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The responsibility for and the initiative to preserve electronic journal content is neither clear nor easy, and knowing the preservation status of an e-journal is not a basic step within the NASIG Core Competencies for Electronic Resources Librarians life cycle of electronic resources management. Columbia and Cornell University Libraries secured funding for a project to specifically evaluate strategies for expanding e-journal preservation. A wide range of e-journal categories are evaluated within the scope of the project, including: content direct from publishers, small and society publishers, Open Access e-journals, full-text content from third-party content providers, and university generated e-journals. Discussed are techniques for identifying at risk e-journals, integrating preservation into license negotiation with publishers, tracking the preservation status of e-journals, and developing relationships with existing preservation agencies. The quality of future of scholarship and teaching hinges on the preservation of the scholarly record.  相似文献   

石鸿飞 《晋图学刊》2003,(5):46-47,50
本文根据高校学报出版的实际情况,按照GB3792.3-85,参照《中文连续出版物著录细则》,对学报著录的主要字段和作为检索点的著录作了说明。  相似文献   

元数据是电子文件管理的基本工具,在维护电子文件真实、完整、可用、可理解等方面的重要作用已经得到了广泛关注。目前,国际主流的与电子文件管理相关的元数据模型中,没有任何一个模型的设计初衷是面向电子文件保存的。与此同时,电子文件保存单位元数据管理的需求又在呼唤着统一模型的出现。本文以保护既有应用、支持持续管理、坚守专业原则、采用模块化设计思路等为原则,从业务逻辑、实体及其级次、实体关系等方面对ISO 23081、PREMIS、PRONOM模型予以分析、对比与整合,面向电子文件保存构建元数据模型,主要包括文件、技术环境、责任主体、业务、法规标准五个实体。该模型可以与现有主流模型建立映射,为支持文件保存机构设计元数据应用纲要提供统一的概念基础和体系框架。图8。参考文献29。  相似文献   

分析了发达国家数字资源长期保存的合作战略,针对我国电子文件长期保存的压力和现实需求,提出构建电子文件长期保存合作机制、建立全国电子文件长期保存合作体系的观点,并对合作主体、合作模式和合作内容进行了论述。最后从立法、管理和技术三个方面阐述了实现策略。  相似文献   

While archivists in western and eastern Germany may have different traditions, they face the same challenges presented by the use of information technology in government offices in recent years. Documentation strategies and goals in advising agencies must be developed in consideration of current professional debate and limited resources. The following article presents tendencies in governmental records management, advising strategies of archives, and schemes for broad-scale appraisal based on observations at the level of the governments of the German Länder and includes case studies from Saxony.  相似文献   

In June 1996, the National Archives of Canada issued its Guideline on the Management of Electronic Records in the Electronic Work Environment to all Canadian federal government institutions. Part of the Guideline contained a vision of automated record keeping in which records would be captured automatically based on the incorporation of record keeping rules in the design of automated work processes. As an illustration of this concept, the National Archives developed a demonstration prototype based on a project management work process situated within one of the operational activities of the department. This paper provides an overview of the prototype and an outline of both the lessons learned and the outstanding questions that have emerged concerning the feasibility of building an electronic work environment reflecting automated record keeping.  相似文献   

Mbooks are open-access, digitized books freely available on the Internet. This article describes the Auraria Library's experience of loading brief MARC records for Mbooks into its online public access catalog and looks at some of the issues that arose from the record-loading project. Despite the low quality of the records, librarians in Auraria Library thought that loading them into the catalog was advantageous because of the rich content in the collection and because many of the records could be improved using the global update functionality in the catalog. Making the records available through the catalog, as opposed to merely linking to the entire collection from the Library's Web page, was considered to be valuable because of the aggregation a catalog provides and because the Mbooks collection helped fill gaps in the Library's physical collections. As more open-access, digitized books become available, libraries will need to plan and manage how best to provide access to them.  相似文献   

蔡盈芳 《档案学研究》2019,33(4):103-108
本文叙述了电子签名的原理,分析了电子签名对电子文件归档和电子档案管理的影响,提出了电子文件归档时电子签名处理的原则和方案,在对各方案比较的基础上,提出了选择处理方案的建议,并对国家出台相关规范提出了建议。  相似文献   

刘越男 《档案学研究》2019,33(4):116-123
2015年澳大利亚维多利亚州发布VERS 3 版标准,其封装策略从电子文件和元数据的一体式XML文件封装,变为元数据XML文件和电子文件内容的分体式封装,配套的元数据规范、长期保存格式标准、数字签名机制也都发生变化。本文分析了这些变化,并对电子文件元数据封装策略的定位和应用进行了思考。VERS元数据封装是一项面向电子文件长期保存的综合性策略,在借鉴应用时不宜仅视为一个单项技术,应根据需要确定采用何种电子文件元数据封装策略,并在应用过程中注重其简便性、灵活性和效率。  相似文献   

本文采用质性研究方法,通过半结构化访谈采访15位受访者,将访谈文本导入NVivo 11软件分析编码后得出个人数字存档对象选择行为影响因素并构建影响因素模型。通过访谈数据分析发现,个人在选择个人数字存档对象时会受到任务导向、价值驱动、情感需求及平台择用四个主范畴的共同影响,并存在10个子范畴,分别是工作记录、阶段成果、即时价值、潜在价值、证据价值、记忆留存、个人喜好、平台安全、平台规范和平台空间。最后,结合构建的个人数字存档对象选择模型得出相关结论。  相似文献   

