statistical stories might be recognised as partial and supplemented and disrupted by richer accounts, including narrative accounts, about schooling.  相似文献   

近年来学者通过建构“底层文化资本”这一概念为弱势农民群体正名,但这一概念却建立在对布迪厄文化资本理论的误读之上。对于文化资本理论存在一种普遍的误读,即将文化资本窄化为文化资源,把文化资本作为阶层流动的工具。而布迪厄的原意,则是通过文化资本揭示阶层复制的机制,进而批判维持社会等级结构的权力关系。布迪厄认为,文化资本是代表获得优势文化的可能性,它以劳动时间的积累为衡量标准,而非占有某些具体文化实践或态度。文化资本在各阶级的不均衡分布源于等级社会秩序背后的象征性暴力。“底层文化资本”的论述陷入实体主义思维所产生的阶级文化本质论的泥沼,实际上承认并加强了城乡阶层文化的不平等结构。  相似文献   

This paper argues neoliberal programs of government in education are equipping parents for calculativeness. Regimes of testing and the publication of these results and other organizational data are contributing to a public economy of numbers that increasingly oblige citizens to calculate. Using the notions of calculative and market devices, this paper examines the Australian Government’s My School website, which publishes academic and organizational information about schools, including national test results. While it is often assumed that such performance technologies contribute to neoliberal reform of education through school choice, the paper argues the website is technically limited in its capacity to facilitate the economic calculations and calculated action of parents resulting in school choice. The paper instead opens My School to analysis as a technique of governmental self-formation. Using the theoretical resources of actor-network theory and Foucauldian scholarship, this paper complicates assumptions in the literature about the extent to which My School actually operates as a ‘market mechanism’. It argues My School attempts to cultivate a calculated form of parental educational agency, irreducible to economic market agency.  相似文献   

布迪厄的教育社会学思想除魅——作为符号权力的文化   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
布迪厄的教育社会学试图洞察日常生活中个体心智结构和社会结构之间的对应关系。揭示其生成和运作的规律。文章通过分析布迪厄社会学中的三个核心概念:惯习、场域和资本,揭示出现代等级社会中阶级、文化和权力的联系方式,以及教育如何起着维护和再生产社会等级和结构的文化作用。  相似文献   

法国社会学家布迪厄认为,文化资本在社会各阶层间的分配是不平等的,而通过教育机制,文化资本又可以实现其再生产过程,从而实现社会等级的再生产。这一文化资本再生产理论有助于理解当前我国农村转移人员文化资本生成与提高。城乡二元体制造成了农村转移人员与城市市民在文化资本分配起点上的不公平及农村转移人员在城市的持续性边缘地位。  相似文献   

Government policies and financial imperatives have fostered growing heterogeneity in student bodies in UK and Australian higher education (HE), but the underpinning logic of practice in these long-established social fields is far slower to change. Drawing on empirical evidence from case studies in each nation, this paper examines the tensions between the espoused and enacted values of the academy in relation to the widening participation and internationalisation agendas. We describe the research sites, their relationships with their respective fields of power and the experiences of participants as inhabitants of these HE fields. We highlight the struggles to secure relevant capital, acts of symbolic violence occurring at both institutional and programme levels and the resultant impact on individual positions and trajectories within the fields. Finally, we consider the extent to which the established practices in HE, which naturally preserve the dominance of the dominating factions, are likely to shift to enable it to genuinely enact the social conscience it espouses.  相似文献   

A positive school climate impacts students by promoting positive relations among students, staff and faculty of the school. The current study used latent class analysis and multinomial regression with R3STEP to analyse patterns of negative behaviours in schools and test the association of these patterns with structural variables like school size, demographics, and location using data from the 2008 School Survey on Crime and Safety, (n = 2560). The results indicated five classes of frequencies of negative behaviours. By using the lowest frequency of behaviour class as a reference, the classes with the highest frequencies of bullying, teacher disrespect, and sexual assault were more likely to be found in high crime areas and have larger campuses serving over 1000 students. Implications include the need to serve subgroups of schools based on measurable variables and the need to educate future teachers, administrators, and school psychologists about school climate and positive behaviour support systems.  相似文献   

As populations in contemporary Western societies grow increasingly diverse, preparing predominantly White middle-class pre-service teachers to better understand and work with difference productively has become increasingly critical. Historically, however, teacher education programs have aimed to address diversity with add-on or piecemeal approaches, with little success. This article illustrates and theorises change in two Australian teachers' dispositions towards social justice over time from a Bourdieuian perspective. It attempts to inform our understanding of current pre-service teacher education program inadequacies with a view to providing implications in relation to the constraints of the limited and limiting nature of practicum placements. Fundamentally, its goal is to improve the preparedness of pre-service teachers to cater for diversity in socially just ways.  相似文献   

国际教育在全球化时代已成为培养二十一世纪人才十分重要之途径。通过与12名接受英国高等教育的博士毕业生个人访谈,分析研究对象之定性、定量数据,发现国际教育有助于积累个人文化资本,其本身包含着明显的象征资本。得出结论:留英经历对中国学生个人事业发展和取得成功起着里程碑的作用;国际教育影响中国高层次人才之培养。  相似文献   