The history of several major retrospective conversion projects is reviewed, selected problems are identified, and recommendations are offered for a national retrospective conversion program.  相似文献   

自清末推行教育改革,要求地方进行乡土爱国教育以来,全国各地编纂了大量的乡土志书.自民国初年开始,就有学者对乡土志给予关注和进行整理,直到新中国成立以后,仍有研究和整理活动,近年采有渐兴之势.论文回顾了国内外学者在不同时期对乡土志的研究和整理状况.  相似文献   

Analyzes attitudes and use of archives by post-colonial scholars who find that colonial records offer the voices of the master narrative but do not reflect the voices of the oppressed and voiceless. Argues that framing records within social provenance and a ‘community of records’ offers archival solutions to the dilemmas of locating all voices within the spaces of records. “As for what we were like before we met you, I no longer care. No periods of time over which my ancestor held sway, no documentation of complex civilizations, is any comfort to me. Even if I really came from people who were living like monkeys in trees, it was better to be that than what happened to, me, what I became after I met you.” Jamaica Kincaid, A Small Place  相似文献   


As academic libraries grapple with the challenge of preserving their own digitized special collections, intensification of interest in preserving other electronic content may present opportunities to collaborate with organizations on campus. This article offers a brief introduction to some of the core issues in digital preservation, and suggests an orientation to the problems that can be helpful in thinking about how to join forces with others on campus.  相似文献   

随着电子文件单轨制的落实和电子文件数据化进程的开始,电子文件知识服务正受到越来越多的关注。电子文件知识图谱,既是电子文件数据化的一种方式,又是电子文件知识服务的技术与资源基础。电子文件不同于一般的信息资源,它除了包含文件内容,还涉及与之相关的组织结构、业务逻辑等背景信息。受电子文件特性的影响,电子文件知识图谱不同于一般的领域知识图谱:在构建路径方面,电子文件的背景与结构信息,包括来源机构信息、业务流程信息和职能分类信息和版本变化信息等的知识化,将贯穿电子文件知识图谱构建过程中的多个节点;在知识服务方面,不同于一般的领域知识图谱,电子文件知识图谱能够提供面向业务活动的知识服务,其利用形态会更加丰富。结合现阶段各领域知识图谱的表现,电子文件知识图谱将会是电子文件开发利用的重要方式,是实现电子文件知识服务的重要途径,是电子文件管理事业进一步向决策端转型的重要推手。  相似文献   

电子文件真实性是电子文件管理活动中一个极为复杂而又关键的问题.本文从电子文件真实性的概念入手,深入剖析了文件档案管理环境中真实性的含义.并以此为基点,构建了电子文件真实性认定与保障体系框架模型,该模型清晰地表明电子文件真实性的认定保障既是一个涉及环境认知、制度规范、人员素质、管理活动、技术系统的全方位管理,又是一个贯穿于形成与办理、归档与移交、保管与利用三个阶段的电子文件生命周期的全过程管理.  相似文献   

20世纪末以来,国内对于文件分类存在忽视倾向,而文件管理较为先进的国家则日趋重视此项工作.在此背景下,作者探讨了为什么分类,电子环境下的文件分类发生了哪些变化,如何分类,如何推动分类工作等基本问题.  相似文献   

杨茜茜 《档案学研究》2019,33(3):135-140
英国ARCHANGEL是全球首个专门针对电子档案信任管理的区块链应用研究项目,旨在利用区块链存储电子档案内容证据,为档案利用者提供可靠的档案完整性认证服务。文章按照区块链的核心技术构成,对ARCHANGEL的技术逻辑和应用过程进行了剖析,并分析了其内在的电子档案信任管理模式及其与现有模式之间的关系。在此基础上,提出借助区块链技术建立档案信任基础设施,为多种类型档案及其档案保管机构提供信任管理支撑,档案行政管理部门也应针对档案信任区块链树立新的信任意识、制定管理规范、制定数据标准、建立统一平台。最后,文章从区块链技术应用对于档案信任管理的局限性、可持续问题及其对于档案价值属性、电子档案构成等基本理论问题的冲击三个方面对档案学界可能要应对的研究问题进行了论述。  相似文献   

陈利 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(4):169-171,174
通过对CALLS联合目录西文丛编规范标目的整理,详细分析了CALLS联合目录西文书目数据丛编著录中存在的质量问题,并提出了正确著录的方法和改进西文图书丛编著录质量的措施。  相似文献   

新闻单位的档案室和一般机关档案室一样,也是集中管理本单位档案的内部组织机构,其核心档案是新闻宣传档案。新闻宣传档案是在宣传报道活动中形成的、经过整理归档的各种稿件、录音带、录像带、照片、新闻影片等不同载体的文件材料。它是新闻单位宣传报道活动的历史记录,反映新闻单位宣传党和国家的路线、方针、政策的情况,也反映各行各业不同时期革命和建设的面貌,刻录着人民在党的领导下艰苦奋斗、创造辉煌的一个个坚实的脚印;它记载着党的关怀和厚爱;它凝聚着劳动者的智慧,传承着历史的文明。今天的新闻,就是明天的历史。新闻宣传档案是…  相似文献   

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