法兰克福学派和伯明翰学派是20世纪西方新马克思主义思潮中影响最大的两个分支。过去学术界普遍认为 这两个学派有着完全不同的学术路径和理论指向。本文通过分析两者文化研究的不同路径,最终说明:无论是法兰克 福学派还是伯明翰学派,其文化研究的路径、方法虽然有着明显的差异,但坚持某些马克思主义的立场、方法却是共 同的,而这恰恰是值得我们当下借鉴的。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the theoretical constructs of Bourdieu and their contribution to understanding the reproduction of social and cultural inequalities in schooling. While Bourdieu has been criticised for his reproductive emphasis, this article proposes that there is transformative potential in his theoretical constructs and that these suggest possibilities for schools and teachers to improve the educational outcomes of marginalised students. The article draws together three areas of contribution to this theme of transformation; beginning by characterising habitus as constituted by reproductive and transformative traits and considering the possibilities for the restructuring of students’ habitus. This is followed by a discussion of cultural capital and the way that teachers can draw upon a variety of cultural capitals to act as agents of transformation rather than reproduction. The article concludes by considering the necessity of a transformation of the field to improve the educational outcomes of marginalised students.  相似文献   

归有光《先妣事略》一文被《古文辞类纂》、《经史百家杂钞》等重要选本收入,受到后世读者和古文家特别是清代桐城派作家的普遍重视,在相关文学史写作中也常能占有一席之地。本文通过引证具体的文献,探究古文家特别是桐城派作家如何评价、接受归有光的《先妣事略》。他们的创作从中汲取营养,于是类似题材的作品形成了一个文章传统,这正是归氏此文的深远影响。  相似文献   

马晓燕  郭鸿雁 《海外英语》2012,(17):188-189,198
My Fair Lady is a movie about how a poor flower girl is turned into a graceful lady by changing the language she speaks with the help of a linguist.It demonstrates the great influence that language exerts on a person’s experience.This paper tries to analyze the movie from the perspective of sociolinguistics,especially the language variations caused by region,class,and gender difference,with the aim of helping the reader to have a better understanding of the movie and displaying the charm of language.  相似文献   

新时期背景下,主旋律电影在叙事水平、镜头语言、音乐渲染、人物刻画等方面不断提升创作质量,积极推动社会主义核心价值观的输出,不断增强社会主义主流意识形态的凝聚力。电影《我和我的祖国》深度诠释了当今时代的价值观追求,探索了主旋律电影对马克思主义大众化传播的现实路径。  相似文献   


This paper examines the pressures experienced by teachers as they strive to embody the Teach For America (TFA) motif of ‘relentless pursuit’. It draws on interviews conducted with 36 teachers and uses a Bourdieuian analysis to consider the mechanisms of control manifested through socialization and corps member habituation. The findings suggest that corps members experience both symbolic and self-imposed overt violence as they aim to meet the demands of TFA. This has implications for the increasing number of teachers in programs around like TFA as well as the broader discourses of teacher accountability and the teaching profession.  相似文献   

学校改进的路径分析:学校领导的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学校改进已经成为我国新时期教育改革发展的一个重要主题.学校改进关注点也从资源投入、课程设计等方面逐渐转向学校领导的过程.尽管已经有研究成果表明学校领导在改进学校以及促进学生学业成绩提高方面具有显著作用,但如何改进以及怎样做的研究还不充分.本文从学校领导视角,通过分析已有的有效学校以及成功领导模型的研究成果,归纳出四个学校领导改进的路径,期冀对我国学校改进的研究与实践有所助益.  相似文献   


The term “social justice” cuts across disciplines and theoretical orientations. Critical theory underpinned the study reported on in this article. Many South African schools, particularly in poverty stricken communities, still experience insurmountable economic and social injustices despite progress since the apartheid regime. The injustices manifest in poverty, inequalities and unequal distribution of educational resources, impacting on the achievement gap. While social justice is a concern in the literature, South African literature has little on how to apply the concept of a learning organisation to reclaim a commitment to social justice. The article argues that schools perceived as learning organisations are sites of social and political struggle that can promote and encourage human rights to fundamental freedoms for all, without discrimination. This requires progressive teachers and critical thinking by students to transform dehumanising social milieus into communities of participation embodying the values of progress and human emancipation.  相似文献   

Information Technology as Cultural Capital:Shifting the Boundaries of Power   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Most researchers writing about the uses and applications of information technologies in schools adopt an 'objective,' asocial perspective that represents the activities taking place as neutral, technical events or procedures. This paper uses the critical sociological theory of Pierre Bourdieu to frame up a case study of the role played by a secondary student in an extensive upgrade to the computer network of the school at which he was a student. The application of social theory enables the reconceptualisation of technology as a material, social practice in the institutional site of the school. The implication is that pedagogical actions and relations are then open to analysis and modification. The paper proposes that, with appropriate support and guidance, it is feasible for students with technical 'cultural capital' to move from the margins to the centre of technological innovation and educational change.  相似文献   

我国的课程政策改革方向正从原来单一的国家课程走向国家、地方、学校三级课程模式,这给予学校办学极大的自主性,为此我校在切实执行国家课程的同时,开发和实施校本课程,构建我校的新课程体系.本文从开发"我的图文"的起因、意义、作用及"我的图文"的目标和内容、开发的形式和方法、管理及评价、应注意的问题七个方面论述了对聋校语文校本课程的探讨与研究,旨在通过校本课程"我的图文"的开发激发学生学语文的兴趣,提高学生的语文素养.  相似文献   

周巧巧 《海外英语》2012,(11):208-209,227
女性一直是薇拉·凯瑟作品中永恒不变的话题。在其中篇小说《我的死对头》中,凯瑟塑造了麦拉·韩肖这一鲜活生动的女性形象,通过第一人称有限叙事将女主人公悲剧的一生娓娓道来。文章立足于文本,通过剖析文章所运用的独特的叙述策略,进而阐释女主人公人格中的矛盾对立,揭示理想和现实间的巨大差距,从而探究人物悲剧人生的根源。  相似文献   

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